10 research outputs found

    Contrôle direct et indirect des stéroïdes gonadiques sur le système vasopressinergique des noyaux limbiques de cerveau des rongeurs

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    The steroid s sensitive arginin-vasopressinergic system (AVP) is an excellent model to study the regulation of neural circuits related to social behaviours. The extrahypothalamic parvocellular AVP system is sexually dimorphic in a variety of vertebrate models. In a previous study I demonstrated that the absence of estradiol (E2), as in ARKO mice determines a strong decrease of AVP-ir fibers and parvocellular AVP neurons of the BST-amygdala system of ARKO mice. Studies performed on different neural circuits, suggested that also T and its androgenic metabolites could have a prominet role in the differentiation of sexually dimorphic circuits. The aim of this thesis was evaluate the role of androgens in the differentiation of the sexually dimorphic parvocellular AVP system and the possible double control (direct and undirect) on the AVP system. To demontate the role of androgens in the differentiation of the AVP parvocellular system I compared the AVP-ir system of male and female Tfm rats.To understand the efects of E2, on the AVP I treated ARKO mice with DHTP+EB and ARKO male and femae with E2 in the perinatal period. Depression and anxiety are under estrogenic control. I demonstate the effect of the lack of serotonin and noradrenalin on the AVP expression. The data propose a new view on the actions of gonadal steroids on the AVP system. Sexual steroids control the development of the AVP system, androgens masculinize the circuits. E2 is fundamental for the development of the AVP system. Serotonin and noradrenalin regulate the AVP expression. E2 operate a double control on the AVP limbic system.Le système vasopressinergique (AVP) est sensible à l action des stéroïdes gonadioques, pour ce raison est un exellent modèle pour étudier la regulation des circuites neuronal associé avec le contrôl du comportement. Le système parvocellulaires extrahypothalamiques à l AVP est sexuellement dimorphique in beaucoup des espèces. Dans une étude précédent j ai demontré que l absence de l E2, comme dans le modèle ARKO, donné à la manque de fonction de l enzyme aromatase provoque la diminution de les fibres à la AVP et des neurones parvocellulaires localisè dan le complex BST-amygdale. Etudes récent sur different circuites neuronal ont suggéré que aussi le T peut avoir un rôle très important sur la differentiation des circuites sexuellement dimorphiques. Le but de cet thése a été demontrer le rôle des androgens et des oestrogens sur la differentiation du système sexuellement dimorphic à l AVP et demontrer la possibilité d un contrôle double de l E2 (direct et indirect. Pour demontrer le rôle des androgens sur la differentiation du système parvocellulaires à l AVP j ai comparé le système à l AVP des rats adult Tfm male et female avec le contrôle. Pour comprendre les effects effect de E2 sur le système AVP j ai injecté souris ARKO avec DHTP+EB et souris ARKO male et female avec E2 dans le period perinatal. Dépression et anxiété sont contrôlé par les estrogens ; j ai évalué l absence des systèmès à la noradrenaline et à la serotonine sur l expression et la sinthése de l AVP, contrôle le developement du systémè à l AVP, les androgens masculinize les circuits. La serotonine et la noradrenaline regule l expression de l AVP, E2 a un double control sur le systèmè limbique à l AVP.PARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le alterazioni del tono dell’umore e del sonno: epidemiologia, cause, prevenzione e trattamento nutrizionale

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    Tra i disturbi del sonno lamentati dagli anziani (ad es. difficoltà di addormentamento, risveglio mattutino precoce e/o sonnolenza diurna) solo quest’ultima è un fattore di rischio associato a mortalità e morbilità cardiovascolare

    Alterazioni della deglutizione: epidemiologia, cause, prevenzione e trattamento nutrizionale

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    Qualsiasi anomalia del processo di deglutizione intesa come sensazione di difficile o ostruito passaggio del cibo attraverso bocca, faringe o esofago viene individuata con il termine “disfagia”. Per “presbifagia” si intendono invece le caratteristiche, legate all’invecchiamento, di una deglutizione ancora parzialmente sana ed indenne ma non completamente efficace

    Focus on metabolic and nutritional correlates of polycystic ovary syndrome and update on nutritional management of these critical phenomena

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    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is associated with numerous metabolic morbidities (insulin resistance (IR), central obesity) and various nutritional abnormalities (vitamin D deficit, mineral milieu alterations, omega6/omega3 PUFA ratio unbalance). METHODS: We performed a systematic literature review to evaluate the till-now evidence regarding: (1) the metabolic and nutritional correlates of PCOS; (2) the optimum diet therapy for the treatment of these abnormalities. This review included 127 eligible studies. RESULTS: In addition to the well-recognized link between PCOS and IR, the recent literature underlines that in PCOS there is an unbalance in adipokines (adiponectin, leptin, visfatin) production and in omega6/omega3 PUFA ratio. Given the detrimental effect of overweight on these metabolic abnormalities, a change in the lifestyle must be the cornerstone in the treatment of PCOS patients. The optimum diet therapy for the PCOS treatment must aim at achieving specific metabolic goals, such as IR improvement, adipokines secretion and reproductive function. These goals must be reached through: accession of the patient to hypocaloric dietary program aimed at achieving and/or maintaining body weight; limiting the consumption of sugar and refined carbohydrates, preferring those with lower glycemic index; dividing the food intake in small and frequent meals, with high caloric intake at breakfast; increasing their intake of fish (4 times/week) or taking omega3 PUFA supplements; taking Vitamin D and chromium supplementation, if there are low serum levels. CONCLUSION: Lifestyle intervention remains the optimal treatment strategy for PCOS women. A relatively small weight loss (5 %) can improve IR, hyperandrogenism, menstrual function, fertility

    Novel insights on nutrient management of sarcopenia in elderly,”

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    Sarcopenia is defined as a syndrome characterized by progressive and generalized loss of muscle mass and strength. The more rationale approach to delay the progression of sarcopenia is based on the combination of proper nutrition, possibly associated with the use of dietary supplements and a regular exercise program. We performed a narrative literature review to evaluate the till-now evidence regarding (1) the metabolic and nutritional correlates of sarcopenia; (2) the optimum diet therapy for the treatment of these abnormalities. This review included 67 eligible studies. In addition to the well recognized link between adequate intake of proteins/amino acids and sarcopenia, the recent literature underlines that in sarcopenic elderly subjects there is an unbalance in vitamin D synthesis and in omega-6/omega-3 PUFA ratio. Given the detrimental effect of these metabolic abnormalities, a change in the lifestyle must be the cornerstone in the treatment of sarcopenia. The optimum diet therapy for the sarcopenia treatment must aim at achieving specific metabolic goals, which must be reached through accession of the elderly to specific personalized dietary program aimed at achieving and/or maintaining muscle mass; increasing their intake of fish (4 times/week) or taking omega-3 PUFA supplements; taking vitamin D supplementation, if there are low serum levels

    Novel Insights on Nutrient Management of Sarcopenia in Elderly

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    Sarcopenia is defined as a syndrome characterized by progressive and generalized loss of muscle mass and strength. The more rationale approach to delay the progression of sarcopenia is based on the combination of proper nutrition, possibly associated with the use of dietary supplements and a regular exercise program.We performed a narrative literature review to evaluate the till-now evidence regarding (1) the metabolic and nutritional correlates of sarcopenia; (2) the optimum diet therapy for the treatment of these abnormalities. This review included 67 eligible studies. In addition to the well recognized link between adequate intake of proteins/amino acids and sarcopenia, the recent literature underlines that in sarcopenic elderly subjects there is an unbalance in vitamin D synthesis and in omega-6/omega-3 PUFA ratio. Given the detrimental effect of these metabolic abnormalities, a change in the lifestylemust be the cornerstone in the treatment of sarcopenia.The optimum diet therapy for the sarcopenia treatmentmust aim at achieving specific metabolic goals, which must be reached through accession of the elderly to specific personalized dietary program aimed at achieving and/or maintaining muscle mass; increasing their intake of fish (4 times/week) or taking omega-3 PUFA supplements; taking vitamin D supplementation, if there are low serum levels

    Le patologie epatiche: epidemiologia, cause, prevenzione e trattamento

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    Con l’avanzare dell’età il fegato subisce trasformazioni metaboliche e morfologiche, accompagnate da una diminuzione del numero di epatociti e dalla riduzione della sintesi proteica, dell’attività enzimatica e da un accumulo lipidico all’interno degli epatociti. In caso di epatiti acute la dietoterapia dovrà essere strutturata in modo da sostenere la neogenesi degli epatociti e l’aumentato dispendio energetico. Fondamentale sarà fornire un adeguato apporto energetico (preferendo zuccheri a rapido utilizzo) e proteico (preferendo le proteine a più alto valore biologico e più digeribili)

    Review on microbiota and effectiveness of probiotics use in older

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    The aim of the present systematic review is to summarize the existing knowledge about the human microbiota in the elderly and the effects of probiotics in elderly population. The elderly subjects, compared to adult population, show a reduction in the diversity of the microbiota, characterized by a large interindividual variability, with lower numbers of Firmicutes, Bifidobacteria, Clostridium cluster XIV, Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii, Blautia coccoides-Eubacterium rectal and higher presence of Enterobacteriaceae and Bacteroidetes. These differences of the intestinal microbiota of the elderly may not necessarily be caused by aging, but they could be associated with the decline of the general state of health with malnutrition and with increased need for medication, such as antibiotics and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, situations that occur frequently in the elderly. Differences have been demonstrated in the composition of the microbiota between healthy elderly subjects and hospitalized or institutionalized elderly subjects. These findings which further indicates that the living conditions, health status, nutrition and drugs have a significant effect on the composition of the microbiota. According to the available knowledge, the use of probiotics is safe and could represent an useful intervention to prevent or treat antibiotic-associated diarrhea, in addition to reducing the severity of symptoms, other than to help the management of constipation

    Application of the Quality by Design Principles for the Development of the Crystallization Process for a Piperazinyl-Quinoline and Definition of the Control Strategy for Form 1

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    The studies carried out to develop a robust crystallization method for the substituted piperazinyl-quinoline (<b>1</b>) a compound potentially active in the treatment of depression, are described in this contribution. These studies include the control of a solvate that could have potentially formed in the crystallization process. The principles of quality by design (QbD) were applied to generate the process understanding and to define the control strategy for the control of the formation of the solvate during the crystallization. The application of process analytical technology (PAT) tools was key in achieving the desired process control