384 research outputs found

    Characterization of Posidonia Oceanica Seagrass Aerenchyma through Whole Slide Imaging: A Pilot Study

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    Characterizing the tissue morphology and anatomy of seagrasses is essential to predicting their acoustic behavior. In this pilot study, we use histology techniques and whole slide imaging (WSI) to describe the composition and topology of the aerenchyma of an entire leaf blade in an automatic way combining the advantages of X-ray microtomography and optical microscopy. Paraffin blocks are prepared in such a way that microtome slices contain an arbitrarily large number of cross sections distributed along the full length of a blade. The sample organization in the paraffin block coupled with whole slide image analysis allows high throughput data extraction and an exhaustive characterization along the whole blade length. The core of the work are image processing algorithms that can identify cells and air lacunae (or void) from fiber strand, epidermis, mesophyll and vascular system. A set of specific features is developed to adequately describe the convexity of cells and voids where standard descriptors fail. The features scrutinize the local curvature of the object borders to allow an accurate discrimination between void and cell through machine learning. The algorithm allows to reconstruct the cells and cell membrane features that are relevant to tissue density, compressibility and rigidity. Size distribution of the different cell types and gas spaces, total biomass and total void volume fraction are then extracted from the high resolution slices to provide a complete characterization of the tissue along the leave from its base to the apex

    Cosmology and Practice in Amazonia: The Inspiring Career of Stephen Hugh-Jones

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    Stephen Hugh-Jones’s ethnographic and collaborative engagement with the peoples of the PirĂĄ-ParanĂĄ and, more widely, the VaupĂ©s and Upper Rio Negro today spans 50 years. In this Introduction we chart the evolution of Hugh-Jones’s hybrid identity as iconoclast scholar, knowledgeable elder, and long-term collaborator. A biographical sketch identifies phases in this anthropological life: that of the ethnographer and initiate, steeped in the intellectual world of Barasana shaman-priests; that of lecturer and theorist in anthropology; and that of areal specialist, developing a synthesis of the ethnography of North West Amazonia through an engagement with Brazilian and indigenous intellectuals. We characterize the enduring hallmarks of Stephen’s work through very numerous and varied thematic interventions as the holding of the cosmological and esoteric together with the mundane, practical, and necessary; the foregrounding of commonalities between Amazonians and Europeans; and the open character of abstract models that allow for dissension, individual variation and historical transformation. Finally we introduce contributions to the two thematic sections of the Special Issue, the first on the form and gender of the universe in Northwest Amazonia, and the second on the politics of Amazonian indigenous Knowledge

    Sibran Anne (scénariste) et Emmanuel Lepage (dessinateur), La Terre sans Mal, Dupuis, Paris, 1999, 64 p., 23 x 31 cm Pellejero Ruben (dessinateur) et Jorge Zentner (scénariste), Le Captif, Mosquito, St EgrÚve, 2002, 48 p., 23 x 30 cm [traduction française par Pablo Guevara de Europeos ante el nuevo mundo : el cautivo, Planeta-Agostini / Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario, Barcelona/Madrid, 1992]

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    Les textes non scientifiques consacrĂ©s Ă  l’AmĂ©rique indigĂšne ne sont pas souvent pris au sĂ©rieux par les ethnologues, et on pourrait croire que ce jugement mĂ©riterait d’ĂȘtre encore plus marquĂ© Ă  propos des bandes dessinĂ©es. Toutefois, La Terre sans Mal et Le Captif ont retenu toute notre attention, car ces ouvrages s’appuient sur des textes qui sont au cƓur du patrimoine amĂ©ricaniste et ont parfois touchĂ© un public plus vaste : d’un cĂŽtĂ©, un rĂ©cit romancĂ© fondĂ© sur les travaux de Pierre et HĂ©..

    La parenté en substance

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    Parler d’un renouveau de la parentĂ© en anthropologie est peut-ĂȘtre dĂ©jĂ  devenu une banalitĂ©... En 2004 sont parus deux ouvrages, de chaque cĂŽtĂ© de la Manche, marquĂ©s par une ambition synthĂ©tique sur le sujet. Si d’un cĂŽtĂ© la parentĂ© se transforme, de l’autre on se situe dans un «aprĂšs»: comparer les questionnements et les interrogations qui marquent ce retour montrera peut-ĂȘtre que cette simultanĂ©itĂ© n’est pas le signe d’une disparition des traditions et des spĂ©cificitĂ©s nationales. La somme ..

    De l’os, de l’ennemi et du divin. RĂ©flexions sur quelques pratiques funĂ©raires tupi-guarani

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    De l’os, de l’ennemi et du divin. RĂ©flexions sur quelques pratiques funĂ©raires tupi-guarani. En soulignant son importance dans les rites et les mythes tupi-guarani, cet article cherche Ă  montrer que l’os n’est pas un support neutre et que ses diffĂ©rents modes de traitement permettent de discriminer, au sein des divers rites funĂ©raires, deux pĂŽles extrĂȘmes. Ceux-ci sont dĂ©finis par leur caractĂšre agressif ou attentionnĂ© (Ă  l’égard du dĂ©funt) et conditionnent en grande partie le destin post-mortem. Si le contraste maximal apparaĂźt entre l’exo-cannibalisme vengeur et le culte des os, il existe Ă©galement une gradation, culturellement dĂ©terminĂ©e et dĂ©finie par le traitement des os, dans la consommation des dĂ©pouilles.Of Bones, enemies and divinities. Reflections on some Tupi-Guarani funerary practices. By underlining the importance of bone in Tupi-Guarani myth and ritual, this article seeks to demonstrate that bone is not a neutral substance, and that the different ways of treating it allow us to distinguish two major axes structuring various funerary rites. These axes are defined by their aggressive or caring attitude toward the deceased, and they largely determine one’s posthumous fate. If the greatest contrast is that between vengeful exo-cannibalism and the cult of bones, there is also, within the former, a culturally determined gradation in the treatment of the bones during consumption of the corpse.De los huesos, del enemigo y de lo divino. Reflexiones sobre algunas prĂĄcticas funerarias tupi-guarani. Subrayando la importancia del hueso en los ritos y mitos tupi-guarani, este artĂ­culo se propone mostrar que Ă©ste no es un soporte neutro y que sus diferentes modos de tratamiento permiten distinguir, en diversos ritos funerarios, dos polos extremos. Estos se definen por su carĂĄcter agresivo o intencionado (con respecto al difunto), y condicionan en gran parte el destino post-mortem. Si el contraste mĂĄximo aparece entre el exo-canibalismo vengativo y el culto del hueso, existe igualmente una graduaciĂłn, determinada culturalmente y definida por el tratamiento de los huesos, en el consumo de los restos

    Amazonian masters in theory and in practice

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    Luiz Costa has offered us an important and fascinating book on the topic of ownership in lowland South America (aka “Amazonia”), rich with ethnographic details, astute interpretations, and bold theorization. While deeply impressed by Costa’s work and convinced by many of his arguments, I also found myself disagreeing with as many other interpretations or developments he makes—some of which have to do with the purpose and nature of our work as anthropologists. I want to acknowledge this fact f..

    Beckerman Stephen and Paul Valentine (eds), Cultures of multiple fathers. The theory and practice of partible paternity in Lowland South America, University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 2002, 291 p., bibl., index, ill., carte

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    La possibilitĂ© d’avoir plusieurs pĂšres n’a jamais Ă©tĂ© Ă©cartĂ©e par l’anthropologie, mais en distinguant toujours l’unique genitor (biologique) des multiples pater (sociaux) : la coĂŻncidence exceptionnelle entre les croyances populaires occidentales et la vĂ©ritĂ© scientifique a longtemps rendu tout autre approche impensable. Stephen Beckerman et Paul Valentine, dans un ouvrage qui rĂ©unit douze contributions, attirent notre attention sur ce phĂ©nomĂšne, en s’intĂ©ressant Ă  une « croyance » trĂšs rĂ©pa..

    Objets, personnes, esprits

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    L’Art et ses agents est un livre qui captive – comme un motif labyrinthique envoĂ»te l’esprit d’un dĂ©mon, comme un chef-d’Ɠuvre fascine un spectateur – parce que l’argumentation, les rapprochements, les rĂ©fĂ©rences, les analyses prennent toujours des tournures imprĂ©vues. Ce rapprochement est un peu convenu, et d’autres commentateurs ont dĂ©jĂ  montrĂ© qu’il Ă©tait possible de pasticher ainsi Alfred Gell en rendant compte de sa propre Ɠuvre (Miller 2000 et, implicitement, Campbell 2001 : 117). Toute..

    Evaluation of French motorway network in relation to slime mould transport networks

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    © The Author(s) 2016. France has developed a high quality motorway system that has been rapidly rationalised and matured in the late 20th century yet has been founded on ancient, Roman infrastructures. The development of the motorway system is thus an iterative method associated with hierarchical ‘top-down’ processes taking into consideration factors such as population density, network demand, location of natural resources, civil engineering challenges and population growth. At the opposite extreme to this approach is the development of transport networks within simple biological systems which are typically decentralised, dynamic and emerge from simple, local and ‘bottom-up’ interactions. We examine the notion, and to what extent, that the structure of a complex motorway network could be predicted by the transport network of the single-celled slime mould Physarum polycephalum. This comparison is explored through its ability to ‘deduce’ the French motorway network in a series of analogue and digital experiments. We compare Physarum network and motorway network topology in relation to proximity graphs and assess the trade-off between connectivity and minimal network length with a bottom-up model of a virtual plasmodium. We demonstrate that despite the apparent complexity of the challenge Physarum can successfully apply its embodied intelligence to rationalise the motorway topology. We also demonstrate that such calculations prove challenging in the face of significant obstacles such as, mountainous terrain and may account for the missing route between Nice, Grenoble Avignon and Lyon. Finally, we discuss the topological findings with respect to circle and spoke city planning infrastructures and certain species of web-building spiders
