2,213 research outputs found

    Differences between supplier development programme of foreign and local Malaysian automotive suppliers

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    Research into supplier development has raised issues on the buyer’s relationship with the supplier.A buyer with collaborative relationship would have more interest in supplier development.From the viewpoint of the suppliers, buyers who provided assistance could help the suppliers in developing their capability, a situation that might be particularly relevant in developing and emerging countries. The automotive manufacturers have implemented supplier development programmes for their suppliers, both in developed and developing countries.This raises a question on supplier development programmes in developing countries: How do supplier development programmes differ between a local (Malaysian) supplier and a foreign (non-Malaysian) supplier for Malaysian automakers (buyers)? In this research, interviews were conducted at three supplier organisations, of which one was Australian and two were Malaysian, where all three were suppliers for a Malaysian automaker.This study found that the Malaysian and Australian suppliers differed in supplier categories, customisation versus standardised products and buyer involvement.The study suggests that buyer differences with regard to supplier relationship, supplier commitment, type of product and size of supplier organisation play a role in supplier development

    The security gap in Syria: individual and collective security in ‘rebel-held’ territories

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    This paper examines security in Syria through the conceptual lens of the security gap, understood as the gap between security practices and objectives which have implications for individual and collective security. Practices of security can be the state apparatus, the military, and militias. The objective – safety – can refer to the safety or security of a range of collectives including the state, political parties, and ethnic groups, while individual security refers to the general safety of inhabitants and the protection of human rights. This paper compares the security situation in so-called ‘rebel-held’ areas of Syria where alternative governance structures have emerged, examining the security approaches of Local Administrative Councils and Rebel Councils in Deir Azzor, Manbij, Dera, and areas dominated by the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD). It argues that security and safety are strongly influenced by authority formation and the nature of deals and relationships involved in the formation of these nascent authorities. It also argues that security in these areas is strongly influenced by the Syrian government, which disrupts collectives that threaten its own collective security while giving limited support to those which serve its agenda of retaining power. It also demonstrates the limited utility of the ‘regime’ vs. ‘rebel-held’ dichotomy, as rebel groups at times must accommodate the Syrian state in limited ways for instrumental purposes. The article is based on fieldwork conducted in Turkey in 2013–2014, interviews conducted in 2015, and secondary sources based on field research

    Perilaku Pemilih dalam Pemilihan Kepala Daerah Serentak di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu Tahun 2015 Studi Kasus (di Kecamatan Kepenuhan Hulu)

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    Where election of regional head is used as a place of society to learn how real democracy and how to realize a good election of regional head for all parties, both win and lose. In this election In the election of Regional Head and Deputy Head of Region in Rokan Hulu Regency every candidate nominating is supported by their respective supporting parties. In the behavior of the people of subdistrict Kepenuhan Hulu, there are three theories: sociological approach, psychological approach and rational approach. The result of behavioral research of the people of districts is influenced in sociological approach because the people are choosing the ethnic candidate pair from the community using sociological approach. To find out the reason people do not choose the pair H. Syafaruddin Poti, because people are disappointed with the figure of H. Syafaruddin Poti less socialize with the community Kepenuhan Hulu Subdistrict, besides H. Syafaruddin Poti socialize less evenly, because H. Syafaruddin Poti only socialize in village Melayu


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    Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertajuk “Pendidikan Multikultural : Upaya Merawat Keteraturan Kehidupan Sosial-Budaya Di Kampung Skouw Sae, Kota Jayapura, Papua”. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran pentingnya hidup dalam konsep multikultural bagi masyarakat dalam menghadapi era keterbukaan dan interspace, dan menemukan gambaran bentuk kerjasama dalam kehidupan multikultural.Selain itu, kegiatan ini akan memperoleh gambaran pentingnya hidup bingkai multikultural bagi masyarakat, dan memberikan gambaran bentuk implementasi dalam multikultural. Adapun pelaksanaannya dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dengan metode ceramah, dan diskusi  interaktif. Hasil kegiatan yang melibatkan masyarakat dan guru Sekolah Dasar (SD) telah memberikan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya merawat keteraturan kehidupan sosial-budaya melalui pendidikan multikultural. Sebagai catatan penutup, dalam rangka mendorong terwujudnya pendidikan multikultural dapat dilakukan melalui; penyadaran akan pentingnya pemahaman multikultural bagi kehidupan masyarakat, adanya kebijakan kampung yang berbasis multikultural, dan memupuk semangat resiliensi berbasis multikultural. Dalam implementasinya tim pelaksana merekomendasikan penerapan konsep “Tri Pusat Pendidikan” Pembelajaran Multikultural ala Ki Hadjar Dewantara. Dimana pendidikan multikultural dapat dilakukan mulai dari rumah  (keluarga), lingkungan sekolah, dan masyarakat. Dengan demikian, pemahaman akan keragaman sebagai suatu keniscayaan yang tak dapat dihindarkan akan tercipta

    Gender differences and clustering pattern of behavioural risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases: community-based study from a developing country.

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    Objectives: This study estimates the burden of behavioural risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases (CNDs) to evaluate the degree of clustering and the differential of these factors by gender in adults. Methods: In a community-based survey, information was obtained about behavioural risk factors for CNDs among 534 adults in Karachi, Pakistan. Chi-square test and odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated to evaluate the differences of these factors by gender. Results: Overall, 22.5% of adults had anxiety/depression, 47.8% did not have adequate intake of fruits and vegetables, 60.1% were physically inactive while 49.8% were overweight/obese. More women had anxiety/ depression (OR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.4-3.1), were physically inactive (OR=2.1, 95% CI = 1.5-3.1) and overweight/ obese (OR= 6.2, 95% CI = 4.3-9.1). On the contrary, greater number of men were found to have inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption (OR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.3-2.5). Only 1.1% of study subjects had none of the studied risk factors, 16.9% had one while 82% had \u3e or =2 factors. The clustering of these risk factors was significantly higher in women (

    Knowledge and practices regarding cigarette smoking among adult women in a rural district of Sindh, Pakistan

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    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of cigarette smoking and to obtain information on socio-demographic factors and attitude regarding cigarette smoking among adult women in a rural district of Sindh Province, Pakistan. METHODS: A cross sectional community based survey was done in a rural district of Sindh province of Pakistan using a two stage cluster sampling design. A pre tested questionnaire was used to interview 502 adult women (aged 18- 60 years) from the study site. The study was approved by the ethical research committee and informed consent was taken from participants. RESULTS: A total of 502 women were interviewed for this study. Approximately 71% of women were illiterate and 44% of women were in the age group of 18-24 years. A high number (10%) of adult women were smokers. Age at initiation among women (18-24 years) was 42%. A significant difference for questions regarding smoking effects on health (p = 0.02) and knowledge regarding smoking causes respiratory disease (p = 0.02) was observed in this survey. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that the prevalence of smoking among women is on the rise in this rural district of Pakistan. Young age at initiation is an important finding that needs to be addressed

    The Role of Macroprudential Policies on Controlling Credit Growth:The Case of Turkey

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    Following the global financial crisis, the quantitative easing policies implemented by developed countries to recover from the crisis led to large capital inflows into developing countries. In the face of macro-financial risks associated with capital flows, policy authorities had to deal with various policy dilemmas between price stability and financial stability. The need to support monetary policy with additional tools to ensure price stability and financial stability simultaneously has led many developing countries to increase the use of the macroprudential policy. Turkey is also among the emerging market economies exposed to the macro-financial risks caused by large capital inflows. Unable to control the risks that accumulated due to the divergence between domestic demand and external demand, the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey began to implement a new policy mix from November 2010. To this end, the conventional inflation targeting was modified by incorporating financial stability as a supplementary objective without prejudice to price stability and monetary policy was conducted together with macroprudential policy. This study investigates the effectiveness of macroprudential policies to control excesses in credit growth under the new policy mix in Turkey. Different from the literature on Turkish experience, an index is constructed to analyze macroprudential policy. By employing cointegration approach with structural breaks of Johansen et al. (2000) the relationship between macroprudential policy index and real total credit growth was estimated covering the period from November 2010 to December 2017. Our empirical findings indicated that macroprudential policy implementations in Turkey have had a limiting effect on credit growth. However, this effect emerged after the tightening of the macroprudential policy stance was increased

    Servant leadership from the Muslim perspective

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    This paper has been prepared to discuss contemporary issues in leadership, and also serves as a means of reviewing the literature in the area of Servant Leadership. Islamic leadership principles and a spiritual dimension in leadership are touched upon. The main purpose of this paper is to better understand the aforesaid leadership terms through empirical data, since most Islamic leadership theories are hardly supported by on the ground facts and realities. This paper also modestly compares the three leadership principles from existing literature and, in the end, tests the practical issues that came into the sight of the authors from the survey results. The authors hope that this paper, to a certain extent, will be able to explore previous pioneering work that has been conducted in the field of leadership. We hope that this piece of research will stimulate specific interest in the areas of servant leadership and Islamic leadership in Muslim-minority countries in other parts of the world

    Access to technical assistance: A case study of suppliers in the Malaysian automotive industry

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    Technology transfer has been an important area in supplier development as suppliers are expected to develop their capabilities with their technical partners.The literature has focused on supplier development programmers implemented by automakers for their suppliers.However, less focus has been on the suppliers who received them, particularly the dependent suppliers: suppliers whose major buyers account for 20% or more of their sales. Thus, the aim of this paper is to examine the experiences of the dependent suppliers with their technical partners, which was part of the supplier development program that was implemented by their major buyers.This study was based on interviews with seven supplier organisations in the Malaysian automotive industry.Findings suggest that both positive and less positive experiences were received by the dependent suppliers, and possible explanations were discussed

    The important and effect of transfer of employees

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    The transfer of employees is a procedure of level development of individuals starting with one position to another position and without involving significant changes in their obligations, skills needed, or remuneration. It is a type of interior versatility, where the worker is moved starting with one occupation them onto the next generally at an alternate unit, area and division. This can likewise be defined as an alteration in the activity inside the organization where the new position or occupation is considerably equivalent to the old as far as pay, responsibilities, and status (Abomeh, & Mohammed, 2016). The employee transfer can be brief or permanent one, and it is started by any of the two such as employer or worker