343 research outputs found

    Perancangan Website Interaktif Pendidikan Pajak Untuk Dewasa Muda Berjudul "Taxove"

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    Pajak adalah hal yang penting dan wajib dalam kegiatan bernegara. Pajak dikategorikan sebagai partisipasi dan kontribusi langsung masyarakat terhadap negara. Kesalahan perpajakan yang terdahulu membuat masyarakat Indonesia kehilangan kepercayaannya. Masyarakat berujung pada sikap apatis, membuat jarak antara pemerintahan dengan masyarakat. Kini pihak perpajakan sudah memulai USAha untuk memulihkan kualitas dalam servis perpajakan, tetapi masyarakat yang sudah terlanjur apatis memiliki perspektif negatif terhadap pajak. Masyarakat tidak mengerti apa guna dan apa manfaat pajak, sehingga berujung tidak peduli. Pengetahuan dan informasi yang disediakan pemerintah pun tidak cukup tepat. Maka penelitian ini merupakan jembatan antara masyarakat dan perpajakan, bertujuan membuat website interaktif berisi informasi perpajakan untuk masyarakat, khususnya dewasa muda yang masih awam mengenai pajak. Website ini diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pngetahuan masyarakat terhadap pajak, merubah masyarakat yang apatis menjadi kritis. Karena konsep dari pemerintahan Indonesia berdasarkan pada demokrasi; dari rakyat untuk rakyat oleh rakyat maka kontrol pemerintahan berada sepenuhnya di tangan masyarakat

    Pameran Cinemagraph “Turun Sintren”

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    Kebudayaan merupakan identitas dari sebuah masyarakat. Kesenian Sintren merupakan bagian dari kebudayaan Cirebon di daerah pesisir utara Jawa, Indonesia. Penari Sintren berkacamata hitam dan wewangian dari asap kemenyan merupakan salah satu bentuk hiburan rakyat Cirebon. Terkait dengan pengaruh Sunan Gunung Jati, masyarakat Cirebon masih terikat pada hal hal yang berbau mistis. Kurangnya wawasan masyarakat umum akan kesenian ini membuat Sintren Cirebon membutuhkan sebuah sarana untuk kembali dikenal. Perancangan pameran cinemagraph “Turun Sintren” ditujukan kepada remaja akhir dan dewasa muda yang senang mengunjungi mall. Mall merupakan sebuah ruang publik dimana terjadi interaksi didalamnya. Perancangan pameran “Turun Sintren” terbagi dalam dua tahap; perancangan cinemagraph dan pameran. Pameran ditata sedemikian rupa untuk mendukung pensuasanaan dari seri cinemagraph yang dibuat. Dalam bentuk pameran cinemagraph di kawasan mall, dengan otomatis akan terjadi interaksi antara audience dan Sintren

    Makna Filosofis Tari Topeng Cirebon Menggunakan Eksplorasi Visual dalam Video Mapping Performance

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    Semakin berkembangnya era globalisasi, eksistensi kesenian Indonesia semakin pudar meskipun kesenian Indonesia kaya akan makna dan sejarah.Tari Topeng Cirebon merupakan salah satu kesenian asli Indonesia yang perlu dilestarikan karena tarian ini mengandung pesan moral yang dapatditerapkan di kehidupan sehari-hari. Di zaman dimana teknologi telah berkembang dengan pesat ini, kesenian tradisional dapat menggunakanperpaduan teknologi untuk menciptakan pelestarian budaya yang inovatif dan modern. Video Mapping merupakan salah satu media yang tergolongbaru dan berkembang. Kehadirannya dapat membantu melestarikan Tari Topeng Cirebon dengan perpaduan yang melahirkan sebuah video mappingperformance

    Propuesta Ágil para Gestionar Proyectos Educativos Informáticos en Educación Superior

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    El artículo describe la gestión ágil de proyectos educativos informáticos en contextos de educación superior en la Argentina. En particular, esta experiencia se sitúa en relación con el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje significativo debido la importancia del desarrollo del software en todas sus dimensiones y aplicaciones. En el método se describen los elementos adaptados de SCRUM, metodología de trabajo ágil iterativa e incremental para la gestión de proyectos, y cómo se incorpora un sistema de matrices de tres categorías. El resultado de esta innovadora integración se plasma en una propuesta ágil que integra prácticas y artefactos de SCRUM con un sistema de matrices categoriales orientadas a presentar: los objetivos correlacionados, la relación de actores e instrumentos de recolección de datos y una matriz que refleja: la Apropiación de aprendizajes para el uso de una metodología ágil, el Reconocimiento de los roles de los integrantes del equipo, la Comunicación eficaz para la interacción de los miembros del equipo. La propuesta se valida considerando la presentación y exposición de los trabajos integradores en una asignatura de la carrera Licenciatura en Sistemas de Información. Finalmente, es menester abordar el proceso de enseñanzaaprendizaje significativo situado en contexto ágiles atendiendo a la complejidad y emergentes continuos en la actual sociedad del conocimiento. The article describes an agile managing for educational IT projects in higher education. Argentina is the reference context. In particular, the experience is placed in relation to the process of teaching and learning meaning, considering the software development in all its dimensions and applications. The method describes the elements adapted from SCRUM, iterative and incremental agile working methodology for project management, and how a three-category matrix system is incorporated. The result of this innovative integration is embodied in an agile proposal that integrates SCRUM practices and artifacts with a system of categorical matrices oriented to present: the correlated objectives, the relationship of actors and data collection instruments and the last one containing the following items: the appropriation of learning for the use of an agile methodology, the recognition of the roles of the team members, the effective communication for the interaction of the team members. The proposal is validated considering the presentation and exposition of the integrative works in a subject of the Information Systems degree. Finally, it is necessary to approach the process of significant teaching-learning located in an agile context, taking into account the complexity and continuous emergences in the current knowledge society

    Sull'antagonismo in vivo ed in vitro di Acremonium byssoides, endofita in Vitis vinifera, nei confronti di Plasmopara viticola

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    Lo studio dell\u2019interazione fra Acremonium byssoides, Vitis vinifera e Plasmopara viticola, condotto nell\u2019ultimo decennio, ha evidenziato in vitro e in vivo l\u2019attivit\ue0 antagonistica dell\u2019ifomicete, endofita negli organi verdi di alcune cultivars di vite, nei confronti del patogeno. In particolare, \ue8 stato accertato che sospensioni conidiche, filtrati colturali, estratti grezzi e metaboliti di A. byssoides riducono sensibilmente la germinazione delle spore agamiche e gamiche di P. viticola, limitando la produzione di propaguli. Inoltre, l\u2019uso di un microscopio laser confocale e l\u2019impiego di un\u2019opportuna tecnica di decolorazione dei tessuti fogliari, seguita da colorazione di contrasto, ha consentito di visualizzare l\u2019ifomicete, latente nelle nervature di foglie sane e iperparassita dell\u2019oomicete in foglie infette. In queste ultime, infatti, A. byssoides, dopo aver prodotto metaboliti secondari tossici per P. viticola, ne invade e degrada micelio, rami sporangiofori e spore gamiche. Tale attivit\ue0 antagonistica, determinando il contenimento sia della diffusione che della sopravvivenza del patogeno, pu\uf2 assumere, quindi, un ruolo rilevante nella definizione di strategie di difesa biologica contro la peronospora della vite

    An integrated technological approach to the selection of lactic acid bacteria of flour origin for sourdough production

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    Several lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were evaluated in situ for their potential in sourdough fermentation. The strains belonged to Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus sakei, Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis, Leuconostoc citreum, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides and Weissella cibaria. LAB were used, in individual inocula, to carry out the fermentation of \u3b3-ray treated (sterile) flour and untreated commercial flour, in order to evaluate their performances both in the absence and presence of the native microbiota of flour. The pH and total titratable acidity (TTA) showed a strong and fast acidification of the experimental sourdough determined by W. cibaria and Ln. citreum strains. All strains were followed during fermentation by plate count. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR analysis applied on the colonies isolated from the highest dilution of samples confirmed the dominance of the added strains in all sourdoughs prepared with sterile and non-sterile flour. The analysis of organic acids, performed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), confirmed that some W. cibaria and Ln. citreum strains showed an optimal fermentation quotient. The volatile organic compound (VOC) composition resulting from the gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analysis of sourdough headspace recognised 51 chemical compounds including acids, alcohols, aldehydes, esters, ketones, lactones, acetate, alkane, and phenol, most of which are of LAB origin and are relevant for the final bread. After baking, the breads were evaluated for the height of the central slices, colour of crust and crumb, hardness and number and distribution of alveolus. The combination of these results indicated that strains Ln. citreum PON10079 and PON10080 and W. cibaria PON10030 and PON10032 are suitable cultures to use in industrial production

    A simple and rapid DNA extraction method from leaves of grapevine suitable for polymerase chain reaction analysis.

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    The genomic grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) DNA extraction is difficult because of secondary metabolites that interfere with DNA isolation procedures and subsequent applications. We developed a simple, rapid and efficient method for the extraction of genomic DNA from asymptomatic and pathogeninfected grape leaves. The protocol reported, based on a modified cetyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) extraction procedure, allowed the rapid DNA extraction from little amounts of leaf material without employment of liquid nitrogen for initial tissue grinding. The protocol included polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) to bind phenolic compounds, β-mercaptoethanol to inhibit the oxidation of polyphenols, and a high concentration of NaCl (2.5 M) to increase the solubility of polysaccharides, thus reducing their co-precipitation with DNA. Final DNA solution did not contain polysaccharides, polyphenols and other major contaminants. The purity of genomic DNA was confirmed by A260/280 and A260/230 ratios calculated from the spectrophotometric readings. In addition, the quality of the DNA extracted from asymptomatic, Oidium tuckeri- and Plasmopara viticola-infected leaves of V. vinifera L. was evaluated in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses by using different set of primers to be able to amplify vegetal, fungal and bacterial DNA

    Evaluation of the fermentation dynamics of commercial baker’s yeast in presence of pistachio powder to produce lysine-enriched breads

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    The present work was carried out to evaluate the microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory characteristics of fortified pistachio breads. Pistachio powder (5% w/w) was added to flour or semolina and fermented by a commercial baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Pistachio powder did not influence the biological leavening of the doughs. The kinetics of pH and total titratable acidity (TTA) during dough fermentation showed that the leavening process occurred similarly for all trials. The concentration of yeasts increased during fermentation and reached levels of 108 CFU/g after 2 h. Pistachio powder decreased the height and softness of the final breads and increased cell density of the central slices. The amount of lysine after baking increased in pistachio breads and this effect was stronger for semolina rather than flour trials. Sensory evaluation indicated that fortified breads processed from semolina were those more appreciated by the judges. This work clearly indicated that the addition of pistachio powder in bread production represents a promising strategy to increase the availability of lysine in cereal-based fermented products

    Effect of the lemon essential oils on the safety and sensory quality of salted sardines (Sardina pilchardus Walbaum 1792)

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    The main aim of this research was to investigate the biopreservative effects of lemon essential oil (EO) micro-emulsions on salted sardines. The experimental design included two experimental trials, SR1 and SR2 carried out with 25 ml of lemon EO micro-emulsion at 0.3 and 1.0% (v/v), respectively, and a control trial performed without EO addition. Chemical analyses on salted sardines inoculated with the EOs clearly showed a substantial persistence of several volatile organic compounds (VOCs) belonging to groups of monoterpene hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpenes and sesquiterpene hydrocarbons derived from EOs during the entire period of ripening. In particular, the molecules mostly represented were limonene, p-cymene and β-pinene. Immediately after the addition of EOs, the concentrations of all microbial groups decreased. The presence of Enterobacteriaceae, staphylococci and rod lactic acid bacteria (LAB) observed in the trials SR1 and SR2 was significantly lower than that registered for the control trial during the entire period of monitoring. Furthermore, the addition of EOs determined a lower accumulation of histamine in sardines compared to those of the control trial. The highest scores of sensory evaluation were registered for flavour and overall acceptability of the experimental trials in presence of EOs. On the basis of the increasing interest toward novel food preservatives, we conclude that the use of EOs to produce salted fishes represents a valid strategy to improve safety and sensory characteristics of salted sardines. This work has also economic implications, since the flavour improvement due to the addition of lemon EOs might increase the consumption of sardines by regular and new consumers

    Efficacy and safety of dolutegravir and doravirine dual therapy in the context of antiretroviral therapy switch: 48 weeks analysis.

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    Dual therapy in HIV represents an attractive opportunity for HIV infected people in virologic suppression Dual therapy regimens should achieve and maintain viral suppression and immunologic control while minimizing short and long term AEs, improve adherence and convenience and reduce drug drug interactions and costs To date, there are few clinical data to support a dual regimen with dolutegravir and doravirine 1 The individual efficacy of both doravirine and dolutegravir suggests that concomitant administration of these two molecules as part of an NRTI sparing regimen could be a viable option, although to date there are no studies in the HIV infected population The aim of our study is to investigate whether a dual therapy regimen containing dolutegravir and doravirine is effective and saf