56 research outputs found

    Relationship between sexual offences and mental and developmental disorders: a review

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    CONTEXTO: A violência sexual é um grave problema de saúde pública que preocupa e confronta nossa sociedade. A prevalência, a magnitude e as consequências desse problema têm merecido atenção crescente por parte de estudiosos e pesquisadores da saúde e dos direitos humanos. OBJETIVO: Realizar uma revisão bibliográfica sobre a relação entre crimes sexuais e transtornos mentais e do desenvolvimento. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica nas bases de dados do PubMed, Scientific Eletronic Library Online (SciELO) e Lilacs, utilizando os descritores "sexual crime", "sexual offense", "mental disorder", "mental retardation", "developmental disability" e suas combinações. RESULTADOS: Os transtornos mentais e do desenvolvimento mais frequentemente relacionados à perpetração de crimes sexuais foram esquizofrenia, transtorno bipolar e retardo mental. CONCLUSÃO: São importantes a detecção e o tratamento da morbidade psiquiátrica entre ofensores sexuais nos sistemas de saúde e de justiça criminal, o que pode contribuir para menor risco de reincidência desse comportamento sexual.BACKGROUND: Sexual violence is a serious public health problem that concerns and faces our society. The prevalence, magnitude and consequences of this problem have merited growing attention by health researchers and human rights scholars. OBJECTIVE: To conduct a review of the literature regarding the relationship between mental disorders, sexual offences and those of development. METHODS: A bibliographic research was performed in PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Lilacs, employing the terms "sexual crime", "sexual offence", "mental disorder", "mental retardation", "developmental disability" and its combinations. RESULTS: The mental disorders and developmental disorders more frequently related to the perpetration of sexual offences were schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and mental retardation. DISCUSSION: The detection and treatment of psychiatric morbidity among sexual offenders in health and criminal justice systems, which may contribute to a lower risk of recidivism of this sexual behaviour, is important

    Relationship between epileptic seizures and criminal behavior: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Objective: The principal objective aims to assess a possible relationship between epilepsy and aggressive behavior. Secondarily, we intend to study how epilepsy relates to criminal liability. Methods: A systematic literature review was performed, using the Web of Science,United States National Library of Medicine (PubMed),and Scielo databases. The searches were conducted in May-June 2022 and covered the period from 2000 to 2022. Eligibility criteria consisted on original articles in English and Portuguese that were interested in the association of epilepsy, criminal behavior (with aggression directed to others), criminal liability in adults with epilepsy. Results: The search yielded 921 results, 794 of which in PubMed, 115 in Web of Science, and 12 in Scielo. Articles that failed to meet the inclusion criteria (206) and duplicates (201) were excluded. Conclusion: There were no findings to indicate a significant increase in aggressive behaviors in individuals with epilepsy. However, it was possible to identify a higher prevalence of aggressive acts in males with epilepsy, besides the presence of comorbidities with mental disorders and substance use. In addition, the results suggest that in criminal offenders with epilepsy, the seizures originated in the temporal and frontal cerebral lobes. Further researchis necessary on the relationship between epilepsy, criminality, and criminal liability in order to produce more robust data to support legal proceedings

    Relationship between sexual offences and mental and developmental disorders: a review

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    BACKGROUND: Sexual violence is a serious public health problem that concerns and faces our society. The prevalence, magnitude and consequences of this problem have merited growing attention by health researchers and human rights scholars. OBJECTIVE: To conduct a review of the literature regarding the relationship between mental disorders, sexual offences and those of development. METHODS: A bibliographic research was performed in PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and Lilacs, employing the terms "sexual crime", "sexual offence", "mental disorder", "mental retardation", "developmental disability" and its combinations. RESULTS: The mental disorders and developmental disorders more frequently related to the perpetration of sexual offences were schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and mental retardation. DISCUSSION: The detection and treatment of psychiatric morbidity among sexual offenders in health and criminal justice systems, which may contribute to a lower risk of recidivism of this sexual behaviour, is important

    Investigação de qualidade de vida pela WHOQOL-BREF em pacientes com transtorno de pânico durante o tratamento

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    BACKGROUND: Panic disorder (PD) patients show more physical and psychological impairment, than the general population. OBJECTIVES: Our aims are to compare quality of life between PD patients during treatment and healthy subjects and to associate social, demographic and clinical factors with quality of life scores. METHODS: It is a cross-sectional study with 20 PD patients and 20 healthy controls. Anxiety levels assessment: Beck Anxiety Inventory, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, STAIT - Form Y. Panic severity; Panic Agoraphobia Scale; social and environmental problems and global assessment functioning (Axis IV and V, DSM-IV-TR) and quality of life by WHOQOL-BREF. RESULTS: PD patients were 65% female. Mean age = 37.55 ± 9.06. Quality of life domain scores: physical = 57.86 ± 17.56; psychological = 56.04 ± 18.31; social = 56.25 ± 25.92; and environmental = 47.03 ± 16.92; smokers = 20%; BAI = 23.40 ± 15; STAI-S= 43.50 ± 8.79; STAI-T = 50.10 ± 9.19; PAS = 13.60 ± 9.40. DISCUSSION: No significant differences were observed between groups about gender, age, schooling, religion, marital status nor individual income, but family income was significantly higher among controls. All domains of quality of life are significantly impaired among PD patients, compared to healthy controls. Panic disorder compromises well being. Psychosocial problems and high levels of anxiety can also negatively impact quality of life of PD patients.CONTEXTO: Pacientes com transtorno de pânico (TP) apresentam maior comprometimento físico e psicológico que a população geral. OBJETIVOS: Comparar escores de qualidade de vida entre pacientes com TP em tratamento e indivíduos normais. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de estudo transversal com 20 portadores de TP e 20 controles normais. Avaliação da ansiedade inclui: Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck, Escala de Ansiedade de Hamilton, Inventário de Estado e Traço Ansioso, Escala de Pânico e Agorafobia; além de avaliação de problemas sociais e ambientais e funcionamento global (eixos IV e V, DSM-IV-TR) e de qualidade de vida pela WHOQOL-BREF. RESULTADOS: Dos pacientes com TP, 65% eram do sexo feminino. A média de idade foi de 37,55 ± 9,06 anos. Os escores de qualidade de vida foram: físico = 57,86 ± 17,56; psicológico = 56,04 ± 18,31; social = 56,25 ± 25,92; e ambiental 47,03 ± 16,92. Tabagistas = 20%. BAI = 23,40 ± 15; STAI-S = 43,50 ± 8,79; STAI-T = 50,10 ± 9,19; PAS = 13,60 ± 9,40. Não houve diferenças significativas entre os grupos em relação a sexo, idade, escolaridade, religião, estado civil, nem renda individual, porém a renda familiar do grupo-controle foi significativamente maior. Todos os domínios de qualidade de vida foram bem piores entre os pacientes com TP em tratamento, quando comparados aos controles. CONCLUSÕES: TP, mesmo em tratamento, compromete a qualidade de vida. Problemas psicossociais e altos níveis de ansiedade podem ter impacto negativo na qualidade de vida dos pacientes com TP

    Matricídio e transtorno bipolar

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    BACKGROUND: Matricide is the killing of one's own mother, and a type of homicide rarely seen on psychiatric practice. Matricide cases studies have shown the presence of mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, personality disorders and alcoholism, and have also found cases where there is no evidence of mental disorders. OBJECTIVE: We aim to report a case of a woman with bipolar disorder that murdered her own mother and had a psychiatric forensic evaluation to ascertain her penal imputability. METHODS: Psychiatric interview was carried out and the psychiatric diagnosis was established based on the interview and analysis of forensic and hospitalar records, using the DSM-IV-TR criteria. RESULTS: The examinee was considered not guilty by reason of insanity, due to the presence of a mental disorder that affected her entire understanding and determination of the practiced delict. She has been under inpatient forensic psychiatric care for two years. DISCUSSION: It is important that psychiatrists and other mental health professionals be alert to the risk of violent behavior in patients that present a long history of mental disorder and present episodes of violence during the acute phase, or threats against relatives and friends, or the lack of regular psychiatric treatment.CONTEXTO: Matricídio é o assassinato de uma mãe pelo filho ou filha, uma forma de homicídio raramente vista na prática psiquiátrica. Estudos de casos de matricídio têm revelado a presença de transtornos mentais, tais como esquizofrenia, transtorno bipolar, transtornos de personalidade e alcoolismo, assim como casos em que não há evidência de transtorno mental. OBJETIVO: Tem-se como objetivo relatar o caso de uma mulher com transtorno bipolar que assassinou a sua genitora e que foi avaliada em perícia psiquiátrica para avaliação da responsabilidade penal. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada entrevista psiquiátrica, sendo o diagnóstico psiquiátrico estabelecido com base na entrevista e observação dos registros periciais e hospitalares, utilizando-se os critérios diagnósticos DSM-IV-TR. RESULTADOS: A examinanda foi considerada inimputável, em virtude da presença de doença mental que afetou inteiramente o seu entendimento e determinação em relação ao delito praticado. Ela cumpre medida de segurança em Hospital de Custódia e Tratamento Psiquiátrico há dois anos. CONCLUSÃO: É importante que psiquiatras e outros profissionais da saúde mental estejam atentos para risco de comportamento violento em pacientes que apresentam história de doença mental de longa duração, com episódios de violência durante a fase aguda, ameaças contra familiares ou amigos e falta de tratamento psiquiátrico regular

    "Nomophobia": Impact of cell phone use interfering with symptoms and emotions of individuals with panic disorder compared with a control group

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    Panic disorder refers to the frequent and recurring acute attacks of anxiety. Objective: This study describes the routine use of mobiles phones (MPs) and investigates the appearance of possible emotional alterations or symptoms related to their use in patients with panic disorder (PD). Background: We compared patients with PD and agoraphobia being treated at the Panic and Respiration Laboratory of The Institute of Psychiatry, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to a control group of healthy volunteers. Method: An MP-use questionnaire was administered to a consecutive sample of 50 patients and 70 controls. Results: People with PD showed significant increases in anxiety, tachycardia, respiratory alterations, trembling, perspiration, panic, fear and depression related to the lack of an MP compared to the control group. Conclusions: Both groups exhibited dependence on and were comforted by having an MP; however, people with PD and agoraphobia showed significantly more emotional alterations as well as intense physical and psychological symptoms when they were apart from or unable to use an MP compared to healthy volunteers

    Chest pain and panic disorder: physical symptom or coronary heart disease presentation?

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    O transtorno do pânico (TP) pertence ao grupo dos transtornos de ansiedade caracterizado por repetidos e inesperados ataques de pânico, nos quais predominam os sintomas somáticos e intensa apreensão relacionada à idéia de perda de controle ou morte iminente. Entre os sintomas somáticos que o paciente pode apresentar, a dor torácica exerce papel preponderante, reforçando a idéia de que ele esteja desenvolvendo problema cardiovascular grave, ameaçador à vida, levando à repetida busca por atendimento em unidades cardiológicas ou outros serviços de emergência. A isquemia miocárdica desenvolve-se quando o fluxo de sangue coronariano se torna inadequado para alcançar as exigências metabólicas miocárdicas e manter a função cardíaca adequada. Sua principal causa é a doença arterial coronariana (DAC) e a mais comum manifestação clínica da isquemia miocárdica é a dor torácica. Este relato de caso ilustra a comorbidade do TP com a DAC, discutindo como lidar com essa complexa situação clínica. O diagnóstico de transtorno de pânico raramente é feito e graves conseqüências podem decorrer disso, inclusive na evolução do transtorno psiquiátrico.Panic disorder is a mental disorder that belongs to the group of the anxiety disorders, characterized by repeated and unexpected panic attacks, in which the somatic symptoms are associated to intense apprehension related to the idea of "loosing control" or an imminent death sensation. Amongst somatic symptoms that patients can present, chest pain plays an important role, reinforcing the idea that the patient is threatened by a serious cardiovascular problem, leading to repeated search for attendance in cardiologic or other emergency rooms. Myocardial ischemia develops when coronary blood flow becomes inadequate to meet the requirements of the myocardium for oxygen and metabolic substrates to maintain adequate cardiac function. Coronary stenosis is considered the main cause of myocardial ischemia and its most common clinical manifestation is chest pain. This case report illustrates panic disorder co-occurring with coronary heart disease, discussing how to deal with this complex clinical situation. The diagnosis of panic disorder seldom is made and serious consequences can elapse, including the course of the psychiatric disorder

    O profiling criminal e sua relação com a psicologia e a psiquiatria forense

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    O profiling é um processo de análise criminal que associa as competências do investigador criminal e do especialista em comportamento, como o psicólogo ou psiquiatra forense, contribuindo para investigação de crimes violentos. É possível que o profiling possa se desenvolver como uma ciência forense e ser admitido em cortes judiciais, aumentando a probabilidade de sucesso pericial e a força da perícia em criminologia

    Esquizofrenia e violência : estudo em um hospital psiquiátrico clínico com o HCR-20 e a MOAS

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    Objective: This preliminary study aimed to identify and compare characteristics related to violent behavior in inpatients with schizophrenia at a general psychiatric hospital using the Historical, Clinical, and Risk Management 20 (HCR-20), the Modified Overt Aggression Scale (MOAS), and sociodemographic data. Method: Violent and nonviolent participants were selected based on psychiatric admission reports. Participants with reports of aggressive behavior and HCR-20 total score ≥ 21 upon admission were assigned to the violent patient group. Participants without aggressive behavior and with HCR-20 total score < 21 upon admission were assigned to the nonviolent patient group. The MOAS was applied to characterize the degree of severity of the violent behavior. Results: HCR-20 and its subscales were effective in differentiating between the violent and nonviolent participant groups. Twelve of the 20 HCR-20 items were useful for distinguishing between the groups, although total HCR-20 scores were more reliable when applied to the nonviolent patient group. The MOAS did not show high degrees of severity for the types of aggression observed in the participants. Conclusion: HCR-20 was useful and reliable for distinguishing between violent and nonviolent patients with schizophrenia in this clinical psychiatric setting. Item analysis identified the most relevant characteristics in each group. The use of the HCR-20 in clinical psychiatric settings should be encouraged.Objetivo: Este estudo preliminar tem por objetivo identificar e comparar características relacionadas ao comportamento violento em pacientes com esquizofrenia internados em um hospital psiquiátrico utilizando o Historical, Clinical, and Risk Management 20 (HCR-20), a Modified Overt Aggression Scale (MOAS), e dados sociodemográficos. Método: Foram selecionados participantes com e sem histórico de comportamento violento, referidos nos relatórios de internação hospitalar. Participantes violentos e com escore total do HCR-20 ≥ 21 na internação foram selecionados para o grupo violento. Participantes não violentos com escore total do HCR-20 < 21 na internação foram selecionados para o grupo não violento. A MOAS foi aplicada para caracterizar o grau de severidade do comportamento violento. Resultados: O HCR-20 e suas subescalas foram eficazes na diferenciação entre os participantes dos grupos. Doze dos 20 itens do HCR-20 foram úteis na diferenciação entre os grupos, apesar do escore total do HCR-20 ter sido mais confiável quando aplicado ao grupo não violento. A MOAS não apresentou graus de severidade elevados para os tipos de agressividade observados nos participantes. Conclusão: O HCR-20 foi útil e confiável na distinção entre pacientes esquizofrênicos violentos e não violentos em ambiente psiquiátrico clínico, já que a análise dos itens identificou as características mais relevantes em cada grupo. O uso do HCR-20 em ambientes psiquiátricos clínicos deveria ser encorajado
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