36 research outputs found

    Electroweak parameters of the Z° resonance and the standard model

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    The four LEP experiments have each performed precision measurements of Z ° parameters. A method is described for combin- ing the results of the four experiments, which takes into account the experimental and theoretical systematic errors and their correlations. We apply this method to the 1989 and 1990 LEP data, corresponding to approximately 650 000 Z ° decays into hadrons and charged leptons, to obtain precision values for the Z ° parameters. We use these results to test the standard model and to constrain its parameters.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Electroweak parameters of the Z° resonance and the standard model

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    The four LEP experiments have each performed precision measurements of Z ° parameters. A method is described for combin- ing the results of the four experiments, which takes into account the experimental and theoretical systematic errors and their correlations. We apply this method to the 1989 and 1990 LEP data, corresponding to approximately 650 000 Z ° decays into hadrons and charged leptons, to obtain precision values for the Z ° parameters. We use these results to test the standard model and to constrain its parameters.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Electroweak Physics at LHC

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    The prospects for electroweak physics at the LHC are reviewed focusing mainly on precision studies. This includes projections for measurements of the effective Z pole weak mixing angle, of top quark, W boson, and Higgs scalar properties, and new physics searches

    Re-evaluation of the LHC potential for the measurement of Mw

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    We present a study of the LHC sensitivity to the W boson mass based on simulation studies. We find that both experimental and phenomenological sources of systematic uncertainties can be strongly constrained with Z measurements: the lineshape is robustly predicted, and its analysis provides an accurate measurement of the detector resolution and absolute scale, while the differential cross-section analysis absorbs most of the strong interaction uncertainties. A sensitivity \delta Mw \sim 7 \MeV for each decay channel (W --> e nu, W --> mu nu), and for an integrated luminosity of 10 fb-1, appears as a reasonable goal

    General analysis of signals with two leptons and missing energy at the Large Hadron Collider

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    A signal of two leptons and missing energy is challenging to analyze at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) since it offers only few kinematical handles. This signature generally arises from pair production of heavy charged particles which each decay into a lepton and a weakly interacting stable particle. Here this class of processes is analyzed with minimal model assumptions by considering all possible combinations of spin 0, 1/2 or 1, and of weak iso-singlets, -doublets or -triplets for the new particles. Adding to existing work on mass and spin measurements, two new variables for spin determination and an asymmetry for the determination of the couplings of the new particles are introduced. It is shown that these observables allow one to independently determine the spin and the couplings of the new particles, except for a few cases that turn out to be indistinguishable at the LHC. These findings are corroborated by results of an alternative analysis strategy based on an automated likelihood test.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figures, LaTe

    The Algebra of Physical Observables in Nonlinearly Realized Gauge Theories

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    We classify the physical observables in spontaneously broken nonlinearly realized gauge theories in the recently proposed loopwise expansion governed by the Weak Power-Counting (WPC) and the Local Functional Equation. The latter controls the non-trivial quantum deformation of the classical nonlinearly realized gauge symmetry, to all orders in the loop expansion. The Batalin-Vilkovisky (BV) formalism is used. We show that the dependence of the vertex functional on the Goldstone fields is obtained via a canonical transformation w.r.t. the BV bracket associated with the BRST symmetry of the model. We also compare the WPC with strict power-counting renormalizability in linearly realized gauge theories. In the case of the electroweak group we find that the tree-level Weinberg relation still holds if power-counting renormalizability is weakened to the WPC condition.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figur

    Low-mass fermiophobic charged Higgs phenomenology in two-Higgs-doublet models

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    After the recent discovery of a Higgs-like boson, the possibility of an enlarged scalar sector arises as a natural question. Experimental searches for charged scalars have been already performed with negative results. We analyze the phenomenology associated with a fermiophobic charged Higgs (it does not couple to fermions at tree level), in two-Higgs-doublet models. All present experimental bounds are evaded trivially in this case, and one needs to consider other decay and production channels. We study the associated production of a charged Higgs with either a W or a neutral scalar boson, and the relevant decays for a light fermiophobic charged Higgs. The interesting features of this scenario should result encouraging for the LHC collaborations to perform searches for such a particle

    T-parity, its problems and their solution

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    We point out a basic difficulty in the construction of little-Higgs models with T-parity which is overlooked by large part of the present literature. Almost all models proposed so far fail to achieve their goal: they either suffer from sizable electroweak corrections or from a breakdown of collective breaking. We provide a model building recipe to bypass the above problem and apply it to build the simplest T-invariant extension of the Littlest Higgs. Our model predicts additional T-odd pseudo-Goldstone bosons with weak scale masses.Comment: 25 pages, 2 appendice

    Leptons in Holographic Composite Higgs Models with Non-Abelian Discrete Symmetries

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    We study leptons in holographic composite Higgs models, namely in models possibly admitting a weakly coupled description in terms of five-dimensional (5D) theories. We introduce two scenarios leading to Majorana or Dirac neutrinos, based on the non-abelian discrete group S4×Z3S_4\times \Z_3 which is responsible for nearly tri-bimaximal lepton mixing. The smallness of neutrino masses is naturally explained and normal/inverted mass ordering can be accommodated. We analyze two specific 5D gauge-Higgs unification models in warped space as concrete examples of our framework. Both models pass the current bounds on Lepton Flavour Violation (LFV) processes. We pay special attention to the effect of so called boundary kinetic terms that are the dominant source of LFV. The model with Majorana neutrinos is compatible with a Kaluza-Klein vector mass scale mKK≳3.5m_{KK}\gtrsim 3.5 TeV, which is roughly the lowest scale allowed by electroweak considerations. The model with Dirac neutrinos, although not considerably constrained by LFV processes and data on lepton mixing, suffers from a too large deviation of the neutrino coupling to the ZZ boson from its Standard Model value, pushing mKK≳10m_{KK}\gtrsim 10 TeV.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures; v2: Note added in light of recent T2K and MINOS results, figures updated with new limit from MEG, references added, various minor improvements, matches JHEP published versio