3,356 research outputs found

    Avaliação físico-química de espécies vegetais utilizadas na alimentação do caititu.

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    Diagnóstico para identificação de demandas de pesquisa no setor produtivo de suínos e aves no Estado do Parå.

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    Bioclimatic modelling in the holocene and in future warming scenarios in Arbutus unedo L.

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    Growing forests wildfires in Portugal are an increasing concern since forests in the Mediterranean region are vulnerable to recent global warming. Long-term negative effects are expected on the vegetation with the coming increasing drought. The strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) displays potential to be a successfully business-like cultured in several regions of Portugal and southern Europe, as it is well adapted to climate and soils. In Portugal, this species has been used by local populations particularly for spirit production and for fruit consumption, although it has different possible commercial uses, from processed and fresh fruit production to ornamental, pharmaceutical and chemical applications. In addition, due to its pioneer status, it is valuable for land recovery and desertification avoidance, besides being fire resistant. The available strawberry tree’s data is presence-only. For modelling purposes, a set of placements within the landscape of interest (Portugal) was applied. The species, observed in 318 plots, together with a vector of environmental covariates (7 bioclimatic attributes, slope and altitude) and a defined background were used for modeling purposes. Maxent 3.4.1 was the used software, where the estimated quantity is the probability of the presence of the species, conditioned on the environment. Maxent uses the environmental covariate data from the occurrence records and the background sample, to estimate the ratio between the conditional density of the covariates at the presence sites and the marginal (i.e., unconditional) density of covariates across the study area and so, estimating the relative suitability of one place vs. another. Three different climate scenarios (control run; 2050 and 2070) were tested for two emission scenarios (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5, WorldClim), besides the past, 6,000 BP (Mid-Holocene). The reduction of habitat suitable for this species is very significant in the southern regions, even for the best warming scenario (RCP 4.5) in 2050. Central and Northern mountain regions are predicted refuge for this species. Forest policies and management should consider the impact of climate change on the usable areas for forestry, seeing a case-study species particularly adapted to the Mediterranean regions and wildfires, such as strawberry tree. The distribution of the species in the Middle Holocene agrees with previous genetic and fossils studies in the region, which supported two putative refuges for the species since the Last Glacial Maximum and a cryptic refugia in the East-Central mountain region.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biota parasitĂĄria gastrointestinal de caititus "Tayassu tajacu Linnaeus 1758" (Pecari tajacu Jacq.) criados em cativeiro.

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    Os caititus foram identificados como uma das espĂ©cies mais caçadas na regiĂŁo da TransamazĂŽnica ? PA. (BONAUDO et al., 2002). Nas regiĂ”es de colonização da AmazĂŽnia, encontram-se vĂĄrias espĂ©cies silvestres cuja Ășnica exploração baseia-se na caça que Ă© uma fonte de proteĂ­na alternativa para a população local. Esta, junto com o desmatamento, a fragmentação de habitats e o comĂ©rcio ilegal pode causar a diminuição de espĂ©cies. Uma alternativa para solucionar este problema Ă© o incentivo Ă  criatĂłrios, que sĂŁo uma forma de utilização sustentĂĄvel da biodiversidade, geração de renda e identificação das açÔes conservacionistas (MMA, 2001). Objetivou-se no presente trabalho estudar a biota parasitĂĄria gastrintestinal presente em caititus criados em cativeiro em 2 criatĂłrios no Estado do ParĂĄ, um na Embrapa AmazĂŽnia Oriental, BelĂ©m-PA e outro em criatĂłrio de produtor comercial em Santa Izabel ? PA, por ser o fator sanitĂĄrio mais importante desta espĂ©cie em cativeiro e afim de disponibilizar dados mais atuais literatura sobre os animais em questĂŁo. Para as anĂĄlises de endoparasitas gastrintestinais foram realizadas anĂĄlises de fezes com os seguintes mĂ©todos: Sedimentação e Mcmaster. A ocorrĂȘncia de parasitas gastrintestinais atĂ© o presente momento Ă© de 71,92% (41 animais), sendo que destes 85,36% (35 animais) apresentaram infecção simples e 14,63% (6 animais) apresentaram infecção mĂșltipla. Os parasitas identificados e suas respectivas incidĂȘncias foram Balantidium coli (64,91%); Ascaris suun (8,77%)e grupo dos Strongylideos (8,77%)

    Assessing forest species biogeophysical suitability by spatial multicriteria analysis: a study case for the Centro region of Portugal.

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    It is generally agreed that the choice of the most suitable uses based in soil and climatic factors, complemented with socio-economic criteria, promotes sustainable use of rural land. There are, however, different methodologies for defining soil suitability to agroforestal systems or natural and seminatural ecosystems, including agricultural uses, forest plantations, agroforestry areas and priority areas for conservation. Many of these methods rely on decision support systems based on multicriteria spatial analysis. In this study it was intended to determine the different levels of suitability for the most representative forest species in the central region of Portugal. For that purpose a set of climatic, soil and topographic variables based in a geographic information system, soil and biogeographic mapping were used. A stochastic approach was undertaken in order to estimate several bioclimatic indices and the associated spatial uncertainty. Results were duly discussed and addressed in this framework. In the end, forest species suitability evaluation was performed using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), methodology that allows the exploitation of natural fitness of the territory, contributing to a reflection on the adequacy of current and future occupations face the carrying capacity of the environment. The use of this methodology will be important as a supporting tool to public administration agents that work in forestry planning and management.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Silencing mutant ataxin-3 rescues motor deficits and neuropathology in machado-joseph disease transgenic mice.

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    Machado-Joseph disease (MJD) or spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) is an autosomal dominantly-inherited neurodegenerative disorder caused by the over-repetition of a CAG codon in the MJD1 gene. This expansion translates into a polyglutamine tract that confers a toxic gain-of-function to the mutant protein - ataxin-3, leading to neurodegeneration in specific brain regions, with particular severity in the cerebellum. No treatment able to modify the disease progression is available. However, gene silencing by RNA interference has shown promising results. Therefore, in this study we investigated whether lentiviral-mediated allele-specific silencing of the mutant ataxin-3 gene, after disease onset, would rescue the motor behavior deficits and neuropathological features in a severely impaired transgenic mouse model of MJD. For this purpose, we injected lentiviral vectors encoding allele-specific silencing-sequences (shAtx3) into the cerebellum of diseased transgenic mice expressing the targeted C-variant of mutant ataxin-3 present in 70% of MJD patients. This variation permits to discriminate between the wild-type and mutant forms, maintaining the normal function of the wild-type allele and silencing only the mutant form. Quantitative analysis of rotarod performance, footprint and activity patterns revealed significant and robust alleviation of gait, balance (average 3-fold increase of rotarod test time), locomotor and exploratory activity impairments in shAtx3-injected mice, as compared to control ones injected with shGFP. An important improvement of neuropathology was also observed, regarding the number of intranuclear inclusions, calbindin and DARPP-32 immunoreactivity, fluorojade B and Golgi staining and molecular and granular layers thickness. These data demonstrate for the first time the efficacy of gene silencing in blocking the MJD-associated motor-behavior and neuropathological abnormalities after the onset of the disease, supporting the use of this strategy for therapy of MJD

    Curva de crescimento do caititu (Tayassu tajacu) criado em cativeiro na AmazĂŽnia.

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    Resumos apresentados no VIII Salão de Iniciação Científica - Ed. Internacional, VIII Mostra Científica - Ed. Internacional e I Feira de Extensão - Ed. Internacional, Uruguaiana, 2008

    Puberty in male collared peccary (Pecari tajacu) determined by quantitative analysis of spermatogenic cells.

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    Estudos biolĂłgicos sĂŁo necessĂĄrios para o manejo da vida silvestre em cativeiro, e o conhecimento da reprodução Ă© um dos aspectos importantes para o aumento da produção. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo determinar a idade da puberdade do cateto macho. Foram utilizadas amostras testiculares de 15 animais, entre 7 a 16 meses, distribuĂ­dos em cinco grupos (G1, G2, G3, G4 e G5). Os testĂ­culos aumentaram no peso, comprimento e largura consideravelmente (p < 0,05) do G1 ao G3, enquanto que, a partir deste grupo, o desenvolvimento desse ĂłrgĂŁo foi mais lento. Houve correlação positiva (p < 0,001) entre os seguintes parĂąmetros testiculares: peso e comprimento (r = 0,97), peso e largura (r = 0,88), comprimento e largura (r = 0,92). Com relação ao diĂąmetro tubular, observou-se um aumento (p < 0,05) do G1 ao G4. A quantidade total de cĂ©lulas espermatogĂȘnicas aumentou significativamente (p < 0,05) atĂ© o G3, e se estabilizou a partir deste grupo. Houve correlação positiva entre o peso testicular e o diĂąmetro tubular (r = 0,99, p < 0,001), bem como o peso testicular e as cĂ©lulas espermatogĂȘnicas (r = 0,98, p < 0,001). A quantidade de cĂ©lulas de Sertoli reduziu significativamente (p < 0,05) do G1, onde se encontravam indiferenciadas como cĂ©lulas de suporte, atĂ© G5, onde foram observadas juntamente com todas as cĂ©lulas da linhagem espermĂĄtica. Estes resultados demonstraram que as fases do desenvolvimento reprodutivo de catetos podem ser classificadas em: impĂșbere (G1, 7-8 meses), prĂ©-pĂșbere (G2, 9-10 meses), pĂșbere (G3, 11-12 meses), pĂłs-pĂșbere 1 (G4, 13-14 meses) e pĂłs-pĂșbere 2 (G5, 15-16 meses). Com base na anĂĄlise histolĂłgica, a puberdade dos catetos machos ocorre entre 11 e 12 meses de idade
