23 research outputs found

    Postmenopausal bone loss : prevention and replacement

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    Osteoporosis is a skeletal disorder predominantly affecting postmenopausal women. Combination therapy of Carbocalcitonin (Elcatonin) and oral conjugated oestrogens (Premarin) not only prevents postmenopausal bone loss but leads to an increase in bone mass in normal early postmenopausal women. The aims of the study was to investigate the effect of combination therapy. A combination of Elcatonin (Carbo calcitonin) and Premarin was compared to Premarin alone, and to Elcatonin (Carbocalcitonin) alone and all groups were then compared to a control group.peer-reviewe

    Renal phosphate handling in Gitelman syndrome—the results of a case-control study

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    Background: Patients with Gitelman syndrome, a hereditary salt-wasting tubulopathy, have loss-of-function mutations in the SLC12A3 gene coding for the thiazide-sensitive sodium chloride co-transporter in the distal convoluted tubule. Since the bulk of filtered phosphate is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule, renal phosphate wasting is considered exceptional in Gitelman syndrome. Methods: We investigated the renal handling of inorganic phosphate in 12 unselected Italian patients affected with Gitelman syndrome (5 females and 7 males, aged 6.0-18 years, median age 12years) and in 12 healthy subjects matched for gender and age (controls). The diagnosis of Gitelman syndrome among the patients had been made clinically and confirmed by molecular biology studies. Results: The biochemical hallmarks of Gitelman syndrome, namely hypochloremia, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, increased urinary excretion of sodium, chloride, potassium and magnesium and reduced urinary excretion of calcium, were present in the 12 patients. In addition, both the plasma inorganic phosphate concentration (median and interquartile range: 1.28 [1.12-1.36] vs. 1.61 [1.51-1.66)] mmol/L) and the maximal tubular reabsorption of inorganic phosphate (1.08 [0.99-1.22] vs. 1.41 [1.38-1.47] mmol/L) were significantly lower (P < 0.001) in Gitelman patients than in control subjects. Circulating levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, intact parathyroid hormone and osteocalcin were similar in patients and controls. Conclusions: The results of our case-control study disclose a hitherto unrecognized tendency towards renal phosphate wasting with mild to moderate hypophosphatemia in Gitelman syndrom

    Estimation of Nuwiq® (simoctocog alfa) activity using one-stage and chromogenic assays-Results from an international comparative field study.

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    BACKGROUND Accurate determination of coagulation factor VIII activity (FVIII:C) is essential for effective and safe FVIII replacement therapy. FVIII C can be measured by one-stage and chromogenic substrate assays (OSAs and CSAs, respectively); however, there is significant interlaboratory and interassay variability. AIMS This international comparative field study characterized the behaviour of OSAs and CSAs used in routine laboratory practice to measure the activity of Nuwiq® (human-cl rhFVIII, simoctocog alfa), a fourth-generation recombinant human FVIII produced in a human cell line. METHODS FVIII-deficient plasma was spiked with Nuwiq® or Advate® at 1, 5, 30 and 100 international units (IU)/dL. Participating laboratories analysed the samples using their routine procedures and equipment. Accuracy, inter- and intralaboratory variation, CSA:OSA ratio and the impact of different OSA and CSA reagents were assessed. RESULTS Forty-nine laboratories from 9 countries provided results. Mean absolute FVIII:C was comparable for both products at all concentrations with both OSA and CSA, with interproduct ratios (Nuwiq® :Advate® ) of 1.02-1.13. Mean recoveries ranged from 97% to 191% for Nuwiq® , and from 93% to 172% for Advate® , with higher recoveries at lower concentrations. Subgroup analyses by OSA and CSA reagents showed minor variations depending on reagents, but no marked differences between the two products. CSA:OSA ratios based on overall means ranged from 0.99 to 1.17 for Nuwiq® and from 1.01 to 1.17 for Advate® . CONCLUSIONS Both OSAs and CSAs are suitable for the measurement of FVIII:C of Nuwiq® in routine laboratory practice, without the need for a product-specific reference standard

    Monitoring aspirin therapy in children after interventional cardiac catheterization: laboratory measures, dose response, and clinical outcomes

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    Very few studies have investigated dose response of aspirin and agreement of different platelet function assays in children. One hundred five children were studied at baseline and after interventional cardiac catheterization during aspirin treatment and, in cases of aspirin resistance (AR), after dose increase. Results from arachidonate-induced aggregation (AA) were compared with aggregation induced by ADP, PFA-100 closure times (CTs), urinary 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2 (urinary 11-dhTxB2) levels, and Impact-R % surface coverage. Aspirin at 2-5 mg/kg/day inhibited platelet function in a large majority. While 19 % showed bruising and mild epistaxis, no thrombotic complications were recorded. AR was detected by AA in seven children (6.7 %). After dose increase, the majority showed inhibition by aspirin. Infants had higher urinary 11-dhTxB2 baseline levels; this assay showed some correlation with AA. Both assays manifested high sensitivity and specificity for aspirin while inferior results were found for the other assays. With the PFA-100, 15.2 % of patients were found to have AR, but this corresponded to AR by AA in only one of seven children. CONCLUSION: While there was poor agreement among assays, AA and urinary 11-dhTxB2 show good specificity for the monitoring of aspirin therapy in children. Aspirin at 2-5 mg/kg inhibits platelet function; AR in children is rare and can be overcome by dose increase

    Ultrasound in degenerative cystic meniscal disease of the knee

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    Surface EMG Evaluation of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome in a Professional Ballet Dancer: A Case Report

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    Because of the repetitive loading of the lower limb, patellar disorders are common in athletes and performing artists. Although this condition might be ascribed to different factors, the main cause is believed to be patellar maltracking. Design: Patellar maltracking is believed to be generated by an asymmetric activation of the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis obliquus muscles. A professional ballet dancer who suffered from anterior knee pain was examined. After clinical and MRI evaluations, he was subjected to surface electromyography (sEMG) of the vastus medialis obliquus and vastus lateralis. Results: We found a difference in the latency of onset of the vastus medialis obliquus and vastus lateralis of the painful right knee as compared to the asymptomatic left knee

    Pozaustrojowa terapia falą uderzeniową w leczeniu zapalenia kaletki krętarzowej – badanie pilotażowe

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    Background: The trochanteric bursitis (TB) is becoming quite common worldwide due to the increase in the sporting activities of the population at large. Most often TB is associated with repetitive minor trauma of the muscles inserting on the greater trochanter or with a direct trauma on the lateral aspect of the thigh. The aim of our research is to evaluate the effectiveness of the extracorporeal shock waves therapy (ESWT) in the treatment of trochanteric bursitis.Material and methods: 114 patients affected by TB were treated between July 2004 and May 2007. The protocol consisted of three sessions of ESWT (lithotripter 6,5 MHz ultrasound probe, 1700 pulses 0,28 mJ/mm2) performed weekly during one month. Post operative management included ice pack on to the treatment site. At the end of every ESWT application assisted kinesiotherapy and stretching were performed. All patients were allowed to perform light activities, but avoiding strenuous sport activities for 6 weeks. Each patient was evaluated with a clinical assessment, hip Range of Motion (ROM), hip stress abduction test, standard X-Rays, ultrasound and MRI. These measurements were repeated at one and four months after the beginning of the treatment.Results: A decrease in pain was observed in month four in 86% of the patients affected by TB. The abduction test and flexion test performed four months after the therapy showed an increase in the hip ROM. Conclusions: We assume that ESWT can reduce pain and improve the hip ROM in patients affected by TB, but further controlled trials are needed to state the effectiveness of ESWT in clinical practice.Wstęp: Zapalenie kaletki krętarzowej (TB) staje się dość często występującym na całym świecie schorzeniem wskutek coraz częstszego uprawiania różnych dyscyplin sportu. Najczęściej TB wiąże się z powtarzającymi się, nieznacznymi urazami mięśni przyczepiających się na krętarzu większym kości udowej albo z bezpośrednim urazem bocznej powierzchni uda. Celem naszego badania jest ocena skuteczności pozaustrojowej terapii falą uderzeniową (ang. Extracorporeal Shock Waves Therapy, ESWT) w leczeniu zapalenia kaletki krętarzowej. Materiał i metody: W okresie od lipca 2004 roku do maja 2007 roku objęto leczeniem 114 pacjentów z TB. Protokół leczenia składał się z trzech sesji ESWT (litotryptor z sondą ultradźwiękową 6,5 MHz, 1700 impulsów o mocy 0,28 mJ/mm2), wykonywanych co tydzień. Postępowanie po zabiegu obejmowało okład z lodu na leczone miejsce. Na zakończenie aplikacji ESWT przeprowadzano sesje kinezyterapii oraz ćwiczeń rozciągających. Wszystkim pacjentom zezwalano na lekkie ćwiczenia fizyczne, lecz zalecano unikanie forsownych zajęć sportowych przez 6 tygodni. Ocena kaŜdego pacjenta obejmowała badanie kliniczne, kontrolę zakresu ruchomości (ROM) stawu biodrowego, test odwodzenia stawu biodrowego z oporem, standardowe zdjęcia RTG, ultrasonografię oraz tomografię rezonansu magnetycznego. Powyższą ocenę powtarzano po upływie miesiąca oraz czterech miesięcy od rozpoczęcia leczenia. Wyniki: Po upływie czterech miesięcy u 86% pacjentów z TB zaobserwowano zmniejszenie się bólu. Test ruchu odwodzenia i zgięcia, przeprowadzony po czterech miesiącach od leczenia, wykazał zwiększenie się ROM stawu biodrowego. Wnioski: Przyjmujemy, że ESWT może zmniejszyć ból i zwiększyć ROM stawu biodrowego u pacjentów z TB, jednakŜe ustalenie skuteczności ESWT w praktyce klinicznej wymaga przeprowadzenia dalszych badań z grupą kontrolną

    Monitoring aspirin therapy in children after interventional cardiac catheterization: laboratory measures, dose response, and clinical outcomes

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    Very few studies have investigated dose response of aspirin and agreement of different platelet function assays in children. One hundred five children were studied at baseline and after interventional cardiac catheterization during aspirin treatment and, in cases of aspirin resistance (AR), after dose increase. Results from arachidonate-induced aggregation (AA) were compared with aggregation induced by ADP, PFA-100 closure times (CTs), urinary 11-dehydro-thromboxane B2 (urinary 11-dhTxB2) levels, and Impact-R % surface coverage. Aspirin at 2-5mg/kg/day inhibited platelet function in a large majority. While 19% showed bruising and mild epistaxis, no thrombotic complications were recorded. AR was detected by AA in seven children (6.7%). After dose increase, the majority showed inhibition by aspirin. Infants had higher urinary 11-dhTxB2 baseline levels; this assay showed some correlation with AA. Both assays manifested high sensitivity and specificity for aspirin while inferior results were found for the other assays. With the PFA-100, 15.2% of patients were found to have AR, but this corresponded to AR by AA in only one of seven children. Conclusion: While there was poor agreement among assays, AA and urinary 11-dhTxB2 show good specificity for the monitoring of aspirin therapy in children. Aspirin at 2-5mg/kg inhibits platelet function; AR in children is rare and can be overcome by dose increase

    Magnesium and Osteoporosis: Current State of Knowledge and Future Research Directions

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    A tight control of magnesium homeostasis seems to be crucial for bone health. On the basis of experimental and epidemiological studies, both low and high magnesium have harmful effects on the bones. Magnesium deficiency contributes to osteoporosis directly by acting on crystal formation and on bone cells and indirectly by impacting on the secretion and the activity of parathyroid hormone and by promoting low grade inflammation. Less is known about the mechanisms responsible for the mineralization defects observed when magnesium is elevated. Overall, controlling and maintaining magnesium homeostasis represents a helpful intervention to maintain bone integrity