290 research outputs found

    Mangrove carbon stocks and biomass partitioning in an extreme environment

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    Global inventories that show mangrove forests have rich carbon stores currently lack data from arid areas where carbon stocks may be functionally impoverished relative to humid regions. We quantified total carbon stocks (C) of three arid Avicennia marina stands in Qatar and report an aboveground biomass allometric equation and the first below ground biomass allometric equation in the region. The allometric relationships indicate that below ground mangrove C stocks in arid locations are more important than previously reported. Comparison of previously published and our locally developed allometric equations show that A. marina in Qatar allocate comparatively more biomass to below ground components than the same species in tropical humid settings, which is consistent with plant adaptations to living in stressed conditions. Total C stocks were 45.70 ± 3.70 Mg C ha−1, of which tree and soil C stocks to 50 cm depth represented 10.18 ± 0.82 Mg C ha−1 and 35.52 ± 2.88 Mg ha−1 respectively. Soil C stocks to 1 m depth were 50.17 ± 6.27 Mg C ha−1. Overall, mangroves sustain relatively small C stocks in the arid, hypersaline environment of Qatar, which may be due to both relatively low tree productivity and growth, as well as limited rainfall-driven transport of terrigenous sediment inputs. By providing further estimates of mangrove carbon at their climatic extremes, these results can contribute to a better quantification of global mangrove carbon, reduce uncertainty in below ground tree C estimates from arid mangroves and have implications for mangrove carbon stocks in the face of climate change.Qatar National Research Fund, National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) [grant number 7–1302 – 1–24

    Future mangrove carbon storage under climate change and deforestation

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    Mangroves are important sinks of organic carbon (C) and there is significant interest in their use for greenhouse gas emissions mitigation. Adverse impacts on organic carbon storage potential from future climate change and deforestation would devalue such ambitions, thus global projections of future change remains a priority research area. We modeled the effects of climate change on future C stocks and soil sequestration rates (CSR) under two climate scenarios (“business as usual”: SSP245 and high-emissions: SSP585). Model results were contrasted with CO2 equivalents (CO2e) emissions from past, present and future rates of deforestation on a country specific scale. For C stocks, we found climate change will increase global stocks by ∼7% under both climate scenarios and that this gain will exceed losses from deforestation by the end of the twenty-first century, largely due to shifts in rainfall. Major mangrove-holding countries Indonesia, Malaysia, Cuba, and Nigeria will increase national C stocks by > 10%. Under the high-end scenario, while a net global increase is still expected, elevated temperatures and wider temperature ranges are likely increase the risk of countries’ C stocks diminishing. For CSR, there will likely be a global reduction under both climate change scenarios: 12 of the top 20 mangrove-rich countries will see a drop in CSR. Modeling of published country level mangrove deforestation rates showed emissions have decreased from 141.4 to 6.4% of annual CSR since the 1980’s. Projecting current mangrove deforestation rates into the future resulted in a total of 678.50 ± 151.32 Tg CO2e emitted from 2012 to 2095. Reducing mangrove deforestation rates further would elevate the carbon benefit from climate change by 55–61%, to make the proposition of offsetting emissions through mangrove protection and restoration more attractive. These results demonstrate the positive benefits of mangrove conservation on national carbon budgets, and we identify the nations where incorporating mangrove conservation into their Nationally Defined Contributions offers a particularly rewarding route toward meeting their Glasgow Agreement commitments.MC, LL, MW, MWS, IA-M, HK, and YSH were supported by the Qatar National Research Fund, National Priorities Research Program (NPRP) (Grant No. 7-1302-1-242), "Ecological processes underlying ecosystem function in arid mangroves."Scopu

    Identification of early stage and metastatic prostate cancer using electrochemical detection of beta-2-microglobulin in urine samples from patients

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    Abstract To improve prostate cancer (PCa) diagnosis, it is imperative to identify novel biomarkers and establish effective screening techniques. Here, we introduce electrochemical biosensing of β-2-Microglobulin (β2M) in urine as a potential diagnostic tool for PCa. The immunosensor is composed of a screen-printed graphene electrode coated with anti β2M antibodies. The sensor is capable of detecting the protein directly in urine without any sample pretreatment within 45 min including sample incubation and a lower limit of detection of 204 µg/L. The sensor demonstrated a significant difference in the β2M-creatinine ratio in urine between control and both local- and metastatic PCa (mPCa) (P = 0.0302 and P = 0.0078 respectively), and between local- and mPCa (P = 0.0302). This first example of electrochemical sensing of β2M for the diagnosis of PCa may set the stage for an affordable, on-site screening technique for PCa

    Faunal mediated carbon export from mangroves in an arid area

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    The outwelling paradigm argues that mangrove and saltmarsh wetlands export much excess production to downstream marine systems. However, outwelling is difficult to quantify and currently 40–50% of fixed carbon is unaccounted for. Some carbon is thought outwelled through mobile fauna, including fish, which visit and feed on mangrove produce during tidal inundation or early life stages before moving offshore, yet this pathway for carbon outwelling has never been quantified. We studied faunal carbon outwelling in three arid mangroves, where sharp isotopic gradients across the boundary between mangroves and down-stream systems permitted spatial differentiation of source of carbon in animal tissue. Stable isotope analysis (C, N, S) revealed 22–56% of the tissue of tidally migrating fauna was mangrove derived. Estimated consumption rates showed that 1.4% (38 kg C ha−1 yr−1) of annual mangrove litter production was directly consumed by migratory fauna, with <1% potentially exported. We predict that the amount of faunally-outwelled carbon is likely to be highly correlated with biomass of migratory fauna. While this may vary globally, the measured migratory fauna biomass in these arid mangroves was within the range of observations for mangroves across diverse biogeographic ranges and environmental settings. Hence, this study provides a generalized prediction of the relatively weak contribution of faunal migration to carbon outwelling from mangroves and the current proposition, that the unaccounted-for 40–50% of mangrove C is exported as dissolved inorganic carbon, remains plausible.Qatar National Research Foundation, National Priorities Research Programme research grant: NPRP 7 - 1302 - 1 - 24