183 research outputs found

    Femto Laser-Assisted Cataract Surgery

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    Cataract is a leading cause of blindness in the world, and cataract extraction is one of the most commonly performed surgeries. Preferred surgical techniques have changed over the past decades with associated improvements in outcomes and safety. Phacoemulsification is a highly successful technique first introduced over 40 years ago. It is the current method of cataract surgery, with a very low reported rate of major complications and a frequency of overall intraoperative complications of less than 2%. Application of the femtosecond laser evolved to now assist in cataract surgery and has been termed FLACS (femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery) and occurs in three steps: corneal incisions (including optional limbal relaxing incisions to reduce astigmatism), anterior capsulotomy, and lens fragmentation. The remaining surgical steps still require the surgeon’s hands. The FLACS technique may have some advantages compared with conventional phacoemulsification. It remains however unclear whether FLACS is globally more efficient and safer than conventional surgery. The popularity of FLACS may also be limited by its higher cost compared with conventional surgery. The potential advantages of laser-assisted surgery are yet to be determined as FLACS technology is relatively new and in continuous evolution. This chapter reports scientific data as well as our own experience with this new technology. All the platforms currently available are described

    Hemodynamic parameters to guide fluid therapy

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    The clinical determination of the intravascular volume can be extremely difficult in critically ill and injured patients as well as those undergoing major surgery. This is problematic because fluid loading is considered the first step in the resuscitation of hemodynamically unstable patients. Yet, multiple studies have demonstrated that only approximately 50% of hemodynamically unstable patients in the intensive care unit and operating room respond to a fluid challenge. Whereas under-resuscitation results in inadequate organ perfusion, accumulating data suggest that over-resuscitation increases the morbidity and mortality of critically ill patients. Cardiac filling pressures, including the central venous pressure and pulmonary artery occlusion pressure, have been traditionally used to guide fluid management. However, studies performed during the past 30 years have demonstrated that cardiac filling pressures are unable to predict fluid responsiveness. During the past decade, a number of dynamic tests of volume responsiveness have been reported. These tests dynamically monitor the change in stroke volume after a maneuver that increases or decreases venous return (preload) and challenges the patients' Frank-Starling curve. These dynamic tests use the change in stroke volume during mechanical ventilation or after a passive leg raising maneuver to assess fluid responsiveness. The stroke volume is measured continuously and in real-time by minimally invasive or noninvasive technologies, including Doppler methods, pulse contour analysis, and bioreactance

    Quantifying antibiotic use in paediatrics: a proposal for neonatal DDDs

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    The defined daily dose (DDD) as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) has been the most frequently used unit of measurement to measure antibiotic use. However, measuring antibiotic use in paediatrics is a problem as the WHO DDD methodology is not applicable in children (aged >1 month) due to the large variation in body weight within this population. Based on the narrow range of body weights in the neonatal population, we therefore aimed to develop a set of neonatal DDDs for antibiotics. Eight well-respected (inter)national sources for dosage recommendations of antibiotics in children and neonates were consulted for the assumed maintenance dose of the ten most frequently used antibiotics in neonatal intensive care units in its main indication for neonates. A set of neonatal DDDs for ten commonly used antibiotics in neonates based on an assumed neonatal weight of 2 kg was proposed. Primarily in children DDDs are not applicable to quantify antibiotic use since there is large variation in body weight. In the neonatal population, however, based on its narrow range of body weights and when access to patient level data is not available, neonatal DDDs can be used as a unit of measurement

    Why do paediatricians prescribe antibiotics? Results of an Italian regional project

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To investigate determinants of antibiotic prescription in paediatric care, as a first step of a multilevel intervention to improve prescribing for common respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in a northern Italian region with high antibiotic prescription rate.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A two-step survey was performed: in phase I, knowledge, and attitudes were explored involving all family and hospital paediatricians of Emilia-Romagna and a sample of parents. In phase II, patient care practices were explored in a stratified random sample of visits, both in hospitals and family physician's clinics; parent expectations were investigated in a sub-sample of these visits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of overall 4352 visits for suspected RTIs, in 38% of children an antibiotic was prescribed. Diagnostic uncertainty was perceived by paediatricians as the most frequent cause of inappropriate prescription (56% of 633 interviewed paediatricians); but, rapid antigen detecting tests was used in case of pharyngitis/pharyngotonsillitis by 36% and 21% of family and hospital paediatricians only. More than 50% of paediatricians affirmed to not adopt a "wait and see strategy" in acute otitis. The perceived parental expectation of antibiotics was not indicated by paediatricians as a crucial determinant of prescription, but this perception was the second factor most strongly associated to prescription (OR = 12.8; 95% CI 10.4 - 15.8), the first being the presence of othorrea. Regarding parents, the most important identified factors, potentially associated to overprescribing, were the lack of knowledge of RTIs and antibiotics (41% of 1029 parents indicated bacteria as a possible cause of common cold), and the propensity to seek medical care for trivial infections (48% of 4352 children accessing ambulatory practice presented only symptoms of common cold).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A wide gap between perceived and real determinants of antibiotic prescription exists. This can promote antibiotic overuse. Inadequate parental knowledge can also induce inappropriate prescription. The value of this study is that it simultaneously explored determinants of antimicrobial prescribing in an entire region involving both professionals and parents.</p

    Effect of dietary honey on intestinal microflora and toxicity of mycotoxins in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Bee honey is a functional food which has a unique composition, antimicrobial properties and bifidogenic effect. In order to assess whether honey can inhibit the toxic effect of mycotoxins, the present study was undertaken. METHODS: Production of biomass and toxins by Aspergillus parasiticus and Aspergillus ochraceus were followed in media without and with honey. Although aflatoxins and ochratoxin A. were administrated to male Swiss albino mice up to 1 μg and 10 ng/kg body weight/day respectively. The experimental animals were fed diets without our with 10% honey for two months. The changes in colonic probiotic bacteria, determintal colon enzyme glucuronidases, and genotoxicity were followed. RESULTS: Addition of 32% in its media increased the biomass of A parasiticus, while the biomass of A. ochraceus decreased and Ochratoxin A. was not produced. When the honey was added at the ratio of 32 and 48% in the medium. No relationship was found between mycelium weight and production of mycotoxins. Oral administration of aflatoxins (mixture of B(1), B(2), G(1) and G(2)) and Ochratoxin A. induced structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations in bone marrow and germ cells of male mice, whereas, honey treatment reduced the genotoxicity of mycotoxins. Also both toxins induced histopathological changes in liver and kidney. Feeding on diet supplemented with honey improved the histopathological changes in case of aflatoxin group, but not in the case of ochratoxin A. group (except of kidney in two cases). No significant differences were found in the activity of colon β-glucuronidase between group fed diet with or without honey. On the other hand, the colon bifido bacteria and lactobacilli counts were increased markedly in group receiving diet supplemented with honey. CONCLUSION: Substituting sugars with honey in processed food can inhibit the harmful and genotoxic effects of mycotoxins, and improve the gut microflora

    Pharmacological Investigations of the Dissociative ‘Legal Highs’ Diphenidine, Methoxphenidine and Analogues

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    1,2-Diarylethylamines including lanicemine, lefetamine, and remacemide have clinical relevance in a range of therapeutic areas including pain management, epilepsy, neurodegenerative disease and depression. More recently 1,2-diarylethylamines have been sold as ‘legal highs’ in a number of different forms including powders and tablets. These compounds are sold to circumvent governmental legislation regulating psychoactive drugs. Examples include the opioid MT-45 and the dissociative agents diphenidine (DPH) and 2-methoxy-diphenidine (2-MXP). A number of fatal and non-fatal overdoses have been linked to abuse of these compounds. As with many ‘legal highs’, little is known about their pharmacology. To obtain a better understanding, the effects of DPH, 2-MXP and its 3- and 4-MeO- isomers, and 2-Cl-diphenidine (2-Cl-DPH) were investigated using binding studies at 46 central nervous system receptors including the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR), serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, histamine, and sigma receptors as well as the reuptake transporters for serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Reuptake inhibition potencies were measured at serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine transporters. NMDAR antagonism was established in vitro using NMDAR-induced field excitatory postsynaptic potential (fEPSP) experiments. Finally, DPH and 2-MXP were investigated using tests of pre-pulse inhibition of startle (PPI) in rats to determine whether they reduce sensorimotor gating, an effect observed with known dissociative drugs such as phencyclidine (PCP) and ketamine. The results suggest that these 1,2-diarylethylamines are relatively selective NMDAR antagonists with weak off-target inhibitory effects on dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake. DPH and 2-MXP significantly inhibited PPI. DPH showed greater potency than 2-MXP, acting with a median effective dose (ED50) of 9.5 mg/kg, which is less potent than values reported for other commonly abused dissociative drugs such as PCP and ketamine

    Transcriptome and Proteome Exploration to Model Translation Efficiency and Protein Stability in Lactococcus lactis

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    This genome-scale study analysed the various parameters influencing protein levels in cells. To achieve this goal, the model bacterium Lactococcus lactis was grown at steady state in continuous cultures at different growth rates, and proteomic and transcriptomic data were thoroughly compared. Ratios of mRNA to protein were highly variable among proteins but also, for a given gene, between the different growth conditions. The modeling of cellular processes combined with a data fitting modeling approach allowed both translation efficiencies and degradation rates to be estimated for each protein in each growth condition. Estimated translational efficiencies and degradation rates strongly differed between proteins and were tested for their biological significance through statistical correlations with relevant parameters such as codon or amino acid bias. These efficiencies and degradation rates were not constant in all growth conditions and were inversely proportional to the growth rate, indicating a more efficient translation at low growth rate but an antagonistic higher rate of protein degradation. Estimated protein median half-lives ranged from 23 to 224 min, underlying the importance of protein degradation notably at low growth rates. The regulation of intracellular protein level was analysed through regulatory coefficient calculations, revealing a complex control depending on protein and growth conditions. The modeling approach enabled translational efficiencies and protein degradation rates to be estimated, two biological parameters extremely difficult to determine experimentally and generally lacking in bacteria. This method is generic and can now be extended to other environments and/or other micro-organisms

    Phase II study of weekly oxaliplatin and 24-h infusion of high-dose 5-fluorouracil and folinic acid in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer

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    [[abstract]]To investigate the efficacy and safety of combining weekly oxaliplatin with weekly 24-h infusion of high-dose 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and folinic acid ( FA) in treatment of patients with advanced gastric cancer. Patients with histologically confirmed, locally advanced or recurrent/metastatic gastric cancer were studied. Oxaliplatin 65 mg m(-2) 2-h intravenous infusion, and 5-FU 2600 mg m(-2) plus FA 300 mg m(-2) 24-h intravenous infusion, were given on days 1 and 8, repeated every 3 weeks. Between January 2001 through January 2002, 55 patients were enrolled. The median age was 64 years (range: 22-75). In all, 52 patients (94.5%) had recurrent or metastatic disease and three patients had locally advanced disease. Among 50 patients evaluable for tumour response, 28 patients achieved partial response, with an overall response rate of 56% (95% confidence interval (CI): 41.8-70.3%). All 55 patients were evaluated for survival and toxicities. Median time to progression and overall survival were 5.2 and 10.0 months, respectively, during median follow-up time of 24.0 months. Major grades 3-4 toxicities were neutropenia in 23 cycles (7.1%) and thrombocytopenia in 16 cycles (5.0%). Treatment was discontinued for treatment-related toxicities in nine patients (16.4%), of whom eight were due to oxaliplatin-related neurotoxicity. One patient (1.8%) died of neutropenic sepsis. This oxaliplatin-containing regimen is effective in the treatment of advanced gastric cancer. Except for neurotoxicity that often develops after prolonged use of oxaliplatin, the regimen is well tolerated