359 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Strand Segregation: Epigenetic Costs of Genetic Fidelity?

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    Asymmetric strand segregation has been proposed as a mechanism to minimize effective mutation rates in epithelial tissues. Under asymmetric strand segregation, the double-stranded molecule that contains the oldest DNA strand is preferentially targeted to the somatic stem cell after each round of DNA replication. This oldest DNA strand is expected to have fewer errors than younger strands because some of the errors that arise on daughter strands during their synthesis fail to be repaired. Empirical findings suggest the possibility of asymmetric strand segregation in a subset of mammalian cell lineages, indicating that it may indeed function to increase genetic fidelity. However, the implications of asymmetric strand segregation for the fidelity of epigenetic information remain unexplored. Here, I explore the impact of strand-segregation dynamics on epigenetic fidelity using a mathematical-modelling approach that draws on the known molecular mechanisms of DNA methylation and existing rate estimates from empirical methylation data. I find that, for a wide range of starting methylation densities, asymmetric—but not symmetric—strand segregation leads to systematic increases in methylation levels if parent strands are subject to de novo methylation events. I found that epigenetic fidelity can be compromised when enhanced genetic fidelity is achieved through asymmetric strand segregation. Strand segregation dynamics could thus explain the increased DNA methylation densities that are observed in structured cellular populations during aging and in disease

    A Novel Role for the GTPase-Activating Protein Bud2 in the Spindle Position Checkpoint

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    The spindle position checkpoint (SPC) ensures correct mitotic spindle position before allowing mitotic exit in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In a candidate screen for checkpoint genes, we identified bud2Δ as deficient for the SPC. Bud2 is a GTPase activating protein (GAP), and the only known substrate of Bud2 was Rsr1/Bud1, a Ras-like GTPase and a central component of the bud-site-selection pathway. Mutants lacking Rsr1/Bud1 had no checkpoint defect, as did strains lacking and overexpressing Bud5, a guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Rsr1/Bud1. Thus, the checkpoint function of Bud2 is distinct from its role in bud site selection. The catalytic activity of the Bud2 GAP domain was required for the checkpoint, based on the failure of the known catalytic point mutant Bud2R682A to function in the checkpoint. Based on assays of heterozygous diploids, bud2R682A, was dominant for loss of checkpoint but recessive for bud-site-selection failure, further indicating a separation of function. Tem1 is a Ras-like protein and is the critical regulator of mitotic exit, sitting atop the mitotic exit network (MEN). Tem1 is a likely target for Bud2, supported by genetic analyses that exclude other Ras-like proteins

    Budding Yeast Dma Proteins Control Septin Dynamics and the Spindle Position Checkpoint by Promoting the Recruitment of the Elm1 Kinase to the Bud Neck

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    The first step towards cytokinesis in budding yeast is the assembly of a septin ring at the future site of bud emergence. Integrity of this ring is crucial for cytokinesis, proper spindle positioning, and the spindle position checkpoint (SPOC). This checkpoint delays mitotic exit and cytokinesis as long as the anaphase spindle does not properly align with the division axis. SPOC signalling requires the Kin4 protein kinase and the Kin4-regulating Elm1 kinase, which also controls septin dynamics. Here, we show that the two redundant ubiquitin-ligases Dma1 and Dma2 control septin dynamics and the SPOC by promoting the efficient recruitment of Elm1 to the bud neck. Indeed, dma1 dma2 mutant cells show reduced levels of Elm1 at the bud neck and Elm1-dependent activation of Kin4. Artificial recruitment of Elm1 to the bud neck of the same cells is sufficient to re-establish a normal septin ring, proper spindle positioning, and a proficient SPOC response in dma1 dma2 cells. Altogether, our data indicate that septin dynamics and SPOC function are intimately linked and support the idea that integrity of the bud neck is crucial for SPOC signalling

    Reproductive Behaviour Evolves Rapidly When Intralocus Sexual Conflict Is Removed

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    Background Intralocus sexual conflict can inhibit the evolution of each sex towards its own fitness optimum. In a previous study, we confirmed this prediction through the experimental removal of female selection pressures in Drosophila melanogaster, achieved by limiting the expression of all major chromosomes to males. Compared to the control populations (C1-4) where the genomes are exposed to selection in both sexes, the populations with male-limited genomes (ML1-4) showed rapid increases in male fitness, whereas the fitness of females expressing ML-evolved chromosomes decreased [1]. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we examine the behavioural phenotype underlying this sexual antagonism. We show that males expressing the ML genomes have a reduced courtship level but acquire the same number of matings. On the other hand, our data suggest that females expressing the ML genomes had reduced attractiveness, stimulating a lower rate of courtship from males. Moreover, females expressing ML genomes tend to display reduced yeast-feeding behaviour, which is probably linked to the reduction of their fecundity. Conclusion/Significance These results suggest that reproductive behaviour is shaped by opposing selection on males and females, and that loci influencing attractiveness and foraging were polymorphic for alleles with sexually antagonistic expression patterns prior to ML selection. Hence, intralocus sexual conflict appears to play a role in the evolution of a wide range of fitness-related traits and may be a powerful mechanism for the maintenance of genetic variation in fitness

    Effect of folate derivatives on the activity of antifolate drugs used against malaria and cancer

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    The folate derivatives folic acid (FA) and folinic acid (FNA) decrease the in vivo and in vitro activities of antifolate drugs in Plasmodium falciparum. However, the effects of 5-methyl-tetrahydrofolate (5-Me-THF) and tetrahydrofolate (THF), the two dominant circulating folate forms in humans, have not been explored yet. We have investigated the effects of FA, FNA, 5-Me-THF, and THF on the in vitro activity of the antimalarial antifolates pyrimethamine and chlorcycloguanil and the anticancer antifolates methotrexate (MTX), aminopterin, and trimetrexate (TMX), against P. falciparum. The results indicate that these anticancers are potent against P. falciparum, with IC50 < 50 nM. 5-Me-THF does not significantly decrease the activity of all tested drugs, and none of the tested folate derivatives significantly decrease the activity of these anticancers. Thus, malaria folate metabolism has features different from those in human, and the exploitation of this difference could lead to the discovery of new drugs to treat malaria. For instance, the combination of 5-Me-THF with a low dose of TMX could be used to treat malaria. In addition, the safety of a low dose of MTX in the treatment of arthritis indicates that this drug could be used alone to treat malaria

    Bone and joint infections in adults: a comprehensive classification proposal

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    Ten currently available classifications were tested for their ability to describe a continuous cohort of 300 adult patients affected by bone and joint infections. Each classification only focused, on the average, on 1.3\u2009\ub1\u20090.4 features of a single clinical condition (osteomyelitis, implant-related infections, or septic arthritis), being able to classify 34.8\u2009\ub1\u200924.7% of the patients, while a comprehensive classification system could describe all the patients considered in the study. RESULT AND CONCLUSION: A comprehensive classification system permits more accurate classification of bone and joint infections in adults than any single classification available and may serve for didactic, scientific, and clinical purposes

    Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate and aldolase mediate glucose sensing by AMPK

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    葡萄糖是生物中最基本、最主要的营养物质,它不仅是机体能量的主要来源,也是生物质合成的主要原料。因此,葡萄糖的水平对于生物体是极其重要的。然而,在生活中,体内葡萄糖水平的波动是十分常见的,这是因为我们不可能每时每刻都在摄入葡萄糖:睡一大觉、剧烈运动几个小时或者太忙了没时间吃饭,都会引起葡萄糖水平的显著下降。这时,机体能够触发一套有效的过程应对这类“不利情况”,其中最为关键的就是激活“代谢的核心调节”——AMPK。在葡萄糖水平下降时,被激活的AMPK能够迅速启动脂肪、蛋白质的分解代谢,关闭它们的合成代谢,从而起到维持机体的能量和物质代谢的平衡,弥补机体因葡萄糖不足引起的胁迫压力。那么,机体如何感受葡萄糖水平下降,并“传递”给AMPK使其激活呢?林圣彩教授课题组的这项研究正是发现了生理状态下机体感受葡萄糖水平的机制。通过研究他们发现,无论在不含葡萄糖的细胞培养条件下,还是在饥饿的低血糖的动物体内,都不能观测到AMP水平的上升,这充分说明了机体有一套尚不为人知的、独立于AMP的感应葡萄糖水平的机制。在进一步的研究中他们揭示了这一完整过程:葡萄糖水平下降将引起的葡萄糖代谢中间物——果糖1,6-二磷酸(fructose-1,6-bisphosphate)水平的下降,该过程进一步地被糖酵解通路上的代谢酶——醛缩酶(aldolase)感应,因为醛缩酶正是将含有6个碳原子的果糖1,6-二磷酸裂解成三碳糖的酶,一旦醛缩酶“吃不到”由葡萄糖衍生的果糖1,6-二磷酸,它便“翻脸”,传递给也正是林圣彩教授课题组先前发现的溶酶体途径进而激活AMPK。该过程完全不涉及AMP水平,即能量水平的变化,是一条全新的、完全建立在实际的生理情况上的通路。林圣彩教授进一步地把葡萄糖水平总结为一种“状态信号”,以区别于传统的“能量信号”。据悉,该葡萄糖感知通路的发现对开发用于治疗肥胖症,乃至延长寿命的药物具有深远的意义。【Abstract】The major energy source for most cells is glucose, from which ATP is generated via glycolysis and/or oxidative metabolism. Glucose deprivation activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK)1, but it is unclear whether this activation occurs solely via changes in AMP or ADP, the classical activators of AMPK2, 3, 4, 5. Here, we describe an AMP/ADP-independent mechanism that triggers AMPK activation by sensing the absence of fructose-1,6-bisphosphate (FBP), with AMPK being progressively activated as extracellular glucose and intracellular FBP decrease. When unoccupied by FBP, aldolases promote the formation of a lysosomal complex containing at least v-ATPase, ragulator, axin, liver kinase B1 (LKB1) and AMPK, which has previously been shown to be required for AMPK activation6, 7. Knockdown of aldolases activates AMPK even in cells with abundant glucose, whereas the catalysis-defective D34S aldolase mutant, which still binds FBP, blocks AMPK activation. Cell-free reconstitution assays show that addition of FBP disrupts the association of axin and LKB1 with v-ATPase and ragulator. Importantly, in some cell types AMP/ATP and ADP/ATP ratios remain unchanged during acute glucose starvation, and intact AMP-binding sites on AMPK are not required for AMPK activation. These results establish that aldolase, as well as being a glycolytic enzyme, is a sensor of glucose availability that regulates AMPK.D.G.H. was supported by an Investigator Award from the Wellcome Trust (097726) and a Programme Grant from Cancer Research UK (C37030/A15101). S.-C.L. was supported by grants from the National Key Research and Development Project of China (2016YFA0502001) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (#31430094, #31690101, #31571214, #31601152 and #J1310027)

    Variability of Brown Dwarfs

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    Brown dwarfs constitute a missing link between low-mass stars and giant planets. Their atmospheres display chemical species typical of planets, and one could wonder whether they also have weather-like patterns. While brown dwarf surface features cannot be directly resolved, the photometric and spectroscopic modulations induced by these features, as they rotate in and out of view, provide a wealth of information on the evolution of their atmosphere. A review of brown dwarfs variability through the L, T and Y spectral types sequence is presented, as well as the constraints that they set on the nature of weather-like patterns on their surface.Comment: Accepted chapter in the "Handbook of Exoplanets"; Springe

    Oscillatory Dynamics of Cell Cycle Proteins in Single Yeast Cells Analyzed by Imaging Cytometry

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    Progression through the cell division cycle is orchestrated by a complex network of interacting genes and proteins. Some of these proteins are known to fluctuate periodically during the cell cycle, but a systematic study of the fluctuations of a broad sample of cell-cycle proteins has not been made until now. Using time-lapse fluorescence microscopy, we profiled 16 strains of budding yeast, each containing GFP fused to a single gene involved in cell cycle regulation. The dynamics of protein abundance and localization were characterized by extracting the amplitude, period, and other indicators from a series of images. Oscillations of protein abundance could clearly be identified for Cdc15, Clb2, Cln1, Cln2, Mcm1, Net1, Sic1, and Whi5. The period of oscillation of the fluorescently tagged proteins is generally in good agreement with the inter-bud time. The very strong oscillations of Net1 and Mcm1 expression are remarkable since little is known about the temporal expression of these genes. By collecting data from large samples of single cells, we quantified some aspects of cell-to-cell variability due presumably to intrinsic and extrinsic noise affecting the cell cycle