797 research outputs found

    Genetics of Severe Obesity

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    Purpose of Review This review aims to present current information on genes underlying severe obesity, with the main emphasis on the three genes LEP, LEPR and MC4R. Recent Findings There is a substantial amount of evidence that variants in at least ten different genes are the cause of severe monogenic obesity. The majority of these are involved in the leptin-melanocortin signalling pathway. Due to the frequency of some of the identified variants, it is clear that monogenic variants also make a significant contribution to common obesity. Summary The artificial distinction between rare monogenic obesity and common polygenic obesity is now obsolete with the identification of MC4R variants of strong effect in the general population. Keywords Obesity Leptin Melanocortin-4 receptor GWAS BM

    Increasing the reference populations for the 55 AISNP panel: the need and benefits

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    Ancestry inference for an individual can only be as good as the reference populations with allele frequency data on the SNPs being used. If the most relevant ancestral population(s) does not have data available for the SNPs studied, then analyses based on DNA evidence may indicate a quite distantly related population, albeit one among the more closely related of the existing reference populations. We have added reference population allele frequencies for 14 additional population samples (with >1100 individuals studied) to the 125 population samples previously published for the Kidd Lab 55 AISNP panel. Allele frequencies are now publicly available for all 55 SNPs in ALFRED and FROG-kb for a total of 139 population samples. This Kidd Lab panel of 55 ancestry informative SNPs has been incorporated in commercial kits by both ThermoFisher Scientific and Illumina for massively parallel sequencing. Researchers employing those kits will find the enhanced set of reference populations useful

    Choice of gDNA isolation method has a significant impact on average murine Telomere Length estimates.

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    Telomere Length (TL) and integrity is significantly associated with age-related disease, multiple genetic and environmental factors. We observe mouse genomic DNA (gDNA) isolation methods to have a significant impact on average TL estimates. The canonical qPCR method does not measure TL directly but via the ratio of telomere repeats to a single copy gene (SCG) generating a T/S ratio. We use a monochromatic-multiplex-qPCR (mmqPCR) method which multiplexes the PCR and enables quantification of the target and the single copy gene within the same qPCR reaction. We demonstrate that TL measurements, from murine gDNA, isolated via Spin Columns (SC) and Magnetic Beads (MB), generate significantly smaller T/S ratios compared to gDNA isolated via traditional phenol/chloroform methods. The former methods may impede correct TL estimation by producing non representative fragment sets and reducing qPCR efficacy. This work highlights discrepancies in TL measurements due to different extraction techniques. We recommend the use of gDNA isolation methods that are shown to preserve DNA length and integrity, such as phenol/chloroform isolation. We propose that widely used high throughput DNA isolation methodologies can create spurious associations within a sample set, thus creating misleading data. We suggest that published TL associations should be revisited in the light of these data

    Categorization of compensatory motions in transradial myoelectric prosthesis users

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    Background: Prosthesis users perform various compensatory motions to accommodate for the loss of the hand and wrist as well as the reduced functionality of a prosthetic hand. Objectives: Investigate different compensation strategies that are performed by prosthesis users. Study Design: Comparative analysis Methods: 20 able-bodied subjects and 4 prosthesis users performed a set of bimanual activities. Movements of the trunk and head were recorded using a motion capture system, and a digital video recorder. Clinical motion angles were calculated to assess the compensatory motions made by the prosthesis users. The video recording also assisted in visually identifying the compensations. Results: Compensatory motions by the prosthesis users were evident in the tasks performed (slicing and stirring activities) as compared to the benchmark of able-bodied subjects. Compensations took the form of a measured increase in range of motion, an observed adoption of a new posture during task execution, and pre-positioning of items in the workspace prior to initiating a given task. Conclusion: Compensatory motions were performed by prosthesis users during the selected tasks. These can be categorized into three different types of compensations

    R-Gada: a fast and flexible pipeline for copy number analysis in association studies

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using Copy Number Variation (CNV) are becoming a central focus of genetic research. CNVs have successfully provided target genome regions for some disease conditions where simple genetic variation (i.e., SNPs) has previously failed to provide a clear association.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present a new R package, that integrates: (i) data import from most common formats of Affymetrix, Illumina and aCGH arrays; (ii) a fast and accurate segmentation algorithm to call CNVs based on Genome Alteration Detection Analysis (GADA); and (iii) functions for displaying and exporting the Copy Number calls, identification of recurrent CNVs, multivariate analysis of population structure, and tools for performing association studies. Using a large dataset containing 270 HapMap individuals (Affymetrix Human SNP Array 6.0 Sample Dataset) we demonstrate a flexible pipeline implemented with the package. It requires less than one minute per sample (3 million probe arrays) on a single core computer, and provides a flexible parallelization for very large datasets. Case-control data were generated from the HapMap dataset to demonstrate a GWAS analysis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The package provides the tools for creating a complete integrated pipeline from data normalization to statistical association. It can effciently handle a massive volume of data consisting of millions of genetic markers and hundreds or thousands of samples with very accurate results.</p

    Copy-number variation in BMPR2 is not associated with the pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Copy-number variations (CNVs) are structural variations in the genome involving 1 kb to 3 mb of DNA. CNV has been reported within intron 1 of the <it>BMPR2 </it>gene. We propose that CNV could affect phenotype in familial and/or sporadic pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) by altering gene expression.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>97 human DNA samples were obtained which included 24 patients with familial PAH, 18 obligate carriers (<it>BMPR2 </it>mutation positive), 20 sporadic PAH patients, and 35 controls. Two sets of primers were designed within the CNV, and two sets of control primers were designed outside the CNV. Quantitative PCR was performed to quantify genomic copies of CNV and control sequences.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A CNV in <it>BMPR2 </it>was present in one African American negative control subject.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that the CNV in intron 1 in <it>BMPR2 </it>is unlikely to play a role in the pathogenesis of either familial or sporadic PAH.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>NIH NCT00091546.</p

    Systematic Inference of Copy-Number Genotypes from Personal Genome Sequencing Data Reveals Extensive Olfactory Receptor Gene Content Diversity

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    Copy-number variations (CNVs) are widespread in the human genome, but comprehensive assignments of integer locus copy-numbers (i.e., copy-number genotypes) that, for example, enable discrimination of homozygous from heterozygous CNVs, have remained challenging. Here we present CopySeq, a novel computational approach with an underlying statistical framework that analyzes the depth-of-coverage of high-throughput DNA sequencing reads, and can incorporate paired-end and breakpoint junction analysis based CNV-analysis approaches, to infer locus copy-number genotypes. We benchmarked CopySeq by genotyping 500 chromosome 1 CNV regions in 150 personal genomes sequenced at low-coverage. The assessed copy-number genotypes were highly concordant with our performed qPCR experiments (Pearson correlation coefficient 0.94), and with the published results of two microarray platforms (95–99% concordance). We further demonstrated the utility of CopySeq for analyzing gene regions enriched for segmental duplications by comprehensively inferring copy-number genotypes in the CNV-enriched >800 olfactory receptor (OR) human gene and pseudogene loci. CopySeq revealed that OR loci display an extensive range of locus copy-numbers across individuals, with zero to two copies in some OR loci, and two to nine copies in others. Among genetic variants affecting OR loci we identified deleterious variants including CNVs and SNPs affecting ∼15% and ∼20% of the human OR gene repertoire, respectively, implying that genetic variants with a possible impact on smell perception are widespread. Finally, we found that for several OR loci the reference genome appears to represent a minor-frequency variant, implying a necessary revision of the OR repertoire for future functional studies. CopySeq can ascertain genomic structural variation in specific gene families as well as at a genome-wide scale, where it may enable the quantitative evaluation of CNVs in genome-wide association studies involving high-throughput sequencing

    On the power and the systematic biases of the detection of chromosomal inversions by paired-end genome sequencing

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    One of the most used techniques to study structural variation at a genome level is paired-end mapping (PEM). PEM has the advantage of being able to detect balanced events, such as inversions and translocations. However, inversions are still quite difficult to predict reliably, especially from high-throughput sequencing data. We simulated realistic PEM experiments with different combinations of read and library fragment lengths, including sequencing errors and meaningful base-qualities, to quantify and track down the origin of false positives and negatives along sequencing, mapping, and downstream analysis. We show that PEM is very appropriate to detect a wide range of inversions, even with low coverage data. However, % of inversions located between segmental duplications are expected to go undetected by the most common sequencing strategies. In general, longer DNA libraries improve the detectability of inversions far better than increments of the coverage depth or the read length. Finally, we review the performance of three algorithms to detect inversions -SVDetect, GRIAL, and VariationHunter-, identify common pitfalls, and reveal important differences in their breakpoint precisions. These results stress the importance of the sequencing strategy for the detection of structural variants, especially inversions, and offer guidelines for the design of future genome sequencing projects

    No Benefit from Chronic Lithium Dosing in a Sibling-Matched, Gender Balanced, Investigator-Blinded Trial Using a Standard Mouse Model of Familial ALS

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    Background: In any animal model of human disease a positive control therapy that demonstrates efficacy in both the animal model and the human disease can validate the application of that animal model to the discovery of new therapeutics. Such a therapy has recently been reported by Fornai et al. using chronic lithium carbonate treatment and showing therapeutic efficacy in both the high-copy SOD1G93A mouse model of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and in human ALS patients. Methodology/Principal Findings: Seeking to verify this positive control therapy, we tested chronic lithium dosing in a sibling-matched, gender balanced, investigator-blinded trial using the high-copy (average 23 copies) SOD1G93A mouse (n = 27–28/group). Lithium-treated mice received single daily 36.9 mg/kg i.p. injections from 50 days of age through death. This dose delivered 1 mEq/kg (6.94 mg/kg/day lithium ions). Neurological disease severity score and body weight were determined daily during the dosing period. Age at onset of definitive disease and survival duration were recorded. Summary measures from individual body weight changes and neurological score progression, age at disease onset, and age at death were compared using Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazards analysis. Our study did not show lithium efficacy by any measure. Conclusions/Significance: Rigorous survival study design that includes sibling matching, gender balancing, investigato
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