715 research outputs found

    A population study of binocular function.

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    As part of a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of perceptual traits in healthy adults, we measured stereo acuity, the duration of alternative percepts in binocular rivalry and the extent of dichoptic masking in 1060 participants. We present the distributions of the measures, the correlations between measures, and their relationships to other psychophysical traits. We report sex differences, and correlations with age, interpupillary distance, eye dominance, phorias, visual acuity and personality. The GWAS, using data from 988 participants, yielded one genetic association that passed a permutation test for significance: The variant rs1022907 in the gene VTI1A was associated with self-reported ability to see autostereograms. We list a number of other suggestive genetic associations (p<10(-5)).This work was supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (GAT2903). J.B. was supported by a fellowship from Gonville and Caius College.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.visres.2015.02.01

    The SONICOM HRTF dataset

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    Immersive audio technologies, ranging from rendering spatialized sounds accurately to efficient room simulations, are vital to the success of augmented and virtual realities. To produce realistic sounds through headphones, the human body and head must both be taken into account. However, the measurement of the influence of the external human morphology on the sounds incoming to the ears, which is often referred to as head-related transfer function (HRTF), is expensive and time-consuming. Several datasets have been created over the years to help researcherswork on immersive audio; nevertheless, the number of individuals involved and amount of data collected is often insufficient for modern machine-learning approaches. Here, the SONICOM HRTF dataset is introduced to facilitate reproducible research in immersive audio. This dataset contains the HRTF of 120 subjects, as well as headphone transfer functions; 3D scans of ears, heads, and torsos; and depth pictures at different angles around subjects' heads

    Talking Head from Speech Audio using a Pre-trained Image Generator

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    We propose a novel method for generating high-resolution videos of talking-heads from speech audio and a single 'identity' image. Our method is based on a convolutional neural network model that incorporates a pre-trained StyleGAN generator. We model each frame as a point in the latent space of StyleGAN so that a video corresponds to a trajectory through the latent space. Training the network is in two stages. The first stage is to model trajectories in the latent space conditioned on speech utterances. To do this, we use an existing encoder to invert the generator, mapping from each video frame into the latent space. We train a recurrent neural network to map from speech utterances to displacements in the latent space of the image generator. These displacements are relative to the back-projection into the latent space of an identity image chosen from the individuals depicted in the training dataset. In the second stage, we improve the visual quality of the generated videos by tuning the image generator on a single image or a short video of any chosen identity. We evaluate our model on standard measures (PSNR, SSIM, FID and LMD) and show that it significantly outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods on one of two commonly used datasets and gives comparable performance on the other. Finally, we report on ablation experiments that validate the components of the model. The code and videos from experiments can be found at https://mohammedalghamdi.github.io/talking-heads-acm-mm

    Redating the earliest evidence of the mid-Holocene relative sea-level highstand in Australia and implications for global sea-level rise.

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    Reconstructing past sea levels can help constrain uncertainties surrounding the rate of change, magnitude, and impacts of the projected increase through the 21st century. Of significance is the mid-Holocene relative sea-level highstand in tectonically stable and remote (far-field) locations from major ice sheets. The east coast of Australia provides an excellent arena in which to investigate changes in relative sea level during the Holocene. Considerable debate surrounds both the peak level and timing of the east coast highstand. The southeast Australian site of Bulli Beach provides the earliest evidence for the establishment of a highstand in the Southern Hemisphere, although questions have been raised about the pretreatment and type of material that was radiocarbon dated for the development of the regional sea-level curve. Here we undertake a detailed morpho- and chronostratigraphic study at Bulli Beach to better constrain the timing of the Holocene highstand in eastern Australia. In contrast to wood and charcoal samples that may provide anomalously old ages, probably due to inbuilt age, we find that short-lived terrestrial plant macrofossils provide a robust chronological framework. Bayesian modelling of the ages provide improved dating of the earliest evidence for a highstand at 6,880±50 cal BP, approximately a millennium later than previously reported. Our results from Bulli now closely align with other sea-level reconstructions along the east coast of Australia, and provide evidence for a synchronous relative sea-level highstand that extends from the Gulf of Carpentaria to Tasmania. Our refined age appears to be coincident with major ice mass loss from Northern Hemisphere and Antarctic ice sheets, supporting previous studies that suggest these may have played a role in the relative sea-level highstand. Further work is now needed to investigate the environmental impacts of regional sea levels, and refine the timing of the subsequent sea-level fall in the Holocene and its influence on coastal evolution

    Individual differences in human eye movements: An oculomotor signature?

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    Human eye movements are stereotyped and repeatable, but how specific to a normal individual are the quantitative properties of his or her eye movements? We recorded saccades, anti-saccades and smooth-pursuit eye movements in a sample of over 1000 healthy young adults. A randomly selected subsample (10%) of participants were re-tested on a second occasion after a median interval of 18.8 days, allowing us to estimate reliabilities. Each of several derived measures, including latencies, accuracies, velocities, and left-right asymmetries, proved to be very reliable. We give normative means and distributions for each measure and describe the pattern of correlations amongst them. We identify several measures that exhibit significant sex differences. The profile of our oculomotor measures for an individual constitutes a personal oculomotor signature that distinguishes that individual from most other members of the sample of 1000.This research was funded by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (GAT2903). PTG was supported by the Cambridge Commonwealth and Overseas Trusts and the Overseas Research Students Awards Scheme, and JMB by a Research Fellowship at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge

    The human renal lymphatics under normal and pathological conditions

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    Ishikawa Y, Akasaka Y, Kiguchi H, Akishima-Fukasawa Y, Hasegawa T, Ito K, Kimura-Matsumoto M, Ishiguro S, Morita H, Sato S, Soh S & Ishii T (2006) Histopathology 49, 265–273 The human renal lymphatics under normal and pathological conditions AIMS: The renal lymphatics have not been fully documented in humans. The aim of this study was to clarify the morphology of the human renal lymphatic system under normal and pathological conditions by immunohistochemistry using anti-D2-40 antibody. METHODS AND RESULTS: Normal and pathological renal tissues obtained at autopsy as well as nephrectomy specimens with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) were used. Thin sections were immunostained with antibodies against D2-40 and CD31. In normal kidney, D2-40+ lymphatics were abundant in the interstitium around the interlobar and arcuate arteries/veins but sporadic in those around the glomeruli or between the tubules in the cortex. A few lymphatics contained erythrocytes in their lumina. Lymphatics were seldom present in the medulla. In RCC cases, lymphatics were evident at the tumour margin, whereas CD31+ capillaries were abundant throughout the tumour and lymphatics were increased in the fibrous interstitium around the tumour. Lymphatic invasion by RCC cells was also detectable. D2-40+ lymphatics were evident in other pathological conditions and end-stage kidney had a denser lymphatic distribution than normal kidney. CONCLUSIONS: Lymphatics are abundant around the arteries/veins and are also present in the renal cortex and medulla. D2-40 immunostaining is helpful for investigating the pathophysiological role of renal lymphatics

    An exploratory factor analysis of visual performance in a large population

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    A factor analysis was performed on 25 visual and auditory performance measures from 1060 participants. The results revealed evidence both for a factor relating to general perceptual performance, and for eight independent factors that relate to particular perceptual skills. In an unrotated PCA, the general factor for perceptual performance accounted for 19.9% of the total variance in the 25 performance measures. Following varimax rotation, 8 consistent factors were identified, which appear to relate to (1) sensitivity to medium and high spatial frequencies, (2) auditory perceptual ability (3) oculomotor speed, (4) oculomotor control, (5) contrast sensitivity at low spatial frequencies, (6) stereo acuity, (7) letter recognition, and (8) flicker sensitivity. The results of a hierarchical cluster analysis were consistent with our rotated factor solution. We also report correlations between the eight performance factors and other (non-performance) measures of perception, demographic and anatomical measures, and questionnaire items probing other psychological variables.This work was supported by the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (GAT2903). J.B. was supported by a fellowship from Gonville and Caius College

    Cigarette smoke and lipopolysaccharide induce a proliferative airway smooth muscle phenotype

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    Background: A major feature of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is airway remodelling, which includes an increased airway smooth muscle (ASM) mass. The mechanisms underlying ASM remodelling in COPD are currently unknown. We hypothesized that cigarette smoke (CS) and/or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a major constituent of CS, organic dust and gram-negative bacteria, that may be involved in recurrent airway infections and exacerbations in COPD patients, would induce phenotype changes of ASM. Methods: To this aim, using cultured bovine tracheal smooth muscle (BTSM) cells and tissue, we investigated the direct effects of CS extract (CSE) and LPS on ASM proliferation and contractility. Results: Both CSE and LPS induced a profound and concentration-dependent increase in DNA synthesis in BTSM cells. CSE and LPS also induced a significant increase in BTSM cell number, which was associated with increased cyclin D1 expression and dependent on activation of ERK 1/2 and p38 MAP kinase. Consistent with a shift to a more proliferative phenotype, prolonged treatment of BTSM strips with CSE or LPS significantly decreased maximal methacholine- and KCl-induced contraction. Conclusions: Direct exposure of ASM to CSE or LPS causes the induction of a proliferative, hypocontractile ASM phenotype, which may be involved in airway remodelling in COPD