14 research outputs found

    Prevalence of hemoglobinopathies in school children: the importance of using confirmatory methods

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    The hemoglobinopathies are included among the most common genetic diseases in the world. In Brazil, hemoglobinopathies are related to the diversity of racial backgrounds and the degree of interbreeding. The study focused on the prevalence of hemoglobinopathies using conventional and confirmatory laboratory tests in children from public schools in Ribeirão Preto-SP. The study involved the participation of 427 children between six and nine years of age. Hematologic evaluation, hemoglobin electrophoresis on cellulose acetate at alkaline pH, quantification of hemoglobin fractions by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and detection of -α3.7 deletion for α thalassemia by polymerase chain reaction were performed. The results of hemoglobin electrophoresis on cellulose acetate and HPLC of the children studied showed the presence of 30 children (7%) with hemoglobinopathies. Eleven children presented results indicating suspicion of S/β-thalassemia; their parents and/or siblings were evaluated and confirmed the presence of only Hb S. The analysis of deletion -α3.7to characterize α-thalassemias sampling performed on 207 participants identified 26 children (12.6%) with deletion -α3.7. Thus, 54 (12.6%) of the children studied present this genetic alteration. For the detection of α-thalassemias it is necessary to use confirmatory methods such as molecular analysis and evaluation of family members in doubtful cases to facilitate genetic counseling in families, in which deletion -α3.7 is more frequent in Brazil.</p

    Sources of productivity growth in Australian textile and clothing firms

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    This paper estimates the sources of productivity growth in Australian textile and clothing firms based on the Business Longitudinal Survey (BLS) from 1995 to 1998. Productivity growth estimates have been obtained for each sub-category of textile and clothing firms. Sources of growth in multifactor productivity (MFP) are examined with growth in technical efficiency and scale effects based on estimates of stochastic frontier production functions. Separate estimates of output growth have been compared with the productivity growth estimates for each of the product categories. MFP improved in all clothing firms and declined in textile firms over 1997&ndash;1998 by four-digit level of Australia New Zealand Standard Industrial classification Scheme (ANZSIC). MFP declined in most major categories of both textile and clothing firms in 1995&ndash;1997. Changes in technical efficiency mostly dominated scale effects in the overall direction of MFPG in both textile and clothing firms. The findings of the study provide evidence for policies for improving the firms\u27 operative performance in the ongoing liberalised regime. <br /