20 research outputs found

    Gene Classification Based on Amino Acid Motifs and Residues: The DLX (distal-less) Test Case

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    BACKGROUND:Comparative studies using hundreds of sequences can give a detailed picture of the evolution of a given gene family. Nevertheless, retrieving only the sequences of interest from public databases can be difficult, in particular, when working with highly divergent sequences. The difficulty increases substantially when one wants to include in the study sequences from many (or less well studied) species whose genomes are non-annotated or incompletely annotated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:In this work we evaluate the usefulness of different approaches of gene retrieval and classification, using the distal-less (DLX) gene family as a test case. Furthermore, we evaluate whether the use of a large number of gene sequences from a wide range of animal species, the use of multiple alternative alignments, and the use of amino acids aligned with high confidence only, is enough to recover the accepted DLX evolutionary history. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:The canonical DLX homeobox gene sequence here derived, together with the characteristic amino acid variants here identified in the DLX homeodomain region, can be used to retrieve and classify DLX genes in a simple and efficient way. A program is made available that allows the easy retrieval of synteny information that can be used to classify gene sequences. Maximum likelihood trees using hundreds of sequences can be used for gene identification. Nevertheless, for the DLX case, the proposed DLX evolutionary is not recovered even when multiple alignment algorithms are used

    Unresolved orthology and peculiar coding sequence properties of lamprey genes: the KCNA gene family as test case

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    Background:In understanding the evolutionary process of vertebrates, cyclostomes (hagfishes and lamprey) occupy crucial positions. Resolving molecular phylogenetic relationships of cyclostome genes with gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) genes is indispensable in deciphering both the species tree and gene trees. However, molecular phylogenetic analyses, especially those including lamprey genes, have produced highly discordant results between gene families. To efficiently scrutinize this problem using partial genome assemblies of early vertebrates, we focused on the potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related (KCNA) family, whose members are mostly single-exon.Results:Seven sea lamprey KCNA genes as well as six elephant shark genes were identified, and their orthologies to bony vertebrate subgroups were assessed. In contrast to robustly supported orthology of the elephant shark genes to gnathostome subgroups, clear orthology of any sea lamprey gene could not be established. Notably, sea lamprey KCNA sequences displayed unique codon usage pattern and amino acid composition, probably associated with exceptionally high GC-content in their coding regions. This lamprey-specific property of coding sequences was also observed generally for genes outside this gene family.Conclusions:Our results suggest that secondary modifications of sequence properties unique to the lamprey lineage may be one of the factors preventing robust orthology assessments of lamprey genes, which deserves further genome-wide validation. The lamprey lineage-specific alteration of protein-coding sequence properties needs to be taken into consideration in tackling the key questions about early vertebrate evolution

    Multiple Chromosomal Rearrangements Structured the Ancestral Vertebrate Hox-Bearing Protochromosomes

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    While the proposal that large-scale genome expansions occurred early in vertebrate evolution is widely accepted, the exact mechanisms of the expansion—such as a single or multiple rounds of whole genome duplication, bloc chromosome duplications, large-scale individual gene duplications, or some combination of these—is unclear. Gene families with a single invertebrate member but four vertebrate members, such as the Hox clusters, provided early support for Ohno's hypothesis that two rounds of genome duplication (the 2R-model) occurred in the stem lineage of extant vertebrates. However, despite extensive study, the duplication history of the Hox clusters has remained unclear, calling into question its usefulness in resolving the role of large-scale gene or genome duplications in early vertebrates. Here, we present a phylogenetic analysis of the vertebrate Hox clusters and several linked genes (the Hox “paralogon”) and show that different phylogenies are obtained for Dlx and Col genes than for Hox and ErbB genes. We show that these results are robust to errors in phylogenetic inference and suggest that these competing phylogenies can be resolved if two chromosomal crossover events occurred in the ancestral vertebrate. These results resolve conflicting data on the order of Hox gene duplications and the role of genome duplication in vertebrate evolution and suggest that a period of genome reorganization occurred after genome duplications in early vertebrates

    Natural HLA class I ligands from glioblastoma: extending the options for immunotherapy

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    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most frequent and most malignant primary brain tumor with poor prognosis despite surgical removal and radio-chemotherapy. In this setting, immunotherapeutical strategies have great potential, but the reported repertoire of tumor associated antigens is only for HLA-A 02 positive tumors. We describe the first analysis of HLA-peptide presentation patterns in HLA-A 02 negative glioma tissue combined with gene expression profiling of the tumor samples by oligonucleotide microarrays. We identified numerous candidate peptides for immunotherapy. These are peptides derived from proteins with a well-described role in glioma tumor biology and suitable gene expression profiles such as PTPRZ1, EGFR, SEC61G and TNC. Information obtained from complementary analyses of HLA-A 02 negative tumors not only contributes to the discovery of novel shared glioma antigens, but most importantly provides the opportunity to tailor a patient-individual cocktail of tumor-associated peptides for a personalized, targeted immunotherapeutic approach in HLA-A 02 negative patients

    Prognostic value of dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate and other parameters of adrenal function in acute ischemic stroke

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Acute stroke has a high morbidity and mortality. We evaluated the predictive value of adrenal function testing in acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: In a cohort of 231 acute ischemic stroke patients, we measured dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), DHEA-Sulfate (DHEAS), cortisol at baseline and 30 minutes after stimulation with 1 ug ACTH. Delta cortisol, the amount of rise in the 1 ug ACTH-test, was calculated. Primary endpoint was poor functional outcome defined as modified Rankin scale 3-6 after 1 year. Secondary endpoint was nonsurvival after 1 year. RESULTS: Logistic regression analysis showed that DHEAS (OR 1.21, 95% CI 1.01-1.49), but not DHEA (OR 1.01, 95% CI 0.99-1.04), was predictive for adverse functional outcome. Neither DHEA (OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.96-1.03) nor DHEAS (OR 1.10, 95% CI 0.82-1.44) were associated with mortality. Baseline and stimulated cortisol were predictive for mortality (OR 1.41, 95% CI 1.20-1.71; 1.35, 95% CI 1.15-1.60), but only basal cortisol for functional outcome (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.04-1.38). Delta cortisol was not predictive for functional outcome (OR 0.86, 95% CI 0.71-1.05) or mortality (OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.72-1.17). The ratios cortisol/DHEA and cortisol/DHEAS discriminated between favorable outcome and nonsurvival (both p<0.0001) and between unfavorable outcome and nonsurvival (p = 0.0071 and 0.0029), but are not independent predictors for functional outcome or mortality in multivariate analysis (adjusted OR for functional outcome for both 1.0 (95% CI 0.99-1.0), adjusted OR for mortality for both 1.0 (95% CI 0.99-1.0 and 1.0-1.01, respectively)). CONCLUSION: DHEAS and the cortisol/DHEAS ratio predicts functional outcome 1 year after stroke whereas cortisol levels predict functional outcome and mortality. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00390962 (Retrospective analysis of this cohort)