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    An improvement of unbalanced distribution system operation is carried out by reactive power compensation. The lagging reactive power demand is compensated by allocating a number of three-phase shunt capacitors. At the stage, the compensation devices are determined tentatively in term of number, size and location. The effects of the installed shunt capacitors are then analyzed. The unbalanced condition of distribution system is taken into account due to the fact that distribution system is inherently imbalance. For three-phase unbalanced power flow analyses, forward-backward propagation algorithm is proposed. The algorithm works directly on the system without any modification. Starting with determination of forward and backward propagation paths, the algorithm calculates branch currents using backward path. With the branch currents in hand, the bus voltages are calculated using the obtained branch currents and line impedances. Equivalent injection currents representing loads and shunt admittances method are required. The algorithm offers robust and good convergence characteristics for radial distribution system. In this paper, reactive power compensation is simulated using tentative approach and the achieved system improvements are observed. The improvements are presented as losses minimization and voltage profile enhancement. The simulation is carried out for the IEEE 34-bus system, while the system improvements due system compensation are described. The generated results indicate that for further optimal system improvement, an optimization technique is require

    Quality management and profitability linkage: Does the length of QM adoption act as the moderating variable?

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    Manufacturing companies in Malaysia have never had it so tough. They are now confronting increasing prices of oil and raw materials, high advancement in innovation and technology, as well as high customer expectation on the quality of products and services. In addition, managers of these companies are well aware of the increasing competitive pressures in the world market. It is clear today that these pressures are due largely to the increased performance of those firms that have successfully implemented quality improvement.This paper presents the findings from an empirical study examining the relationship between quality management (QM) practices and profitability in the electronics and electrical industry in Malaysia. It is said that QM has the potential to not only enhance production efficiency and effectiveness, but also improves bottom-line results. Much has been written about the relationship between QM and performance. However, the link of QM practices to profitability in the electronics and electrical industry in Malaysia has not been fully addressed in empirical studies. To address this issue, this paper investigates the impact of QM practices on profitability in the Malaysian electronics and electrical industry using correlation, multiple regression,and hierarchical regression analyses. The findings revealed that quality measurement, supplier relations, and benchmarking in particular, appear to be of primary importance and exhibit significant impact on profitability. Findings of the study provided a striking demonstration of the importance of implementing effective QM practices for the electronics and electrical industry in Malaysia in enhancing its profitability. However, the study failed to provide the statistical evidence of the existence of the moderating effect of the length of QM adoption on the QM and profitability linkage

    Analisa regresi kelompok

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    ABS TRAK Analisa regresi kelompok adalah sebuah teknik statistik untuk membuat model dan menyelidiki hubungan antara dua variabel atau lebih, dimana data yang tersaji dalam bentuk data yang dikelompokkan. Metode pengelompokan data dengan nilai rata-rata kelompok yakni data ash dikelompokkan dalam interval-interval atau kelompok-kelompok tertentu kemudian data ash dalam setiap kelompok digantikan dengan nilai rata-ratanya. Teknik analisa regresi menggunakan data kelompok pada dasarnya adalah perluasan dari teknik analisa dengan menggunakan data ash. Model regresi untuk data yang dikelompokkan memiliki variansi kesalahan acak tak konstan sehingga penaksiran koefisien regresi dengan metode GLS, dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan penaksir yang memiliki sifat BLUE. Penaksiran koefisien regresi dengan menggunakan data kelompok memiliki variansi koefisien regresi lebih besar dan pada uji signifikansinya memberikan analisa yang kurang peka dibandingkan dengan menguna.kan data ash. Selain itu juga tidak didapatkan sesatan murni pada model regr esi dengan data kelompok sehingga tidak dapat dilakukan pengujian kecocokan model, dan untuk mempertimbangkan model digunakan nilai koefisien dtenninasi

    Matrik transformasi pada model linier dengan gangguan dalam proses rata-rata bergerak

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    ABSTRAK Estimasi parameter persamaan regresi linier dengan asumsi gangguan berautokorelasi tidak didapatkan estimator yang BLU atau BLUE (Best Linier Unbiased Estimator). Untuk kasus gangguan berautokorelasi dengan proses rata rata bergerak (RB), BLUE dapat diperoleh kembali dengan mencari Transformasi yang cocok pada model linier yang asli sedemikian sehingga estimasi OLS (Ordinary Least Square) pada model regresi tertransformasi menghasilkan GLSE (Generalized Least Square Estimator)


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsep diri terhadap prestasi belajar, lingkungan sekolah terhadap prestasi belajar, lingkungan teman sebaya terhadap prestasi belajar, dan konsep diri, lingkungan sekolah, dan lingkungan teman sebaya secara bersama-sama terhadap prestasi belajar. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian ex-post facto dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa Kompetensi Keahlian Teknik Audio Video SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Bantul, teknik pengambilan sampel simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 83 siswa, teknik pengambilan data menggunakan angket, dan untuk teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi ganda. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan, dengan taraf signikiansi 5% menunjukkan bahwa, terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antakra variabel konsep diri dengan prestasi belajar elektronika dasar yang ditunjukkan oleh nilai sebesar 2.332 dengan koefisien signikiansi sebesar 0.022 dan koefisien regresi (b1) sebesar 0,684. Terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan variabel lingkungan sekolah terhadap prestasi belajar elektronika dasar siswa, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya perhitungan bahwa sebesar 2.500 dengan koefisien signikiansi sebesar 0.014 dan koefisien regresi (b1) sebesar 0,710.terdapat pengaruh negatif dan signifikan variabel lingkungan teman sebaya terhadap prestasi belajar elektronika dasar siswa, hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya perhitungan bahwa sebesar -2.784 dengan koefisien signikiansi sebesar 0.007 dan koefisien regresi (b1) sebesar -0,424. Terdapat pengaruh konsep diri, lingkungan sekolah, dan lingkungan teman sebaya secara bersama-sama terhadap prestasi belajar elektronika dasar. Hal ini didasarkan atas pengujian analisis regresi ganda diperoleh sebesar 5,047, nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,003, nilai koefisien determinasi (R2) sebesar 0,161 yang berarti bahwa perubahan dalam prestasi belajar dapat dipengaruhi oleh perubahan dari konsep diri, lingkungan sekolah, dan lingkungan teman sebaya sebanyak 16,1%. Sedangkan sisanya 83,9% dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci: konsep diri, lingkungan sekolah, lingkungan teman sebaya, prestasi belaja


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    Every language has directed motion constructions, but the lexicalization pattern of the constructions may differ from one language to another. The similarities and differences of directed motion lexicalization patterns can be used as the basis for classifying languages typologically. This paper aims to discuss how language typology can be determined based on directed motion lexicalization patterns found in a language. In this study I use the data of Javanese to examine whether Javanese can be classified into Talmy’s (1975, 1985) typology of verb-framed or satellite framed languages. Some problems and implications of this language typology will be discussed to see whether there is interaction between directed motion lexicalization patterns and other syntactic structures. The data of Javanese show that Javanese has some verb framing and satellite framing characteristics, and so language typology is not exactly definite in the sense that there are some restrictions that need to be considered


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    Placing of (location) school facility (elementary school) as basic equipment facilitation of environment is sometimes accessible to road gives feeling of insecure/unsafe, cause of its impact on interaction conflict within its user (especially toward children). As implementation in giving saving protection to children, by traffic calming concept is thereby Schoolyard Secure Zone program (ZoSS),that is ; location on the road side which time based velocity road to manage vehicle speed around elementary school especially on school rush hour, to protect pedestrian walker mainly toward elementary school student and the danger of traffic accident. ZoSS implementation is effort to optimize road function as city facilitation by managerial on road operation as effort in administering movint system on road link to increase movement efficiency and safety of traffic user, which dependently toward road’s function classification. This observation is aimed to study the implementation of ZoSS at 3 (three) different locations in Bogor City, that are; SDN 1 Cibuluh, SDN I Batutulis and SD Mardiwaluyo, toward pedestrian walker, the walker perception and traffic performance. The observation method which used is quantitative descriptive, and the sample collection technique is Simple Random Sampling by Z-test statistics analysis for pedestrian user, and Accidental Sampling by descriptive analysis for traffic user, then traffic performance analysis toward service quality (V/C ratio), Level Of Service (LOS) and the velocity (V). The analysis yielded that ZoSS as conditional learning stated can change traffic user behavior, which the user is prone to do in save manner (value Z-count > Z-table) with error is 5%. While the traffic user perception, show that implementation of ZoSS has give secure feeling toward elementary student when crossing, but for parent SD still has anxiety toward driver’s manner. Vehicle velocity at roadside in implementation ZoSS under save category (under maximum limit of 20 km/h), which contradictive with minimum velocity planed (PP No. 34/2006) 30 km/h for secondary artery road, 20 km/h for secondary collector road. The implementation of ZoSS in Bogor city affects toward traffic performance by V average ranged within 17-24 km/h and VCR in scoped 0,0 - 0,6 which showed that LOS on E category with unstable flow characteristics, low speed, maneuver activity in traffic flow and direction changing were difficult to do and caused vehicle treading. Those conditions are continue, meanwhile management effort and traffic administration will only fixes capacity by decreasing the source, and therefore, must be considered in consistent way about long term solution in fixing traffic system based on road function classification. The ZoSS Implementation on collector and local road sides can be considered, but the implementation on artery road side need to be reviewed and toward inconsistency of artery road function which have conducted, need to be given alternative solution : 1) dividing expressline and slow line, by crossing facility on roas as JPO or underpass, 2) decreasing road function classification, but it should be existed alternative road which accommodate secondary road function. It is need improvement on further observation comprehensively by comparing performance between ZoSS crossing area with conventional “zebra cross”. Therefore, toward alternative handling on fixing the traffic artery road, it is need conducted further study related toward traffic pattern formation based facilition system and transportation demand, concord with direction of Bogor city development. Keywords: Traffic user, ZoSS, Behavior, Perception, Traffic Performanc

    KONSEP PENDIDIKAN AKHLAK PERSFEKTIF HADIS (Telaah Terjemahan Kitab Al-Lu’lu Wal Marjān)

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    Character degradation has occurred in many places, especially Indonesia. Whereas in Islam, the concept of morality has been formulated mainly on normative sources, especially the hadiths of the Prophet. Many Muslims lack hadith literature, especially for laymen, even though there are so many books of hadith translation and are suitable for reading for laymen. Among the translated books that can be accessed by is the book Al-Lu'lu Wal Marjān which contains all the sahih hadith with matan narrated equally from sahih Bukhari dan Muslim. In addition to being a recommendation related to the source of hadith literacy, this study also aims to explore how the concept of moral education in the form of narration and behavior exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad during his life. Researchers use qualitative research methods, qualitative research is research that raises information descriptively, both in the form of written words, spoken and the behavior of someone being studied. Qualitative is often referred to as research whose conditions are natural, so that the data collected is factual. The results of this study explain that the concept of moral education contained in the hadith that has been studied consists of 4 pillars, namely morals to Allah, the Messenger of Allah, fellow humans and oneself. implementation of morals to Allah by carrying out all commandments and avoiding all moral prohibitions to Allah by worship, to the Messenger of Allah by imitating him, , to one's fellow man by doing good, and to oneself by not burdening difficult things