371 research outputs found

    Beberapa karakteristik kerupuk ikan yang dibuat dengan variasi rasio ikan nila/tapioka dan lama perebusan adonan

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    \u27Keropok\u27 crackers preparation was varied in the ratio of fish added to tapioca starch, and the length of dough-like mixture cooking. The fish used was in the form of ground red \u27nila\u27 fish (Orcochromis niloticus) meat. The ratios of fish to starch were 30:70, 40:60, 50:50, and 60:40. The ground fish and starch and other ingredients were mixed to get dough-like mixture which was then stuffed into a plastic bag having 5 cm diameter and 20 cm length. The stuffed rolls were then cooked in boiling water for 45, 60 and 75 min, cooled immediately, sliced, and dried. The crackers were analyzed for moisture, and charac-terized for thermal properties, acceptability, objective texture , degree of expansion, and hygroscopicity. The results indicated that higher ratio of fish to starch needed higher energy to melt. Higher ratio of fish to starch gave lower `keropok\u27 cracker acceptability. Higher ratio and longer cooking time resulted in decrease in the degree of expansion during frying. However, any samples showed no difference in hygroscopicity. The crackers expanded well during frying when the initial moisture content ranged from 8,53 to 11,19%. Hardness of the acceptable fish crackers were 31,24 - 40,77 N. Based on the high acceptability, and economic reason relating to lower ratio of fish to tapioca starch and shorter cooking time, methods of preparation involving addition of fish to starch at ratio 30:70 and dough-like cooking for 60 min and at ratio 40 : 60 and cooking for 45 min were considered best. key words: tapioca starch, `keropok\u27 cracke

    Pelayanan yang Berorientasi Pelanggan di RSUD Propinsi Riau = Customer Oriented Service In The Public Local Hospital of Riau Province

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    When discussing the service to society, the principle of costumer ori-ented such as those which have been proposed by David Osborne and Ted Gaebler (1997, 191) is relevant to be applied to all units of service and the public local hospital of Riau Province choossing the principle as one of its mission. The research is a descriptive research with a case study in the local public hospital of Riau Province. It is found in the result of the research that the implementation performance of customer based approach is the first mis-sion of the local public hospital of Riau Province which is still low. The lower level of the implementation performance of the customer ori-ented principle is determined by some factors : the customer oriented service mission which has not been fully developed, lack of understanding about the approach among the service officer. Furthermore, the existing organiza-tion culture is less conductive, it still maintains the paternalism and the proposition that the customer is the party which is dependent on the service provider causes the consumers play the passive and weak role. On the other side, the culture of customer gives a minor support to the customer oriented service, society tend to be less critical and has the characters to accept what is given. Similarly, value orientation developed in customers themselves which are mostly Malay people who tend to avoid the conflict, do not likely support this approach implementation. The other factor contributes to the low level of costumer oriented approach implementation is that there is no competitor for the local public hospital in Riau Province. Keywords: Service - Customer Oriented -Organization Culture - Customer Culture -Competito

    Life Cycle Progression of Chlainomonas sp.: A Field Study

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    Every year, there are blooms of algae in snowy alpine environments during the summer snow melts. One environment in particular, the snow-on-lake habitat on Bagley Lake in Mt Baker, has been the subject of study by the Kodner lab for many years. In this habitat, we find the genus Chlainomonas which has bloomed in late spring and early summer annually. Our lab has proposed a life cycle for the genus (Matsumoto et al 2024), and there are many morphologically distinct cell stages found in field collected samples. This study has expanded our understanding the life cycle dynamics by examining the cell morphology and abundance across the bloom season in 2022. This data helped us test our life cycle hypothesis and suggests that our predictions about the life cycle progression are correct. Our data shows that there was a significant change in algae morphology distribution from week to week, which supports the predicted cycle of cell growth into cysts followed by development of sporangia and \u27pill\u27 cells, or spores. We also used single cell PCR to amplify the18S gene to confirm that pill cells were identical to large red cells, linking these two cell phases genetically

    Hitchin Equation, Singularity, and N=2 Superconformal Field Theories

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    We argue that Hitchin's equation determines not only the low energy effective theory but also describes the UV theory of four dimensional N=2 superconformal field theories when we compactify six dimensional ANA_N (0,2)(0,2) theory on a punctured Riemann surface. We study the singular solution to Hitchin's equation and the Higgs field of solutions has a simple pole at the punctures; We show that the massless theory is associated with Higgs field whose residual is a nilpotent element; We identify the flavor symmetry associated with the puncture by studying the singularity of closure of the moduli space of solutions with the appropriate boundary conditions. For the mass-deformed theory the residual of the Higgs field is a semi-simple element, we identify the semi-simple element by arguing that the moduli space of solutions of mass-deformed theory must be a deformation of the closure of the moduli space of the massless theory. We also study the Seiberg-Witten curve by identifying it as the spectral curve of the Hitchin's system. The results are all in agreement with Gaiotto's results derived from studying the Seiberg-Witten curve of four dimensional quiver gauge theory.Comment: 42 pages, 20 figures, Hitchin's equation for N=2 theory is derived by comparing different order of compactification of six dimensional theory on T^2\times \Sigma. More discussion about flavor symmetries. Typos are correcte

    Five-Year Longitudinal Assessment of the Downstream Impact on Schistosomiasis Transmission following Closure of the Three Gorges Dam

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    Schistosomiasis, caused by Schistosoma japonicum, is a significant parasitic disease and public health problem in China. How the parasite is transmitted there can be categorized into four distinct modes (modes I–IV) and it is predicted that the Three Gorges Dam, recently completed, will affect the way schistosomiasis is spread in these modes. We monitored transmission for a 5-year period (2002–2006) in eight villages, representative of the three modes (I–III) below the dam across four provinces (Hunan, Jiangxi, Hubei and Anhui) to determine whether there was any immediate impact of the dam on schistosomiasis spread. Human schistosomiasis incidence declined considerably within individual villages and each mode, and the yearly odds ratios (adjusted) for infection risk showed significant downward trends in all three modes over the follow-up period. The decreased human S. japonicum incidence recorded across transmission modes I–III was probably attributable to annual human and bovine praziquantel drug treatment. If an increase in schistosome transmission had occurred as a result of the dam, it would be of negligible size compared with this treatment-induced decline. There had thus been virtually no immediate impact of the TGD on schistosomiasis transmission downstream of the dam over the 5-year surveillance period

    Systematic identification of abundant A-to-I editing sites in the human transcriptome

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    RNA editing by members of the double-stranded RNA-specific ADAR family leads to site-specific conversion of adenosine to inosine (A-to-I) in precursor messenger RNAs. Editing by ADARs is believed to occur in all metazoa, and is essential for mammalian development. Currently, only a limited number of human ADAR substrates are known, while indirect evidence suggests a substantial fraction of all pre-mRNAs being affected. Here we describe a computational search for ADAR editing sites in the human transcriptome, using millions of available expressed sequences. 12,723 A-to-I editing sites were mapped in 1,637 different genes, with an estimated accuracy of 95%, raising the number of known editing sites by two orders of magnitude. We experimentally validated our method by verifying the occurrence of editing in 26 novel substrates. A-to-I editing in humans primarily occurs in non-coding regions of the RNA, typically in Alu repeats. Analysis of the large set of editing sites indicates the role of editing in controlling dsRNA stability.Comment: Pre-print version. See http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nbt996 for a reprin

    The Evolution of Compact Binary Star Systems

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    We review the formation and evolution of compact binary stars consisting of white dwarfs (WDs), neutron stars (NSs), and black holes (BHs). Binary NSs and BHs are thought to be the primary astrophysical sources of gravitational waves (GWs) within the frequency band of ground-based detectors, while compact binaries of WDs are important sources of GWs at lower frequencies to be covered by space interferometers (LISA). Major uncertainties in the current understanding of properties of NSs and BHs most relevant to the GW studies are discussed, including the treatment of the natal kicks which compact stellar remnants acquire during the core collapse of massive stars and the common envelope phase of binary evolution. We discuss the coalescence rates of binary NSs and BHs and prospects for their detections, the formation and evolution of binary WDs and their observational manifestations. Special attention is given to AM CVn-stars -- compact binaries in which the Roche lobe is filled by another WD or a low-mass partially degenerate helium-star, as these stars are thought to be the best LISA verification binary GW sources.Comment: 105 pages, 18 figure

    Mitochondrial DNA Variation, but Not Nuclear DNA, Sharply Divides Morphologically Identical Chameleons along an Ancient Geographic Barrier

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    The Levant is an important migration bridge, harboring border-zones between Afrotropical and palearctic species. Accordingly, Chameleo chameleon, a common species throughout the Mediterranean basin, is morphologically divided in the southern Levant (Israel) into two subspecies, Chamaeleo chamaeleon recticrista (CCR) and C. c. musae (CCM). CCR mostly inhabits the Mediterranean climate (northern Israel), while CCM inhabits the sands of the north-western Negev Desert (southern Israel). AFLP analysis of 94 geographically well dispersed specimens indicated moderate genetic differentiation (PhiPT = 0.097), consistent with the classical division into the two subspecies, CCR and CCM. In contrast, sequence analysis of a 637 bp coding mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragment revealed two distinct phylogenetic clusters which were not consistent with the morphological division: one mtDNA cluster consisted of CCR specimens collected in regions northern of the Jezreel Valley and another mtDNA cluster harboring specimens pertaining to both the CCR and CCM subspecies but collected southern of the Jezreel Valley. AMOVA indicated clear mtDNA differentiation between specimens collected northern and southern to the Jezreel Valley (PhiPT = 0.79), which was further supported by a very low coalescent-based estimate of effective migration rates. Whole chameleon mtDNA sequencing (∼17,400 bp) generated from 11 well dispersed geographic locations revealed 325 mutations sharply differentiating the two mtDNA clusters, suggesting a long allopatric history further supported by BEAST. This separation correlated temporally with the existence of an at least 1 million year old marine barrier at the Jezreel Valley exactly where the mtDNA clusters meet. We discuss possible involvement of gender-dependent life history differences in maintaining such mtDNA genetic differentiation and suggest that it reflects (ancient) local adaptation to mitochondrial-related traits
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