18 research outputs found

    Community singing groups for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: participant perspectives

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    Aim Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major public health issue which is irreversible and progressive, but previous research suggests that singing may have beneficial effects. The aim of this study was to establish the views of participants with COPD taking part in a singing for better breathing programme. Methods This was a descriptive qualitative study nested within a single-cohort feasibility study which included measures of lung function and wellbeing. Participants (n=37) were interviewed following a community singing programme that ran over ten months in South East England. Results Findings support those from previous studies regarding the impact of singing on respiratory wellbeing. These included: the teaching on breath control, relaxation and the breathing exercises; singing as a means to deflect attention away from breathing problems, leading to increased activity levels; and the mutual support for respiratory problems. Beyond the impact on breathing, the singing was also seen as fun, and provided friendship and a ‘feel-good’ factor which led to motivation to participate in further activities. For some it was the highlight of the week, and singing together in a group was felt to be central to the benefits experienced. Findings are compared with the quantitative measures within the same study. Conclusions The majority of participants reported improvements in respiratory symptoms as well as mental and social wellbeing following the programme. The study contributes to the evidence base in supporting and highlighting the consistently positive experiences of a large sample of participants, despite variable outcomes in clinical measures

    Investigating imaging network markers of cognitive dysfunction and pharmacoresistance in newly diagnosed epilepsy: a protocol for an observational cohort study in the UK.

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    INTRODUCTION:Epilepsy is one of the most common serious brain disorders, characterised by seizures that severely affect a person's quality of life and, frequently, their cognitive and mental health. Although most existing work has examined chronic epilepsy, newly diagnosed patients present a unique opportunity to understand the underlying biology of epilepsy and predict effective treatment pathways. The objective of this prospective cohort study is to examine whether cognitive dysfunction is associated with measurable brain architectural and connectivity impairments at diagnosis and whether the outcome of antiepileptic drug treatment can be predicted using these measures. METHODS AND ANALYSIS:107 patients with newly diagnosed focal epilepsy from two National Health Service Trusts and 48 healthy controls (aged 16-65 years) will be recruited over a period of 30 months. Baseline assessments will include neuropsychological evaluation, structural and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Electroencephalography (EEG), and a blood and saliva sample. Patients will be followed up every 6 months for a 24-month period to assess treatment outcomes. Connectivity- and network-based analyses of EEG and MRI data will be carried out and examined in relation to neuropsychological evaluation and patient treatment outcomes. Patient outcomes will also be investigated with respect to analysis of molecular isoforms of high mobility group box-1 from blood and saliva samples. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION:This study was approved by the North West, Liverpool East Research Ethics Committee (19/NW/0384) through the Integrated Research Application System (Project ID 260623). Health Research Authority (HRA) approval was provided on 22 August 2019. The project is sponsored by the UoL (UoL001449) and funded by a UK Medical Research Council (MRC) research grant (MR/S00355X/1). Findings will be presented at national and international meetings and conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER:IRAS Project ID 260623

    Singing for Lung Health—a systematic review of the literature and consensus statement

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    There is growing interest in Singing for Lung Health (SLH), an approach where patients with respiratory disease take part in singing groups, intended to improve their condition. A consensus group was convened in early 2016 to address issues including: the specific features that make SLH distinct from other forms of participation in singing; the existing evidence base via a systematic review; gaps in the evidence base including the need to define value-based outcome measures for sustainable commissioning of SLH; defining the measures needed to evaluate both individuals' responses to SLH and the quality of singing programmes. and core training, expertise and competencies required by singing group leaders to deliver high-quality programmes. A systematic review to establish the extent of the evidence base for SLH was undertaken. Electronic databases, including Pubmed, OVID Medline and Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane central register of controlled trials and PEDro, were used. Six studies were included in the final review. Quantitative data suggest that singing has the potential to improve health-related quality of life, particularly related to physical health, and levels of anxiety without causing significant side effects. There is a significant risk of bias in many of the existing studies with small numbers of subjects overall. Little comparison can be made between studies owing to their heterogeneity in design. Qualitative data indicate that singing is an enjoyable experience for patients, who consistently report that it helps them to cope with their condition better. Larger and longer-term trials are needed.NIHR Respiratory Biomedical Research Unit at Royal Brompton; Harefield NHS Foundation Trust and Imperial College Londo

    Qualidade de carnes provenientes de cortes da carcaça de cordeiros e de ovinos adultos Quality of meats from cuts of lamb and adult sheep carcasses

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    Com o objetivo de estudar as características qualitativas da carne de ovinos de diferentes categorias quanto aos músculos dos cortes da carcaça (paleta, lombo e perna), utilizaram-se 18 ovinos ½ Ile de France ½ Ideal (seis cordeiros não-castrados, seis ovelhas de descarte e seis machos adultos castrados). Os animais foram criados em pasto de capim-tifton 85 e receberam suplementação (concentrado). Os cordeiros foram abatidos aos 32 kg, com aproximadamente 5 meses de idade, e as ovelhas e os machos adultos castrados, com 55 kg e aos 60 meses de idade. Não houve diferenças nos valores de pH 45 minutos e pH 24 horas entre as categorias animais e nos músculos dos cortes da carcaça. A idade de abate influenciou a luminosidade da carne de todos os músculos. O teor de vermelho não diferiu entre os animais adultos, mas foi superior aos valores obtidos na carne dos cordeiros. A carne de animais adultos é mais escura que a de cordeiros. As perdas por cocção no músculo Triceps brachii são maiores que no Longissimus lumborum e Semimembranosus. Os valores de pH e a capacidade de retenção de água são similares entre as categorias animais.<br>Eighteen ½ Ile de France ½ Polwarth sheep (6 no castrated lambs, 6 discarded ewes and 6 discarded wethers) were used to evaluate qualitative traits of meat from different categories of sheep for muscle cuts (shoulder, loin and leg). The animals were raised in grazing system with tifton-85 pastures and supplemented with concentrate. Lambs were slaughtered at 32 kg body weight, close to 5 months of age. Ewes and wethers were slaughtered with 55 kg and 60 months of age. There were no differences in pH45mim and pH24h values among different animal categories and muscles of carcass cuts. There was difference in meat luminosity between lambs and adult animals, considering all the evaluated muscles. The red level did not differ between adult categories, but it was higher than values observed in lambs. In conclusion, meat from adult animals was darker than lamb meat. Considering all animal categories, cooking losses were higher in Triceps brachii compared to Longissimus lumborum and Semimembranosus. Values of pH and water retention capacity were similar among animal categories