26 research outputs found

    Revista de SaĂșde PĂșblica in scientific publications on Violence and Health (1967-2015)

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    ABSTRACT This article retrieved the publications from the Revista de SaĂșde PĂșblica journal (from 1967 to 2015) on violence and health, on the SciELO and PubMed bases, by searching for the terms “violence”, “suicide”, “aggression”, “bullying”, and “external causes”, registered in any part of the text. We found 130 articles (the first one published in 1974). We observed: increase of publications over time, with decrease in the last five years; similar production volume in lethal and non-lethal violence; later publication of the latter; few studies in qualitative research; mostly descriptive production; and visualization of the problem more by the acts than by contexts or motivations and aggressors. Social markers were little approached, appearing, from largest to smallest frequency, social class, gender, race/ethnicity, and generation. Human rights were little used and only recently used as analytical framework, connected more to gender than to social class. Although Revista de SaĂșde PĂșblica has registered the theme in its publications, consolidating it as scientific production line, there is still great explanatory theoretical rarefaction and little intersectionality between violence, social inequalities, and human rights

    Healthcare providers’ perspectives of disrespect and abuse in maternity care facilities in Nigeria: a qualitative study

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    Objectives To explore healthcare providers’ perspectives of disrespect and abuse in maternity care and the impact on women’s health and well-being. Methods Qualitative interpretive approach using in-depth semi-structured interviews with sixteen healthcare providers in two public health facilities in Nigeria. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed, and analysed thematically. Results Healthcare providers’ accounts revealed awareness of what respectful maternity care encompassed in accordance with the existing guidelines. They considered disrespectful and abusive practices perpetrated or witnessed as violation of human rights, while highlighting women’s expectations of care as the basis for subjectivity of experiences. They perceived some practices as well-intended to ensure safety of mother and baby. Views reflected underlying gender-related notions and societal perceptions of women being considered weaker than men. There was recognition about adverse effects of disrespect and abuse including its impact on women, babies, and providers’ job satisfaction. Conclusions Healthcare providers need training on how to incorporate elements of respectful maternity care into practice including skills for rapport building and counselling. Women and family members should be educated about right to respectful care empowering them to report disrespectful practices

    Instrumentos para articulação da rede de atenção Ă s mulheres em situação de violĂȘncia: construção coletiva

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    RESUMO Objetivo Identificar as informaçÔes necessĂĄrias para a construção de instrumentos destinados a viabilizar a articulação de profissionais de serviços de atendimento com mulheres em situação de violĂȘncia com vistas Ă  constituição de uma rede de atenção. MĂ©todo Estudo qualitativo, convergente assistencial, cujas informaçÔes foram produzidas de fevereiro a agosto de 2015 por meio de 10 encontros grupais, com 32 participantes do Grupo de Trabalho Integrado de Enfrentamento Ă s ViolĂȘncias de Santa Maria-RS, situado na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Utilizou-se a anĂĄlise de conteĂșdo temĂĄtica. Resultados Definiu-se o direcionamento do fluxo; os pontos para compor a rede; o que seria preciso comunicar entre os serviços: dados de identificação da mulher e da famĂ­lia, relato acerca da situação e a continuidade do cuidado. ConclusĂ”es HĂĄ necessidade de formalização institucional dos dispositivos construĂ­dos. A articulação entre os serviços requer comunicação, envolvimento e compromisso dos profissionais para garantir a continuidade do cuidado