1,107 research outputs found


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    Adaptation of the vector and displacement of infected dogs to previously disease-free areas challenges visceral leishmaniasis (VL) control, and leads to geographic dispersion and occurrence in urban and peri-urban areas. Continuous VL control measures over time must be applied with a wide geographic reach, along with better diagnosis practices and timely treatment. The high case-fatality of human VL in areas of recent introduction and its growing association with HIV impose the need for an early diagnosis, treatment and the adoption of active search for human and canine cases incorporated into the routine of periodic home visits by health professionals. The increasing on public rejection of canine euthanasia as a control measure, the limitations of canine therapy with the current available drugs, and the controversies regarding available vaccines for canine protection are discussed. Good prospects on the insecticide-impregnated collars as an effective control measure are emphasized

    Nursing Diagnosis Risk for falls: prevalence and clinical profile of hospitalized patients

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    Objectives: to identify the prevalence of the Nursing Diagnosis (ND) Risk for falls in the hospitalizations of adult patients in clinical and surgical units, to characterize the clinical profile and to identify the risk factors of the patients with this ND. Method: a cross-sectional study with 174 patients. The data was collected from the computerized nursing care prescriptions system and on-line hospital records, and analyzed statistically. Results: the prevalence of the ND Risk for falls was 4%. The patients’ profile indicated older adults, males (57%), those hospitalized in the clinical units (63.2%), with a median length of hospitalization of 20 (10-24) days, with neurological illnesses (26%), cardio-vascular illnesses (74.1%) and various co-morbidities (3±1.8). The prevalent risk factors were neurological alterations (43.1%), impaired mobility (35.6%) and extremes of age (10.3%). Conclusion: the findings contributed to evidencing the profile of the patients with a risk of falling hospitalized in clinical and surgical wards, which favors the planning of interventions for preventing this adverse event

    Characterization of Lifestyle in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 and Association with Disease Severity

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    BACKGROUND: Lifestyle could influence the course of hereditary ataxias, but representative data are missing. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to characterize lifestyle in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 (SCA3) and investigate possible associations with disease parameters. METHODS: In a prospective cohort study, data on smoking, alcohol consumption, physical activity, physiotherapy, and body mass index (BMI) were collected from 243 patients with SCA3 and 119 controls and tested for associations with age of onset, disease severity, and progression. RESULTS: Compared with controls, patients with SCA3 were less active and consumed less alcohol. Less physical activity and alcohol abstinence were associated with more severe disease, but not with progression rates or age of onset. Smoking, BMI, or physiotherapy did not correlate with disease parameters. CONCLUSION: Differences in lifestyle factors of patients with SCA3 and controls as well as associations of lifestyle factors with disease severity are likely driven by the influence of symptoms on behavior. No association between lifestyle and disease progression was detected. © 2021 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Using Conducting Polymers as Active Agents for Marine Antifouling Paints

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    Antifouling coatings were prepared with paints containing polyaniline (PAni) and derivatives as active pigment, and evaluated by antifouling performance on metallic or polyvinyl chloride substrates. The paints, PAni and its derivatives were characterized by FT-IR spectrophotometry, thermogravimetric analysis, electrical conductivity and scanning electron microscopy. Coatings were also characterized by salt spray, leaching and erosion tests. Antifouling coatings’ performance was evaluated by immersion tests in a marine environment or in fresh water. Paints containing PAni-ES, PAni/DBSA and SPAN, and a co-biocide PyZn, showed antifouling performance similar to a commercial antifouling paint

    Therapeutic DNA Vaccine Encoding Peptide P10 against Experimental Paracoccidioidomycosis

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, is the most prevalent invasive fungal disease in South America. Systemic mycoses are the 10th most common cause of death among infectious diseases in Brazil and PCM is responsible for more than 50% of deaths due to fungal infections. PCM is typically treated with sulfonamides, amphotericin B or azoles, although complete eradication of the fungus may not occur and relapsing disease is frequently reported. A 15-mer peptide from the major diagnostic antigen gp43, named P10, can induce a strong T-CD4+ helper-1 immune response in mice. The TEPITOPE algorithm and experimental data have confirmed that most HLA-DR molecules can present P10, which suggests that P10 is a candidate antigen for a PCM vaccine. In the current work, the therapeutic efficacy of plasmid immunization with P10 and/or IL-12 inserts was tested in murine models of PCM. When given prior to or after infection with P. brasiliensis virulent Pb 18 isolate, plasmid-vaccination with P10 and/or IL-12 inserts successfully reduced the fungal burden in lungs of infected mice. In fact, intramuscular administration of a combination of plasmids expressing P10 and IL-12 given weekly for one month, followed by single injections every month for 3 months restored normal lung architecture and eradicated the fungus in mice that were infected one month prior to treatment. The data indicate that immunization with these plasmids is a powerful procedure for prevention and treatment of experimental PCM, with the perspective of being also effective in human patients

    Nursing care mapping for patients at risk of falls in the Nursing Interventions Classification

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    Objetivo: Identificar os cuidados de enfermagem prescritos para pacientes hospitalizados com risco de quedas e compará-los com as intervenções da Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC). Método: Estudo transversal realizado em um hospital universitário do Sul do Brasil. A coleta de dados foi retrospectiva em sistema informatizado de registros de enfermagem. A amostra se constituiu de 174 pacientes adultos internados em unidades clínicas e cirúrgicas com o Diagnóstico de Enfermagem Risco de quedas. Os cuidados prescritos foram comparados com as intervenções da NIC pelo método de mapeamento cruzado. Resultados: Os cuidados mais prevalentes foram: manter grades no leito, orientar paciente/família quanto aos riscos e prevenção de quedas, manter campainha ao alcance do paciente e manter pertences próximos ao paciente, mapeadas nas intervenções Controle do Ambiente: Segurança e Prevenção contra Quedas. Conclusão: Os cuidados prescritos na prática clínica foram corroborados pelo referencial da NIC.Objective: Identifying the prescribed nursing care for hospitalized patients at risk of falls and comparing them with the interventions of the Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC). Method: A crosssectional study carried out in a university hospital in southern Brazil. It was a retrospective data collection in the nursing records system. The sample consisted of 174 adult patients admitted to medical and surgical units with the Nursing Diagnosis of Risk for falls. The prescribed care were compared with the NIC interventions by the cross-mapping method. Results: The most prevalent care were the following: keeping the bed rails, guiding patients/ family regarding the risks and prevention of falls, keeping the bell within reach of patients, and maintaining patients’ belongings nearby, mapped in the interventions Environmental Management: safety and Fall Prevention. Conclusion: The treatment prescribed in clinical practice was corroborated by the NIC reference.Objetivo: Identificar los cuidados de enfermería prescritos para pacientes hospitalizados con riesgos de caídas y compararlos con las intervenciones de la Nursing Interventions Classifications (NIC). Método: Estudio transversal realizado en un hospital universitario del sur de Brasil. La recolección de datos fue retrospectiva en un sistema informatizado de registros de enfermería. La muestra se constituyó por 174 pacientes adultos internados en unidades clínicas y quirúrgicas con el Diagnóstico de Enfermería Riesgo de Caídas. Los cuidados prescritos fueron comparados con las intervenciones de la NIC por el método de mapeo cruzado. Resultados: Los cuidados más prevalentes fueron: mantener barandas en la cama, orientar al paciente y familia en relación a los riesgos y prevención de caídas, mantener el timbre al alcance del paciente y mantener las pertenencias cerca al paciente. Estos fueron mapeados en las intervenciones Control del Ambiente: Seguridad y Protección contra Caídas. Conclusión: Los cuidados prescritos en la práctica clínica fueron corroborados por el referencial de la NIC

    Balanço e análise da sustentabilidade energética na produção orgânica de hortaliças.

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    Os insumos e serviços utilizados na produção vegetal representam custo energético. Dependendo desses fatores e das produtividades obtidas, a conversão da produção em energia determinará a eficiência energética do sistema. A agricultura orgânica somente atingirá a missão de preservação ambiental se tiver comprovada sustentabilidade energética. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se caracterizar os balanços energéticos dos cultivos orgânicos e analisar sua sustentabilidade, em comparação aos sistemas convencionais. Monitoraram-se campos de produção de dez culturas, de 1991 a 2000 em Domingos Martins-ES. Os dados do sistema convencional foram obtidos pelas médias dos coeficientes técnicos da região. Quantificaram-se os coeficientes técnicos, convertendo suas grandezas físicas em equivalentes energéticos, expressos em kcal. O sistema orgânico gastou 4.571.159 kcal ha-1 e apresentou 12.696.712 kcal ha-1 de energia inserida na colheita, mostrando balanço médio de 2,78. Esse valor foi similar ao obtido no sistema convencional (1,93). As participações dos componentes nos gastos do sistema orgânico foram embalagem (35,8%), composto orgânico (17,2%), irrigação (12,6%), sementes/mudas (12,4%) e mão-de-obra (11,0%), serviços mecânicos (5,0%) e frete (4,5%). Se os custos com embalagens fossem eliminados, os gastos do sistema orgânico seriam reduzidos para 2.930.113 kcal ha-1, aumentando sua eficiência. A maioria dos cultivos orgânicos pode ser considerada sustentável em transformação de energia, com balanços superiores a 1,00 e produção média diária de 80.421 kcal ha-1 por dia, superior à necessidade mínima de 58.064 kcal ha-1
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