2,980 research outputs found

    Heavy-to-light baryonic form factors at large recoil

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    We analyze heavy-to-light baryonic form factors at large recoil and derive the scaling behavior of these form factors in the heavy quark limit. It is shown that only one universal form factor is needed to parameterize Lambda_b to p and Lambda_b to Lambda matrix elements in the large recoil limit of light baryons, while hadronic matrix elements of Lambda_b to Sigma transition vanish in the large energy limit of Sigma baryon due to the space-time parity symmetry. The scaling law of the soft form factor eta(P^{\prime} \cdot v), P^{\prime} and v being the momentum of nucleon and the velocity of Lambda_b baryon, responsible for Lambda_b to p transitions is also derived using the nucleon distribution amplitudes in leading conformal spin. In particular, we verify that this scaling behavior is in full agreement with that from light-cone sum rule approach in the heavy-quark limit. With these form factors, we further investigate the Lambda baryon polarization asymmetry alpha in Lambda_b to Lambda gamma and the forward-backward asymmetry A_{FB} in Lambda_b to Lambda l^{+} l^{-}. Both two observables (alpha and A_{FB}) are independent of hadronic form factors in leading power of 1/m_b and in leading order of alpha_s. We also extend the analysis of hadronic matrix elements for Omega_b to Omega transitions to rare Omega_b to Omega gamma and Omega_b to Omega l^{+} l^{-} decays and find that radiative Omega_b to Omega gamma decay is probably the most promising FCNC b to s radiative baryonic decay channel. In addition, it is interesting to notice that the zero-point of forward-backward asymmetry of Omega_b to Omega l^{+} l^{-} is the same as the one for Lambda_b to Lambda l^{+} l^{-} to leading order accuracy provided that the form factors \bar{\zeta}_i (i=3, 4, 5) are numerically as small as indicated from the quark model.Comment: 19 page

    Second order QCD corrections to inclusive semileptonic b \to Xc l \bar \nu_l decays with massless and massive lepton

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    We extend previous computations of the second order QCD corrections to semileptonic b \to c inclusive transitions, to the case where the charged lepton in the final state is massive. This allows accurate description of b \to c \tau \bar \nu_\tau decays. We review techniques used in the computation of O(\alpha_s^2) corrections to inclusive semileptonic b \to c transitions and present extensive numerical studies of O(\alpha_s^2) QCD corrections to b \to c l \bar \nu_l decays, for l =e, \tau.Comment: 30 pages, 4 figures, 5 table

    How Low Can We Go? The Implications of Delayed Ratcheting and Negative Emissions Technologies on Achieving Well Below 2 °C

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    Pledges embodied in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs) represent an interim step from a global “no policy” path towards an optimal long-term global mitigation path. However, the goals of the Paris Agreement highlight that current pledges are insufficient. It is, therefore, necessary to ratchet-up parties’ future mitigation pledges in the near-term. The ambitious goals of remaining well below 2 °C and pursuing reductions towards 1.5 °C mean that any delay in ratcheting-up commitments could be extremely costly or may even make the targets unachievable. In this chapter, we consider the impacts of delaying ratcheting until 2030 on global emissions trajectories towards 2 °C and 1.5 °C, and the role of offsets via negative emissions technologies (NETs). The analysis suggests that delaying action makes pursuing the 1.5 °C goal especially difficult without extremely high levels of negative emissions technologies (NETs), such as carbon capture and storage combined with bioenergy (BECCS). Depending on the availability of biomass, other NETs beyond BECCS will be required. Policymakers must also realise that the outlook for fossil fuels are closely linked to the prospects for NETs. If NETs cannot be scaled, the levels of fossil fuels suggested in this analysis are not compatible with the Paris Agreement goals i.e. there are risks of lock-in to a high fossil future. Decision makers must, therefore, comprehend fully the risks of different strategies

    A proposal for the retrospective identification and categorization of older people with functional impairments in scientific studies : recommendations of the Medication and Quality of Life in Frail Older Persons (MedQoL) research group

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    When treating older adults, a main factor to consider is physical frailty. Because specific assessments in clinical trials are frequently lacking, critical appraisal of treatment evidence with respect to functional status is challenging. Our aim was to identify and categorize assessments for functional status given in clinical trials in older adults to allow for a retrospective characterization and indirect comparison of treatment evidence from these cohorts. We conducted 4 separate systematic reviews of randomized and nonrandomized controlled clinical trials in older people with hypertension, diabetes, depression, and dementia. All assessments identified that reflected functional status were analyzed. Assessments were categorized across 4 different functional status levels. These levels span from functionally not impaired, slightly impaired, significantly impaired, to severely impaired/disabled. If available from the literature, cut-offs for these 4 functioning levels were extracted. If not, or if the existing cut-offs did not match the predefined functional levels, cut-off points were defined by an expert group composed of geriatricians, pharmacists, pharmacologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and epidemiologists using a patient-centered approach. We identified 51 instruments that included measures of functional status. Although some of the assessments had clearly defined cut-offs across our predefined categories, many others did not. In most cases, no cut-offs existed for slightly impaired or severely impaired older adults. Missing cut-offs or values to adjust were determined by the expert group and are presented as described. The functional status assessments that were identified and operationalized across 4 functional levels could now be used for a retrospective characterization of functional status in randomized controlled trials and observational studies. Allocated categories only serve as approximations and should be validated head-to-head in future studies. Moreover, as general standard, upcoming studies involving older adults should include and explicitly report functional impairment as a baseline characteristic of all participants enrolled

    The use of routine outcome measures in two child and adolescent mental health services: a completed audit cycle

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    Background: Routine outcome measurement (ROM) is important for assessing the clinical effectiveness of health services and for monitoring patient outcomes. Within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in the UK the adoption of ROM in CAMHS has been supported by both national and local initiatives (such as government strategies, local commissioning policy, and research). Methods: With the aim of assessing how these policies and initiatives may have influenced the uptake of ROM within two different CAMHS we report the findings of two case-note audits: a baseline audit conducted in January 2011 and a re-audit conducted two years later in December 2012-February 2013. Results: The findings show an increase in both the single and repeated use of outcome measures from the time of the original audit, with repeated use (baseline and follow-up) of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) scale increasing from 10% to 50% of cases. Re-audited case-notes contained more combined use of different outcome measures, with greater consensus on which measures to use. Outcome measures that were applicable across a wide range of clinical conditions were more likely to be used than symptom-specific measures, and measures that were completed by the clinician were found more often than measures completed by the service user. Conclusions: The findings show a substantial improvement in the use of outcome measures within CAMHS. These increases in use were found across different service organisations which were subject to different types of local service priorities and drivers

    Ultrathin 2 nm gold as ideal impedance-matched absorber for infrared light

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    Thermal detectors are a cornerstone of infrared (IR) and terahertz (THz) technology due to their broad spectral range. These detectors call for suitable broad spectral absorbers with minimalthermal mass. Often this is realized by plasmonic absorbers, which ensure a high absorptivity butonly for a narrow spectral band. Alternativly, a common approach is based on impedance-matching the sheet resistance of a thin metallic film to half the free-space impedance. Thereby, it is possible to achieve a wavelength-independent absorptivity of up to 50 %, depending on the dielectric properties of the underlying substrate. However, existing absorber films typicallyrequire a thickness of the order of tens of nanometers, such as titanium nitride (14 nm), whichcan significantly deteriorate the response of a thermal transducers. Here, we present the application of ultrathin gold (2 nm) on top of a 1.2 nm copper oxide seed layer as an effective IR absorber. An almost wavelength-independent and long-time stable absorptivity of 47(3) %, ranging from 2 μ\mum to 20 μ\mum, could be obtained and is further discussed. The presented gold thin-film represents analmost ideal impedance-matched IR absorber that allows a significant improvement of state-of-the-art thermal detector technology

    BAT AGN spectroscopic survey, XIX : type 1 versus type 2 AGN dichotomy from the point of view of ionized outflows

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    We present a detailed study of ionized outflows in a large sample of similar to 650 hard X-ray-detected active galactic neuclei (AGNs). Using optical spectroscopy from the BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS), we are able to reveal the faint wings of the [OIII] emission lines associated with outflows covering, for the first time, an unexplored range of low AGN bolometric luminosity at low redshift (z similar to 0.05). We test if and how the incidence and velocity of ionized outflow is related to AGN physical parameters: black hole mass (M-BH), gas column density (N-H), Eddington ratio (lambda(Edd)), [OIII], X-ray, and bolometric luminosities. We find a higher occurrence of ionized outflows in type 1.9 (55 per cent) and type 1 AGNs (46 per cent) with respect to type 2 AGNs (24 per cent). While outflows in type 2 AGNs are evenly balanced between blue and red velocity offsets with respect to the [OIII] narrow component, they are almost exclusively blueshifted in type 1 and type 1.9 AGNs. We observe a significant dependence between the outflow occurrence and accretion rate, which becomes relevant at high Eddington ratios [log(lambda(Edd)) greater than or similar to -1.7]. We interpret such behaviour in the framework of covering factor-Eddington ratio dependence. We do not find strong trends of the outflow maximum velocity with AGN physical parameters, as an increase with bolometric luminosity can be only identified when including samples of AGNs at high luminosity and high redshift taken from literature

    Can We Really Prevent Suicide?

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    Every year, suicide is among the top 20 leading causes of death globally for all ages. Unfortunately, suicide is difficult to prevent, in large part because the prevalence of risk factors is high among the general population. In this review, clinical and psychological risk factors are examined and methods for suicide prevention are discussed. Prevention strategies found to be effective in suicide prevention include means restriction, responsible media coverage, and general public education, as well identification methods such as screening, gatekeeper training, and primary care physician education. Although the treatment for preventing suicide is difficult, follow-up that includes pharmacotherapy, psychotherapy, or both may be useful. However, prevention methods cannot be restricted to the individual. Community, social, and policy interventions will also be essentia

    Academic Performance and Behavioral Patterns

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    Identifying the factors that influence academic performance is an essential part of educational research. Previous studies have documented the importance of personality traits, class attendance, and social network structure. Because most of these analyses were based on a single behavioral aspect and/or small sample sizes, there is currently no quantification of the interplay of these factors. Here, we study the academic performance among a cohort of 538 undergraduate students forming a single, densely connected social network. Our work is based on data collected using smartphones, which the students used as their primary phones for two years. The availability of multi-channel data from a single population allows us to directly compare the explanatory power of individual and social characteristics. We find that the most informative indicators of performance are based on social ties and that network indicators result in better model performance than individual characteristics (including both personality and class attendance). We confirm earlier findings that class attendance is the most important predictor among individual characteristics. Finally, our results suggest the presence of strong homophily and/or peer effects among university students

    Large introns in relation to alternative splicing and gene evolution: a case study of Drosophila bruno-3

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    Background: Alternative splicing (AS) of maturing mRNA can generate structurally and functionally distinct transcripts from the same gene. Recent bioinformatic analyses of available genome databases inferred a positive correlation between intron length and AS. To study the interplay between intron length and AS empirically and in more detail, we analyzed the diversity of alternatively spliced transcripts (ASTs) in the Drosophila RNA-binding Bruno-3 (Bru-3) gene. This gene was known to encode thirteen exons separated by introns of diverse sizes, ranging from 71 to 41,973 nucleotides in D. melanogaster. Although Bru-3's structure is expected to be conducive to AS, only two ASTs of this gene were previously described. Results: Cloning of RT-PCR products of the entire ORF from four species representing three diverged Drosophila lineages provided an evolutionary perspective, high sensitivity, and long-range contiguity of splice choices currently unattainable by high-throughput methods. Consequently, we identified three new exons, a new exon fragment and thirty-three previously unknown ASTs of Bru-3. All exon-skipping events in the gene were mapped to the exons surrounded by introns of at least 800 nucleotides, whereas exons split by introns of less than 250 nucleotides were always spliced contiguously in mRNA. Cases of exon loss and creation during Bru-3 evolution in Drosophila were also localized within large introns. Notably, we identified a true de novo exon gain: exon 8 was created along the lineage of the obscura group from intronic sequence between cryptic splice sites conserved among all Drosophila species surveyed. Exon 8 was included in mature mRNA by the species representing all the major branches of the obscura group. To our knowledge, the origin of exon 8 is the first documented case of exonization of intronic sequence outside vertebrates. Conclusion: We found that large introns can promote AS via exon-skipping and exon turnover during evolution likely due to frequent errors in their removal from maturing mRNA. Large introns could be a reservoir of genetic diversity, because they have a greater number of mutable sites than short introns. Taken together, gene structure can constrain and/or promote gene evolution