46 research outputs found

    Synthesis, Identification of Co(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II) Complexes with A Schiff Base–Azo Ligand Derived from Imidazol Derivatives, 4- Aminoacetophenon and 4- Chloroaniline and Study Their Physical Properties and Their Thermodynamic Stabilities

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    حضرت معقدات الكوبالت الثنائي والنحاس الثنائي والنيكل الثنائي باستخدام ليكاند آزو- قاعدة شف والتي حضرت في هذه الدراسة من تفاعل ملح الدايوزونيوم لقاعدة شف مع مشتق الايميدازول . شخصت هذه المعقدات بواسطة عدة تقنيات  CHN وتقنية تحليل العناصر  FTIR ومطيافية الاشعة تحت الحمراء  UV.VISB.مطيافية الاشعة المرئية-البنفسجية  وعينت الصفات المغناطيسية والكهربائية لهذه المعقدات كما عينت ثوابت الاستفرارية الكلية والمرحلية والخواص الثرموديناميكية وقد وجد ان كل المعقدات لها خواص بارامغناطيسية ولها توصيلية كهربائية جيدة. استخدمت طريقة النسب المولية لتعيين صيغة المعقدات وبينت النتائج انها تمتلك التركيب (1:3) ليكاند: فلز في كل المعقدات. ان التناسق كان عبر ذرة النتروجين لمجموعة الآزو وذرة النتروجين لحلقة الايميدازول وان الشكل الهندسي لهذه المعقدات  d2sp3 هو ثمانية السطوح. ان ثوابت الاستقرارية المرحلية والكلية تزداد باضافة الليكاند والسبب يعود الى التأثير الكليتي لليكاند وان قيم الدوال الثرموديناميكية كانت سالبة مما يدل على ان التفاعل تلقائي والمعقدات ذات استقرارية عالية.The complexes of Co(II), Cu(II) and Ni(II)  were synthesized by using schiff base – azo as a ligand, which were prepared under this study by the reaction between the Schiff base diazonium salt and the imidazole derevitive. They were characterized by element analysis, FTIR spectroscopy and UV.VIS. spectroscopy. Their electric conductivity and magnetic features were determined. Their stepwise and overall stability constants and their thermodynamic data ( ,  and ) were determined. The results showed that all the complexes have paramagnetic features and all of them have good conductivity. The formula of the complexes under this paper were suggested by using the mole ratio method which lead to the formation of (1 : 2) metal : ligand formula for all the complexes. In all the complexes the coordinated sites was through N atoms of the azo groups and N atom of the imidazol ring. The suggested geometrical shapes of the complexes was the octahedral shape due to the ( d2sp3 ) hybridization. Their stepwise stability constants were determined, it was found that for all the complexes they were increased toward the addition of ligand that because of the chelate effect. Their overall stability constants were determined, it was found that for all the complexes were high that because of the chelate effect. Their thermodynamic functions ( ,  and  ) were had negative value, that refer to good stability for the complexes and these results were satisfied with the spontaneous reaction and high stability complexes

    193 nm ArF laser ablation and patterning of chitosan thin films

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    This paper reports laser ablation studies on spin coated bio polymer chitosan films, β-l,4-1inked 2-amino-2-deoxy-D-glucopyranose. Chitosan has been irradiated using an ArF laser emitting at 193 nm. An ablation threshold of FT = 858 mJcm-2 has been determined from etch rate measurements. Laser ablated chitosan is characterised using white light interferometry, scanning electron microscopy and thermo-gravimetric analysis. Laser ablation of chitosan is discussed in terms of thermal and photoacoustic mechanisms. Heat transfer is simulated to assist in the understanding of laser irradiated chitosan using a finite element method and the software package COMSOL Multi-Physics™. As a demonstrator, a micro-array of square structures in the form of a crossed grating has been fabricated by laser ablation using a mask projection scanning method. Initial investigations shown no evidence of thermal damage occurring to the adjacent chitosan when operating at a moderately low laser fluence of 110 mJcm-2

    The absence of a functional thymus is associated with alterations in peripheral and central neurotransmitters and neurotrophins

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    Physiologische Wechselwirkungen zwischen neuronalem, endokrinem und Immunsystem sind inzwischen gut belegt. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Auswirkungen des Fehlens von funktionsfähigem Thymus auf Neurotransmitter- und Neurotrophin-Konzentrationen in der Milz sowie bestimmten Hirnregionen unter Verwendung homozygoter Foxn1nu Mäuse als Modell. Diese Spontanmutation führt zu einer fehlerhaften Entwicklung der Thymusanlage mit Ausbleiben der Entwicklung reifer T-Zellen. Der erste Teil der Arbeit zeigt bei Foxn1nu Mäusen 1) eine verstärkte sympathische Innervation der Milz, die auch im Erwachsenalter anhält; 2) Änderungen noradrenerger und serotonerger Neurotransmitter in bestimmten Hirnregionen, vergleichbar denen in der Milz; 3) eine erhöhte Dichte noradrenerger Fasern in Milz und Hypothalamus; 4) eine Erhöhung der Konzentrationen des Wachstumsfaktors „brain-derived nerve growth factor“ (BDNF) und von Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) sowie von BDNF-Signalen in Milz und Hippocampus; 5) ausgeprägte anatomische Änderungen des Hippocampus und 6) erhöhte Kortikosteron-Blutwerte. Diese Änderungen verschwinden nach Rekonstitution der Foxn1nu Mäuse durch Thymustransplantation bei Geburt. Der zweite Teil geht der Frage nach, ob diese Änderungen in athymischen Mäusen grundsätzlicher bedeuten, dass das catecholaminerge System ursächlich mit der Neurotrophinbildung in Verbindung steht. Die Befunde zeigen, dass die Zerstörung noradrenerger Neurone nach Neurotoxinapplikation zu einer dauerhaften oder vorübergehenden Denervierung führt, begleitet von zu- oder abnehmenden Kortikosteron-Blutspiegeln sowie Neurotrophin-Konzentrationen in Milz und Gehirn, abhängig vom Alter der Denervierung. Zusammengenommen weisen die hier vorgelegten Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass die bei Foxn1nu Mäusen gefundenen Änderungen an Neurotransmittern und Neurotrophinen kein Epiphänomen darstellen, das zufällig mit dem Fehlen der Thymusfunktion einhergeht, sondern dass wahrscheinlich reife T-Zellen direkt oder indirekt eine inhibitorische Wirkung auf die Entwicklung der sympathischen Milzinnervation sowie auf catecholaminerge und serotonerge Mechanismen des zentralen Nervensystems entfalten. Die Ergebnisse liefern somit neue Belege, dass das Immunsystem nervale und endokrine Systeme beeinflussen kann

    The Holy Roman Empire, building tool of a European unity?

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    The European Union has been going through deep crises since its creation, bringing into question its foundations. The question of its essence has been a heated one for the past years, and some have turned to the past of the continent in order to find clues as to what the European Union is today. Resorting to past models of unity can prove a hazardous task if taken as such, but it can also provide interesting insights to understanding our contemporary reality. The Holy Roman Empire was a thousand-year-old Empire which constituted the political reality of many Europeans from the Middle-Ages until the 19th century. Its lifespan and its width raise the question as to how it was able to foster a certain degree of unity. Through its imperial narrative, gathering multiple religious and political fictions, the Empire endowed itself with an ambition of European unity. It tried to use its flexible feudal structure to achieve it, within and beyond its borders. And while it met some serious obstacles and eventually collapsed, the Holy Roman Empire remains a major figure in the attempts to form European unity

    Characterisation of laser processed bio-compatible materials and the realisation of electro optical diffraction gratings

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    Laser processing methods using excimer lasers have become very attractive for processing materials and the fabrication of micro and nano optical components. Diffraction gratings are used in a wide range of applications and require different fabrication methods. These components can be fabricated from a variety of biocompatible polymers. In this work, an Argon Fluoride (ArF) excimer laser operating at a wavelength of 193 nm has been used to process chitosan and agarose substrates. These materials have been characterised for differing laser processing conditions. Diffraction gratings and component demonstrators have been realised using Laser Direct writing (LDW) and nanoimprinting lithography (NIL). Characterisation of the ArF 193 nm laser work involves ablation threshold, optical absorption measurements and quantification of structural and morphological changes. This results can be used to identify the ideal laser fluence to be used for the production of a diffraction grating and similar optical components fabricated from chitosan. An ablation threshold of chitosan at 193 nm wavelength has been measured as 85 mJcm⁻² and an optical absorption coefficient of 3×10³ cm⁻¹.A diffraction grating structure, measuring 12 μm, was generated in biocompatible materials films; chitosan and agarose, using a laser processing method. The results showed that the interaction between the laser and these materials can potentially open the pathway for a wide range of practical, real world applications such as optical and biomedical applications. Diffraction gratings with a feature size of 1 μm were successfully formed on the biocompatible material free standing films using a NIL technique. Microstructure cross grating patterning made of chitosan and agarose have been fabricated by ArF excimer laser processing using a mask projection ablation technique. Temperature rise calculations have been carried out by COMSOL™ Multi-Physics v5.3 using a Finite Element Method (FEM), to predict the temperature rise during laser ablation processing of chitosan and agarose. In addition, COMSOL™ Multi-physics v5.3 has been used to simulate the electric field in the vicinity of a diffraction grating that is illuminated with light from a HeNe laser emitting at a wavelength of 632.8 nm.The final experimental work investigated the possibility of realising 5CB liquid crystal doped chitosan diffraction gratings doped with Sudan Black B (SBB) dye to enhance the absorption properties at 632.8 nm. Diffraction gratings was fabricated using two intersecting beams from a HeNe laser. Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) chitosan doped with 5CB and SBB dye diffraction gratings were experimentally characterised

    Realisation of a biocompatible diffraction grating using an ArF excimer laser

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    We report the fabrication of a bio-compatible diffraction grating made out chitosan, a derivative of chitin. The diffraction grating has been realised by laser ablation using 193 nm excimer laser. Thin spun coated chitosan films 520 nm thick were used in the laser ablation experiments. We report a laser ablation threshold for chitosan of FT = 85 8 mJcm-2. A clean laser ablation process is observed with very little material redeposited on the sample. Following equipment; white light interferometry, scanning electron microscopy, power spectral density and Fraunhofer diffraction measurements were utilized to characterise the diffraction grating. Calculation of the temperature rise induced during laser ablation has been carried out and compared with decomposition temperatures deduced from thermogravimetric data. Applications of bio-compatible gratings realised by laser direct write patterning are briefly discussed

    New Marketing Strategies From 1992 Onwards: A Rationalized Approach

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    The Market: Factors - Forecasting

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    Astilleros Españoles: The Group - Their Figures

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