2,358 research outputs found

    Electric charge is a magnetic dipole when placed in a background magnetic field

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    It is demonstrated, owing to the nonlinearity of QED, that a static charge placed in a strong magnetic field\ BB\ is a magnetic dipole (besides remaining an electric monopole, as well). Its magnetic moment grows linearly with BB as long as the latter remains smaller than the characteristic value of 1.2\cdot 10^{13}\unit{G} but tends to a constant as BB exceeds that value. The force acting on a densely charged object by the dipole magnetic field of a neutron star is estimated

    Magnetic response to applied electrostatic field in external magnetic field

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    We show, within QED and other possible nonlinear theories, that a static charge localized in a finite domain of space becomes a magnetic dipole, if it is placed in an external (constant and homogeneous) magnetic field in the vacuum. The magnetic moment is quadratic in the charge, depends on its size and is parallel to the external field, provided the charge distribution is at least cylindrically symmetric. This magneto-electric effect is a nonlinear response of the magnetized vacuum to an applied electrostatic field. Referring to a simple example of a spherically-symmetric applied field, the nonlinearly induced current and its magnetic field are found explicitly throughout the space, the pattern of lines of force is depicted, both inside and outside the charge, which resembles that of a standard solenoid of classical magnetostatics

    Particle creation from the vacuum by an exponentially decreasing electric field

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    We analyze the creation of fermions and bosons from the vacuum by the exponentially decreasing in time electric field in detail. In our calculations we use QED and follow in main the consideration of particle creation effect in a homogeneous electric field. To this end we find complete sets of exact solutions of the dd-dimensional Dirac equation in the exponentially decreasing electric field and use them to calculate all the characteristics of the effect, in particular, the total number of created particles and the probability of a vacuum to remain a vacuum. It should be noted that the latter quantities were derived in the case under consideration for the first time. All possible asymptotic regimes are discussed in detail. In addition, switching on and switching off effects are studied.Comment: We add some references and minor comments. Version accepted for publication in Physica Scripta as a Invited Commen

    Magnetic response from constant backgrounds to Coulomb sources

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    Magnetically uncharged, magnetic linear response of the vacuum filled with arbitrarily combined constant electric and magnetic fields to an imposed static electric charge is found within general nonlinear electrodynamics. When the electric charge is point-like and external fields are parallel, the response found may be interpreted as a field of two point-like magnetic charges of opposite polarity in one point. Coefficients characterizing the magnetic response and induced currents are specialized to Quantum Electrodynamics, where the nonlinearity is taken as that determined by the Heisenberg-Euler effective Lagrangian.Comment: The part dealing with magnetically charged responses is removed to be a subject of another paper after revisio

    Noncommutative magnetic moment, fundamental length and lepton size

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    Upper bounds on fundamental length are discussed that follow from the fact that a magnetic moment is inherent in a charged particle in noncommutative (NC) electrodynamics. The strongest result thus obtained for the fundamental lenth is still larger than the estimate of electron or muon size achieved following the Brodsky-Drell and Dehlmet approach to lepton compositeness. This means that NC electrodynamics cannot alone explain the whole existing descrepancy between the theoretical and experimental values of the muon magnetic moment. On the contrary, as measurements and calculations are further improved, the fundamental length estimate based on electron data may go down to match its compositeness radius

    When electric charge becomes also magnetic

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    In nonlinear electrodynamics, QED included, we find a static solution to the field equations with an electric charge as its source, which is comprised of homogeneous parallel magnetic and electric fields, and a radial spherically-nonsymmetric long-range magnetic field, whose magnetic charge is proportional to the electric charge and also depends on the homogeneous component of the solution.Comment: Four pages, no figure