11 research outputs found

    Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Pencatatan dan Penjadwalan Kunjungan Skripsi Berbasis Mikrokomputer Studi Kasus : STIKOM Bali

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    Perkembangan penelitian di STMIK STIKOM Bali berkembang cepat, sehingga dalam perkembangannya STMIK STIKOM Bali dalam menjalankan kegiatan bidang akademik terdapat satu kegiatan yaitu skripsi atau tugas akhir yang merupakan bagian penting bagi STMIK STIKOM BALI. Dalam kegiatannya mahasiswa dan dosen pembimbing skripsi melakukan pertemuan bimbingan dan komunikasi janji. Raspberry Pi yaitu sebuah Mini komputer yang menggunakan ARM sebagai prosesor pada mini komputer tersebut, raspberry pi dapat berintegrasi dengan webcam dan beberapa sensor yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat tambahan dalam sebuah sistem. Raspberry Pi juga dapat digunakan sebagai web server sehingga dapat berfungsi sebagai dapat digunakan sebagai layanan penyedia aplikasi berbasis web. Pemanfaatan mini komputer berbasis ARM prosessor diharapkan dapat menerapkan Sistem pencatatan dan penjadwalan kunjungan skripsi sehingga dapat membantu mahasiswa dan dosen dalam berkomunikasi dalam menjalankan kegiatan akademik

    Implementasi White Hat SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Pada Website E-Commerce Sayur Plagro.id

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    Internet users in Indonesia have increased by 64% of the total population in Indonesia in 2020. This number has increased by 17% compared to 2019. The website is one of the internet technologies that is not only a medium of information but also to support a company's business processes such as selling products and services online, but sales through the website cannot be done without the support of the right promotion strategy. Usually, 62% of internet users are interested in the first 10 or 20 pages of the SERP (Search Engine Result Page), and another 38% will look at the website on the next page. One method that can be used to get top rankings on search engines on the internet is to implement SEO methods. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a promotional technique that uses search engine optimization to ensure that a website ranks high or is on the first page on SERPs. One of the problems faced by the Plagro.id e-commerce website is the position in search engine search results based on the targeted keywords not being in an indexed position on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) or ranked 100 and above on the SERP (Search Engine Results) Page), so that it is not visible or is still on a page far from the SERP. This study implemented one of the SEO methods, namely White Hat SEO on the Plagro.id e-commerce website, then tested using Serprobot Tools. After the website is optimized, it is tested again with the same testing tools. From the results of this study, the results of increasing the ranking of the Plagro.id e-commerce website in the SERP after implementing SEO

    Implementasi dan Pelatihan Agrowisata Virtual Tour dan Branding Pada Kelompok Tani Green Fresh Pelaga

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    Pelaga Village offers tourist attractions complete with their ecology. Pelaga Village has a large and diverse horticultural farm ranging from vegetables, flowers, and fruit. Pelaga Village has a Farmers Group called Pelaga Green Fresh with members spread throughout the Pelaga Village hamlets. Each member has a well-managed garden with the production of vegetable and fruit commodities. This potential makes Pelaga Village suitable as an agro-tourism location which is also one of the leading programs in the Pelaga Village RPJMDes. However, the Green Fresh Pelaga Farmer Group has not realized the potential of this agro-tourism due to a lack of knowledge and lack of information media to introduce the potential of this village. Therefore, branding and information media are needed so that the agro-tourism potential of Pelaga Village can be recognized by more people so that it can improve the welfare of the local community. In addition to using information media, the Green Fresh Pelaga Farmer Group also needs knowledge on how to brand and use this information media. This activity is carried out by creating information media in the form of a Virtual Tour which includes a garden atmosphere and agro-tourism video content. In addition, training was conducted on using the virtual tour website and socialization as well as training on Agro-tourism branding in the Pelaga village area, especially for the Pelaga Green Fresh Farmer Group. This is done to make the potential of Pelaga village more accessible and farmers understand about agro-tourism branding. Based on the results of the activity, members of the farmer groups have been able to understand the use of brands in the implementation of their products. In addition, the members of the Green Fresh farmer group also have a virtual tour website and are able to master the management of the virtual tour website

    Pelatihan Pembuatan Desain Kemasan Produk Pada UKM Sari Ne Lemon

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    Sari Ne Lemon in East Denpasar is an UKM that is active in lemon cultivation. The lemon plantation owned by Sari Ne Lemon is located in Pelaga Village, Petang District, Badung Regency. Although the lemon plantation is currently still in the village of Petang, the production and sales center is located in East Denpasar. Initially the results of the cultivation of lemon plantations were only in the form of lemons that had not undergone further processing. Currently, Sari Ne Lemon has developed lemon juice into packaged lemon juice. In its effort to develop lemon juice products, Sari Ne Lemon encountered difficulties in terms of packaging and marketing. The packaging owned by Sari Ne Lemon is still very simple, namely lemon juice is packaged and sold in plastic bottles. Therefore, the resulting product has not been able to compete in the industrial market. This service activity aims to find and implement solutions to the problems experienced by partners. Packaging that is only in the form of plastic bottles without labels will be changed into 2 types of packaging, namely labeled plastic bottle packaging and labeled plastic press glass packaging. With the activities of making branding and training on packaging of processed lemon juice products, it will produce products that have higher competitiveness and selling value. UKM Sari Ne Lemon has been helped by the successful development of their new product packaging through packaging design and implementation in 14 oz glass cups and small plastic bottles

    Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Media Sosial Sebagai Media Promosi Serta Penyebaran Informasi di Desa Dalang

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    COVID-19 has had a major impact on all sectors of society, starting from health, the economy, and tourism. The outbreak of the spread of this disease causes a lack of public awareness of the importance of clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS). PHBS is an effort that can be made by the community to improve the quality of health through individuals, groups, or society at large. As well as the restrictions on community activities, especially in the economic sector, the people's purchasing power decreases for MSME products, precisely in Dalang Village. Therefore, in this community service, UKM KSR-PMI Unit ITB STIKOM Bali held community service in the form of health socialization and socialization of the use of technology. Broadly speaking, this activity is divided into health socialization which aims to increase public awareness of the importance of maintaining a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) and socialization of the use of social media technology and e-commerce which aims to improve and help the economy and MSMEs in Dalang Village. . This activity that has been carried out by UKM KSR-PMI Unit ITB STIKOM Bali has a fairly large and good impact on people's understanding which can be seen from the results of the percentage of questionnaires. From this activity 88% showed that participants had understood the socialization material that had been given directly

    Manajemen Model Pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan

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    xvi, 256 hlm.; 23 c

    Manajemen Model pada Sistem Pendukung Keputusan

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    xvi, 256 hlm.; 23 c

    Perancangan Pengembangan Usaha Penjualan Daring Sayuran di Bali

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    Bisnis online atau yang biasa disebut e-commerce merupakan suatu organisasi yang menjual barang atau jasa diberbagai bidang kepada konsumen secara online menggunakan jaringan internet untuk mendapatkan laba, sedangkan informasi yang akan disampaikan atau dijual biasanya menggunakan media website ataupun aplikasi mobile. Bisnis online merupakan prospek yang cukup besar pada saat ini dan dimasa mendatang. Dalam mengatasi permasalahan industri pertanian yaitu produksi sayuran di Indonesia pada tahun 2011 mencapai 11.394.891 Ton. Nilai produksi sayuran di Indonesia masih lebih rendah dari konsumsi sayuran per kapita masyarakat. Kekurangan kebutuhan sayuran saat ini dipenuhi oleh komoditas impor. Kurang lebih sebanyak 16 jenis sayuran masih harus impor. Akibatnya, produk sayuran Indonesia sering gagal dalam persaingan di pasar global. Kebutuhan sayuran yang cukup tinggi dan produksi dari industri pertanian di Indonesia dan negara-negara sekitar juga terus berkembang setiap tahunnya. Jual beli sayuran juga merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam industri pertanian. Dalam sistem ini terfasilitasi beberapa petani yang yang menjual produknya lengkap dengan deskripsi makanannya, harga, stok dan peta toko fisik dari petani. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah perancangan sistem yang dapat memafisilitasi keperluan penjualan daring sayuran hidroponik di Bali antara petani denan konsumen maupun dengan petani dengan perusahaan. Kata kunci: Bisnis online, e-Commerce, Sayur, Hidroponi


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    Kuesioner  digunakan  untuk  adalah suatu teknik pengumpulan informasi yang memungkinkan analis mempelajari sikap-sikap, keyakinan, perilaku, dan karakteristik beberapa orang utama di dalam organisasi yang bisa terpengaruh oleh sistem yang diajukan atau oleh sistem yang sudah ada. Penyusunan kuesioner  juga dilakukan di STMIK STIKOM Bali, khususnya oleh unit atau bagian laboratorium. Laboratorium memiliki sub unit sejumlah sembilan lab. Hal ini sangat dibutuhkan bagian laboratorium ketika harus mengukur kinerja laboratorium secara keseluruhan dan keperluan yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya. Tiap-tiap  unit  menyusun  kuesioner  dan membagikan ke responden yaitu mahasiswa dan pengguna laboratorium, kemudian  kuesioner tersebut dikumpulkan kepada Laboratorium,  untuk  selanjutnya  dianalisa mengenai kinerja dari setiap unitunit laboratorium. Setelah dianalisa kuesioner-kuesioner tersebut hasilnya akan dijadikan acuan strategi yang bisa dilaksanakan pihak laboratorium terkait dengan penyelenggaraan pelaksanaan belajar mengajar di STIKOM Bali. Namun, sebelum sistem informasi kuesioner dikembangkan, perlu dilakukannya perancangan sistem terlebih dahulu. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Implementasi sistem kuesioner yang terintegrasi dengan Sistem Informasi Laboratoriu


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    Kuesioner  digunakan  untuk  adalah suatu teknik pengumpulan informasi yang memungkinkan analis mempelajari sikap-sikap, keyakinan, perilaku, dan karakteristik beberapa orang utama di dalam organisasi yang bisa terpengaruh oleh sistem yang diajukan atau oleh sistem yang sudah ada. Penyusunan kuesioner  juga dilakukan di STMIK STIKOM Bali, khususnya oleh unit atau bagian laboratorium. Laboratorium memiliki sub unit sejumlah sembilan lab. Hal ini sangat dibutuhkan bagian laboratorium ketika harus mengukur kinerja laboratorium secara keseluruhan dan keperluan yang akan dilakukan selanjutnya. Tiap-tiap  unit  menyusun  kuesioner  dan membagikan ke responden yaitu mahasiswa dan pengguna laboratorium, kemudian  kuesioner tersebut dikumpulkan kepada Laboratorium,  untuk  selanjutnya  dianalisa mengenai kinerja dari setiap unitunit laboratorium. Setelah dianalisa kuesioner-kuesioner tersebut hasilnya akan dijadikan acuan strategi yang bisa dilaksanakan pihak laboratorium terkait dengan penyelenggaraan pelaksanaan belajar mengajar di STIKOM Bali. Namun, sebelum sistem informasi kuesioner dikembangkan, perlu dilakukannya perancangan sistem terlebih dahulu. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Implementasi sistem kuesioner yang terintegrasi dengan Sistem Informasi Laboratoriu