62 research outputs found

    Gilaburu Tohumunun Bazı Fiziksel Özellikleri

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    Bu çalışmada gilaburu Viburnum opulus L. tohumunun fiziksel özellikleri araştırılmıştır. % 54 nem içeriğindeki gilaburu tohumunun, uzunluk, genişlik, kalınlık ve geometrik ortalama çap değerlerinin sırasıyla 6.56 ile 8.44 mm, 6.24 ile 8.57 mm, 1.62 ile 2.52 mm ve 4.19 ile 5.31 mm arasında olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Küresellik, yüzey alanı, 1000 tane ağırlığı ve kritik hız değerlerinin sırasıyla, 0.59’ dan 0.68’ e kadar 55.22 mm2’ den 88.65 mm2’ye, 75.00 kg’dan 78.30 kg ‘a kadar ve 4.52 m/s ‘den 5.15 m/s ‘ye kadar değiştiği, hacim ağırlığı, kütlesel yoğunluk, porozite ve doğal yığılma açısı değerlerinin sırasıyla, 524.82 kg/m3’ den 546.81 kg/m3’ e, 981.45 kg/m3 ‘den 1046.15 kg/m3 ‘e,% 45.46 ‘dan % 50.14 ‘e ve 22.60o ‘den 26.78o ‘ye değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Gilaburu tahumunun fiziksel özellikleri gilaburu tohumunun ekim, hasat, ayırma, taşıma, depolama ve diğer işlemler için gerekli olan ekipmanların dizayn edilmesine yardımcı olmaktadı

    Para politikasının etkiliği üzerinde açıklığın rolü: 1990'larda gelişmekte olan ülke deneyimi

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    Bu çalısmada, para politikası ve döviz kuru arasındaki iliskinin ekonominin açıklık derecesi tarafından nasıl etkilendigi incelenmektedir. Bu amaçla, 1988- 2000 yılları arası 20 gelismekte olan ülkenin birlestirilmis verileri kullanılmıstır. Elde edilen bulgular, ekonominin açıklık derecesinin, para politikasının döviz kurları üzerindeki etkililigini negatif yönde etkiledigini göstermektedir. Bu sonuç, devlet müdahalaesinin oldugu döviz kuru rejimlerinde de degismemektedir. Buna gore, para arzının büyüme oranındaki artıs, görece daha açık gelismekte olan ülkelerin paralarında daha düsük oranda bir deger kaybına yolaçmaktadır.This paper attempts to examine how is the relationship between monetary policy and exchange rates affected by the openness of an economy, using annual data for a panel of twenty developing countries for the period of 1988-2000. The results show that the openness of an economy has a negative impact on the effectiveness of the monetary policy on the exchange rates. This result, which does not seem to be sensitive to exchange rate regimes enforced by the governments, indicates that an increase in the money growth rate leads to a smaller depreciation in the currency of developing countries with more open economies

    İmalat Sanayi ve Tekstil Sektörü İçin Cobb-Douglas, CES ve Translog Üretim Fonksiyonlarının Tahmini

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    Bu çalışmada, 1985-2001 dönemi yıllık verilerine dayanarak, Türk imalat sanayi ve onun en önemli alt sektörlerinden biri olan tekstil sektörüne ilişkin Cobb-Douglas (C-D), CES ve Translog üretim fonksiyonları tahmin edilmiş; ilgili sektörlerde üretim esnekliği, ölçeğe göre getiri ve ikâme esneklikleri bulunmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, gerek imalat sanayi, gerekse tekstil sektöründe ölçeğe göre artan getiri gözlenmekle birlikte, tekstil sektöründe ölçeğe göre getiri (2.25), imalat sanayine kıyasla (1.62) daha yüksektir. CES üretim fonksiyonunda ikâme esneklikleri yaklaşık 1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçlar, C-D üretim fonksiyonunun incelenen dönem itibariyle Türk imalat sanayi ve tekstil sektörünün üretim yapısını daha iyi açıklayan, dolayısıyla temsil kabiliyeti daha yüksek üretim fonksiyonu olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bu sonuçlar, imalat sanayi ve tekstilde henüz tüketilmemiş kâr fırsatlarının olduğuna, tekstil sektöründe sermaye yoğun yatırımların daha cazip olacağına ve adı geçen sektörlerde işgücü reel ücretleri üzerinde belirli bir baskının varolacağını ima etmektedir.This study estimates production function for manufacturing and textiles industries by using Cobb-Douglas, CES and Translog Functional Forms based on 1985-2001 data. By doing this, supply elasticities, returns to scale and substitution elasticities were obtained for these sectors. The results indicate that both industries reveal increasing returns to scale, though it is higher for textiles than manufacturing. Substitution elasticities were found to be around 1, which confirms the implicit assumption that C-D type production functions have substitution elasticity of 1. For the period in question C-D functional form was found to have a better explanatory power in explaining the production structure of Turkish manufacturing and textiles industries. These findings imply that there are still unexploited profit opportunities in manufacturing and textiles that capital-intensive investments will be more attractive in textiles, and there will be a certain pressure on real wages in these sectors due to relatively easier factor substitution possibilities


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    Bu çalışmada, 1985-2001 dönemi yıllık verilerine dayanarak, Türk imalat sanayi ve onun en önemli alt sektörlerinden biri olan tekstil sektörüne ilişkin Cobb-Douglas (C-D), CES ve Translog üretim fonksiyonları tahmin edilmiş; ilgili sektörlerde üretim esnekliği, ölçeğe göre getiri ve ikâme esneklikleri bulunmuştur. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre, gerek imalat sanayi, gerekse tekstil sektöründe ölçeğe göre artan getiri gözlenmekle birlikte, tekstil sektöründe ölçeğe göre getiri (2.25), imalat sanayine kıyasla (1.62) daha yüksektir. CES üretim fonksiyonunda ikâme esneklikleri yaklaşık 1 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçlar, C-D üretim fonksiyonunun incelenen dönem itibariyle Türk imalat sanayi ve tekstil sektörünün üretim yapısını daha iyi açıklayan, dolayısıyla temsil kabiliyeti daha yüksek üretim fonksiyonu olduğuna işaret etmektedir. Bu sonuçlar, imalat sanayi ve tekstilde henüz tüketilmemiş kâr fırsatlarının olduğuna, tekstil sektöründe sermaye yoğun yatırımların daha cazip olacağına ve adı geçen sektörlerde işgücü reel ücretleri üzerinde belirli bir baskının varolacağını ima etmektedir

    The impact of medial cuneiform bone variant measures on the severity of hallux valgus: A radiological study

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    Purpose: The aetiology of hallux valgus (HV) is multifactorial in nature. The first metatarsocuneiform joint obliquity is a well-known factor in the development of the deformity. The purpose of this study is to assess the correlation of different medial cuneiform radiological measures on the severity of HV. Methods: Full weight-bearing anteroposterior views of 152 feet with different clinical severity are divided into four groups: without deformity and with mild, moderate and severe deformities. Three medial cuneiform angles were assessed, namely, the first metatarsocuneiform angle (MCA), the first metatarsocuneiform slope angle (MCSA) and the medial cuneiform lateral tilt angle (MCLTA). Results: The first MCA average values of groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were (25.16 5.74 degrees, 27.38 +/- 6.14 degrees, 30.27 +/- 5.62 degrees and 34.28 +/- 6.81 degrees), respectively. Statistical differences were detected between groups (1, 3) and (1, 4) with p values of 0.034 and 0.001, respectively. The average values of the first MCSA of groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 19.26 +/- 4.97 degrees, 22.54 +/- 5.62 degrees, 26.13 +/- 6.36 degrees and 32.17 +/- 5.85 degrees, respectively. Significant differences were detected between groups (1, 3) and (1, 4) with p values of 0.04 and 0.023, respectively. Average values of the MCLTA of groups 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 80.85 +/- 4.49 degrees, 74.56 +/- 5.28 degrees, 62.38 +/- 6.34 degrees and 58.78 +/- 6.25 degrees, respectively. Statistical significances were detected between groups (1, 2), (1, 3) and (1, 4) with p values of 0.026, 0.018 and 0.001, respectively. Conclusions: Increasing the medial cuneiform lateral tilt increases the first metatarsocuneiform articulation obliquity demonstrated by the increase in the first MCSA which in term enhances the progression of varus deformity of the first metatarsal bone explained by the increase in the first MCA

    Straight-Forward versus Bicortical Fixation Penetrating Endplate in Lumbosacral Fixation-A Biomechanical Study

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    Objective : Many lumbosacral fixation techniques have been described to offer a more screw-bone purchase. The forward anatomical fixation parallel to the endplate is still the most preferred method. Literature revealed little knowledge regarding the mechanical stability of lumbosacral trans-endplate fixation compared to the traditional trans-pedicular screw fixation method. The aim of this study is to assess the pull-out strength of lumbosacral screws penetrating the end plate and comparing it to the conventional trans-pedicular screw insertion method

    The assessment of portal-tract healing after knee arthroscopy

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse the pattern of portal-tract healing, to compare the healing time of anteromedial and anterolateral portal tracts and to assess the impact of portal-tract delayed healing on the post-operative sub-acute and chronic anterior knee tenderness. Methods: The study included 104 patients (68 males and 36 females; mean age: 49 ± 3.16 years (range; 17–66)) who have undergone knee arthroscopy. Puncture wounds were divided into two groups, (1) anteromedial and (2) anterolateral groups. Each group contained 104 portal-tracts. Healing of portal tracts was evaluated using sequential superficial ultrasonographic examinaitons. Visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to measure pain related to delayed tract healing and its association with the post-operative sub-acute and chronic anterior knee tenderness. Results: Anteromedial and anterolateral tracts total healing time average values were 47 days and 28 days respectively. The VAS average values of anteromedial tracts after 2 weeks, one month, three months, six months and one year were 8.2, 6.3, 4, 1.9 and 0.6 respectively, and for the anterolateral tracts 7.4, 5.5, 2.8, 1.2 and 0.2 respectively. A statistical significance was detected between the two groups at the first and third months with P values 0.042 and 0.0035 respectively. Conclusions: Anteromedial tracts closed later than anterolateral tracts. Both portal-tracts delayed closure is a potential for post-operative sub-acute and chronic anterior knee tenderness after arthroscopic surgery. Four grades of tract healing were recognized. Portal-tract ultrasonography is advised in persistent post-operative sub-acute and chronic anterior knee tenderness. Level of evidence: Level III, Therapeutic study. Keywords: Knee arthroscopy, Post-operative knee pain, Portal-site tract delayed closur

    The effectiveness of extracorporeal shock wave therapy in snapping scapula

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    © Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2017.Background: Bursitis of the snapping scapula is commonly a misdiagnosed problem. Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) has been used successfully in the treatment of many chronic inflammatory conditions. The aim of this study was to assess and compare the effectiveness of ESWT in the treatment of scapulothoracic bursitis with the outcome of corticosteroid injection. Methods: Using the randomized controlled trials 43 patients with scapulothoracic bursitis were divided into two groups. Group 1 (n = 22) received three sessions of ESWT. Group 2 (n = 21) received a single local injection of 80 mg of methylprednisolone. Visual analogue scale (VAS) scores were recorded at each follow-up, whereas the level of satisfaction was evaluated using the Roles and Maudsley criteria. Results: In group 1, the average VAS scores after 1, 2, 3, and 6 months were 39, 30, 27, and 16, respectively, whereas, in group 2, the average VAS scores were 46, 44, 35, and 36, respectively. There was no statistical significance between the two groups in the first and second months. However, after 3 and 6 months, group 1 revealed lower average VAS scores compared to that of the second group with p-values (0.012 and 0.001), respectively. Roles and Maudsley criteria showed that first group patients were 46% excellent, 36% good, 14% acceptable, and 4% had poor results. However, second group patients were 24% excellent, 33% good, 19% acceptable, and 24% had poor results. Conclusion: We believe that ESWT is a beneficial and trustable method of treatment and can be strongly recommended in painful cases of scapulothoracic bursitis