742 research outputs found

    Antibiosis in Ascia monuste orseis Godart (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) caused by kale genotypes

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    Ascia monuste orseis (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is one of the main insect pests of kale. The study was done to  identify kale varieties resistant to A. monuste orseis by the antibiosis resistance mechanism. Kale genotypes (26) were evaluated in experiments performed at the Laboratory of Agricultural Entomology of Goiano Federal Institute - Campus Urutaí. A completely randomized experimental design with 50 replicates was used. The biological parameters evaluated were (a) larval stage: development time, instars, viability and larval weight 15 days after hatching; (b) pupal stage: development time, weight of 24-h-old pupae, viability; (c) larvae-adult stage: development time and viability. The genotypes Gigante I-915 and Pires 1 de Campinas have antibiosis resistance. Gigante I-915 caused high larval mortality and Pires 1 de Campinas resulted in low larval and pupal viability of A. monuste orseis.Key words: Brassica oleracea L. var. acephala, Brassicaceae, Great Southern White, host plant resistance, integrated pest management (IPM)

    Folic acid-tagged protein nanoemulsions loaded with CORM-2 enhance the survival of mice bearing subcutaneous A20 lymphoma tumors.

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    UNLABELLED: Folic Acid (FA)-tagged protein nanoemulsions were found to be preferentially internalized on B-cell lymphoma cell line (A20 cell line), which, for the first time, is reported to express folate receptor (FR)-alpha. Carbon monoxide releasing molecule-2 (CORM-2) was incorporated in the oil phase of the initial formulation. FA-functionalized nanoemulsions loaded with CORM-2 exhibited a considerable antitumor effect and an increased survival of BALB/c mice bearing subcutaneous A20 lymphoma tumors. The developed nanoemulsions also demonstrated to be well tolerated by these immunocompetent mice. Thus, the results obtained in this study demonstrate that FA-tagged protein nanoemulsions can be successfully used in cancer therapy, with the important ability to delivery drugs intracellularly. FROM THE CLINICAL EDITOR: In this research, the authors developed folic acid tagged nanoemulsions containing a carbon monoxide releasing protein molecule for targeted cancer cell treatment. In-vitro and in-vivo experiments showed efficacy against B-cell lymphoma cells. The same nanocarrier platform could be applied to other tumor cells expressing folate receptors on the cell surface.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is avilable via Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1549963415000726

    Lesiones faciales en niños y adolescentes víctimas de agresiones

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    Child maltreatment may occur as the intentional use of power, effective or attempted, against children under 18 years old, that results or may result in actual or potential harm. It affects a vulnerable population, causing physical and/or emotional consequences persisting throughout their lives. This study aimed to characterize episodes of child maltreatment, with focus on facial injuries, in a Brazilian city (Teresina, PI). This is a retrospective study with a quantitative approach, carried out in the database at the Institute of Forensic MedicineinTeresina, between the years 2017 and 2019. All reports of bodily injury of children from 0 to 18 years were collected and statistically analyzed (SPSS 22.0). During the period analysis, 811 reports of bodily injury were identified. There was a predominance of female victims aged between 12 and 18 years old, the involvement of men with some family relationship with the victim was highly associated. Facial injuries represented 35.8% of the whole sample and 98.6% of those found in the head and neck region (41,6% of the total). The orbital (29.0%) was the most affected site, followed by the frontal (25.9%), malar (23.4%), labial (17.6%) and cheek area (11.4%). There is a high prevalence of injuries to the head and neck region, this factemphasizes the importance of a trained professional, especially a dental surgeon, in the analysis and interpretation of these injuries during forensic examination.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Contraceção e risco de tromboembolismo venoso: um estudo caso-controlo

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    Objetivos: Comparar o risco de tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) entre a 4ª geração e as gerações anteriores de contracetivos orais combinados (COC); analisar a correlação existente entre a idade, índice de massa corporal (IMC) e duração da toma do COC e o risco de TEV. Tipo de estudo: Estudo caso-controlo. Local: Centro Hospitalar doAlto-Ave, Hospital de Braga e Unidade Local de Saúde doAlto Minho. População: Foram estudadas no total 257 mulheres, das quais 122 tinham diagnóstico prévio de TEV e 135 não tinham história de TEV. Métodos: Reviram-se os registos clínicos de mulheres em seguimento por TEV, ocorrido entre 2010 e 2013. As mulheres a tomar COC aquando do evento tromboembólico eram os casos.Os controlosforam as mulheresseguidas em consulta de planeamento familiar,a tomar COC e sem antecedentes de TEV. Resultados: Os COC de 4ª geração não aumentam o risco de TEV comparativamente com as gerações anteriores (OR = 1,77; IC95 0,93-3,38; p = 0,083). Não se observou correlação entre o IMC e o risco de TEV (OR = 1,53; IC95 0,76-3,06; p = 0,234). Por outro lado, a idade (OR = 1,5; IC95 1,02-1,09; p = 0,001) e a duração da toma do COC (OR = 2,41; IC95 1,19-4,87; p = 0,014) estiveram associados a risco de TEV. Conclusões: O risco de TEV depende da idade e duração do uso do COC.Tendo em consideração as limitações do estudo, a interpretação dos resultados deve ser cautelosa, quanto à segurança dos COC de 4ª geraçã

    Age-specific salivary immunoglobulin A response to Streptococcus mutans GbpB

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    In a follow-up study of children infected with Streptococcus mutans at an early age (children previously shown to respond poorly to S. mutans GbpB), there was a delay in their immune response, rather than a complete inability to respond to this antigen. Epitopes in the N-terminal third of GbpB were identified as targets for naturally induced immunoglobulin A antibody in children at an early age.14680480