187 research outputs found

    Framework for examination of software quality characteristics in conflict: A security and usability exemplar

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    © 2020, © 2020 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license. Standards and best practices for software quality guide on handling each quality characteristic individually, but not when two or more characteristics come into conflict such as security and usability. The objectives of this paper are twofold: (a) to argue on the importance of handling the conflicts between quality characteristics in general; (b) to formulate a framework for conflict examination of the software quality characteristics, we do so while considering the specific case of security and usability. In line with the objectives, a framework called Pattern-oriented Design Framework (PoDF) was formulated. The PoDF provides a mechanism for identification of the conflicts, modeling the conflicts to illuminate the reason for their occurrence, and eliciting the suitable trade-offs between the conflicting characteristics. The suitable trade-offs are thus documented as design patterns. The patterns can assist developers and designers in handling the conflicts in other but similar context of use. To validate and instantiate the PoDF, two studies were conducted. Usable security patterns discovered as a result of the studies are also presented in the paper

    The Development Strategy of HFG Corporation

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    HFG公司专业从事继电器研发和制造,是中国继电器行业的龙头企业,综合经济效益位居国内同行业之首,2009年“中国电子元件百强企业”综合排名第13位,是中国继电器行业唯一荣获“中国名牌产品”称号的企业。 过去的辉煌已经成为历史,面对新的契机和挑战,HFG提出了第三次创业的目标:把HFG打造成世界主要继电器制造供应商。 本文以HFG为研究对象,借助PEST分析法和波特五力模型,对企业所处的继电器行业做了深入分析,认为继电器市场需求旺盛、规模稳步增长,HFG在该领域有足够的发展空间;应用SWOT框架分析继电器产业的竞争格局,通过对企业资源、能力和价值链的分析,指出了HFG目前的优势与劣势、面临的...HFG has a wealth of experience in relay development and manufacturing after more than 20 years of hard work. HFG is now the leading relay manufacturer in China and is ranked No. 1 in the industry for overall economic efficiency. From 1995, HFG has continuously ranked among 'China Top-100 Electronic Components Enterprises' with a current position of the 13th, and HFG is also the only company whose ...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:S20041519

    Reliability model for component-based systems in cosmic (a case study)

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    Software component technology has a substantial impact on modern IT evolution. The benefits of this technology, such as reusability, complexity management, time and effort reduction, and increased productivity, have been key drivers of its adoption by industry. One of the main issues in building component-based systems is the reliability of the composed functionality of the assembled components. This paper proposes a reliability assessment model based on the architectural configuration of a component-based system and the reliability of the individual components, which is usage- or testing-independent. The goal of this research is to improve the reliability assessment process for large software component-based systems over time, and to compare alternative component-based system design solutions prior to implementation. The novelty of the proposed reliability assessment model lies in the evaluation of the component reliability from its behavior specifications, and of the system reliability from its topology; the reliability assessment is performed in the context of the implementation-independent ISO/IEC 19761:2003 International Standard on the COSMIC method chosen to provide the component\u27s behavior specifications. In essence, each component of the system is modeled by a discrete time Markov chain behavior based on its behavior specifications with extended-state machines. Then, a probabilistic analysis by means of Markov chains is performed to analyze any uncertainty in the component\u27s behavior. Our hypothesis states that the less uncertainty there is in the component\u27s behavior, the greater the reliability of the component. The system reliability assessment is derived from a typical component-based system architecture with composite reliability structures, which may include the composition of the serial reliability structures, the parallel reliability structures and the p-out-of-n reliability structures. The approach of assessing component-based system reliability in the COSMIC context is illustrated with the railroad crossing case study. © 2008 World Scientific Publishing Company


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    The Internet of Things (IoT) touches almost every aspect of modern society and has changed the way people live, work, travel and, do business. Because of its importance, it is essential to ensure that an IoT system is performing well, as desired and expected, and that this can be assessed and managed with an adequate set of IoT performance metrics. The aim of this study was to systematically inventory and classifies recent studies that have investigated IoT metrics. We conducted a literature review based on studies published between January 2010 and December 2021 using a set of five research questions (RQs) on the current knowledge bases for IoT metrics. A total of 158 IoT metrics were identified and classified into 12 categories according to the different parts and aspects of an IoT system. To cover the overall performance of an IoT system, the 12 categories were organized into an ontology.  The findings results show that the category of network metrics was the most discussed in 43% of the studies and, with the highest number of metrics at 37%. This study can provide guidelines for researchers and practitioners in selecting metrics for IoT systems and valuable insights into areas for improvement and optimization. &nbsp

    The Software Architecture Mapping Framework for Managing Architectural Knowledge

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    Abstract-Within a software architecture design (SAD) project, designers deal with software design artifacts (SDAs) such as scenarios, patterns, and tactics. Each SDA has its unique issues and related architectural knowledge (AK) that may threaten the success of a project. This paper introduces the Software Architecture Mapping (SAM) framework to manage AK and associated issues by using finer-grained SDAs and networks of weighted arguments. These networks of data may be used to produce quantitative information in multi-dimensional views to facilitate the identification of critical SDAs and issues in a project. This paper illustrates how the SAM framework has been used to manage AK related to the template method (TM) design pattern in the context of an academic case study

    Sugerencias para la Inclusión de Temas de Medición de Software en un Currículo de Ingeniería de Software para Estudiantes de Pregrado

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    En la última década, se han realizado esfuerzos para desarrollar una versión actualizada del Cuerpo de Conocimiento de la Ingeniería de Software (SWEBOK por sus siglas en inglés). Aunque esta actualización representa una gran contribución para este campo, aún existe la necesidad de actualizar las guías curriculares de ingeniería de software. Tomando como base investigaciones previas, el presente estudio aborda la necesidad de proporcionar una serie de sugerencias respecto a temas de mediciones de software que deben enfatizarse en programas universitarios. Para ello, se efectuó una revisión de los cuerpos de conocimiento relacionados a mediciones de software, así como de las guías curriculares de ingeniería de software a nivel de pregrado. Todo esto acompañado de un análisis de opiniones de profesionales de ingeniería de software en ejercicio de sus funciones, así como de profesores universitarios que imparten dicha cátedra. Los resultados indican que cinco temas de medición de software son esenciales en un currículo de ingeniería de software

    Assessment of real-time software specifications quality using COSMIC-FFP

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    The success of a system development project largely depends on the non ambiguity of its system-level requirements specification document where the requirements are described at the \u27system level\u27 and not at the software and hardware level, and which document serves as an input to the design, implementation and testing phases. The way the system requirements specification document is written is sometimes ambiguous from a software viewpoint. This paper approaches the problem faced by the codesign, namely, the ill-defined functionality allocation between the hardware and the software for real time systems and presents an initial solution to it. It discusses what are the system requirements to be assigned to the hardware and what is really to be done by the software? Different decisions can lead then to various alternatives of allocation of functions between hardware and software: this will affect what software will be built and, correspondingly, the final functional size of software while measuring it using COS-MIC-FFP measurement method. This paper presents an initial solution towards understanding the applicability of the COSMIC-FFP functional size measurement method in assessing the hardware-software requirements allocation, and illustrates the approach on a Steam Boiler Controller case study. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Techniques for quantitative analysis of software quality throughout the SDLC: The SWEBOK guide coverage

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    This paper presents an overview of quantitative analysis techniques for software quality and their applicability during the software development life cycle (SDLC). This includes the Seven Basic Tools of Quality, Statistical Process Control, and Six Sigma, and it highlights how these techniques can be used for managing and controlling the quality of software during specification, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance. We verify whether or not these techniques, which are generally accepted for most projects, most of the time, and have value that is recognized by the peer community, have indeed been included in the SWEBOK Guide. © 2010 IEEE

    Software Development Effort Estimation Using Regression Fuzzy Models

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    Software effort estimation plays a critical role in project management. Erroneous results may lead to overestimating or underestimating effort, which can have catastrophic consequences on project resources. Machine-learning techniques are increasingly popular in the field. Fuzzy logic models, in particular, are widely used to deal with imprecise and inaccurate data. The main goal of this research was to design and compare three different fuzzy logic models for predicting software estimation effort: Mamdani, Sugeno with constant output and Sugeno with linear output. To assist in the design of the fuzzy logic models, we conducted regression analysis, an approach we call regression fuzzy logic. State-of-the-art and unbiased performance evaluation criteria such as standardized accuracy, effect size and mean balanced relative error were used to evaluate the models, as well as statistical tests. Models were trained and tested using industrial projects from the International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (ISBSG) dataset. Results showed that data heteroscedasticity affected model performance. Fuzzy logic models were found to be very sensitive to outliers. We concluded that when regression analysis was used to design the model, the Sugeno fuzzy inference system with linear output outperformed the other models.Comment: This paper has been accepted in January 2019 in Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Journal (In Press