7,709 research outputs found

    On Modeling Weak Sinks in MODPATH

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    Regional groundwater flow systems often contain both strong sinks and weak sinks. A strong sink extracts water from the entire aquifer depth, while a weak sink lets some water pass underneath or over the actual sink. The numerical groundwater flow model MODFLOW may allow a sink cell to act as a strong or weak sink, hence extracting all water that enters the cell or allowing some of that water to pass. A physical strong sink can be modeled by either a strong sink cell or a weak sink cell, with the latter generally occurring in low-resolution models. Likewise, a physical weak sink may also be represented by either type of sink cell. The representation of weak sinks in the particle tracing code MODPATH is more equivocal than in MODFLOW. With the appropriate parameterization of MODPATH, particle traces and their associated travel times to weak sink streams can be modeled with adequate accuracy, even in single layer models. Weak sink well cells, on the other hand, require special measures as proposed in the literature to generate correct particle traces and individual travel times and hence capture zones. We found that the transit time distributions for well water generally do not require special measures provided aquifer properties are locally homogeneous and the well draws water from the entire aquifer depth, an important observation for determining the response of a well to non-point contaminant inputs

    Detection and mapping of hydrothermally altered rocks in the vicinity of the comstock lode, Virginia Range, Nevada, using enhanced LANDSAT images

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    The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT images enhanced by the band-ratioing method can be used for reconnaissance alteration mapping in moderately heavily vegetated semiarid terrain as well as in sparsely vegetated to semiarid terrain where the technique was originally developed. Significant vegetation cover in a scene, however, requires the use of MSS ratios 4/5, 4/6, and 6/7 rather than 4/5, 5/6, and 6/7, and requires careful interpretation of the results. Supplemental information suitable to vegetation identification and cover estimates, such as standard LANDSAT false-color composites and low altitude aerial photographs of selected areas is desirable

    Extreme objects with arbitrary large mass, or density, and arbitrary size

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    We consider a generalization of the interior Schwarzschild solution that we match to the exterior one to build global C^1 models that can have arbitrary large mass, or density, with arbitrary size. This is possible because of a new insight into the problem of localizing the center of symmetry of the models and the use of principal transformations to understand the structure of space.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures. Fixed one reference. Added a new equatio

    Higher Order Methods for Simulations on Quantum Computers

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    To efficiently implement many-qubit gates for use in quantum simulations on quantum computers we develop and present methods reexpressing exp[-i (H_1 + H_2 + ...) \Delta t] as a product of factors exp[-i H_1 \Delta t], exp[-i H_2 \Delta t], ... which is accurate to 3rd or 4th order in \Delta t. The methods we derive are an extended form of symplectic method and can also be used for the integration of classical Hamiltonians on classical computers. We derive both integral and irrational methods, and find the most efficient methods in both cases.Comment: 21 pages, Latex, one figur

    Spectral line shape of resonant four-wave mixing induced by broad-bandwidth lasers

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    We present a theoretical and experimental study of the line shape of resonant four-wave mixing induced by broad-bandwidth laser radiation that revises the theory of Meacher, Smith, Ewart, and Cooper (MSEC) [Phys. Rev. A 46, 2718 (1992)]. We adopt the same method as MSEC but correct for an invalid integral used to average over the distribution of atomic velocities. The revised theory predicts a Voigt line shape composed of a homogeneous, Lorentzian component, defined by the collisional rate Ī“, and an inhomogeneous, Doppler component, which is a squared Gaussian. The width of the inhomogeneous component is reduced by a factor of āˆš2 compared to the simple Doppler width predicted by MSEC. In the limit of dominant Doppler broadening, the width of the homogeneous component is predicted to be 4Ī“, whereas in the limit of dominant homogeneous broadening, the predicted width is 2Ī“. An experimental measurement is reported of the line shape of the four-wave-mixing signal using a broad-bandwidth, "modeless", laser resonant with the Q1 (6) line of the A2 Ī£ - X2 Ī (0,0) system of the hydroxyl radical. The measured widths of the Voigt components were found to be consistent with the predictions of the revised theory

    Ethnic In-Group Favoritism Among Minority and Majority Groups: Testing the Self-Esteem Hypothesis Among Preadolescents

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    The self-esteem hypothesis in intergroup relations, as proposed by social identity theory (SIT), states that successful intergroup discrimination enhances momentary collective self-esteem. This hypothesis is a source of continuing controversy. Furthermore, although SIT is increasingly used to account for childrenā€™s group attitudes, few studies have examined the hypothesis among children. In addition, the hypothesisā€™s generality makes it important to study among children from different ethnic groups. The present study, conducted among Dutch and Turkish preadolescents, examined momentary collective self-feelings as a consequence of ethnic group evaluations. The results tended to support the self-esteem hypothesis. In-group favoritism was found to have a self-enhancing effect among participants high in ethnic identification. This result was found for ethnic majority (Dutch) and minority (Turkish) participants.

    Revisiting Weyl's calculation of the gravitational pull in Bach's two-body solution

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    When the mass of one of the two bodies tends to zero, Weyl's definition of the gravitational force in an axially symmetric, static two-body solution can be given an invariant formulation in terms of a force four-vector. The norm of this force is calculated for Bach's two-body solution, that is known to be in one-to-one correspondence with Schwarzschild's original solution when one of the two masses l, l' is made to vanish. In the limit when, say, l' goes to zero, the norm of the force divided by l' and calculated at the position of the vanishing mass is found to coincide with the norm of the acceleration of a test body kept at rest in Schwarzschild's field. Both norms happen thus to grow without limit when the test body (respectively the vanishing mass l') is kept at rest in a position closer and closer to Schwarzschild's two-surface.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. Text to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Subjective social status of older people across countries: the role of modernization and employment

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    Objectives. To test and expand upon modernization theory's account of subjective social status (SSS) of older people in society. It was hypothesized that perceptions of older people's social status should be higher in more modernized countries and that the proportion of older people in employment should moderate the relationship between modernization and SSS of older people. Methods. Data were from the "Experiences and Expressions of Ageism" module in the fourth round of the European Social Survey. The sample analyzed included 45,706 individuals from 25 countries in the European region. Multilevel modeling was used to test the hypotheses. Results. The SSS of older people (aged 70 years and older) was perceived to be higher in countries with very high levels of modernization and in countries with a higher proportion of older people in employment. The positive association between modernization and SSS of older people was stronger within countries with a lower proportion of older people in employment. Discussion. The proportion of older people who are employed is an important factor that is related to perceptions of the social status of older people in less modern societies. The individual and societal implications are discussed, specifically in relation to policies promoting active aging.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio
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