2,137 research outputs found

    The Fourth Amendment Limits of Facial Recognition at the Border

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    On any given day, hundreds of thousands of people enter the United States through ports of entry along the Mexican and Canadian borders. At the same time, the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) seizes millions of dollars’ worth of contraband entering the United States annually. Under the border-search exception, border officials can perform routine, warrantless searches for this contraband, based on no suspicion of a crime, without violating the Fourth Amendment. But as DHS integrates modern technology into its enforcement efforts, the question becomes how these tools fit into the border-search doctrine. Facial recognition technology (“FRT”) is a prime example. To date, no court—and few legal scholars—have addressed how the Fourth Amendment would regulate the use of FRT at the border. This Note begins to fill that gap. This Note contends that, after Carpenter v. United States, the Fourth Amendment places at least some limits on the use of FRT at the border. Given the absence of caselaw, this Note uses a hypothetical border search to make three core claims. First—distinguishing between face verification and face identification—this Note argues that face identification constitutes a Fourth Amendment “search” only when the images displayed to a border official reveal “the privacies of life.” Second, because of its invasive nature, this form of face identification is a nonroutine border search and is unconstitutional when conducted without reasonable suspicion. Lastly, this Note concludes that a border official’s reasonable suspicion must be linked to a crime that bears some nexus to the purposes underlying the border-search exception

    The Nature of Capital Structure among Insurance Companies in Ghana

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    The objective of the study was to ascertain the nature of the capital structure of insurance companies in Ghana. Panel data was derived from annual reports and financial statements of 15 insurance companies registered with the National Insurance Commission from 2002 to 2011 and the analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to identify the differences in the nature of the capital structure among insurance companies based on their age and size. The results suggest that there is debt in the capital structure in the insurance sector of Ghana and out of these debts component, short term debt takes a higher proportion. The study also found that the proportion of equity capital is lesser than debt capital and again it established a significant difference in the proportion of equity capital practice and no difference in the debt capital practice among the different categories of insurance companies. Finally, our study allowed for yet another important comparison of capital structure between firms which are aged more than two decades and those which are aged less than two decades. Keyword: insurance companies, equity ratio, debt ratio, age, siz

    Factors affecting Uptake of Post Natal Care Services among Postnatal Mothers in Lira Regional Referral Hospital, Lira City. A Cross-sectional Study.

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    Background: Postnatal care is defined as care given to the mother and her newborn baby immediately after the birth of the placenta and for the first six weeks of life, the objective of this study is to determine the individual factors, assess the health facility-related factors, and determine the community-related factors affecting the uptake of PNC services among postnatal mothers in Lira Regional Referral Hospital, Lira City. Methods:  A descriptive cross-sectional research design was used, with quantitative methods of data collection. A sample of 50 respondents who were postnatal mothers with children less than 2 months of age were used, selected by simple random sampling. Data was collected using researcher-administered questionnaires and analyzed using a descriptive method presented on graphs, tables, figures, and charts. Results:  Less than half (42%) of the respondents are 5 to 7 km from the health facility, the majority (64%) of the respondents got routine health education, and the majority (74%) of the respondents reported that they took less than one hour to reach the nearest health facility, most (52%) of the respondents have ever been visited at home, the majority (62%) of the respondents do not have cultural practices about PNC, most (66%)of the mothers delivered from the health facility, the majority (68%) of the mothers were from low poverty level communities and finally, most (64%) of the mothers were from urban areas. Conclusion:  There was high uptake of PNC among mothers who resided nearer to the health facility, and got routine health education than those working. Recommendations:  There is a need to encourage community awareness of the available PNC services, there is a need to provide routine health education, there is a need to encourage husband involvement in health care and finally, there is a need to reduce community poverty levels

    Food safety knowledge and practice among pregnant women: a cross sectional study in Ghana

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    Background: Foodborne disease is a growing public health concern worldwide, especially among vulnerable populations. Improved understanding of food safety practices is fundamental to addressing the phenomenon. This study aimed to assess the socio-demographic factors influencing knowledge and practice of food safety among pregnant women in Ghana.Design and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed in person to participants during data collection. Data was entered and analysed in Epi Data version 3.1 and Stata 12, respectively. Chi square test and Fischer’s exact test were used to determine association between independent variables and outcome variables (knowledge and practice). Binary logistic regression was used to test the strength of the association between independent and outcome variables at 95% confident interval. A p-value of 0.05 or less was considered significant.Results: Findings were: about 87.06% of the respondents had satisfactory knowledge on food safety; approximately 58.2% of respondents knew how to prevent foodborne disease but about 51.18% had unsatisfactory practice about food safety; about 28.2% of participants had experienced foodborne disease before in the past 6 months. Also, employment status and period of pregnancy were found to have significant influence on food safety knowledge whereas educational level and employment status also had significant influence on food safety practice.Conclusion: Improved understanding about food safety will not necessarily lead to high food safety practices. In the quest to effectively prevent foodborne disease, we recommend an increase in awareness creation regarding foodborne disease and its associated socio-demographic risk factors like employment status, period of pregnancy and educational level

    The N-integral

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    In this paper, we introduced a Henstock-type integral named NN-integral of a real valued function ff on a closed and bounded interval [a,b][a,b]. The NN-integrable functions lie entirely between Riemann integrable functions and Henstock integrable functions. It was shown that for a Henstock integrable function ff on [a,b][a,b] the following are equivalent: \begin{enumerate} \item[(1)(1)] The function ff is NN-integrable; \item[(2)(2)] There exists a null set SS for which given ϵ3˘e0\epsilon \u3e0 there exists a gauge δ\delta such that for any δ\delta-fine partial division D={(ξ,[u,v])}D=\{(\xi,[u,v])\} of [a,b][a,b] we have (ϕS(D)Γϵ)f(v)f(u)vu3˘cϵ(\phi_S(D)\cap \Gamma_{\epsilon})\sum |f(v)-f(u)||v-u|\u3c\epsilon where ϕS(D)={(ξ,[u,v])D:ξS}\phi_S(D)=\{(\xi,[u,v])\in D:\xi \notin S\} and Γϵ={(ξ,[u,v]):f(v)f(u)ϵ}\Gamma_{\epsilon}=\{(\xi,[u,v]): |f(v)-f(u)|\geq \epsilon\} \end{enumerate} and \begin{enumerate} \item[(3)(3)] The function ff is continuous almost everywhere. \end{enumerate} A characterization of continuous almost everywhere functions was also given

    CHROMOBIOTICS: The Silent Neglect of a Salient Need

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    Colour has been one of the multi-faceted means of human development interwoven in the social structure and institutions which practically, psychologically and physiologically reveal the beauty and benefits of nature. This paper focuses on the subject of colour with particular emphasis on its often nuanced involvement in human well-being as regards health, and the vital edification of social life. It looks at the roles colour play in the life of humanity, dwelling on its functionalities. The study combines historical and discourse analysis methods based upon the qualitative research approach. How does colour draw on human inbuilt capacities to rejuvenate and restore the entire system to enliven and delight the senses? This inquiry is to incline human-kind to identify more with colour and be responsible and respectful in its application, to appreciate the intrinsic importance of the power of colour to life and to understand its contingent potential for maximum employment. The study provides exciting opportunity and inspiration to advance the reader’s knowledge and experience of colour in an overarching manner. Keywords: hue, chromatics, physio-psychological, colour sensibilities, holistic, chromo-therapy

    Assessment of the Use of Solid Concrete and Interlocking Stones in the Construction of Walkways in a Tertiary Institution

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    Over the years solid concrete and interlocking stones have gained popularity in the construction of walkways due to their immense benefits. This study therefore assessed their usage in the construction of walkways in a tertiary institution, using the Federal University of Technology, Akure as a case study. The study, through the review of documentary evidence, personal observation and interview, assessed the level of usage of these materials within the institution, the present condition of these walkways, factors influencing the usage of these materials and the factors affecting their present conditions. The study revealed that the use of solid concrete for walkway construction is gradually fading away as most of the walkways newly constructed are done with the use of interlocking stones. This is as a result of the need for beautification and the need to meet up with present trend. The major defects associated with solid concrete walkways within the institution are cracks and breakages while that of interlocking stones are presence of vegetative growth in between voids, removal of interlocking stones and undulating walkways. The major factors responsible for these defects include; adverse weather condition, poor construction, poor usage and poor maintenance. The study therefore recommend adequate maintenance, use of underground drains beneath sub soil to allow proper draining of absorbed water, shading of concrete walkways through use of light weight covering and proper filling and compaction of sub-base to avoid underground settlement. Keywords: Construction, Interlocking stone, Pavers, Solid concrete, Walkways

    Entrepreneurship Education and Attitude of Undergraduate Students to Self Employment in Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria

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    This paper explores entrepreneurship education (EE) and attitude of undergraduate students to self employment intentions. The study adopted a survey design and was based on three theories; namely, cause and effect, pragmatism and social learning theory of career choice. The population of the study was 5000 undergraduate students; a sample size of 370 was determined using Taro Yamane’s formula for finite population and was drawn using stratified sampling technique. Seven research questions were raised for the study. Data was collected using a structured questionnaire titled Entrepreneurship Education and Self Employment Intentions Questionnaire (EESEIQ). The data collected were analyzed using frequency counts and percentages. Findings highlight that exposure to EE is beneficial, it influenced self employment intentions of tertiary students; it enriched their knowledge on starting and owning business, and changed their perception about self-employment. It was recommended that EE should be included into the curricula of all educational institutions in Nigeria. Keywords: Entrepreneurship education, Undergraduate, Self-employmen

    Unusual presentation of retained foreign body in ocular adnexa of a 3-Year-Old child

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    Aim: To report an unusual presentation of retained safety pin in ocular adnexae of a 3 year old child.Methods: A case report. The patient presented within the hour of accident and surgical intervention followed immediately after preliminary investigations.Results: Under general anesthesia, entry site of foreign body was explored. The safety pin was surprisingly lodged subtarsally in the matrix of firmly anchoring tenons. This was at variance to preoperative appearance of actual globe penetration.Conclusion: X-ray of the orbit confirmed by wound exploration correctly localized the foreign body.Keywords: Foreign body, ocular adnexa, orbit, ocular traum

    Enseñanza del proceso de programación mediante su aplicación en el nivel medio superior.

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    Las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TICs) han venido desarrollándose a pasos agigantados en los últimos tiempos, y hoy en día están impactando en cada vez más ámbitos de la sociedad; es por esto que se vuelve muy importante la competencia en el uso de las mismas y su enseñanza desde temprana edad pasa a ser un tema de lo más relevante. Para la adecuada enseñanza de las TICs y el pleno desarrollo de las competencias en su uso es necesario planear de manera alineada las actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje y utilizar estrategias y herramientas innovadoras tanto para la enseñanza como para la evaluación, para motivar al estudiante a realizar las actividades con plena conciencia de lo que está aprendiendo. Con esto en mente, se propone la presente estrategia didáctica para la enseñanza del tema “El proceso de programación”, mediante la cual se le brinda al estudiante la oportunidad de poner en práctica los conceptos vistos en dicho tema y no dejarlos simplemente en el aspecto teórico. La presente estrategia se basa en el modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, que ha demostrado ser muy efectivo para lograr un aprendizaje significativo, y se apoya en recursos de colaboración en línea para ser más atractiva para los estudiantes. Con la presente estrategia se busca motivar al estudiante a realizar las actividades de enseñanza-aprendizaje, pero sobre todo a potenciar su proceso meta cognitivo al relacionar los conceptos teóricos con aplicaciones prácticas para resolver problemas cotidianos. Palabras clave: Programación, Enseñanza, Propuesta didáctica, Aprendizaje, Enfoque