CHROMOBIOTICS: The Silent Neglect of a Salient Need


Colour has been one of the multi-faceted means of human development interwoven in the social structure and institutions which practically, psychologically and physiologically reveal the beauty and benefits of nature. This paper focuses on the subject of colour with particular emphasis on its often nuanced involvement in human well-being as regards health, and the vital edification of social life. It looks at the roles colour play in the life of humanity, dwelling on its functionalities. The study combines historical and discourse analysis methods based upon the qualitative research approach. How does colour draw on human inbuilt capacities to rejuvenate and restore the entire system to enliven and delight the senses? This inquiry is to incline human-kind to identify more with colour and be responsible and respectful in its application, to appreciate the intrinsic importance of the power of colour to life and to understand its contingent potential for maximum employment. The study provides exciting opportunity and inspiration to advance the reader’s knowledge and experience of colour in an overarching manner. Keywords: hue, chromatics, physio-psychological, colour sensibilities, holistic, chromo-therapy

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