94 research outputs found

    What does it mean to be a man? Trans masculinities, bodily practices, and reflexive embodiment

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    Confronted with the centrality of the body for trans-masculine individuals interviewed in the United Kingdom and Portugal, we explore how bodily-reflexive practices are central for doing masculinity. Following Connell’s early insight that bodies needed to come back to the political and sociological agendas, we propose that bodily-reflexive practice is a concept suited to account for the production of trans-masculinities. Although multiple, the journeys of trans-masculine individuals demonstrate how bodily experiences shape and redefine masculinities in ways that illuminate the nexus between bodies, embodiments, and discursive enactments of masculinity. Rather than oppositions between bodily conformity to and transgression of the norms of hegemonic masculinity, often encountered in idealizations of the medicalized transsexual against the genderqueer rebel, lived bodily experiences shape masculinities beyond linear oppositions. Tensions between natural and technological, material and discursive, or feminine and masculine were keys for understanding trans-masculine narratives about the body, embodiment, and identity.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    El lugar del cuerpo. Masculinidades trans y la materialidad corporal del género

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    As histórias de vida de pessoas trans-masculinas, embora diversificadas, demonstram que a construção da masculinidade não pode ser entendida fora dos efeitos materiais produzidos no e pelo corpo, dentro de uma ordem de género erigida sobre a masculinidade hegemónica. Confrontados com a centralidade dada ao corpo por indivíduos trans-masculinos em Portugal e no Reino Unido, exploramos as ligações entre masculinidade, incorporação e a materialidade corporal do género. Seguindo Raewyn Connell (1995, p. 56), quando afirma a inevitabilidade do corpo na construção da masculinidade, desenvolvemos duas linhas de argumentação. Primeiro, sugerimos que a reconfiguração das premissas conceptuais da masculinidade, como lugar, prática e efeito, é um passo fundamental para entender as possibilidades de se fazer masculinidade. Segundo, defendemos que a masculinidade é, sobretudo, um efeito de práticas corporais reflexivas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Puerperal Complications Following Elective Cesarean Sections for Twin Pregnancies

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the maternal puerperal morbidity in elective and emergent cesareans in twins. STUDY DESIGN: We evaluated postpartum complications among patients who underwent elective cesarean birth for twin pregnancy. This group was compared to matched singletons and to emergent cesareans in twins. RESULTS: During the period September 1994-March 2006 there were 299 (47.4%) elective and 80 (12.7%) emergent cesarean sections in twin pregnancies, for a total of 379 (60.1%) cesarean births for both twins. Controls included 299 cases of elective cesareans in singletons. The comparison between elective and emergent cesareans and between elective cesareans in twins and in singletons found no significant differences in postpartum fever, scar infection, and postpartum hemorrhage. Venous thromboembolism occurred in two twin pregnancies, one in the elective and one in the emergent cesarean group. Postpartum hysterectomy was required in a singleton pregnancy following an elective cesarean birth. CONCLUSION: At present, no data exist to show a disadvantage for a planned cesarean birth for twins.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The management of student´s virtual money – sensibilisation and learning for life

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    The advanced technological age, marketing and society of the abundance in which we live, have a strong influence on the consumption and eating habits of the children. Every day in schools, these little human beings make autonomous choices and their parents, despite seeking to control and know their actions, cannot do it entirely for many reasons. The study was carried out in a group of the fifth grade and their results were subjected to a descriptive and inferential analysis, in which the purpose was to study the relation of some of the variables in question. The conclusions point for example to the parents' lack of knowledge in what concerns the type of consumption and on how their students spend their money. So it can be said that the role of the school in raising responsible citizens in managing their money is a necessary and continuous learning throughout the school life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da diversidade microbiana em amostras de solos: técnica do PCR/DGGE (Protocolo Laboratorial).

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    Impacto à diversidade microbiana (IDM): uma estratégia para incorporação de resultados de análises moleculares de biodiversidade em estudos integrados de qualidade do solo.

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    Qualidade do solo é um conceito, desenvolvido a partir da década de 1980 e aprimorado na década seguinte, que considera não apenas a função do solo em prover nutrientes e substrato físico para o crescimento de plantas, mas também sua capacidade de regular o clima e a hidrologia do ecossistema onde se insere, e funcionando desta forma harmoniosa para atender não só as necessidades das gerações presentes, mas também das gerações futuras da humanidade. Assim, qualidade do solo é um conceito intimamente ligado ao de sustentabilidade, de onde se conclui que não há sistema de uso da terra sustentável se a qualidade do solo se deteriora ao longo do tempo. O monitoramento dos impactos, positivos ou negativos, do uso da terra sobre a qualidade do solo demanda a utilização de indicadores baseados em parâmetros químicos, físicos e biológicos do solo. A diversidade microbiana do solo, reconhecidamente relevante para o funcionamento deste valioso recurso natural, tem sido cada vez mais investigada em estudos de qualidade do solo, com o emprego de técnicas moleculares para sua elucidação. No entanto, estas técnicas apresentam resultados na maioria das vezes de aspecto qualitativo, revelando a presença ou ausência de grupos microbianos na matriz do solo, o que dificulta o emprego destes dados em análises integradas com outros parâmetros do solo, como teores de nutrientes, matéria orgânica, ou ainda índices do estado de agregação do solo. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma estratégia metodológica para incorporar dados resultantes da técnica de PCR/DGGE, que vem sendo amplamente utilizada em análises de diversidade microbiana a partir de DNA extraído diretamente de amostras de solo, em estudos de qualidade do solo. A partir dos perfis de bandas resultantes dos géis de eletroforese desnaturante, foram calculados valores chama- dos de IDM, Índice de Impacto à Diversidade Microbiana, que apresentaram correlações positivas e negativas significativas com diversos parâmetros já consagrados em estudos de qualidade do solo. A estratégia foi aplicada com sucesso em solos sob diferentes pressões de uso agrícola, e estágios de sucessão vegetal, incluindo uma mata clímax, coletados de uma propriedade sob sistema de agricultura migratória de base familiar na região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro.bitstream/item/88525/1/bpd62-2004-idmicrobiana.pd

    Parental Leave policies, gender equity and family well being in Europe: a comparative perspective

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    Leave policies and the protection of working parents' rights have changed significantly in Europe during the last few decades. While policies introduced immediately after World War II were largely based on a male-breadwinner model, the post-1970s policies have recognised the increase in maternal employment, the growing diversity of work/family arrangements and working parents' needs for state support in caring for young children. Paid maternity leave and paid or unpaid parental leave are now available throughout Europe - Western, Central and Eastern - and policy developments have encouraged more gender-neutral leaves and longer periods of paid leave (Deven and Moss 2005)

    Work-to-family enrichment and gender inequalities in eight European countries

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    All social roles have positive and rewarding as well as negative/problematic aspects. Research on the work–family interface has predominantly focused on conflicting roles. In contrast, this paper extends research on work–family enrichment (WFE), a positive aspect of work and gender differences in WFE in a cross-national context. Drawing upon social role theory and the culture sensitive theory on work–family enrichment, we examined gender differences in experiences of developmental WFE in a sample of service sector employees in eight European countries. In line with traditional gender roles, women reported more WFE than men. The relationship was moderated by both an objective and subjective measure of gender egalitarianism but in the opposite direction as hypothesized. The gender gap in WFE was larger in more gender-egalitarian countries, where women may be better able to transfer resources from the work domain to benefit their family role than in low egalitarian societies. National differences in labour market factors, family models and the public discourse on work–life balance mainly explain the unanticipated findings