86 research outputs found

    Design And Development Of A Secure Wireless System Using Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum [TK5103.2. A148 2007 f rb].

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    Dalam penyelidikan ini, satu sistem tanpa wayar automasi untuk menghantar data yang bersertakan kod PN secara automatik kepada pihak berkuasa berkenaan telah dibangunkan. In this research, an automated wireless system that sends the data accompanied with PN code automatically to the concerned authorities has been developed

    Multicarrier Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum Techniques With Quasi-Cyclic Low Density Parity Check Codes Channel Coding

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    This work presents a new proposed Multicarrier Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (MCFH-SS) system employing Quasi-Cyclic Low Density Parity Check (QC-LDPC) codes instead of the conventional LDPC codes. A new technique for constructing the QC-LDPC codes based on row division method is proposed. The new codes offer more flexibility in terms of high girth, multiple code rates and block length. Moreover, a new scheme for channel prediction in MCFH-SS system is proposed. The technique adaptively estimates the channel conditions and eliminates the need for the system to transmit a request message prior to transmitting the packet data. The ready-to-use channel will be occupied with a Pseudonoise (PN) code and use for transmission or else, it will be banned

    An Active Contour For Underwater Target Tracking And Navigation.

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    This paper presents a vision based tracking system for routine underwater pipeline or cable inspection for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV’s)

    Computational Intelligence-based Evaluation of a 3-DOF Robotic-arm Forward Kinematics

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    Robotic manipulator- forward Kinematics involves the assurance of end-effector arrangements from connecting joint boundaries. The traditional mathematical calculation of controller forward -Kinematics is monotonous and tedious. Accordingly, it is important to execute a strategy that precisely performs forward energy while wiping out the disadvantages of the mathematical calculation technique. Versatile Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is a computational knowledge strategy that has been effectively executed for expectation purposes in assorted logical orders. This present examination's essential goal was to evaluate the productivity of ANFIS in foreseeing 3-levels of opportunity automated controller Cartesian directions from connecting joint boundaries. A speculative 3-level of opportunity automated controller has been considered in this investigation. Model preparing information has been obtained by mathematical forward kinematics calculation of the controller's end effector arrangements. Nine datasets have been utilized for model preparing, while five datasets have been utilized for model testing or approval. The ANFIS model's precision has been surveyed by figuring the Mean outright Percentage Error (MAPE) between the real and anticipated end-effector Cartesian directions. Because of Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), the created ANFIS model has forecast correctness’s of 63.35% and 80.07% in foreseeing x-directions and y-organizes, separately. Accordingly, ANFIS can be dependably executed as a commendable substitute for the customary arithmetical calculation method in anticipating controller Cartesian directions. It is suggested that the precision of other computational knowledge methods like Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Support Vector Machines (SVM) be evaluated

    A new approach for efficient utilization of resources in WIMAX cellar networks

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    iskorištavanja resursa u interoperabilnosti širom svijeta za mikrovalni pristup (WiMAX) 802.16e. Ovaj pristup ne samo da učinkovito poboljšava iskorištavanje resursa u baznoj stanici (BS), već i povećava brzinu prijenosa podataka i broj posluženih korisnika. Ovaj rad razmatra silaznu vezu pod-okvira WiMAX BS uporabom djelomične uporabe potkanalnog načina i pristupa ortogonalnog multipleksiranja. Pet je slučajeva bilo uključeno, kao slučajevi u razmjeni, u identifikaciji najboljeg načina iskorištavanja resursa BS u FFR tehnici. Provedena je teorijska analiza u svrhu predstavljanja nove formule za stopu FFR podataka. Rezultati simulacije (slučajevi 5 i 4) otkrivaju da takav pristup ima prednost u odnosu na tradicionalnu tehniku FFR u raznim metrikama. Broj posluženih korisnika i upotrijebljenih slotova povećan je za 100 % u razmatranju slučaja 5. Nasuprot tome, brzina prijenosa podataka (8,69 Mbit/s), učinkovitost subnositelj (2,02 bit/subnositelj/burst), i iskoristivost spektra (0,869 bit/s/H) poboljšani su kod slučaja 4. Zbog učinkovite uporabe širine pojasa i resursa predloženi je pristup uvjerljiv kandidat za postavljanje ćelijske mreže.This paper proposes new static resource utilization (SRU) approach by using the fractional frequency reuse (FFR) technique to enhance resource exploitation in Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) 802.16e. This approach not only efficiently enhances resource exploitation in the base station (BS) but also increases the data rate and number of served users. This work considers the downlink sub-frame of WiMAX BS by using the partial usage of sub-channel mode and the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing access. Five cases were included as a trade-off study to identify the best way of utilizing BS resources in the FFR technique. Theoretical analysis was conducted to present a new formula for the FFR data rate. Simulation results (cases 5 and 4) reveal that the proposed approach has an advantage over the traditional FFR technique in various metrics. The number of served users and slots utilized was increased by 100 % when case 5 was considered. By contrast, the data rate (8,69 Mbit/s), subcarrier efficiency (2,02 bit/subcarrier/burst), and spectral efficiency (0,869 bit/s/H) were enhanced when case 4 was considered. The efficient utilization of bandwidth and resources has made the proposed approach a compelling candidate for cellular network deployment

    A Secured Data Management Scheme for Smart Societies in Industrial Internet of Things Environment

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    Smart societies have an increasing demand for quality-oriented services and infrastructure in an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) paradigm. Smart urbanization faces numerous challenges. Among them, secured energy Demand Side Management (DSM) is of particular concern. The IIoT renders the industrial systems to malware, cyber attacks, and other security risks. The IIoT with the amalgamation of Big Data analytics can provide efficient solutions to such challenges. This paper proposes a secured and trusted multi-layered DSM engine for a smart social society using IIoT-based Big Data analytics. The proposed engine uses a centralized approach to achieve optimum DSM over a Home Area Network (HAN). To enhance the security of this engine, a payload-based authentication scheme is utilized that relies on a lightweight handshake mechanism. Our proposed method utilizes the lightweight features of Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) to facilitate the clients in monitoring various resources residing over the server in an energy-efficient manner. In addition, data streams are processed using Big Data analytics with MapReduce parallel processing. The proposed authentication approach is evaluated using NetDuino Plus 2 boards that yield a lower connection overhead, memory consumption, response time and a robust defense against various malicious attacks. On the other hand, our data processing approach is tested on reliable datasets using Apache Hadoop with Apache Spark to verify the proposed DMS engine. The test results reveal that the proposed architecture offers valuable insights into the smart social societies in the context of IIo

    A Secured Data Management Scheme for Smart Societies in Industrial Internet of Things Environment

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    Smart societies have an increasing demand for quality-oriented services and infrastructure in an Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) paradigm. Smart urbanization faces numerous challenges. Among them, secured energy Demand Side Management (DSM) is of particular concern. The IIoT renders the industrial systems to malware, cyber attacks, and other security risks. The IIoT with the amalgamation of Big Data analytics can provide efficient solutions to such challenges. This paper proposes a secured and trusted multi-layered DSM engine for a smart social society using IIoT-based Big Data analytics. The proposed engine uses a centralized approach to achieve optimum DSM over a Home Area Network (HAN). To enhance the security of this engine, a payload-based authentication scheme is utilized that relies on a lightweight handshake mechanism. Our proposed method utilizes the lightweight features of Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) to facilitate the clients in monitoring various resources residing over the server in an energy-efficient manner. In addition, data streams are processed using Big Data analytics with MapReduce parallel processing. The proposed authentication approach is evaluated using NetDuino Plus 2 boards that yield a lower connection overhead, memory consumption, response time and a robust defense against various malicious attacks. On the other hand, our data processing approach is tested on reliable datasets using Apache Hadoop with Apache Spark to verify the proposed DMS engine. The test results reveal that the proposed architecture offers valuable insights into the smart social societies in the context of IIo

    A Quality of Service-Aware Secured Communication Scheme for Internet of Things-Based Networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that aims to enable the interconnection of a large number of smart devices and heterogeneous networks. Ad hoc networks play an important role in the designing of IoT-enabled platforms due to their efficient, flexible, low-cost and dynamic infrastructures. These networks utilize the available resources efficiently to maintain the Quality of Service (QoS) in a multi-hop communication. However, in a multi-hop communication, the relay nodes can be malicious, thus requiring a secured and reliable data transmission. In this paper, we propose a QoS-aware secured communication scheme for IoT-based networks (QoS-IoT). In QoS-IoT, a Sybil attack detection mechanism is used for the identification of Sybil nodes and their forged identities in multi-hop communication. After Sybil nodes detection, an optimal contention window (CW) is selected for QoS provisioning, that is, to achieve per-flow fairness and efficient utilization of the available bandwidth. In a multi-hop communication, the medium access control (MAC) layer protocols do not perform well in terms of fairness and throughput, especially when the nodes generate a large amount of data. It is because the MAC layer has no capability of providing QoS to prioritized or forwarding flows. We evaluate the performance of QoS-IoT in terms of Sybil attack detection, fairness, throughput and buffer utilization. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the existing schemes and significantly enhances the performance of the network with a large volume of data. Moreover, the proposed scheme is resilient against Sybil attack

    Large positive in-plane magnetoresistance induced by localized states at nanodomain boundaries in graphene

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    Graphene supports long spin lifetimes and long diffusion lengths at room temperature, making it highly promising for spintronics. However, making graphene magnetic remains a principal challenge despite the many proposed solutions. Among these, graphene with zig-zag edges and ripples are the most promising candidates, as zig-zag edges are predicted to host spin-polarized electronic states, and spin-orbit coupling can be induced by ripples. Here we investigate the magnetoresistance of graphene grown on technologically relevant SiC/Si(001) wafers, where inherent nanodomain boundaries sandwich zig-zag structures between adjacent ripples of large curvature. Localized states at the nanodomain boundaries result in an unprecedented positive in-plane magnetoresistance with a strong temperature dependence. Our work may offer a tantalizing way to add the spin degree of freedom to graphene