9 research outputs found

    Androgenic Effect and Phytochimie of the Bark of Trunk of Buchholzia coriacea Engl. (Capparidaceae)

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    The testosterone is the main androgen produced by the testes among the males.  Her absence is responsible for erectile dysfunction and the loss of the sexual performance. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the androgenic effect and to determine the profile phytochemestry of the barks of trunk of B. coriacea. Fifteen days after the castration, the animals left in group and, received the aqueous extract of B. coriacea (100, 250 and 500 mg/kg, p.o). The sexual parameters (mounts sexual, number of erections, number of ejaculations and the time of latency) have been valued, and compared, to the witnesses groups: water distilled (0,5 ml/100 mg, p.o) and Enanthate of testosterone (1 mg/mL, i.m). The dosage of the testosterone has been achieved by the technic of ELYSA analysis. The determination of the chemical families has been achieved by the technique of coloration in tubes. The aqueous extract of B. coriacea (100,250 and 500 mg/kg, p.o) has an effect androgenic because managed daily during 15 days, it provokes an increase of the rate plasmatic of the testosterone and the bodily weight of the rats, maintains the sexual parameters among the castrated rat, extract the number of ejaculations. The barks of trunk of B. coriacea would contain the stérols, the flavonoides, the saponosids that could be responsible for the sexual effects and androgénic observed. The aqueous extract of the plant would possess the properties androgenic would be to advise the patients presenting problems of masculine barrenness.  Keywords:  Androgen - Phytochimie - Buchholzia - coriacea&nbsp

    Evaluation of antidiarrheal effect of the aqueous extract of the leaves of Chromolaena odorata L (King and Robinson)

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    This study aimed to evaluate the antidiarrheal effect of the aqueous extract of the leaves of C odorata (400 and 800 mg/kg). ¶The antidiarrheal effect was evaluated on the diarrhoea induced by the castor oil, the charcoal test (intestinal transit time) and on the accumulation of the intestinal fluid induced by the castor oil (Enteropooling).¶The results obtained show that the aqueous extract at the doses used significantly decrease (p<0,001) the frequency of emission, the quantity and the onset of appearance of the faces induced by the castor oil. ¶The aqueous extract of C odorata (400 and 800 mg/kg) does not decrease significantly the intestinal transit (p>0.05) but on the other hand significantly decrease (p<0.01) the accumulation of the fluid in the intestine induced by the castor oil. ¶In conclusion the aqueous extract of C odorata (400 and 800 mg/kg) has an antidiarrheal effect who could be explained by interference with the mechanisms of secretion of the electrolytes. ¶These results would justify the use of plant on the traditional treatment of the diarrhoea.¶ Keywords: antidiarrheal effect, Castor oil, intestinal transit, enteropooling, Chromolaena odorat