2,662 research outputs found

    Line formation in solar granulation: II. The photospheric Fe abundance

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    The solar photospheric Fe abundance has been determined using realistic ab initio 3D, time-dependent, hydrodynamical model atmospheres. The study is based on the excellent agreement between the predicted and observed line profiles directly rather than equivalent width, since the intrinsic Doppler broadening from the convective motions and oscillations provide the necessary non-thermal broadening. Thus, three of the four hotly debated parameters (equivalent widths, microturbulence and damping enhancement factors) in the center of the recent solar Fe abundance dispute regarding FeI lines no longer enter the analysis, leaving the transition probabilities as the main uncertainty. Both FeI (using the samples of lines of both the Oxford and Kiel studies) and FeII lines have been investigated, which give consistent results: log FeI = 7.44 +- 0.05 and log FeII = 7.45 +- 0.10. Also the wings of strong FeI lines return consistent abundances, log FeII = 7.42 +- 0.03, but due to the uncertainties inherent in analyses of strong lines we give this determination lower weight than the results from weak and intermediate strong lines. In view of the recent slight downward revision of the meteoritic Fe abundance log Fe = 7.46 +- 0.01, the agreement between the meteoritic and photospheric values is very good, thus appearingly settling the debate over the photospheric Fe abundance from FeI lines.Comment: Accepted for A&

    The effects of numerical resolution on hydrodynamical surface convection simulations and spectral line formation

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    The computationally demanding nature of radiative-hydrodynamical simulations of stellar surface convection warrants an investigation of the sensitivity of the convective structure and spectral synthesis to the numerical resolution and dimension of the simulations, which is presented here. With too coarse a resolution the predicted spectral lines tend to be too narrow, reflecting insufficient Doppler broadening from the convective motions, while at the currently highest affordable resolution the line shapes have converged essentially perfectly to the observed profiles. Similar conclusions are drawn from the line asymmetries and shifts. In terms of abundances, weak FeI and FeII lines show a very small dependence (~0.02 dex) while for intermediate strong lines with significant non-thermal broadening the sensitivity increases (~0.10 dex). Problems arise when using 2D convection simulations to describe an inherent 3D phenomenon, which translates to inaccurate atmospheric velocity fields and temperature and pressure structures. In 2D the theoretical line profiles tend to be too shallow and broad compared with the 3D calculations and observations, in particular for intermediate strong lines. In terms of abundances, the 2D results are systematically about 0.1 dex lower than for the 3D case for FeI lines. Furthermore, the predicted line asymmetries and shifts are much inferior in 2D. Given these shortcomings and computing time considerations it is better to use 3D simulations of even modest resolution than high-resolution 2D simulations.Comment: Accepted for A&

    Line formation in solar granulation: I. Fe line shapes, shifts and asymmetries

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    Realistic ab-initio 3D, radiative-hydrodynamical convection simulations of the solar granulation have been applied to FeI and FeII line formation. In contrast to classical analyses based on hydrostatic 1D model atmospheres the procedure contains no adjustable free parameters but the treatment of the numerical viscosity in the construction of the 3D, time-dependent, inhomogeneous model atmosphere and the elemental abundance in the 3D spectral synthesis. However, the numerical viscosity is introduced purely for numerical stability purposes and is determined from standard hydrodynamical test cases with no adjustments allowed to improve the agreement with the observational constraints from the solar granulation. The non-thermal line broadening is mainly provided by the Doppler shifts arising from the convective flows in the solar photosphere and the solar oscillations. The almost perfect agreement between the predicted temporally and spatially averaged line profiles for weak Fe lines with the observed profiles and the absence of trends in derived abundances with line strengths, seem to imply that the micro- and macroturbulence concepts are obsolete in these 3D analyses. Furthermore, the theoretical line asymmetries and shifts show a very satisfactory agreement with observations with an accuracy of typically 50-100 m/s on an absolute velocity scale. The remaining minor discrepancies point to how the convection simulations can be refined further.Comment: Accepted for A&

    Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in warped accretion discs

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    Warped, precessing accretion discs appear in a range of astrophysical systems, for instance the X-ray binary Her X-1 and in the active nucleus of NGC4258. In a warped accretion disc there are horizontal pressure gradients that drive an epicyclic motion. We have studied the interaction of this epicyclic motion with the magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in numerical simulations. We find that the turbulent stress acting on the epicyclic motion is comparable in size to the stress that drives the accretion, however an important ingredient in the damping of the epicyclic motion is its parametric decay into inertial waves.Comment: to appear in the proceedings of the 20th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, J. C. Wheeler & H. Martel (eds.

    The South African Stress and Health (SASH) study: 12- month and lifetime prevalence of common mental disorders

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    Background. The South African Stress and Health (SASH) study is the first large-scale population-based study of common mental disorders in the country. This paper provides data on the 12-month and lifetime prevalence of these conditions.Methods. Data from a nationally representative sample of 4 351 adults were analysed. Mental disorders were assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). An extensive survey questionnaire detailed contextual and socio-demographic factors, onset and course of mental disorders, and risk factors. Simple weighted cross-tabulation methods were used to estimate prevalence, and logistic regression analysis was used to study correlates of 12-monthand lifetime prevalence.Results. The lifetime prevalence for any disorder was 30.3%, and the most prevalent 12-month and lifetime disorders were the anxiety disorders. The Western Cape had the highest 12-month and lifetime prevalence rates, and the lowest rates were in the Northern Cape.Conclusions. The SASH study shows relatively high 12-monthand lifetime prevalence rates. These findings have significant implications for planning mental health services

    Impact of common mental disorders during childhood and adolescence on secondary school completion

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    There are few data from South Africa and other low- and middle-income countries on how mental disorders in childhood and adolescence may influence different aspects of socio-economic position, including educational attainment. We examined the association between early-onset disorders and subsequent educational achievement in a nationallyrepresentative sample of 4 351 South African adults. After adjusting for participant demographic characteristics and traumatic life events, post-traumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder and substance-related disorders were each associated with increased odds of failing to complete secondary education (odds ratios and 95% confidenceintervals 2.3, 1.0 - 5.1; 1.7, 1.2 - 2.5, and 1.7, 1.2 - 2.5, respectively). These data point to the role that early-life mental disorders may play in educational achievement and subsequent socio-economic position over the life course

    Atlantic water inflow to Labrador Sea and its interaction with ice sheet dynamics during the Holocene

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    The hydrodynamics of the Labrador Sea, controlled by the complex interplay of oceanographic, atmospheric and ice-sheet processes, play a crucial role for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). An improved understanding of the hydrodynamics and its forcing in the past could therefore hold a key to understanding its future behaviour. At present, there is a remarkable temporal mismatch, in that the largely microfossil-based reconstructions of Holocene Atlantic-water inflow/influence in the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay appear to lag grain size-based current strength reconstructions from the adjacent North Atlantic by > 2ka. Here, we present the first current strength record from the West Greenland shelf off Nuuk to reconstruct Atlantic Water (AW)-inflow to the Labrador Sea via the West Greenland Current. Our data show that the Holocene AW-inflow into Labrador Sea is well aligned with the Holocene Speed Maximum documented in the North Atlantic (McCave and Andrews, 2019; Quat. Sci. Rev. 223), suggesting a close coupling with the AMOC. The observed lag between the microfossil-based records and the Holocene Speed Maximum can be explained when considering the presence of an extended meltwater lens that prevented the shoaling of the inflowing Atlantic waters. Once the meltwater discharge waned after the cessation of large-scale melting of the surrounding ice sheets, the AW could influence the surface waters, independently of the strength of its inflow. Only then was an effective ocean-atmosphere heat transfer enabled, triggering the comparably late onset of the regional Holocene Thermal Maximum. Furthermore, sediment geochemical analyses show that short term cooling events, such as the 8.2 ka event related to the final drainage of glacial Lake Agassiz, lead to glacier advances of the Greenland Ice Sheet. Since the grain size data show that these events had no influence on the AW-inflow to the north eastern Labrador Sea, these advances must have been caused by atmospheric cooling. Consequently, we argue that (i) in this region, surface water-based proxies register AW influence rather than inflow (ii) the AW inflow into the Labrador Sea is controlled by the AMOC, but (iii) its impact on an effective ocean-atmosphere heat transfer was hindered by a prevailing meltwater lens in the early Holocene, i.e. until the cessation of large-scale melting of the surrounding ice sheets
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