25 research outputs found

    Adsorption of Cd, Cu, Ni and Zn in tropical soils under competitive and non-competitive systems

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    The adsorption of heavy metals in soils affects their behavior in the environment and their bioavailability to plants. The knowledge of the adsorption mechanisms in competitive systems allows a more realistic evaluation of the metals' behavior in the soil than the single metal adsorption. The objectives of this study were (i) to evaluate Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn adsorption in 14 surface samples (0-0.2 m) of representative soils of the Brazilian humid-tropical region, in competitive and non-competitive systems, and (ii) to establish metal affinity sequences for each soil, based in the maximum adsorption capacity (MAC) estimated by the Langmuir model. The Rhodic Eutrudox, the Kandiudalf Eutrudox, the Arenic Hapludalf, the Arenic Hapludult and the Typic Argiudoll had the highest metals' adsorption capacity, whereas the Typic Quartzipsamment and the sandy-textured Arenic Hapludult had the lowest values. In general, the MAC values for metals were lower in the competitive than in the non-competitive system. In the non-competitive system, the most common affinity sequence was Cu > Zn > Ni > Cd, whereas the most common sequence was Cu > Cd > Zn > Ni in the competitive system. In general, the Langmuir model fitted well the adsorption data of metals on the studied soils.A adsorção de metais pesados em solos afeta seu comportamento e biodisponibilidade às plantas. O conhecimento dos mecanismos de adsorção em sistemas competitivos permite uma avaliação mais realista do comportamento dos metais no solo do que estudos com adsorção de cada metal, isoladamente. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram: (i) avaliar a adsorção de Cd, Cu, Ni e Zn em amostras superficiais (0-0,2 m) de 14 solos representativos da região tropical úmida, em sistema competitivo e não-competitivo, e (ii) estabelecer sequências de afinidade metálica para cada solo, com base nos valores de capacidade máxima de adsorção (CMA) dos metais estimados por meio do modelo de Langmuir. O Rhodic Eutrudox, o Kandiudalfic Eutrudox, o Arenic Hapludalf (Alf2), o Arenic Hapludult (Ult2) e o Typic Argiudoll apresentaram elevadas capacidades de adsorção dos metais, ocorrendo o inverso para o Typic Quartzipsamment e para o Arenic Hapludult textura arenosa. No geral, a CMA dos metais aos solos foi menor no sistema competitivo. A sequência de afinidade mais comumente encontrada no sistema não-competitivo foi Cu > Zn > Ni > Cd. No sistema competitivo, a sequência foi Cu > Cd > Zn > Ni. Em geral, o modelo de Langmuir simulou de maneira satisfatória a adsorção dos metais nas amostras de solo

    Preliminary data on COVID-19 in patients with hemoglobinopathies : A multicentre ICET-A study

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    Objectives: This study aims to investigate, retrospectively, the epidemiological and clinical characteristics, laboratory results, radiologic findings, and outcomes of COVID-19 in patients with transfusion-dependent β thalassemia major (TM), β-thalassemia intermedia (TI) and sickle cell disease (SCD). Design: A total of 17 Centers, from 10 countries, following 9,499 patients with hemoglobinopathies, participated in the survey. Main outcome data: Clinical, laboratory, and radiologic findings and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 were collected from medical records and summarized. Results: A total of 13 patients, 7 with TM, 3 with TI, and 3 with SCD, with confirmed COVID-19, were identified in 6 Centers from different countries. The overall mean age of patients was 33.7±12.3 years (range:13-66); 9/13 (69.2%) patients were females. Six patients had pneumonia, and 4 needed oxygen therapy. Increased C-reactive protein (6/10), high serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH; 6/10), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR; 6/10) were the most common laboratory findings. 6/10 patients had an exacerbation of anemia (2 with SCD). In the majority of patients, the course of COVID-19 was moderate (6/10) and severe in 3/10 patients. A 30-year-old female with TM, developed a critical SARS-CoV-2 infection, followed by death in an Intensive Care Unit. In one Center (Oman), the majority of suspected cases were observed in patients with SCD between the age of 21 and 40 years. A rapid clinical improvement of tachypnea/dyspnea and oxygen saturation was observed, after red blood cell exchange transfusion, in a young girl with SCD and worsening of anemia (Hb level from 9.2 g/dl to 6.1g/dl). Conclusions: The data presented in this survey permit an early assessment of the clinical characteristics of COVID 19 in different countries. 70% of symptomatic patients with COVID-19 required hospitalization. The presence of associated co-morbidities can aggravate the severity of COVID- 19, leading to a poorer prognosis irrespective of age

    Taxonomic synopsis and analytical key for the genera of Solanaceae from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

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    Avanços recentes em nutrição de larvas de peixes

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    Os requisitos nutricionais de larvas de peixes são ainda mal compreendidos, o que leva a altas mortalidades e problemas de qualidade no seu cultivo. Este trabalho pretende fazer uma revisão de novas metodologias de investigação, tais como estudos com marcadores, genómica populacional, programação nutricional, génomica e proteómica funcionais, e fornecer ainda alguns exemplos das utilizações presentes e perspectivas futuras em estudos de nutrição de larvas de peixes

    Apparent digestibility of conventional and alternative feedstuffs by hybrid tambacu juveniles

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    ABSTRACT The apparent digestibility coefficients (ADC’s) of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), and gross energy (GE) of conventional feedstuffs (cottonseed meal-CSM, soybean meal-SBM, wheat bran-WHB, corn-COR) and regional alternative feedstuffs (common bean residue meal-CBR, mesquite meal-MES, pasta by-product meal-PBM) were determined for hybrid juvenile tambacu Colossoma macropomum × Piaractus mesopotamicus. The apparent DM and GE digestibility of feedstuffs decreased (p0.05) were found among ADC’s of PBM and COR. The lowest CP ADC among energy sources was observed in MES; the lowest CP ADC among plant protein sources was observed in CBR. Information about the ADC’s of conventional and alternative feedstuffs for tambacu is essential to formulate low-cost diets and can contribute to regional development

    Enhancing optoacoustic mesoscopy through calibration-based iterative reconstruction

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    Optoacoustic mesoscopy combines rich optical absorption contrast with high spatial resolution at tissue depths beyond reach for microscopic techniques employing focused light excitation. The mesoscopic imaging performance is commonly hindered by the use of inaccurate delay-and-sum reconstruction approaches and idealized modeling assumptions. In principle, image reconstruction performance could be enhanced by simulating the optoacoustic signal generation, propagation, and detection path. However, for most realistic experimental scenarios, the underlying total impulse response (TIR) cannot be accurately modelled. Here we propose to capture the TIR by scanning of a sub-resolution sized absorber. Significant improvement of spatial resolution and depth uniformity is demonstrated over 3 mm range, outperforming delay-and-sum and model-based reconstruction implementations. Reconstruction performance is validated by imaging subcutaneous murine vasculature and human skin in vivo. The proposed experimental calibration and reconstruction paradigm facilitates quantitative inversions while averting complex physics-based simulations. It can readily be applied to other imaging modalities employing TIR-based reconstructions