220 research outputs found

    Morbidity study of the orthopedic unit

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    Modelo de estudo: Estudo retrospectivo e descritivo. Objetivo: Descrever a clientela hospitalizada na Unidade de Internação de Ortopedia do HCRP, segundo as variáveis do diagnóstico principal, idade e sexo. Metodologia: Foram analisadas as saídas hospitalares codificadas pela Classificação Internacional de Doenças, 9ª revisão, 1975, ocorridas no período de 1992 a 1996. Os dados foram obtidos através do Serviço de Arquivo Médico (SAME) da instituição, a partir de programa de registro de altas da Companhia de Processamento de Dados do Estado de São Paulo- PRODESP e decodificados a partir da elaboração especial de um programa de computador desenvolvido em linguagem C++. Resultados: Encontram-se 5819 saídas hospitalares, sendo o Capítulo XVII – Lesões e Envenenamentos – responsável pelo maior número,correspondendo a 2.345 saídas (40,30%). Em seguida, o Capítulo XIII – Doenças do Sistema Osteomuscular e do Tecido Conjuntivo - foi o responsável por 1.904 saídas (32,72%). O Capítulo VI – Doenças do Sistema Nervoso e dos Órgãos dos Sentidos - foi responsável por 433 saídas (7,44%). Especificamente, o diagnóstico de Síndrome do Túnel do Carpo representou 310 casos. O Capítulo II – Neoplasma - foi o responsável por 479 saídas (8,23). O Capítulo XIV – Anomalias Congênitas foi o responsável por 333 saídas (5,72%). Os demais capítulos apresentaram freqüência menor de saídas. Em todos os capítulos notou-se distribuição nas diversas faixas etárias, predominando a de 20 a 49 anos de idade (48,44%). Considerações: Acredita-se que o conhecimento da morbidade hospitalar, pelos enfermeiros, possa orientar o uso de recursos dos serviços de saúde, de modo a garantir a qualidade da assistência prestada.Study Design: Retrospective and descriptive research. Objective: the purpose of this study is to describe the clientele hospitalized at the Orthopedic Unit of the University of São Paulo at Ribeirão Preto Faculty of Medicine Hospital, according to variables such as the main diagnosis, age and sex. Method: Authors analyzed hospital discharge codified by the International Classification of Diseases, 9th review, 1975, occurred from 1992 to 1996. Data were collected through the Service of Medical Files of the Institution, through a program of registries of discharges from Data Process Company of São Paulo (PRODESP) and coded from a special software developed ein C++. Results: The authors found 5819 hospital discharge and the Chapter XVII - Lesions and poisoning was the responsible for the highest number of hospital discharge, corresponding to 2.345 (40.30%). Following, the Chapter XIII - Diseases of the osteomuscular and conjunctive tissue was responsible for 1.904 hospital discharge (32.72%). The Chapter VI - Diseases of the nervous system was the responsible for 433 hospital discharge (7.44%). In specific, the diagnostic of Carpal tunnel syndrome represented 310 cases. The Chapter II - Neoplasm was responsible for 479 hospital discharge (8.23). Chapter XIV - Congenital anomalies was responsible for 333 hospital discharge (5.72%). The other chapters presented a lower frequency. In all chapters, authors found a distribution of several age groups, mainly from 20 to 49 years of age (48.44%). Final Considerations: They believe that knowledge on hospital morbidity will orient the use of health services resources, in order to garantee the quality of care


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    This study was carried out with the aim to verify the utilization viability of polymeric biguanide solutions for the topic treatment of puerperal uterine infections in bovine females after premature parturition. Twenty Girolando cows of a dairy farm, with placenta retention and metritis were randomly distributed in two groups. Group 1, constituted of cows that received three uterine infusions of a polymeric biguanide solution, and Group 2, with animals that were not submitted to any treatment. There were taken uterine content samples at the first, third and fifth post partum weeks for bacteriological cultures, that means, before the first infusion, 14 and 28 days after treatment. The founds of bacteriological cultures in the two groups demonstrated that the solution of polymeric biguanide was not effective to reduce uterine bacteriological colonization in cows with post partum infections.Com o objetivo de estudar a viabilidade da utilização de biguanida polimérica, no tratamento tópico de infecções puerperais em fêmeas bovinas após o parto prematuro, 20 fêmeas Girolando pertencentes a um sistema de produção leiteira, que apresentaram retenção de envoltórios fetais e conseqüentemente endometrite puerperal, foram distribuídas aleatoriamente em dois grupos. O Grupo I, foi constituído de animais que receberam três infusões uterinas de biguanida polimérica; e o Grupo 2, animais não tratados. Foram realizadas colheitas de conteúdo uterino na primeira, terceira e quinta semanas pós-parto para realização de cultivos bacteriológicos, ou seja, antes da infusão, aos 14 e 28 dias após tratamento medicamentoso. O resultado dos cultivos bacteriológicos nos dois grupos demonstrou que a utilização da biguanida polimérica não reduziu a colonização bacteriana no útero dos animais tratados, em comparação àqueles não tratados

    Electron Collisions With Ammonia And Formamide In The Low- And Intermediate-energy Ranges

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)We report an investigation on electron collisions with two nitrogen-containing compounds, namely ammonia (NH3) and formamide (NH2CHO). For ammonia, both theoretical and experimental differential, integral, and momentum-transfer cross sections, as well as calculated grand-total and total absorption cross sections, are reported in the 50-500 eV incident energy range. Calculated results of various cross sections are also reported for energies below 50 eV. Experimentally, angular distributions of the scattered electrons were measured using a crossed electron beam-molecular beam geometry and then converted to absolute differential cross sections using the relative flow technique. Absolute integral and momentum-transfer cross sections for elastic e - ammonia scattering were also derived from the measured differential cross sections. For formamide, only theoretical cross sections are presented in the 1-500 eV incident energy range. A single-center-expansion technique combined with the method of Padé was used in our calculations. For both targets, our calculated cross sections are compared with the present measured data and with the theoretical and experimental data available in the literature and show generally good agreement. Moreover, for formamide, two shape resonances located at 3.5 eV and 15 eV which correspond to the continuum 2A'' and 2A' scattering symmetries, respectively, are identified. The former can be associated to the 2B1 shape resonance in formaldehyde located at around 2.5 eV, whereas the latter can be related to the 2E resonance in ammonia at about 10 eV. Such correspondence is very interesting and so supports the investigation on electron interaction with small building blocks, instead of with larger biomolecules.906CAPES; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; FAPESP; Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Boudaïffa, B., Cloutier, P., Hunting, D., Huels, M.A., Sanche, L., (2000) Science, 287, p. 1658. , SCIEAS 0036-8075Huels, M.A., Boudaïffa, B., Cloutier, P., Hunting, D., Sanche, L., (2003) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, p. 4467. , JACSAT 0002-7863Sugohara, R.T., Homem, M.G.P., Sanches, I.P., De Moura, A.F., Lee, M.T., Iga, I., (2011) Phys. Rev. A, 83, p. 032708. , PLRAAN 1050-2947Lee, M.-T., De Souza, G.L.C., Machado, L.E., Brescansin, L.M., Dos Santos, A.S., Lucchese, R.R., Sugohara, R.T., Iga, I., (2012) J. Chem. 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    Influence of scrotal bipartition on spermatogenesis yield and sertoli cell efficiency in sheep

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    Abstract With the objective to assess the effect of scrotal bipartition on spermatogenesis in sheep, the testes were used from 12 crossbred rams of sheep farms in the municipality of Patos, Paraíba, Brazil, distributed into two groups: GI with six rams with scrotal bipartition, and GII with six rams without scrotal bipartition. The testicular biometry was measured and the testes were collected, fixed in Bouin and fragments were processed to obtain histological slides. The spermatogenesis yield and the Sertoli cell efficiency was estimated by counting the cells of the spermatogenetic line at stage one of the seminiferous epithelium cycle and the Sertoli cells. The results were submitted to analysis of variance with the ASSISTAT v.7.6 program and the mean values were compared by the Student-Newman-Keuls test (SNK) at 5% significance. The testicular biometric parameters did not show statistical difference (p>0.05) between the groups. The meiotic, spermatogenetic and Sertoli cell efficiency were higher in bipartitioned rams (p0.05) between GI and GII. The results indicated that there is superiority in the spermatogenetic parameters of bi-partitioned rams, suggesting that these sheep present, as reported in goats, indication of better reproductive indices