26 research outputs found

    Emergence of pulled fronts in fermionic microscopic particle models

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    We study the emergence and dynamics of pulled fronts described by the Fisher-Kolmogorov-Petrovsky-Piscounov (FKPP) equation in the microscopic reaction-diffusion process A + A A$ on the lattice when only a particle is allowed per site. To this end we identify the parameter that controls the strength of internal fluctuations in this model, namely, the number of particles per correlated volume. When internal fluctuations are suppressed, we explictly see the matching between the deterministic FKPP description and the microscopic particle model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E as a Rapid Communicatio

    Statistical auditing and randomness test of lotto k/N-type games

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    One of the most popular lottery games worldwide is the so-called ``lotto k/N''. It considers N numbers 1,2,...,N from which k are drawn randomly, without replacement. A player selects k or more numbers and the first prize is shared amongst those players whose selected numbers match all of the k randomly drawn. Exact rules may vary in different countries. In this paper, mean values and covariances for the random variables representing the numbers drawn from this kind of game are presented, with the aim of using them to audit statistically the consistency of a given sample of historical results with theoretical values coming from a hypergeometric statistical model. The method can be adapted to test pseudorandom number generators.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Rapid assessment of antibiotic susceptibility using a fully 3D-printed impedance- based biosensor

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    The sustained misuse and overuse of antibacterial agents is accelerating the emergence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which is becoming one of the major threats to public health. Abuse of antibiotics drives spontaneous evolution, bacterial mutation, and exchange of resistant genes through lateral gene transfer. Mitigating the worldwide impact of AMR requires enhanced antibiotic stewardship through faster diagnostic testing. In this work, we aim to tackle this issue via development of a fully 3D-printed electrochemical, gel-modified biosensor for rapid bacterial growth monitoring. By using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, we have successfully identified growth profiles and confirmed antibiotic susceptibility of two ESKAPE pathogens, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, following overnight culture it was possible to determine antibiotic sensitivity in 90 min, altogether faster than the 24–48 h current gold standard of culture-based antimicrobial susceptibility testing with significant scope for optimisation. Results show a clear distinction between growth profiles in the presence and absence of amoxicillin, gentamicin, and fosfomycin, therefore demonstrating a rapid, cost-efficient platform for phenotypic antibiotic susceptibility testing within clinically relevant concentration ranges for conditions such as urinary tract infections and pneumonia

    Use of SMS texts for facilitating access to online alcohol interventions: a feasibility study

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    A41 Use of SMS texts for facilitating access to online alcohol interventions: a feasibility study In: Addiction Science & Clinical Practice 2017, 12(Suppl 1): A4

    Comparison of interferon-{gamma} release assays and tuberculin skin test in predicting active tuberculosis (TB) in children in the UK: a paediatric TB network study

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    Background The value of interferon-gamma release assays (IGRA) to diagnose active tuberculosis (TB) in children is not established, but these assays are being widely used for this purpose. The authors examined the sensitivity of commercially available IGRA to diagnose active TB in children in the UK compared with the tuberculin skin test (TST). Methods The authors established a paediatric tuberculosis network and conducted a retrospective analysis of data from children investigated for active TB at six large UK paediatric centres. All centres had used TST and at least one of the commercially available IGRA (T-Spot.TB or Quantiferon-Gold in Tube) in the diagnostic work-up for active TB. Data were available from 333 children aged 2 months to 16 years. The authors measured the sensitivity of TST and IGRA in definite (culture confirmed) and probable TB in children, agreement between TST and either IGRA, and their combined sensitivity. Results Of 333 children, 49 fulfilled the criteria of definite TB, and 146 had probable TB. Within the definite cohort, TST had a sensitivity of 82%, Quantiferon-Gold in tube (QFT-IT) had a sensitivity of 78% and T-Spot.TB of 66%. Neither IGRA performed significantly better than a TST with a cut-off of 15 mm. Combining the results of TST and IGRA increased the sensitivity to 96% for TST plus T-Spot.TB and 91% for TST plus QFG-IT in the definite TB cohort. Conclusions A negative IGRA does not exclude active TB disease, but a combination of TST and IGRA increases the sensitivity for identifying children with active TB