588 research outputs found

    Peak effect and its evolution with defect structure in YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films at microwave frequencies

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    The vortex dynamics in YBa2Cu3O7-d thin films have been studied at microwave frequencies. A pronounced peak in the surface resistance, Rs, is observed in these films at frequencies of 4.88 and 9.55 GHz for magnetic fields varying from 0.2 to 0.8 T. The peak is associated with an order-disorder transformation of the flux line lattice as the temperature or field is increased. The occurrence of the peak in Rs is crucially dependent on the depinning frequency, wp and on the nature and concentration of growth defects present in these films. Introduction of artificial defects by swift heavy ion irradiation with 200 MeV Ag ion at a fluence of 4x1010 ions/cm2 enhances wp and suppresses the peak at 4.88 GHz but the peak at 9.55 GHz remains unaffected. A second peak at lower temperature has also been observed at 9.55 GHz. This is related to twin boundaries from angular dependence studies of Rs. Based on the temperature variation of Rs, vortex phase diagrams have been constructed at 9.55 GHz.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures Submitted to Physical Review

    BPS pp-wave brane cosmological solutions in string theory

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    We construct time dependent BPS pp-wave brane solutions in the context of M-theory and type II supergravity. It is found that N-brane solutions we considered satisfy the crossing rule as S-brane solutions but 1/8 supersymmetry remains. By applying them to the cosmological setting, inflationary solutions are obtained. During this inflation, the size of the extradimensions becomes smaller than our four-dimensional spacetime dynamically. We also discuss the mechanism for terminating this inflation and recovering the hot big-bang universe.Comment: 10 page

    Elimination of Threshold Singularities in the Relation Between On-Shell and Pole Widths

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    In a previous communication by two of us, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 1373 (1998), the gauge-dependent deviations of the on-shell mass and total decay width from their gauge-independent pole counterparts were investigated at leading order for the Higgs boson of the Standard Model. In the case of the widths, the deviation was found to diverge at unphysical thresholds, m_H = 2 root{xi_V} m_V (V = W,Z), in the R_xi gauge. In this Brief Report, we demonstrate that these unphysical threshold singularities are properly eliminated if a recently proposed definition of wave-function renormalization for unstable particles is invoked.Comment: 8 pages (Latex), 1 figure (Postscript

    Discrete element modelling of the packing of spheres and its application to the structure of porous metals made by infiltration of packed beds of NaCl beads

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    A numerical model, using the discrete element method, has been developed to quantify specific parameters that are pertinent to the packing behaviour of relatively large, spherical NaCl beads and mixtures of beads of different sizes. These parameters have been compared with porosity and connectivity measurements made on porous aluminium castings made by molten metal infiltration into packed beds of such beads, after removal of the NaCl by dissolution. DEM has been found to accurately predict the packing fraction for salt beads with both mono and binary size distributions and from this the pore fractions in castings made by infiltration into packed beds of beads could be predicted. Through simple development of the condition for contacting of neighbouring beads, the number of windows linking neighbouring pores, and their size, could also be predicted across a wide range of small bead additions. The model also enables an insight into the mixing quality and changes in connectivity introduced through the addition of small beads. This work presents significant progress towards the delivery of a simulation based approach to designing preform architectures in order to tailor the resulting porous structures to best suit specific applications

    Ohm's Law for Plasma in General Relativity and Cowling's Theorem

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    The general-relativistic Ohm's law for a two-component plasma which includes the gravitomagnetic force terms even in the case of quasi-neutrality has been derived. The equations that describe the electromagnetic processes in a plasma surrounding a neutron star are obtained by using the general relativistic form of Maxwell equations in a geometry of slow rotating gravitational object. In addition to the general-relativistic effect first discussed by Khanna \& Camenzind (1996) we predict a mechanism of the generation of azimuthal current under the general relativistic effect of dragging of inertial frames on radial current in a plasma around neutron star. The azimuthal current being proportional to the angular velocity ω\omega of the dragging of inertial frames can give valuable contribution on the evolution of the stellar magnetic field if ω\omega exceeds 2.7×1017(n/σ)s12.7\times 10^{17} (n/\sigma) \textrm{s}^{-1} (nn is the number density of the charged particles, σ\sigma is the conductivity of plasma). Thus in general relativity a rotating neutron star, embedded in plasma, can in principle generate axial-symmetric magnetic fields even in axisymmetry. However, classical Cowling's antidynamo theorem, according to which a stationary axial-symmetric magnetic field can not be sustained against ohmic diffusion, has to be hold in the general-relativistic case for the typical plasma being responsible for the rotating neutron star.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    Expanding Universe: Thermodynamical Aspects From Different Models

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    The pivotal point of the paper is to discuss the behavior of temperature, pressure, energy density as a function of volume along with determination of caloric EoS from following two model: w(z)=w0+w1ln(1+z)w(z)=w_{0}+w_{1}\ln(1+z) & w(z)=1+(1+z)3A1+2A2(1+z)A0+2A1(1+z)+A2(1+z)2 w(z)=-1+\frac{(1+z)}{3}\frac{A_{1}+2A_{2}(1+z)}{A_{0}+2A_{1}(1+z)+A_{2}(1+z)^{2}}. The time scale of instability for this two models is discussed. In the paper we then generalize our result and arrive at general expression for energy density irrespective of the model. The thermodynamical stability for both of the model and the general case is discussed from this viewpoint. We also arrive at a condition on the limiting behavior of thermodynamic parameter to validate the third law of thermodynamics and interpret the general mathematical expression of integration constant U0U_{0} (what we get while integrating energy conservation equation) physically relating it to number of micro states. The constraint on the allowed values of the parameters of the models is discussed which ascertains stability of universe. The validity of thermodynamical laws within apparent and event horizon is discussed.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures(Accepted for publication in "Astrophysics and Space Science"

    Non-Minimal Warm Inflation and Perturbations on the Warped DGP Brane with Modified Induced Gravity

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    We construct a warm inflation model with inflaton field non-minimally coupled to induced gravity on a warped DGP brane. We incorporate possible modification of the induced gravity on the brane in the spirit of f(R)f(R)-gravity. We study cosmological perturbations in this setup. In the case of two field inflation such as warm inflation, usually entropy perturbations are generated. While it is expected that in the case of one field inflation these perturbations to be removed, we show that even in the absence of the radiation field, entropy perturbations are generated in our setup due to non-minimal coupling and modification of the induced gravity.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, Accepted by Gen. Rel Gravi

    Stimulated creation of quanta during inflation and the observable universe

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    Inflation provides a natural mechanism to account for the origin of cosmic structures. The generation of primordial inhomogeneities during inflation can be understood via the spontaneous creation of quanta from the vacuum. We show that when the corresponding {\it stimulated} creation of quanta is considered, the characteristics of the state of the universe at the onset of inflation are not diluted by the inflationary expansion and can be imprinted in the spectrum of primordial inhomogeneities. The non-gaussianities (particularly in the so-called squeezed configuration) in the cosmic microwave background and galaxy distribution can then tell us about the state of the universe that existed at the time when quantum field theory in curved spacetime first emerged as a plausible effective theory.Comment: Awarded with the First Prize in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competition 201

    Continental-scale geographic change across zealandia during paleogene subduction initiation

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    Data from International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 371 reveal vertical movements of 1-3 km in northern Zealandia during early Cenozoic subduction initiation in the western Pacific Ocean. Lord Howe Rise rose from deep (~1 km) water to sea level and subsided back, with peak uplift at 50 Ma in the north and between 41 and 32 Ma in the south. The New Caledonia Trough subsided 2-3 km between 55 and 45 Ma. We suggest these elevation changes resulted from crust delamination and mantle flow that led to slab formation. We propose a "subduction resurrection" model in which (1) a subduction rupture event activated lithospheric-scale faults across a broad region during less than ~5 m.y., and (2) tectonic forces evolved over a further 4-8 m.y. as subducted slabs grew in size and drove plate-motion change. Such a subduction rupture event may have involved nucleation and lateral propagation of slip-weakening rupture along an interconnected set of preexisting weaknesses adjacent to density anomalies