1,235 research outputs found

    Is the Thomas precession a source of SR power?

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    The structural composition and the properties of the first quantum spin-orientation-dependent correction to synchrotron radiation power are discussed. On the basis of spin mass renormalization it is shown that, in the conventional sence, the Thomas precession is not a source of relativistic radiation. This conclusion is in agreement with well-known statements on the spin dependence of mass and purely kinematic origin of Thomas precession.Comment: 7 pages, LATEX, to be published in Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A (2001

    Combinatorial models of rigidity and renormalization

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    We first introduce the percolation problems associated with the graph theoretical concepts of (k,l)(k,l)-sparsity, and make contact with the physical concepts of ordinary and rigidity percolation. We then devise a renormalization transformation for (k,l)(k,l)-percolation problems, and investigate its domain of validity. In particular, we show that it allows an exact solution of (k,l)(k,l)-percolation problems on hierarchical graphs, for kl<2kk\leq l<2k. We introduce and solve by renormalization such a model, which has the interesting feature of showing both ordinary percolation and rigidity percolation phase transitions, depending on the values of the parameters.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Action at a distance as a full-value solution of Maxwell equations: basis and application of separated potential's method

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    The inadequacy of Li\'{e}nard-Wiechert potentials is demonstrated as one of the examples related to the inconsistency of the conventional classical electrodynamics. The insufficiency of the Faraday-Maxwell concept to describe the whole electromagnetic phenomena and the incompleteness of a set of solutions of Maxwell equations are discussed and mathematically proved. Reasons of the introduction of the so-called ``electrodynamics dualism concept" (simultaneous coexistence of instantaneous Newton long-range and Faraday-Maxwell short-range interactions) have been displayed. It is strictly shown that the new concept presents itself as the direct consequence of the complete set of Maxwell equations and makes it possible to consider classical electrodynamics as a self-consistent and complete theory, devoid of inward contradictions. In the framework of the new approach, all main concepts of classical electrodynamics are reconsidered. In particular, a limited class of motion is revealed when accelerated charges do not radiate electromagnetic field.Comment: ReVTeX file, 24pp. Small corrections which do not have influence results of the paper. Journal reference is adde

    S:t Sigfrids granne : en begravningsplats för alla

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    This paper is about cemetaries in a multireligious society. The aim of the work is to compare the physical expressions of different religions burial traditions, in order to plan a multireligious cemetary in Borås. I´ve studied the five worldreligions, Judaism, Chritstianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. I´ve also written about the Humanism, a nonreligious organization, and funerals without any religious connection. Litterature studies gave basic knowledge about the religions beliefs, and interviews with a person from each group deepend the knowledge, mainly regarding the burial traditions. Interviews with landscape architects gave information about the most important aspects of the architecture of cemetaries. By visting cemetaries, I compared the information I gained through litterature and interviews with reality. The visits also gave inspiration for my own planning of the cemetary in Borås. There are many similarities among the burial traditions in Judaism, Christanity and Islam. The burial place has greater importance to them than to the Indian religions. In Buddhism and Hinduism they belive in reincarnation and therefore the grave and burial ground is not very important. The architecture of the cemetary is not as full of symbols as I expected it to be. The most important is the border to the surroundings and the entrance. When going through the entrance to the cemetary, the visitor should get a feeling of stepping in to another world. On the cemetary the graves are central and it is important to plan with respect for the people visiting a grave. During the work I´ve come to the conclusion that it is possible for different religions to share the same burial ground, as long as each religion has it´s own small area. One reason for this is that some religions celebrate ceremonies on the cemetary and this is easier if the graves are placed close to each other. Another reason is that recognizing symbols and words on neighbouring graves gives a feeling of security and confidence when visting a grave. In Borås there is a need for places to bury people who are not christian and there are plans to establish a new cemetary. I havn´t had a formal comission in Borås, but I´ve used the site of their new cemetary as a basis for my work. My idea for the new cemetary in Borås is a place full of light and flowers. The place is dominated of birchtrees (Betula pubescens). Between the trees are glades where the graves are placed. Each religious or nonreligious group has there own glade, with wellknown traditions and symbols. At the same time they are able to see and feel a connection to people in other parts of the cemetary. The different areas are not decided in advance for a specific religion, but are planned in detail when they´re taken in use.Det här arbetet handlar om begravningsplatser i ett multireligiöst samhälle. Arbetet syftar till att jämföra de fysiska uttrycken för olika religioners begravningstraditioner och utifrån detta planera en begravningsplats som kan passa alla. Ett område i Borås, i anslutning till S:t Sigfrids griftegård är utgångspunkt i gestaltningsarbetet. Jag har valt att studera och i gestaltningen ta hänsyn till de fem världsreligionerna, judendom, kristendom, islam, hinduism och buddhism. Utöver de religiösa grupperna behandlade jag begravning utan religiös anknytning och tog i det sammanhanget upp humanisterna (tidigare human-etiska förbundet). Litteraturstudier gav baskunskap om religionerna och intervjuer med en representant från varje grupp fördjupade kunskapen, främst i avseende på begravning och begravningsplatsen. Intervjuer med landskapsarkitekter ökade min kunskap om begravningsplatsens arkitektur. Genom studiebesök jämförde jag det jag lärt mig med hur det ser ut i verkligheten. Studiebesöken gav också inspiration inför mitt eget gestaltningsarbete. Det fi nns tydliga likheter i begravningstraditioner mellan de tre abrahamitiska religionerna, judendom, kristendom och islam. Det är också bland dessa som begravningsplatsen har störst betydelse och funktion för de efterlevande. I de indiska religionerna, buddhism och hinduism, tror man på reinkarnation och därför spelar platsen man begravs på mindre roll. Begravningsplatsens arkitektur är inte så full av symbolik som jag hade väntat mig. Viktigast är platsens avgränsning mot omvärlden och att man får en känsla av att träda in i en annan värld. På begravningsplatsen är det gravarna som står i centrum och möblerar rummet. Det är viktigt att planera med respekt och vördnad för de anhöriga som besöker en grav. Under arbetets gång framkom att man överlag kan tänka sig att dela begravningsplats med andra religioner, men det fi nns en efterfrågan på egna kvarter. Det skapar en känsla av trygghet att känna igen sig i symboler på omgivande gravar. Vissa grupper håller ceremonier på begravningsplatsen och detta underlättas om gravarna ligger samlat. I Borås har man önskemål om fl er gravplatser för människor med olika religionstillhörighet och det fi nns ett område avsatt för att anlägga en ny begravningsplats. Jag har inte haft ett formellt uppdrag i Borås men jag har haft detta område som utgångspunkt i mitt gestaltningsarbete. I Borås skapar jag en ljus plats som domineras av glasbjörk. Mellan träden öppnar sig gläntor som är gravkvarteren. Besökarna ser från sitt eget kvarter till nästa och får en känsla av gemenskap samtidigt som platsen för den egna graven känns hemvan och tryggt Kvarteren är inte i förväg bestämda för en viss religion. De tas i bruk efter hand och planeras i detalj efter de behov och önskemål som gruppen som ska nyttja dem har

    Confronting hybrid inflation in supergravity with CMB data

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    FF-term GUT inflation coupled to N=1 Supergravity is confronted with CMB data. Corrections to the string mass-per-unit-length away from the Bogomolny limit are taken into account. We find that a superpotential coupling 10^{-7}/\mcN \lesssim \kappa \lesssim 10^{-2}/\mcN, with \mcN the dimension of the Higgs-representation, is still compatible with the data. The parameter space is enlarged in warm inflation, as well as in the curvaton and inhomogeneous reheat scenario. FF-strings formed at the end of PP-term inflation are also considered. Because these strings satisfy the Bogomolny bound the bounds are stronger: the gauge coupling is constrained to the range 107<g<10410^{-7} < g <10^{-4}.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figure

    On the relativistic field theory model of the deuteron II

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    The relativistic field theory model of the deuteron is applied to the calculation of the cross sections of the low-energy radiative neutron-proton capture n + p -> D + gamma and the low-energy two-proton fusion p + p -> D + e^+ + nu_e. For the low-energy radiative neutron-proton capture n + p -> D + gamma our result agrees well with both the experimental data and the potential model prediction. In the case of the two-proton fusion the cross section obtained is 2.9 times as much as that given by the potential approach. The obtained result is discussed in connection with the solar neutrino problem. ERRATUM: We correct the value of the cross section for pp-fusion p + p -> D + e^+ + nu_e. We find a contribution to the astrophysical factor \delta S_pp(0) = 2.01 x 10^{-25} (1 +/- 0.30) MeV b which is obtained only due to weak and strong low-energy interactions of the protons and the deuteron when neglecting the Coulomb repulsion between protons in the intermediate state. Minor misprints are corrected.Comment: 35 pages, LaTeX, plus 5 figures added as postscript files, ERRATUM: 3 pages, to appear in Nucl. Phys. A added at the en

    Magnetic Flux of EUV Arcade and Dimming Regions as a Relevant Parameter for Early Diagnostics of Solar Eruptions - Sources of Non-Recurrent Geomagnetic Storms and Forbush Decreases

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    This study aims at the early diagnostics of geoeffectiveness of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from quantitative parameters of the accompanying EUV dimming and arcade events. We study events of the 23th solar cycle, in which major non-recurrent geomagnetic storms (GMS) with Dst <-100 nT are sufficiently reliably identified with their solar sources in the central part of the disk. Using the SOHO/EIT 195 A images and MDI magnetograms, we select significant dimming and arcade areas and calculate summarized unsigned magnetic fluxes in these regions at the photospheric level. The high relevance of this eruption parameter is displayed by its pronounced correlation with the Forbush decrease (FD) magnitude, which, unlike GMSs, does not depend on the sign of the Bz component but is determined by global characteristics of ICMEs. Correlations with the same magnetic flux in the solar source region are found for the GMS intensity (at the first step, without taking into account factors determining the Bz component near the Earth), as well as for the temporal intervals between the solar eruptions and the GMS onset and peak times. The larger the magnetic flux, the stronger the FD and GMS intensities are and the shorter the ICME transit time is. The revealed correlations indicate that the main quantitative characteristics of major non-recurrent space weather disturbances are largely determined by measurable parameters of solar eruptions, in particular, by the magnetic flux in dimming areas and arcades, and can be tentatively estimated in advance with a lead time from 1 to 4 days. For GMS intensity, the revealed dependencies allow one to estimate a possible value, which can be expected if the Bz component is negative.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Long Range Magnetic Order and the Darwin Lagrangian

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    We simulate a finite system of NN confined electrons with inclusion of the Darwin magnetic interaction in two- and three-dimensions. The lowest energy states are located using the steepest descent quenching adapted for velocity dependent potentials. Below a critical density the ground state is a static Wigner lattice. For supercritical density the ground state has a non-zero kinetic energy. The critical density decreases with NN for exponential confinement but not for harmonic confinement. The lowest energy state also depends on the confinement and dimension: an antiferromagnetic cluster forms for harmonic confinement in two dimensions.Comment: 5 figure