346 research outputs found

    Qualidade da irrigação controlada por tensiômetros em pivô central

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    A qualidade da irrigação foi avaliada durante a safra de inverno do ano de 1988 na cultura do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), irrigado por pivô central, em área de ocorrência de Latossolo Roxo (A moderado, textura argilosa a muito argilosa, distrófico), em Guaíra, SP. Os critérios utilizados para esta avaliação foram a eficiência do uso da água pela cultura e a efetividade da irrigação, esta última representada pela eficiência de aplicação da água, a uniformidade de distribuição da água sobre o solo e a eficiência de armazenagem da água no solo. O monitoramento das irrigações foi realizado através da instalação de 20 baterias de tensiômetros e 60 coletores de água de chuva e irrigação ao longo de uma transeção de 300 metros na direção radial do pivô. Os tensiômetros de cada bateria foram instalados a 15 cm e 30 cm de profundidade e espaçados entre si de 15 metros. Os coletores foram instalados a uma altura de 50 cm da superfície do terreno e distanciados entre si de 5 metros. O controle da irrigação foi feito com base na média ponderada dos 20 valores diários de potencial mátrico a 15 cm de profundidade, tendo como fator de ponderação a área representativa de cada tensiômetro. O valor mínimo de potencial mátrico estabelecido para a definição do momento da irrigação foi -0,06 MPa à profundidade de 15 cm e o valor da lâmina de água a ser aplicada em cada irrigação, calculado tendo-se em conta o valor de -0,008 MPa para o potencial mátrico a capacidade de campo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as irrigações efetuadas foram de alta qualidade uma vez que foram elevados os valores da eficiência de aplicação (80%) e dos coeficientes de uniformidade de distribuição (94 e 91%) calculados a partir das 16 irrigações acumuladas, o mesmo ocorrendo com a eficiência de armazenagem (95%) e a eficiência de uso da água (0,8 kg/m³).The irrigation quality was evaluated for a center pivot winter bean (Phaseolus vulgaris, L) crop in a Typic Hapludox of the county of Guaíra (SP), Brazil (20° 27'30"S, 48°19'30"W, 495m). Criteria used for this evaluation were the crop water use efficiency and the irrigation "effectivity", the latter being assessed by the water application efficiency, the water distribution uniformity on the soil surface and the soil water storage efficiency. The irrigation monitoring was done by means of 20 sets of two tensiometers (15 and 30 cm soil depths) installed at each 15 m on a 300 m transect along the radial direction of the pivot, and 60 rain/irrigation gages installed at each 5 m on the same transect. The irrigation control was done by means of the 15 cm-soil depth tensiometers. The minimum matric potential value used to define the irrigation timing was -0,06 MPa and the water depth to be applied by the pivot was calculated taking into account the value of -0,008 MPa for the soil at field capacity. Results showed that irrigations were of high quality since high values of water application efficiency (80%) and water distribution uniformity coefficients (94% and 91%) were obtained, the same occurring with the soil water storage (95%) and crop water use (0,8 kg/m³) efficiencies

    Adsorption and inhibitive properties of Tryptophan on low alloy steel corrosion in acidic media

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    AbstractThe inhibition efficiency of Tryptophan (Trp) has been studied for the corrosion of low alloy steel ASTM A213 grade T22 in sulfamic (HSO3NH2) and hydrochloric (HCl) acid solutions.Corrosion inhibition was studied using electrochemical methods (electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; EIS and the new technique electrochemical frequency modulation; EFM) and weight loss measurements. The influence of inhibitor concentration, solution temperature, and immersion time on the corrosion resistance of low alloy steel (LAS) has been investigated. Trp proved to be a very good inhibitor for low alloy steel acid corrosion. EFM measurements showed that Trp is a mixed type inhibitor. Trp behaved better in 0.6M HCl than in 0.6M HSO3NH2. Moreover, it was found that the inhibition efficiency increased with increasing inhibitor concentration, while a decrease was detected with the rise of temperature and immersion time. The associated activation energy (Ea) has been determined. The values of Ea indicate that the type of adsorption of Trp on the steel surface in both acids belongs to physical adsorption. The adsorption process was tested using Temkin adsorption isotherm

    Hot red pepper powder as a safe alternative to antibiotics in organic poultry feed: An updated review

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    Globally, several studies have investigated the utilization and efficacy of promising medicinal herbal plants to enhance livestock and poultry production. The most commonly investigated phytobiotics in broiler ration were oregano, garlic, thyme, rosemary, black pepper, hot red pepper (HRP), and sage. Phytobiotics are classified on the basis of the medicinal properties of plants, their essential oil extracts, and their bioactive compounds. The majority of bioactive compounds in plants are secondary metabolites, such as terpenoids, phenolic, glycosides, and alkaloids. The composition and concentrations of these bioactive constitutes vary according to their biological factors and manufacturing and storage conditions. Furthermore, HRP is one of the most important and widely used spices in the human diet. Capsicum annum, that is, HRP, is a species of the plant genus Capsicum (pepper), which is a species native to southern North America and northern South America and is widely grown and utilized for its fresh or cooked fruits. Moreover, these fruits may be used as dried powders or processed forms of oleoresins. Researches have proven that C. annuum is the only plant that produces the alkaloid capsaicinoids. Approximately 48% of its active substances are capsaicin (8-methyl-N-vanillyl-6-nonemide), the main active compound responsible for the intense effects of HRP varieties and the main component inducing the hot flavor. This review aimed to highlight the effects of HRP as a phytobiotic in broiler nutrition and its mode of action as a possible alternative to antibiotics and clarify its impact on broiler and layer productivity

    Clinical and Pharmacokinetic Outcomes of Peak–Trough-Based Versus Trough-Based Vancomycin Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Approaches: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background Vancomycin therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) is based on achieving 24-h area under the concentration–time curve to minimum inhibitory concentration cure breakpoints (AUC24/MIC). Approaches to vancomycin TDM vary, with no head-to-head randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparisons to date. Objectives We aimed to compare clinical and pharmacokinetic outcomes between peak–trough-based and trough-only-based vancomycin TDM approaches and to determine the relationship between vancomycin AUC24/MIC and cure rates. Methods A multicentered pragmatic parallel-group RCT was conducted in Hamad Medical Corporation hospitals in Qatar. Adult non-dialysis patients initiated on vancomycin were randomized to peak–trough-based or trough-only-based vancomycin TDM. Primary endpoints included vancomycin AUC24/MIC ratio breakpoint for cure and clinical effectiveness (therapeutic cure vs therapeutic failure). Descriptive, inferential, and classification and regression tree (CART) statistical analyses were applied. NONMEM.v.7.3 was used to conduct population pharmacokinetic analyses and AUC24 calculations. Results Sixty-five patients were enrolled [trough-only-based-TDM (n = 35) and peak–trough-based-TDM (n = 30)]. Peak–trough-based TDM was significantly associated with higher therapeutic cure rates compared to trough-only-based TDM [76.7% vs 48.6%; p value = 0.02]. No statistically significant differences were observed for all-cause mortality, neutropenia, or nephrotoxicity between the two groups. Compared to trough-only-based TDM, peak–trough-based TDM was associated with less vancomycin total daily doses by 12.05 mg/kg/day (p value = 0.027). CART identified creatinine clearance (CLCR), AUC24/MIC, and TDM approach as significant determinants of therapeutic outcomes. All patients [n = 19,100%] with CLCR ≤ 7.85 L/h, AUC24/MIC ≤ 1256, who received peak–trough-based TDM achieved therapeutic cure. AUC24/MIC > 565 was identified to be correlated with cure in trough-only-based TDM recipients [n = 11,84.6%]. No minimum AUC24/MIC breakpoint was detected by CART in the peak–trough-based group. Conclusion Maintenance of target vancomycin exposures and implementation of peak–trough-based vancomycin TDM may improve vancomycin-associated cure rates. Larger scale RCTs are warranted to confirm these findings.Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library. We would like to thank Dr. Hani Abdelaziz and Dr. Eman El-Mekaty for their efforts and contributions in the design and implementation of this study. We would also like to thank all staff at HMC who helped to conduct the study

    Holographic dual of the Standard Model on the throat

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    We apply recent techniques to construct geometries, based on local Calabi-Yau manifolds, leading to warped throats with 3-form fluxes in string theory, with interesting structure at their bottom. We provide their holographic dual description in terms of RG flows for gauge theories with almost conformal duality cascades and infrared confinement. We describe a model of a throat with D-branes at its bottom, realizing a 3-family Standard Model like chiral sector. We provide the explicit holographic dual gauge theory RG flow, and describe the appearance of the SM degrees of freedom after confinement. As a second application, we describe throats within throats, namely warped throats with discontinuous warp factor in different regions of the radial coordinate, and discuss possible model building applications.Comment: 46 pages, 21 figures, reference adde


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    A deep understanding in thermal characteristics of lead-free solder paste grades is one of the most crucial factors when dealing with reflow soldering process. These temperatures are critical parameters for proper settings of the real reflow process. This report is devoted to discussing the findings obtained during utilization of differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and calculation using MATLAB to identify the latent heat, solidus and liquidus temperature, and surface tension  applicable to numerically simulate the real process of reflow soldering. It can be stated that the equilibrium solidus and liquidus temperatures during solidification process are not a reversal of the melting process, with the solid phase equilibrium occurred at a lower temperature due to the difficulty of ß-Sn nucleation. Amount of heat energy released during solidification differs less than 10% for SAC405 and less than 1% for SAC105 with the latent heat of fusion during the melting process

    Near State Vector Selection-Based Model Predictive Control with Common Mode Voltage Mitigation for a Three-Phase Four-Leg Inverter

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    A high computational burden is required in conventional model predictive control, as all of the voltage vectors of a power inverter are used to predict the future behavior of the system. Apart from that, the common mode voltage (CMV) of a three-phase four-leg inverter utilizes up to half of the DC-link voltage due to the use of all of the available voltage vectors. Thus, this paper proposes a near state vector selection-based model predictive control (NSV-MPC) scheme to mitigate the CMV and reduce computational burden. In the proposed technique, only six active voltage vectors are used in the predictive model, and the vectors are selected based on the position of the future reference vector. In every sampling period, the position of the reference current is used to detect the voltage vectors surrounding the reference voltage vector. Besides the six active vectors, one of the zero vectors is also used. The proposed technique is compared with the conventional control scheme in terms of execution time, CMV variation, and load current ripple in both simulation and an experimental setup. The LabVIEW Field programmable gate array rapid prototyping controller is used to validate the proposed control scheme experimentally, and demonstrate that the CMV can be bounded within one-fourth of the DC-link voltage

    The Effect of Deposition Time on Filtration Efficiency of Electrospun Nanofibre Water Filters

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    Growing concern over turbidity of river waters due to high presence of solid suspensions has encouraged the development of new type of efficient water filters. In this study, a new type of water filter was developed by incorporating electrospun nanofibres. The relationship between the amount of incorporated nanofibres in term of deposition time and filtration efficiency was studied. Nylon 6 solution at 20 wt.% concentration was electrospun onto standard glass fibre filters. A high voltage of 14 kV was supplied at the spinneret and electrospinning distance was set at 10 cm. Suspended solid retention test was conducted on the glass fibre filters using a vacuum filtration system based on BS EN 872 standard. The morphology of the filters was studied using scanning electron microscopy and ImageJ software. From the results, the suspended solid retention capability increased linearly with nanofibre deposition time. Due to small size of the nanofibres, the addition of nanofibre layer has increased the total porosity of the filter. Findings from this study could open up further understanding in new generation of water filters