355 research outputs found

    An experimental investigation of human mismatches in machining.

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    Mismatches refer to incompatibilities, inappropriateness, unsuitabilities or inconsistencies in machine operators’ actions which, if not addressed, would lead to errors. A fuller understanding of the rate at which mismatches occur and their causes would allow human aspects to be given proper consideration alongside hardware and technological issues in the design of new working environments, machines and tasks. This research highlights these human aspects of machining by examining mismatches in relation to various human characteristics. The human task–mismatch matching method was developed and applied in manual turning operations using experimental and questionnaire techniques on groups of 16 skilled and 12 unskilled operators. The skilled subjects were drawn from local industry and university technical staff. Unskilled subjects were engineering students, all of whom had some familiarity with machining through periods of industrial placement. Statistically significant relationships were established between mismatches and many of the human characteristics studied (skill, age, work experience, self-confidence and trust) when considering all the subjects as a single group, but for skilled operators alone, the only significant relationship was between self-confidence and trust. As a general conclusion, it can be confirmed that studying operators in their own workplace provides invaluable information for the design and operation of future workplaces, but that the relationships between performance and human characteristics remain difficult to establish formally

    Estuarine Forecasts at Daily Weather to Subseasonal Time Scales

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    Most present forecast systems for estuaries predict conditions for only a few days into the future. However, there are many reasons to expect that skillful estuarine forecasts are possible for longer time periods, including increasingly skillful extended atmospheric forecasts, the potential for lasting impacts of atmospheric forcing on estuarine conditions, and the predictability of tidal cycles. In this study, we test whether skillful estuarine forecasts are possible for up to 35 days into the future by combining an estuarine model of Chesapeake Bay with 35-day atmospheric forecasts from an operational weather model. When compared with both a hindcast simulation from the same estuarine model and with observations, the estuarine forecasts for surface water temperature are skillful up to about 2 weeks into the future, and the forecasts for bottom temperature, surface and bottom salinity, and density stratification are skillful for all or the majority of the forecast period. Bottom oxygen forecasts are skillful when compared to the model hindcast, but not when compared with observations. We also find that skill for all variables in the estuary can be improved by taking the mean of multiple estuarine forecasts driven by an ensemble of atmospheric forecasts. Finally, we examine the forecasts in detail using two case studies of extreme events, and we discuss opportunities for improving the forecast skill

    Melatonin for rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder in Parkinson's disease : a randomised controlled trial

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    Background Melatonin may reduce REM-sleep behavior disorder (RBD) symptoms in Parkinson's disease (PD), though robust clinical trials are lacking. Objective To assess the efficacy of prolonged-release (PR) melatonin for RBD in PD. Methods Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group trial with an 8-week intervention and 4-week observation pre- and postintervention (ACTRN12613000648729). Thirty PD patients with rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder were randomized to 4 mg of prolonged-release melatonin (Circadin) or matched placebo, ingested orally once-daily before bedtime. Primary outcome was the aggregate of rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder incidents averaged over weeks 5 to 8 of treatment captured by a weekly diary. Data were included in a mixed-model analysis of variance (n = 15 per group). Results No differences between groups at the primary endpoint (3.4 events/week melatonin vs. 3.6 placebo; difference, 0.2; 95% confidence interval = -3.2 to 3.6; P = 0.92). Adverse events included mild headaches, fatigue, and morning sleepiness (n = 4 melatonin; n = 5 placebo). Conclusion Prolonged-release melatonin 4 mg did not reduce rapid eye movement sleep behavior disorder in PD. (c) 2019 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society

    Influence of tree species and forest land use on soil hydraulic conductivity and implications for surface runoff generation

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    Forest planting is increasingly being incorporated into land management policies to mitigate diffuse pollution and localised flooding because forest soils are associated with enhanced hydraulic properties and lower surface runoff compared to soils under other vegetation types. Despite this, our understanding of the effects of different tree species and forest land use on soil hydraulic properties is limited. In this study we tested for the effects of two tree species, sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), subject to contrasting land use systems, namely ungrazed forest and livestock grazed forest, on soil surface saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) at a long term (23 year) experimental site in Scotland. Additionally these forest land use systems were compared to grazed pasture. Kfs was found to be significantly higher under ungrazed Scots pine forest (1239 mm hr− 1) than under ungrazed sycamore forest (379 mm hr− 1) and under both of these forest types than under pasture (32 mm hr− 1). However, this measure did not differ significantly between the sycamore and Scots pine grazed forest and pasture. It was inferred, from comparison of measured Kfs values with estimated maximum rainfall intensities for various return periods at the site, that surface runoff, as infiltration excess overland flow, would be generated in pasture and grazed forest by storms with a return period of at least 1 in 2 years, but that surface runoff is extremely rare in the ungrazed forests, regardless of tree species. We concluded that, although tree species with differing characteristics can create large differences in soil hydraulic properties, the influence of land use can mask the influence of trees. The choice of tree species may therefore be less important than forest land use for mitigating the effects of surface runoff

    Scope to predict soil properties at within-field scale from small samples using proximally sensed γ-ray spectrometer and EM induction data

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    Spatial predictions of soil properties are needed for various purposes. However, the costs associated with soil sampling and laboratory analysis are substantial. One way to improve efficiencies is to combine measurement of soil properties with collection of cheaper-to-measure ancillary data. There are two possible approaches. The first is the formation of classes from ancillary data. A second is the use of a simple predictive linear model of the target soil property on the ancillary variables. Here, results are presented and compared where proximally sensed gamma-ray (γ-ray) spectrometry and electromagnetic induction (EMI) data are used to predict the variation in topsoil properties (e.g. clay content and pH). In the first instance, the proximal data is numerically clustered using a fuzzy k-means (FKM) clustering algorithm, to identify contiguous classes. The resultant digital soil maps (i.e. k = 2–10 classes) are consistent with a soil series map generated using traditional soil profile description, classification and mapping methods at a highly variable site near the township of Shelford, Nottinghamshire UK. In terms of prediction, the calculated expected value of mean squared prediction error (i.e. σ2p,C) indicated that values of k = 7 and 8 were ideal for predicting clay and pH. Secondly, a linear mixed model (LMM) is fitted in which the proximal data are fixed effects but the residuals are treated as a combination of a spatially correlated random effect and an independent and identically distributed error. In terms of prediction, the expected value of the mean squared prediction error from a regression (σ2p,R) suggested that the regression models were able to predict clay content, better than FKM clustering. The reverse was true with respect to pH, however. We conclude that both methods have merit. In the case of the clustering the approach is able to account for soil properties which have non-linearity's with the ancillary data (i.e. pH), whereas the LMM approach is best when there is a strong linear relationship (i.e. clay)

    The nature of formative physical activities and sports in the development of senior volleyball players

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    © The Author(s) 2021. This study characterized developmental sporting activities undertaken by volleyball players between ages of 6 to 12 years. Highly skilled (n = 30) and less skilled (n = 30) players participated in retrospective interviews to identify the nature of their formative enrichment experiences (formal adult-led and informal child-led activities) and types of sports practised (team or individual sports). All participants reported involvement in multiple formal sport activities and informal child-led activities, confirming that they did not specialize early in volleyball. Highly skilled male players reported being involved in more formal, adult-led activities, generally, and more formal team sports. In contrast, highly skilled and less skilled female players participated in equal amounts of formal adult-led and informal child-led activities. Results partially supported the value of an early diversified sport involvement to develop functional behavioural adaptability needed to specialise later in sports like volleyball. Findings highlighted the importance of considering the nature and types of early enriching play and practice activities to better understand possible complementary transfer of training effects during specialization. Data also emphasized relevance of considering sex differences in future analyses of player developmental pathways

    Conformal Invariance and Degrees of Freedom in the QCD String

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    We demonstrate that the Hagedorn-like growth of the number of observed meson states can be used to constrain the degrees of freedom of the underlying effective QCD string. We find that the temperature relevant for such string theories is not given by the usual Hagedorn value TH≈160T_H\approx 160 MeV, but is considerably higher. This resolves an apparent conflict with the results from a static quark-potential analysis, and suggests that conformal invariance and modular invariance are indeed reflected in the hadronic spectrum. We also find that the D⊥=2D_\perp=2 scalar string is in excellent agreement with data.Comment: 13 pages (Standard LaTeX); --> replaced version emphasizes new results, and agrees with version to appear in Physical Review Letters (Jan 1994

    Earthworm records and habitat associations in the British Isles

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    The National Earthworm Recording Scheme (NERS) is the most comprehensive national database of earthworm species occurrence records for the British Isles, and possibly for any individual country in the world. Utilising the NERS database, we sought to update the current knowledge of earthworm species occurrences in the UK, Ireland and Channel Islands; identify species-specific habitat and microhabitat associations; reveal any biases and complementarities between amateur naturalist and research-related earthworm record collection; and inform how future earthworm sampling can be better focussed to improve our knowledge of earthworm ecology. We found that the most commonly occurring earthworm species were present in farmland and woodland, and recovered via soil pit sampling, the most common habitat-sampling protocol combinations. However, several earthworm species showed specificity to alternative habitats (such as trees, wetlands, and compost), and association with microhabitat (non-soil) sampling. There were clear disparities between scientific researchers and amateur naturalist recorders in terms of habitat types visited and sampling protocols/microhabitats used in the collection of earthworm records. Most importantly, we found that earthworm species currently considered to be nationally ‘rare’ in the British Isles are significantly associated with the most under-represented habitat-protocol/microhabitat combinations (forest deadwood and other microhabitats, in addition to scrubland, wetland and heathland habitats), and thus may not be rare, only under-sampled. We therefore encourage earthworm researchers and recorders to give greater attention to these situations, to gain new insights into these earthworm species' ecologies and distributions. Finally, we would like to promote the establishment of earthworm recording schemes in other countries, to enable national and global collaborative monitoring of earthworm responses to environmental change
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