40 research outputs found

    Quantitative colorimetric-imaging analysis of nickel in iron meteorites

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    A quantitative analytical imaging approach for determining the nickel content of metallic meteorites is proposed. The approach uses a digital image of a series of standard solutions of the nickel-dimethylglyoxime coloured chelate and a meteorite sample solution subjected to the same treatment as the nickel standards for quantitation. The image is processed with suitable software to assign a colour-dependent numerical value (analytical signal) to each standard. Such a value is directly proportional to the analyte concentration, which facilitates construction of a calibration graph where the value for the unknown sample can be interpolated to calculate the nickel content of the meteorite. The results thus obtained were validated by comparison with the official, ISO-endorsed spectrophotometric method for nickel. The proposed method is fairly simple and inexpensive; in fact, it uses a commercially available digital camera as measuring instrument and the images it provides are processed with highly user-friendly public domain software (specifically, ImageJ, developed by the National Institutes of Health and freely available for download on the Internet). In a scenario dominated by increasingly sophisticated and expensive equipment, the proposed method provides a cost-effective alternative based on simple, robust hardware that is affordable and can be readily accessed worldwide. This can be especially advantageous for countries were available resources for analytical equipment investments are scant. The proposed method is essentially an adaptation of classical chemical analysis to current, straightforward, robust, cost-effective instrumentation. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Lahuerta Zamora, L.; Alemán López, P.; Antón Fos, G.; Martín Algarra, R.; Mellado Romero, AM.; Martínez Calatayud, J. (2011). Quantitative colorimetric-imaging analysis of nickel in iron meteorites. Talanta. 83:1575-1579. doi:10.1016/j.talanta.2010.11.058S157515798

    The scaling and temperature dependence of vertebrate metabolism

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    Body size and temperature are primary determinants of metabolic rate, and the standard metabolic rate (SMR) of animals ranging in size from unicells to mammals has been thought to be proportional to body mass (M) raised to the power of three-quarters for over 40 years. However, recent evidence from rigorously selected datasets suggests that this is not the case for birds and mammals. To determine whether the influence of body mass on the metabolic rate of vertebrates is indeed universal, we compiled SMR measurements for 938 species spanning six orders of magnitude variation in mass. When normalized to a common temperature of 38 °C, the SMR scaling exponents of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are significantly heterogeneous. This suggests both that there is no universal metabolic allometry and that models that attempt to explain only quarter-power scaling of metabolic rate are unlikely to succeed

    Is there a Universal Temperature Dependence of metabolism?

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    In a challenging and provocative paper Gillooly et al. (2001) have proposed that the metabolism of all organisms can be described by a single equation, * Q = b0M3/4e−E/kT, where Q = metabolic rate, M = body mass, E = the activation energy of metabolism (defined as the average activation energy for the rate-limiting enzyme catalysed biochemical reactions of metabolism), T = absolute temperature, k = Boltzmann's constant and b0 is a normalization constant independent of M and T. In deriving this equation Gillooly et al. (2001) start from the premise that metabolic rate scales with body mass as Q ∝ M3/4, based on the fractal-like design of exchange surfaces and distribution networks in plants and animals (West, Brown & Enquist 1997, 1999a,b). These arguments have stimulated some criticism (see for example Dodds, Rothman & Weitz 2001) but here I will concentrate on the derivation of the second part of the equation, namely the temperature dependence term. Gillooly et al. (2001) called the temperature dependence term of this equation the Universal Temperature Dependence (UTD) of metabolism. Although there have been many statistical descriptions of the relationship between size, temperature and metabolism since the classic work of Hemmingsen (1950, 1960) and Kleiber (1950, 1961), the UTD differs from these in being explicitly derived from first principles, in the sense that the formulation of the temperature dependence term is derived from classical statistical thermodynamics. The UTD has subsequently been incorporated into explanations of developmental time in all organisms, and macroecological patterns including global-scale analyses of diversity and population density (Allen, Brown & Gillooly 2002; Belgrano et al. 2002; Gillooly et al. 2002). Here I examine the assumptions underlying the formulation of the UTD, and test the relationship with a carefully assembled data set for teleost fish. In doing so I have distinguished between two philosophically different forms of the UTD, both of which are discussed but not explicitly distinguished by Gillooly et al. (2002). The first is where metabolic rate is determined mechanistically by temperature alone; this might be termed the hard UTD hypothesis. In the second form the UTD is simply a parameter-sparse statistical model describing the relationship between temperature and metabolic rate; this is the soft UTD hypothesis

    Energetics of the smallest: do bacteria breathe at the same rate as whales?

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    Power laws describing the dependence of metabolic rate on body mass have been established for many taxa, but not for prokaryotes, despite the ecological dominance of the smallest living beings. Our analysis of 80 prokaryote species with cell volumes ranging more than 1 000 000-fold revealed no significant relationship between mass-specific metabolic rate q and cell mass. By absolute values, mean endogenous mass-specific metabolic rates of non-growing bacteria are similar to basal rates of eukaryote unicells, terrestrial arthropods and mammals. Maximum mass-specific metabolic rates displayed by growing bacteria are close to the record tissue-specific metabolic rates of insects, amphibia, birds and mammals. Minimum mass-specific metabolic rates of prokaryotes coincide with those of larger organisms in various energy-saving regimes: sit-and-wait strategists in arthropods, poikilotherms surviving anoxia, hibernating mammals. These observations suggest a size-independent value around which the mass-specific metabolic rates vary bounded by universal upper and lower limits in all body size intervals