349 research outputs found

    Adsorption and desorption of mixed molecular ices from a cosmic dust grain analogue surface.

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    Surface science is playing an ever more prominent role in the field of astronomy. More than 220 different molecules have so far been observed in the interstellar medium (ISM), and for several of these molecules, the observed abundance is such that the molecules cannot be formed by gas phase reactions alone. Astronomers have proposed that they are instead formed by heterogeneous reactions that take place on the surface of dust grains. The two alcohols methanol and ethanol are just two of the molecules typically observed in both the gas and solid phase in the ISM. In the solid phase, they are found frozen out with the more abundant water, as molecular ices on the surface of dust grains. Both alcohols can be viewed as evolutionary indicators in the vicinity of hot cores. Hot cores are compact objects found in close to newly formed massive stars they are dense and relatively warm and show atypical gas-phase molecular compositions. The gas-phase composition, and therefore the evolutionary stage of the hot core, can be understood by considering the sublimation behaviour of molecular ices on the dust grains within the molecular cloud. This thesis presents the results of investigations on the adsorption and desorption of methanol and ethanol in both the pure state and in combination with water. In each case the deposition occurs on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) surface. HOPG is considered to be a suitable interstellar dust grain analogue, as dust grains in the ISM are composed of mainly carbonaceous and silicaceous material. Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and reflection absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS) studies of methanol and ethanol ices, mixed with water, are presented. The adsorption and desorption of each species deposited on a layer of amorphous solid water ice is compared to those of codeposited ice layers. In all systems, there is evidence for molecular adsorption in a physisorbed state and for interactions between the investigated molecule and the water ice. As expected, the sequentially deposited systems show different behaviour when compared with the codeposited systems. The information obtained from these experiments is of direct relevance to astronomers, as the measured desorption energies can be incorporated directly into astronomical models. This, in turn, helps to lead to a greater understanding of star formation, and hence of the Universe in which we live

    The trophic and metabolic pathways of foraminifera in the Arabian Sea: evidence from cellular stable isotopes

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    The Arabian Sea is a region of elevated productivity with the highest globally recorded fluxes of particulate organic matter (POM) to the deep ocean, providing an abundant food source for fauna at the seafloor. However, benthic communities are also strongly influenced by an intense oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), which impinges on the continental slope from 100 to 1000 m water depth. We compared the trophic ecology of foraminifera on the Oman and Pakistan margins of the Arabian Sea (140–3185 m water depth). These two margins are contrasting both in terms of the abundance of sedimentary organic matter and the intensity of the OMZ. Organic carbon concentrations of surficial sediments were higher on the Oman margin (3.32 ± 1.4%) compared to the Pakistan margin (2.45 ± 1.1%) and sedimentary organic matter (SOM) quality estimated from the Hydrogen Index was also higher on the Oman margin (300–400 mg HC mg TOC−1) compared to the Pakistan margin (< 250 mg HC mg TOC−1). The δ13C and δ15N values of sediments were similar on both margins (−20 and 8‰, respectively). Stable isotope analysis (SIA) showed that foraminiferal cells had a wide range of δ13C values (−25.5 to −11.5‰), implying that they utilise multiple food sources; indeed δ13C values varied between depths, foraminiferal types and between the two margins. Foraminifera had broad ranges in δ15N values (−7.8 to 27.3‰). The enriched values suggest that some species may store nitrate to utilise in respiration; this was most notable on the Pakistan margin. Depleted foraminiferal δ15N values, particularly at the Oman margin, may reflect feeding on chemosynthetic bacteria. We suggest that differences in productivity regimes may be responsible for the differences observed in foraminiferal isotopic composition. In addition, at the time of sampling, whole jellyfish carcasses (Crambionella orsini) and a carpet of jelly detritus were observed across the Oman margin transect. Associated chemosynthetic bacteria may have provided an organic-rich food source for foraminifera at these sites. Our data suggest that foraminifera in OMZ settings can utilise a variety of food sources and metabolic pathways to meet their energetic demands

    Smeared phase transition in a three-dimensional Ising model with planar defects: Monte-Carlo simulations

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    We present results of large-scale Monte Carlo simulations for a three-dimensional Ising model with short range interactions and planar defects, i.e., disorder perfectly correlated in two dimensions. We show that the phase transition in this system is smeared, i.e., there is no single critical temperature, but different parts of the system order at different temperatures. This is caused by effects similar to but stronger than Griffiths phenomena. In an infinite-size sample there is an exponentially small but finite probability to find an arbitrary large region devoid of impurities. Such a rare region can develop true long-range order while the bulk system is still in the disordered phase. We compute the thermodynamic magnetization and its finite-size effects, the local magnetization, and the probability distribution of the ordering temperatures for different samples. Our Monte-Carlo results are in good agreement with a recent theory based on extremal statistics.Comment: 9 pages, 6 eps figures, final version as publishe

    Charge exchange in collisions of 1-100-keV Sn3+ ions with H2 and D2

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    Absolute cross sections for single electron capture by Sn3+ colliding with H2 and D2 have been measured and calculated in the energy range of 1-100 keV. The cross sections are determined by measuring the change in ion beam current with varying target density and by measuring the yields of charged target fragments by means of a time-of-flight spectrometer. The results for D2 show good agreement with our seven-state semiclassical calculations, while for H2 the experimental results increase more strongly than the calculations toward lower energies. This discrepancy is attributed to vibrational effects, not included in the calculations, that lead to the breakdown of the Franck-Condon approximation

    The role of point-like topological excitations at criticality: from vortices to global monopoles

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    We determine the detailed thermodynamic behavior of vortices in the O(2) scalar model in 2D and of global monopoles in the O(3) model in 3D. We construct new numerical techniques, based on cluster decomposition algorithms, to analyze the point defect configurations. We find that these criteria produce results for the Kosterlitz-Thouless temperature in agreement with a topological transition between a polarizable insulator and a conductor, at which free topological charges appear in the system. For global monopoles we find no pair unbinding transition. Instead a transition to a dense state where pairs are no longer distinguishable occurs at T<Tc, without leading to long range disorder. We produce both extensive numerical evidence of this behavior as well as a semi-analytic treatment of the partition function for defects. General expectations for N=D>3 are drawn, based on the observed behavior.Comment: 14 pages, REVTEX, 13 eps figure

    Transplacental induction of membranous nephropathy in a neonate

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    We report a case of renal failure in a newborn infant due to membranous glomerulonephritis. The patient was anuric in the first 3 weeks of life, after which renal function recovered. The serum of the mother contained IgG antibodies which reacted with tubular brush borders and glomeruli of adult and fetal human kidneys. Reactivity with renal epithelium from human kidneys was detected. We suggest that a transplacental, passive Heymann nephritis-like mechanism was the pathogenesis of the neonate's symptoms, although the antigen(s) involved was shown not to be gp 330 or any of the renal antigens known to be involved in experimental nephropathies

    Collective Modes and Raman Scattering in One Dimensional Electron Systems

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    In this paper, we review recent development in the theory of resonant inelastic light (Raman) scattering in one-dimensional electron systems. The particular systems we have in mind are electron doped GaAs based semiconductor quantum wire nanostructures, although the theory can be easily modified to apply to other one-dimensional systems. We compare the traditional conduction-band-based non-resonant theories with the full resonant theories including the effects of interband transitions. We find that resonance is essential in explaining the experimental data in which the single particle excitations have finite spectral weights comparable to the collective charge density excitations. Using several different theoretical models (Fermi liquid model, Luttinger liquid model, and Hubbard model) and reasonable approximations, we further demonstrate that the ubiquitously observed strong single particle excitations in the experimental Raman spectra cannot be explained by the spinless multi-spinon excitations in the Luttinger liquid description. The observability of distinct Luttinger liquid features in the Raman scattering spectroscopy is critically discussed.Comment: A review to be published in the special issue of Solid State Communications on one-dimensional system

    Shared Care, Elder and Family Member Skills Used to Manage Burden

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    Aim. The aim of this paper is to further develop the construct of Shared Care by comparing and contrasting it to related research, and to show how the construct can be used to guide research and practice. Background. While researchers have identified negative outcomes for family caregivers caused by providing care, less is known about positive aspects of family care for both members of a family dyad. Understanding family care relationships is important to nurses because family participation in the care of chronically ill elders is necessary to achieve optimal outcomes from nursing interventions. A previous naturalistic inquiry identified a new construct, Shared Care, which was used to describe a family care interaction that contributed to positive care outcomes. Methods. A literature review was carried out using the databases Medline, CINAHL, and Psych-info and the keywords home care, care receiver, disability, family, communication, decision-making and reciprocity. The results of the review were integrated to suggest how Shared Care could be used to study care difficulties and guide interventions. Results. The literature confirmed the importance of dyad relationships in family care. Shared Care extended previous conceptualizations of family care by capturing three critical components: communication, decision-making, and reciprocity. Shared Care provides a structure to expand the conceptualization of family care to include both members of a care dyad and account for positive and negative aspects of care. Conclusions. The extended view provided by the construct of Shared Care offers practitioners and scholars tools to use in the context of our ageing population to improve the effectiveness of family care relationships

    Scaling and self-averaging in the three-dimensional random-field Ising model

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    We investigate, by means of extensive Monte Carlo simulations, the magnetic critical behavior of the three-dimensional bimodal random-field Ising model at the strong disorder regime. We present results in favor of the two-exponent scaling scenario, ηˉ=2η\bar{\eta}=2\eta, where η\eta and ηˉ\bar{\eta} are the critical exponents describing the power-law decay of the connected and disconnected correlation functions and we illustrate, using various finite-size measures and properly defined noise to signal ratios, the strong violation of self-averaging of the model in the ordered phase.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Eur. Phys. J.
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