56 research outputs found

    Human alteration of the global nitrogen and phosphorus soil balances for the period 1970-2050

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    The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios for 2000 to 2050 describe contrasting future developments in agricultural land use under changing climate. Differences are related to the total crop and livestock production and the efficiency of nutrient use in agriculture. The scenarios with a reactive approach to environmental problems show increases in agricultural N and P soil balances in all developing countries. In the scenarios with a proactive attitude, N balances decrease and P balances show no change or a slight increase. In Europe and North America, the N balance will decline in all scenarios, most strongly in the environment-oriented scenarios; the P balance declines (proactive) or increases slowly (reactive approach). Even with rapidly increasing agricultural efficiency, the global N balance, ammonia, leaching and denitrification loss will not decrease from their current levels even in the most optimistic scenario. Soil P depletion seems to be a major problem in large parts of the global grassland are

    De status van het rekeninstrumentarium STONE 2.0

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    Het STONE-ontwikkelingstraject is gestart in 1993 door Wageningen UR, RIVM en RIZA. STONE is ook een netwerk van deskundigen om als discussieplatform te dienen voor wetenschappers en gebruikers. Voorjaar 2001 is een nieuwe ruimtelijke schematisering van Nederland opgeleverd en zijn nieuwe modulen voor berekening van de gewasopname, denitrificatie en mineralisatie van organisch stof geomplementeerd. Dit resulteerde in STONE 2.0. STONE 2.0 genereert uitvoer voor 6405 unieke combinaties (voornamelijk van landgebruik, bodemtype en hydrologie) voor tiendaagse periodes tussen 1986 en 2000. Prognoses kunnen worden berekend tot het jaar 2100. Interpretatie van de resultaten is alleen geoorloofd voor grotere ruimtelijke eenheden (indicatief 250 kmr) en voor meerjarige gemiddelden van nutriëntconcentraties en -fluxen. De meest robuuste resultaten van STONE 2.0 zijn de nitraatgehalten in het bovenste grondwater en de mate van fosfaatverzadiging van de bodem, en met name de resultaten op nationale schaal. Toepassingsmogelijkheden van STONE 2.0 op het gebied van milieubeleid zijn groot. STONE wordt sinds najaar 2001 toegepast voor berekeningen ten behoeve van de evaluatie van het mestbeleid, voor de Milieubalans en Milieuverkenningen, voor rapportages aan de Europese Commissie, en voor rapportages aan diverse nationale en internationale commissies. Sinds juli 2001 is een intensief traject ingezet van aanvullende toetsing/onzekerheidsanalyse en documentatie/review van STONE 2.0

    Partial Validation of the Dutch Model for Emission and Transport of Nutrients (STONE)

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    The Netherlands has to cope with large losses of N and P to groundwater and surface water. Agriculture is the dominant source of these nutrients, particularly with reference to nutrient excretion due to intensive animal husbandry in combination with fertilizer use. The Dutch government has recently launched a stricter eutrophication abatement policy to comply with the EC nitrate directive. The Dutch consensus model for N and P emission to groundwater and surface water (STONE) has been developed to evaluate the environmental benefits of abatement plans. Due to the possibly severe socioeconomic consequences of eutrophication abatement plans, it is of utmost importance that the model is thoroughly validated. Because STONE is applied on a nationwide scale, the model validation has also been carried out on this scale. For this purpose the model outputs were compared with lumped results from monitoring networks in the upper groundwater and in surface waters. About 13,000 recent point source observations of nitrate in the upper groundwater were available, along with several hundreds of observations showing N and P in local surface water systems. Comparison of observations from the different spatial scales available showed the issue of scale to be important. Scale issues will be addressed in the next stages of the validation study

    Coupling global models for hydrology and nutrient loading to simulate nitrogen and phosphorus retention in surface water - Description of IMAGE-GNM and analysis of performance

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    The Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment–Global Nutrient Model (IMAGE–GNM) is a global distributed, spatially explicit model using hydrology as the basis for describing nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) delivery to surface water, transport and in-stream retention in rivers, lakes, wetlands and reservoirs. It is part of the integrated assessment model IMAGE, which studies the interaction between society and the environment over prolonged time periods. In the IMAGE–GNM model, grid cells receive water with dissolved and suspended N and P from upstream grid cells; inside grid cells, N and P are delivered to water bodies via diffuse sources (surface runoff, shallow and deep groundwater, riparian zones; litterfall in floodplains; atmospheric deposition) and point sources (wastewater); N and P retention in a water body is calculated on the basis of the residence time of the water and nutrient uptake velocity; subsequently, water and nutrients are transported to downstream grid cells. Differences between model results and observed concentrations for a range of global rivers are acceptable given the global scale of the uncalibrated model. Sensitivity analysis with data for the year 2000 showed that runoff is a major factor for N and P delivery, retention and river export. For both N and P, uptake velocity and all factors used to compute the subgrid in-stream retention are important for total in-stream retention and river export. Soil N budgets, wastewater and all factors determining litterfall in floodplains are important for N delivery to surface water. For P the factors that determine the P content of the soil (soil P content and bulk density) are important factors for delivery and river export.FWN – Publicaties zonder aanstelling Universiteit Leide

    Past anthropogenic activities offset dissolved inorganic phosphorus retention in the Mississippi River basin

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    The rapid acceleration of anthropogenic phosphorus (P) loadings to watersheds has fuelled massive freshwater and coastal eutrophication and completely changed the global P cycle. Within watersheds, emitted P is transported downstream towards estuaries. Reservoirs can retain a significant proportion of this P. In the long term, this accumulated P can however be re-mobilized, a process lacking in current global P budgets. Here, we include P cycling in a coupled integrated assessment-hydrology-biogeochemistry framework with 0.5 by 0.5-degree spatial resolution and an annual time resolution, and apply it to the Mississippi River basin (MRB). We show that, while reservoirs have aided in the net retention of P, they serve as dissolved inorganic P (DIP) sources due to the transformation of legacy P in sediments. The increasing DIP sourcing in the MRB has been offsetting P retention in streams, especially towards the end of the twentieth century. Due to its bioavailability, DIP is the most likely form to trigger eutrophication. Although P inputs into the MRB have decreased since the 1970s, legacy effects are delaying positive outcomes of remediation measures.Industrial Ecolog

    Global regionalized characterization factors for phosphorus and nitrogen impacts on freshwater fish biodiversity

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    Inefficient global nutrient (i.e., phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N)) management leads to an increase in nutrient delivery to freshwater and coastal ecosystems and induces eutrophication in these aquatic environments. This process threatens the various species inhabiting these ecosystems. In this study, we developed regionalized characterization factors (CFs) for freshwater eutrophication at 0.5 × 0.5-degree resolution, considering different fates for direct emissions to freshwater, diffuse emissions, and increased erosion due to agricultural land use. The CFs were provided for global and regional species loss of freshwater fish. CFs for global species loss were quantified by integrating global extinction probabilities. Results showed that the CFs for P and N impacts on freshwater fish are higher in densely populated regions that encompass either large lakes or the headwaters of large rivers. Focusing on nutrient-limited areas increases country-level CFs in 51.9 % of the countries for P and 49.5 % of the countries for N compared to not considering nutrient limitation. This study highlights the relevance of considering freshwater eutrophication impacts via both P and N emissions and identifying the limiting nutrient when performing life cycle impact assessments.Environmental Biolog
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