308 research outputs found

    Synthesis and Stochastic Assessment of Cost-Optimal Schedules

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    We present a novel approach to synthesize good schedules for a class of scheduling problems that is slightly more general than the scheduling problem FJm,a|gpr,r_j,d_j|early/tardy. The idea is to prime the schedule synthesizer with stochastic information more meaningful than performance factors with the objective to minimize the expected cost caused by storage or delay. The priming information is obtained by stochastic simulation of the system environment. The generated schedules are assessed again by simulation. The approach is demonstrated by means of a non-trivial scheduling problem from lacquer production. The experimental results show that our approach achieves in all considered scenarios better results than the extended processing times approach

    Leeftijd, het psychologisch contract en werkattitudes: Een meta-analyse

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    Contains fulltext : 90222.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)The meta-analysis investigated the relations between age and psychological contracts. It was expected that age would be positively related to the employer obligations, and that age would moderate the relations between contract breach and job attitudes. The hypotheses were tested by means of a meta-analysis of 76 studies with in total 28,773 respondents. It was found that age is related negatively but marginally to the psychological contract, and that age moderated the relations between psychological contract breach and job attitudes. The relations between contract breach on the one hand and trust and affective commitment on the other hand were stronger for older workers, whereas the relation between contract breach and job satisfaction was stronger among younger workers. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed

    Temperature Directs the Majority-Rules Principle in Supramolecular Copolymers Driven by Triazine–Benzene Interactions

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    Supramolecular copolymers have typically been studied in the extreme cases, such as self-sorting or highly mixed copolymer systems, while the intermediate systems have been less understood. We have reported the temperature-dependent microstructure in copolymers of triazine- and benzene-derivatives based on charge-transfer interactions with a highly alternating microstructure at low temperatures. Here, we investigate the temperature-dependent copolymerization further and increase the complexity by combining triazine- and benzene-derivatives with opposite preferred helicities. In this case, intercalation of the benzene-derivative into the triazine-derivative assemblies causes a helical inversion. The inversion of the net helicity was rationalized by comparing the mismatch penalties of the individual monomers, which indicated that the benzene-derivative dictates the helical screw-sense of the supramolecular copolymers. Surprisingly, this was not reflected in further investigations of slightly modified triazine- and benzene-derivatives, thus highlighting that the outcome is a subtle balance between structural features, where small differences can be amplified due to the competitive nature of the interactions. Overall, these findings suggest that the temperature-dependent microstructure of triazine- and benzene-based supramolecular copolymers determines the copolymer helicity of the presented system in a similar way as the mixed majority-rules phenomenon.</p

    Drug mechanisms to help in managing resistant hypertension in obesity

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    Obesity is a major risk factor for the development of hypertension. Because the prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, the prevalence of obesity hypertension is also increasing. Importantly, hypertension in obesity is commonly complicated by dyslipidemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus and hence imposes a high cardiovascular disease risk. Furthermore, obesity is strongly associated with resistant hypertension. Activation of the sympathetic nervous system and the renin-angiotensin system, leading to renal sodium and water retention, links obesity with hypertension. There is also evidence for the release of factors by visceral adipose tissue promoting excessive aldosterone production, and a more central role of aldosterone in obesity hypertension is emerging. Randomized studies evaluating the effect of different classes of antihypertensive agents in obesity hypertension are scarce, short-lasting, and small. Considering the emerging role of aldosterone in the pathogenesis of obesity hypertension, mineralocorticoid receptor antagonism may play a more central role in the pharmacologic treatment of obesity hypertension in the near future

    Controlling Helical Asymmetry in Supramolecular Copolymers by In Situ Chemical Modification

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    Amplification of asymmetry in complex molecular systems results from a delicate interplay of chiral supramolecular structures and their chemical reactivity. In this work, we show how the helicity of supramolecular assemblies can be controlled by performing a non-stereoselective methylation reaction on comonomers. By methylating chiral glutamic acid side chains in benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide (BTA) derivatives to form methyl esters, the assembly properties are modulated. As reacted comonomers, the methyl ester-BTAs induce a stronger bias in the screw-sense of helical fibers predominantly composed of stacked achiral alkyl-BTA monomers. Hence, applying the in situ methylation in a system with the glutamic acid-BTA comonomer induces asymmetry amplification. Moreover, mixing small quantities of enantiomers of glutamic acid-BTA and glutamate methyl ester-BTA in the presence of the achiral alkyl-BTAs leads to deracemization and inversion of the helical structures in solution via the in situ reaction toward a thermodynamic equilibrium. Theoretical modeling suggests that the observed effects are caused by enhanced comonomer interactions after the chemical modification. Our presented methodology enables on-demand control over asymmetry in ordered functional supramolecular materials.</p

    Simulating Assembly Landscapes for Comprehensive Understanding of Supramolecular Polymer-Solvent Systems

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    Complexity in supramolecular polymer systems arises from interactions between different components, including solvent molecules. By varying their concentration or temperature in such multicomponent systems, complex phenomena can occur such as thermally bisignate and dilution-induced assembly of supramolecular polymers. Herein, we demonstrate that both these phenomena emerge from the same underlying interaction mechanism between the components. As a model system, amide-decorated supramolecular polymers of porphyrins were investigated in combination with aliphatic alcohols as hydrogen-bond scavengers, and thermodynamic mass-balance models were applied to map the three-dimensional assembly landscapes. These studies unveiled that the interaction between hydrogen-bond scavengers and monomers is temperature-dependent and becomes dominant at high monomer concentrations. With these insights, we could exploit competitive monomer-alcohol interactions to prompt the dilution-induced assembly of various common monomers as well as bisignate assembly events. Moreover, kinetic insights were obtained by navigating through the assembly landscape. Similar to phase diagrams of covalent polymers, these assembly landscapes provide a comprehensive picture of supramolecular polymerizations, which helps to precisely regulate the system properties. The generality of this approach using assembly landscapes makes it relevant for any supramolecular system, and this enhanced control will open the door to build complex and functional supramolecular polymer systems.</p

    Hoe gaat het met de zeldzame landbouwhuisdierrassen in Nederland. Deel 1: De diersoorten rund, paard, schaap en geit.

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    Het Centrum voor Genetische Bronnen Nederland (CGN) inventariseert regelmatig in nauwe samenwerking met de Stichting Zeldzame Huisdierrassen (SZH), de rasverenigingen en stamboeken de gegevens over het aantal vrouwelijke en mannelijke fokdieren van de zeldzame landbouwhuisdierrassen. Aan de hand van deze gegevens worden de rassen in een risicocategorie geplaatst. In dit nummer staan de gegevens voor de runderen, paarden, schapen en geiten. In het volgende nummer worden de gegevens voor de soorten kip, gans, eend, duif, hond, konijn en varken gepresenteerd