15 research outputs found

    The role of political tactics on the organizational context–career success relationship

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    Drawing from the norm of reciprocity, signal theory, and psychological contracts, we argue that the use of different types of political tactics, based on their social desirability, can be reciprocal behavioral reactions to contextual cues (i.e. perceptions of organizational support and politics) that can predict career success. Using a sample of 117 middle managers, our findings suggest that the use of sanctioned political tactics partially mediates the relationship between perceptions of organizational support and career success, while non-sanctioned political tactics suppress the relationship between perceptions of organizational politics and career success

    Perturbation of transcriptome in non-neoplastic salivary gland epithelial cell lines derived from patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome

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    The data presented here are related to the research article titled “Impaired anti-inflammatory activity of PPARγ in the salivary epithelia of Sjögren's syndrome patients imposed by intrinsic NF-κB activation” (Vakrakou et al., Journal of Autoimmunity, in press, 2017). In the cited manuscript, using comparative analyses of salivary gland biopsy specimens and ductal salivary gland epithelial cell (SGEC) lines from SS patients and disease controls, we have demonstrated that the ductal epithelia of SS patients display constitutively reduced PPARγ expression, transcriptional activity and anti-inflammatory function that were associated with cell-autonomously activated NF-κB and IL-1β pathways in these cells. Herein, the comparative transcriptome analysis of SGEC lines is presented. We show that the ductal epithelia of SS patients with severe lymphoepithelial lesions manifest constitutive perturbation in various inflammation- and metabolism related signaling pathways. © 201

    Impaired anti-inflammatory activity of PPARγ in the salivary epithelia of Sjögren's syndrome patients imposed by intrinsic NF-κB activation

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    Sjögren's syndrome (SS) patients manifest inflammation in the salivary glands (SG) and evidence of persistent intrinsic activation of ductal SG epithelial cells (SGEC), demonstrable in non-neoplastic SGEC lines derived from patients (SS-SGEC). The peroxisome-proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) mediates important anti-inflammatory activities in epithelial cells. Herein, the comparative analysis of SG biopsies and SGEC lines obtained from SS patients and controls had revealed constitutively reduced PPARγ expression, transcriptional activity and anti-inflammatory function in the ductal epithelia of SS patients that were associated with cell-autonomously activated NF-κB and IL-1β pathways. Transcriptome profiling analysis revealed several differentially expressed proinflammatory and metabolism-related gene sets in SS-SGEC lines. These aberrations largely correlated with the severity of histopathologic lesions, the disease activity and the occurrence of adverse manifestations in SS patients studied, a fact which corroborates the key role of the persistently-activated epithelia in the pathogenesis of both local and systemic features of this disease. The treatment of control SGEC lines with PPARγ agonists was found to diminish the NF-κB activation and apoptosis induced by proinflammatory agents. In addition, the in-vitro application of PPARγ agonists and pharmacologic inhibitors of IL-1β and NF-κB had significant beneficial effects on SS-SGEC lines, such as the restoration of PPARγ functions and the reduction of their intrinsic activation, a fact which may advocate the future clinical study of the above agents as therapeutic modalities for SS. © 2017 Elsevier Lt

    Pelletization of seeds of Raphanus sativus L. cv. Redondo Gigante with graphite for germination under water stress conditions

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    The effect of water stress on germination of radish seeds is dependent on the presence of light. The effect of pelletization of radish seeds with powdered graphite on the tolerance to water stress under light was analysed. White light and far-red lights were filtered by graphite increasing slightly the tolerance of pelleted seeds to water stress of -0.77MPa. Although red light also inhibited seed germination the graphite had no effect. We propose the pelletization of seeds of Raphanus sativus, at least in cv redondo gigante with graphite as a pratice before planting to increase the tolerance to water stress.<br>O efeito do estresse hídrico é dependente da presença de luz em sementes de rabanete. O efeito da peletização com grafite em pó foi analisado. Luz branca e vermelho-extremo são filtradas pelo grafite aumentando parcialmente a tolerância ao estresse hídrico de -0,77MPa em sementes peletizadas. Embora a luz vermelha também iniba a germinação em condições de estresse a peletização não teve efeito. Nós propomos a peletização de sementes de Raphanus saivus L. cv. redondo gigante como uma prática antes do plantio para aumentar a tolerância ao estresse hídrico

    Metodologia para germinação de sementes de Leonurus sibiricus L Methodology for Leonurus sibiricus L. seed germination

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    O objetivo do trabalho foi investigar a influência de diferentes temperaturas, o comportamento fotoblástico e a absorção de água de sementes de Leonurus sibiricus L. Essa espécie medicinal é originária da Índia, distribuída pela Ásia, África e América, utilizada no tratamento de reumatismo, problemas dermatológicos e respiratórios. Para tanto, as sementes foram submetidas a temperaturas entre 5 a 40ºC, com intervalos de 5ºC, e alternadas de 20/30, 20/25 e 25/30ºC, com 5 repetições de 50 sementes cada, em condições de luz e escuro. No estudo da absorção de água as sementes foram colocadas para germinar na temperatura de 20ºC e na presença da luz e pesadas para avaliar o ganho de água durante todo o processo germinativo, até a protrusão da radícula. Pelos resultados verificou-se que os maiores porcentuais de germinação e índice de velocidade de germinação ocorreram na temperatura constante de 20ºC, e nas temperaturas alternadas 20/25, 25/30, 25/30ºC sob luz. Houve germinação na temperatura mínima de 10ºC e na máxima 40ºC. No ensaio de absorção de água verificou-se que as sementes iniciam a protrusão da radícula com 65 horas de exposição e seguem padrão trifásico na curva de absorção. O modelo estatístico ajustado para a espécie foi y = 1,869 (1 - 0,414 exp ( -0,201t) + exp [-2,397 + 0,037 (t - 65)], com R²= 0,9998.<br>The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different temperatures on the photoblastic response and water uptake of Leonurus sibiricus L. seeds. This medicinal species is from India and has been distributed over Asia, Africa and America, where it is used in the treatment of rheumatic, dermatological and respiratory disorders. Thus, seeds were subjected to temperatures between 5 and 40ºC, at 5ºC intervals, and 20/30, 20/25 and 25/30ºC alternate temperatures, with five replicates of 50 seeds each, under light and dark conditions. In the study of water uptake, seeds were allowed to germinate at 20ºC under light and weighed throughout the germinative process until radicle protrusion. The highest germination percentage and speed index were detected at 20ºC constant temperature and at 20/25, 25/30 and 25/30ºC alternate temperatures under light. There was germination at 10ºC (minimum temperature) and at 40ºC (maximum temperature). The study on water uptake showed that seeds began radicle protrusion at 65h exposure and follow the triphasic pattern in the uptake curve. The statistical model fit for the species was y = 1.869 (1 - 0.414 exp (-0.201 t) + exp [-2.397 + 0.037 (t - 65)], R² = 0.9998