1,221 research outputs found

    DVCS amplitude in the parton model

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    We compute amplitude of deeply virtual Compton scattering in the parton model. We found that the amplitude up to the accuracy O(1/Q) depends on new skewed parton distributions (SPD's). These additional contributions make the DVCS amplitude explicitly transverse.Comment: New spin sum rules for twist-3 SPD's are added. Discussion of 1/Q behaviour of twist-3 contributions is correcte

    Asymptotic properties of DVCS

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    We compute the deeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS) amplitude for forward and backward scattering in the asymptotic limit. We make use of the Regge calculus to resum important logarithmic contributions that are beyond those included by the DGLAP evolution. We find a power-like behavior for the forward DVCS amplitude.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures. To be published in the proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD (DIS 99), Zeuthen, Germany, 19-23 Apr 199

    Anomalous Dimensions of High Twist Operators in QCD at N1N \rightarrow 1 and large $Q^2

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    The anomalous dimensions of high-twist operators in deeply inelastic scattering (γ2n\gamma_{2n}) are calculated in the limit when the moment variable N1N \rightarrow 1 (or xB0x_B\rightarrow 0) and at large Q2Q^2 (the double logarithmic approximation) in perturbative QCD. We find that the value of γ2n(N1)\gamma_{2n}(N-1) in this approximation behaves as NcαSπ(N1)n2(1+δ3(n21)){N_c \alpha_S \over \pi (N-1)} n^2(1 + {\delta \over 3} (n^2-1)) where δ102\delta \approx 10^{-2}. This implies that the contributions of the high-twist operators give rise to an earlier onset of shadowing than was estimated before. The derivation makes use of a Pomeron exchange approximation, with the Pomerons interacting attractively. We find that they behave as a system of fermions.Comment: jytex (see macros directory), 18 pages , 9 figures, uuencoded at back of file, FERMILAB-PUB-93/243-

    Temporal variations in English Populations of a forest insect pest, the green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum), associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation and global warming

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    Based on an exceptionally long modern ecological dataset (41 years), it has been possible to show that warm weather in England associated with a positive North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index causes the spring migration of the green spruce aphid (Elatobium abietinum), a pest species of spruce trees (Picea) to start earlier, continue for longer and contain more aphids. An upward trend in the NAO index during the period 1966-2006 is associated with an increasing population size of E. abietinum. It is important to understand the mechanisms behind the population fluctuations, because this aphid causes considerable damage to Picea plantations. Present day weather associated fluctuations in forest insect pests may be useful analogues in understanding past pest outbreaks in forests

    High Magnetic Field Behaviour of the Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet, CuFeO_2

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    The high magnetic field behaviour of the triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuFeO_2 is studied using single crystal neutron diffraction measurements in a field of up to 14.5 T and also by magnetisation measurements in a field of up to 12 T. At low temperature, two well-defined first order magnetic phase transitions are found in this range of applied magnetic field (H // c): at H_c1=7.6(3)/7.1(3) T and H_c2=13.2(1)/12.7(1) T when ramping the field up/down. In a field above H_c2 the magnetic Bragg peaks show unusual history dependence. In zero field T_N1=14.2(1) K separates a high temperature paramagnetic and an intermediate incommensurate structure, while T_N2=11.1(3) K divides an incommensurate phase from the low-temperature 4-sublattice ground state. The ordering temperature T_N1 is found to be almost field independent, while T_N2 decreases noticeably in applied field. The magnetic phase diagram is discussed in terms of the interactions between an applied magnetic field and the highly frustrated magnetic structure of CuFeO_2Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures in ReVTeX. To appear in PR

    Temperature and Polarization Patterns in Anisotropic Cosmologies

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    We study the coherent temperature and polarization patterns produced in homogeneous but anisotropic cosmological models. We show results for all Bianchi types with a Friedman-Robertson-Walker limit (i.e. Types I, V, VII0_{0}, VIIh_{h} and IX) to illustrate the range of possible behaviour. We discuss the role of spatial curvature, shear and rotation in the geodesic equations for each model and establish some basic results concerning the symmetries of the patterns produced. We also give examples of the time-evolution of these patterns in terms of the Stokes parameters II, QQ and UU.Comment: 24 pages, 7 Figures, submitted to JCAP. Revised version: numerous references added, text rewritten, and errors corrected

    Bianchi Type III Anisotropic Dark Energy Models with Constant Deceleration Parameter

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    The Bianchi type III dark energy models with constant deceleration parameter are investigated. The equation of state parameter ω\omega is found to be time dependent and its existing range for this model is consistent with the recent observations of SN Ia data, SN Ia data (with CMBR anisotropy) and galaxy clustering statistics. The physical aspect of the dark energy models are discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, Accepted version of IJT

    Conditions for spontaneous homogenization of the Universe

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    The present-day Universe appears to be homogeneous on very large scales. Yet when the casual structure of the early Universe is considered, it becomes apparent that the early Universe must have been highly inhomogeneous. The current paradigm attempts to answer this problem by postulating the inflation mechanism However, inflation in order to start requires a homogeneous patch of at least the horizon size. This paper examines if dynamical processes of the early Universe could lead to homogenization. In the past similar studies seem to imply that the set of initial conditions that leads to homogenization is of measure zero. This essay proves contrary: a set of initial conditions for spontaneous homogenization of cosmological models can form a set of non-zero measure.Comment: 7 pages. Fifth Award in the 2010 Gravity Research Foundation essay competitio

    Helicity skewed quark distributions of the nucleon and chiral symmetry

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    We compute the helicity skewed quark distributions H~\widetilde{H} and E~\widetilde{E} in the chiral quark-soliton model of the nucleon. This model emphasizes correctly the role of spontaneously broken chiral symmetry in structure of nucleon. It is based on the large-N_c picture of the nucleon as a soliton of the effective chiral lagrangian and allows to calculate the leading twist quark- and antiquark distributions at a low normalization point. We discuss the role of chiral symmetry in the helicity skewed quark distributions H~\widetilde{H} and E~\widetilde{E}. We show that generalization of soft pion theorems, based on chiral Ward identities, leads in the region of -\xi < x < \xi to the pion pole contribution to E~\widetilde{E} which dominates at small momentum transfer.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure