155 research outputs found

    Nutrição mineral de hortaliças XXX: absorção de micronutrientes por quatro cultivares de morangueiro (Fragaria sp.)

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    The aim of this work was to estimate the differences in nutrients uptake and exportation of micronutrients by the fallowings cultivars: Campinas (IAC-2712), Camanducaia (IAC-3530); Monte Alegre (IAC-3113) and SH-2. The experimental was carried out in a soil - Terra Roxa Extruturada type, "Luiz de Queiroz", serie. The experimental design was that randomized blocks with four replications and analysed together following the design of split-plot. The soil of the plots were revolved to a deep of 12 cm. following application of 10 kg. organic matter/m². The fertilizers were applied in the groove and in the same amount for all cultivars: Ammonium sulfate (20% N); triple superpohsphate (20% P2O5); potassium chloride (60% K2O). Thirty days of ter planting, 10 g./plant of ammonium sulfate was applied. After 76 days from planting, the first sample was taken. Other samples were taken in equal intervals of 20 days, up to 216 days. The samples were devided into stems, leaves and fruits. Chemical analysis were sun for B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn. The followings conclusions could be drawn. The were differences our micronutrients content in stems and leaves among the cultivares (B, Cu, Fe, Zn) and in the fruits for B, Cu and Fe.Efetuou-se um estudo para avaliar a absorção e a extração de B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn nos cultivares Campinas (IAC-2712), Camanducaia (IAC-3530), Monte Alegre (IAC-3113), SH-2 em condições de Campo. O ensaio foi instalado em um solo pertencente ao grande grupo Terra Roxa Extruturada, na série "Luiz de Queiroz" em Piracicaba, SP. A adubação empregada foi uniforme para todos os cultivares e constou em 10 g/m linear de sulfato de amônio, superfosfato triplo e cloreto de ptoássio. Trinta dias após o transplante foram aplicados 10 g de sulfato de amônio por planta. As plantas foram amostradas aos 16 dias após o transplante e as demais amostragens feitas em intervalos regalares de vinte dias até aos 216 dias. As plantas foram divididas em caules (pecíolo + coroa), folhas e frutos e analisadas para B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos inteiramente casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os cultivares diferem na absorção de Cu, Fe, Mm e Zn para caules, folhas e em B, Cu e Fe para os frutos. Os cultivares exportam em quantidades diferentes os micronutrientes, obedecendo a seguinte ordem decrescente: F, Zn, B, Mn e Cu

    Performance of resistant varieties (PIWI) at two different altitudes in Southern Brazil

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    In southern Brazil there is a predominance of labrusca and hybrid varieties for wine and juice production due to climatic conditions of high rainfall, temperature and relative humidity. Growing varieties that combine disease resistance and wine quality (PIWI) can be an alternative to improve wine quality. The objective of this work was to evaluate the performance of three PIWI varieties (Felicia, Calardis Blanc and Aromera) in two regions (Videira, 27∘01′S and 51∘08′W, altitude 830 m; and São Joaquim, 28∘13′S and 50∘04′W, altitude 1100 m) in the vintage 2018. The date of occurrence of main phenological stages, productiveindexes, clusters characteristics and grape qualitative indexes was evaluated. There was no difference for budbreak date, but flowering, veraison an maturity time varied between regions. The development of plants is slower when they are cultivated at a higher altitude. The number of clusters per plant and yield were higher at 830 m for all varieties. For productive indexes Felicia and Calardis Blanc varieties stood out in relation to Aromera in all parameters. Among the evaluated varieties, Felicia and Calardis Blanc were better adapted to the lower altitude region and had higher productivity and the same grape quality. On the other hand, Aromera presented higher productivity at 830 m but higher soluble solids content at 1100 m

    Timing of Toenail Collection and Concentrations of Metals in Pancreatic Cancer. Evidence Against Disease Progression Bias

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    Trace elements such as cadmium, arsenic, zinc or selenium increase or decrease risk of a wide range of human diseases. Their levels in toenails may provide a measure of mid-term intake of trace elements for studies in humans. However, in biologically and clinically aggressive diseases as pancreatic cancer, the progression of the disease could modify such concentrations and produce reverse causation bias. The aim was to analyze the influence of specific time intervals between several clinical events and the collection of toenails upon concentrations of trace elements in patients with pancreatic cancer. Subjects were 118 incident cases of pancreatic adenocarcinoma prospectively recruited in eastern Spain. Toenails were collected at cancer diagnosis, and soon thereafter interviews were conducted. Information on cancer signs and symptoms was obtained from medical records and patient interviews. Levels of 12 trace elements were determined in toenail samples by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. General linear models adjusting for potential confounders were applied to analyze relations between log concentrations of trace elements and the time intervals, including the interval from first symptom of cancer to toenail collection (iST). Toenail concentrations of the 12 trace elements were weakly or not influenced by the progression of the disease or the diagnostic procedures. Concentrations of aluminum were slightly higher in subjects with a longer iST (age, sex and stage adjusted geometric means: 11.44 vs. 7.75 µg/g for iST > 120 days vs. ≤ 40 days). There was a weak inverse relation of iST with concentrations of zinc and selenium (maximum differences of about 20 and 0.08 µg/g, respectively). Conclusions: concentrations of the trace elements were weakly or not influenced by the development of the disease before toenail collection. Only concentrations of aluminum increased slightly with increasing iST, whereas levels of zinc and selenium decreased weakly. Even in an aggressive disease as pancreatic cancer, toenail concentrations of trace elements may provide a valid measure of mid-term intake of trace elements, unaffected by clinical events and disease progression

    Nutrição mineral de hortaliças: XXIX. absorção de macronutrientes por quatro cultivares de morangueiro (Fragaria spp.)

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    The aim of this work was to estimate the differences in growth (dry weight basis), nutrients uptake, fruits yield, total uptake and exportation of nutrients among several strawberry cultivars: Campinas (IAC-2712), Camanducaia (IAC-3530), Monte Alegre (IAC-3113) and SH-2. The experimental was carried out in the Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", in field conditions, in 1975/76. The soil belongs to Terra Roxa Estruturada type, and "Luiz de Queiroz" serie. This soil has been cultivated for more than 25 years. The experimental design was that randomized blocks with four replications and analysed together following the design of split-plot. The soil of the plots were revolved to a deep of 12 cm following application of 10 kg organic matter/m². The fertilizers were applied in the groove and in the same amount for all cultivars: Ammonium sulfate (20% N), 10 g/m; triple superphosphate (20% P(2)0(5)) 10 g/m; Potassium cloride (60% K(2)0), 10 g/m. Therty days after planting, 10 g/plant of ammonium sulfate was applied. After 76 days from planting, the firsa sample was taken. Other samples were taken in equal intervals of 20 days, up to 216 days. When a decrease in fruitproduction was noted. The sample (plants) were divided in stems, leaves and fruits and chemical analysis were made for N, R, K, Ca, Mg e S. The variation on production (dry matter) nutrient uptake' and fruits yield, were obtained from data calculated by adjusted regression equation analysis. The maxima point from these equations were taken to show the total nutrient uptake. From the data obtained, the following conclusions could be drawn. Growth - The dry matter of stems, leaves and fruits were different among the cultivars. The production of dry matter by the stems and fruits were linnear for all cultivars up to 196 and 216 days. The highest productions on dry matter varied between 15 to 25 g and 12 to 20 g/plant. The maximum production of dry matter in the leaves among the cultivars varied between 20 to 30 g at 196 and 173 days respectivelly. The cultivars Campinas (IAC-2712) and Camanducaia (IAC-3530) produced more dry matter than SH-2 cultivar. Nutrient uptake -< The were differences on nutrient content in stems and leaves among cultivars (R, K, Ca, S, B) and in the fruits for N, R, K, Mg, S. The highest absorption of nutrients (days after planting) is shown in Table I. Yield - No significant difference in fruit production was observed among the cultivars. The highest yield among the cultivars showed a variation between 103 to 151 g per plant at the 207 and 207 days,Efetuou-se um estudo para avaliar a absorção e a extração dos macronutrientes nos seguintes cultivares de morangueiro: Campinas (IAC-2712); Camanducaia (IAC-3530) ; Monte Alegre (IAC-3113) e SH-2 em condições de campo. A instalação deu-se em um solo pertencente ao grande grupo Terra Roxa Estruturada, e à série "Luiz de Queiroz" cultivado intensivamente com hortaliças há mais de 25 anos, em Piracicaba-SP. A adubação aplicada foi uniforme para todos os cultivares. São apresentadas as concentrações dos macronutrientes em porcentagem nos seguintes órgãos: caules, folhas e frutos dos cultivares em função da idade (X) em dias. Constatou-se que os cultivares diferem quanto à absorção dos macronutrientes (R, K, Ca e S em relação a caules e folhas, e, N, R, K, Mg e S em relação aos frutos). Constatou-se também que os cultivares extraem totais diferentes de R, K, Ca, Mg e S sendo as extrações de R pelos cultivares menores do que as extrações de Ca e Mg, e no global as de Mg são equivalentes às de S. As quantidades máximas extraídas pelos cultivares para uma população de 150.000 plantas/ha foram : N - 192 kg; R - 24-50 kg; K - 133-244 kg; Ca - 76-116 kg; Mg - 30-34 kg; S - 13-27 kg. - A maior produção de matéria seca tanto nos órgãos como na planta inteira, ocorreu nos cultivares Campinas (IAC-2712) e Camanducaia (IAC-3530) e a menor produção verificou-se no cultivar SH-2. - Os cultivares diferem na absorção dos nutrientes: R, K, Ca, S para caules e folhas. E para frutos, N, R, K, Mg e S. - Os cultivares atingem o máximo da absorção de nutrientes nos órgãos nas seguintes épocas, em dias: - Os cultivares extraem e exportam totais diferentes de R, K, Ca e Mg. - Tanto os macronutrientes são extraídos em quantidades mais elevadas através das folhas e em menor proporção por caules e frutos. - As extrações de N, K e Ca são mais altas que aquelas dos demais macronutrientes. - As extrações de R pelos cultivares são menores que as de Ca e Mg, sendo ainda as extrações de Ca superiores às de Mg, enquanto no global as de Mg são equivalentes às de S. - A extração de macronutrientes verifica-se na ordem decrescente: K, N, Ca, Mg, S e P