2,594 research outputs found

    Selection of native trees for intercropping with coffee in the Atlantic Rainforest biome

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    A challenge in establishing agroforestry systems is ensuring that farmers are interested in the tree species, and are aware of how to adequately manage these species. This challenge was tackled in the Atlantic Rainforest biome (Brazil), where a participatory trial with agroforestry coffee systems was carried out, followed by a participatory systematisation of the farmers experiences. Our objective was to identify the main tree species used by farmers as well as their criteria for selecting or rejecting tree species. Furthermore, we aimed to present a specific inventory of trees of the Leguminosae family. In order to collect the data, we reviewed the bibliography of the participatory trial, visited and interviewed the farmers and organised workshops with them. The main farmers' criteria for selecting tree species were compatibility with coffee, amount of biomass, production and the labour needed for tree management. The farmers listed 85 tree species; we recorded 28 tree species of the Leguminosae family. Most trees were either native to the biome or exotic fruit trees. In order to design and manage complex agroforestry systems, family farmers need sufficient knowledge and autonomy, which can be reinforced when a participatory methodology is used for developing on-farm agroforestry systems. In the case presented, the farmers learned how to manage, reclaim and conserve their land. The diversification of production, especially with fruit, contributes to food security and to a low cost/benefit ratio of agroforestry systems. The investigated agroforestry systems showed potential to restore the degraded landscape of the Atlantic Rainforest biome

    Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol And Radiotherapy-induced Carotid Atherosclerosis In Subjects With Head And Neck Cancer

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    Background: Radiotherapy (RT) is a risk factor for accelerated carotid artery atherosclerotic disease in subjects with head and neck cancer. However, the risk factors of RT-induced carotid artery remodeling are not established. This study aimed to investigate the effects of RT on carotid and popliteal arteries in subjects with head and neck cancer and to evaluate the relationship between baseline clinical and laboratory features and the progression of RT-induced atherosclerosis.Findings: Eleven men (age = 57.9 ± 6.2years) with head and neck cancer who underwent cervical bilateral irradiation were prospectively examined by clinical and laboratory analysis and by carotid and popliteal ultrasound before and after treatment (mean interval between the end of RT and the post-RT assessment = 181 ± 47 days). No studied subject used hypocholesterolemic medications. Significant increases in carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) (0.95 ± 0.08 vs. 0.87 ± 0.05 mm; p 3.0.CO;2-X, 626923Pereira Lima, M.N., Biolo, A., Foppa, M., da Rosa, P.R., Rohde, L.E., Clausell, N., A prospective, comparative study on the early effects of local and remote radiation therapy on carotid intima-media thickness and vascular cellular adhesion molecule-1 in patients with head and neck and prostate tumors (2011) Radiother Oncol, 101, pp. 449-453. , 10.1016/j.radonc.2010.03.026, 20435360Kalábová, H., Melichar, B., Ungermann, L., Doležal, J., Krčmová, L., Kašparová, M., Plíšek, J., Solichová, D., Intima-media thickness, myocardial perfusion and laboratory risk factors of atherosclerosis in patients with breast cancer treated with anthracycline-based chemotherapy (2011) Med Oncol, 28, pp. 1281-1287. , 10.1007/s12032-010-9593-1, 20567943Muzaffar, K., Collins, S.L., Labropoulos, N., Baker, W.H., A prospective study of the effects of irradiation on the carotid artery (2000) Laryngoscope, 110, pp. 1811-1814. , 10.1097/00005537-200011000-00007, 11081590Faruolo, M., Fiorentino, A., Gallucci, G., Lapadula, L., Fusco, V., Intimal-medial thickness and carotid arteries lumen in irradiated patients for head and neck cancer: preliminary data of an observational study (2013) Clin Transl Oncol, 15, pp. 861-864. , 10.1007/s12094-013-1023-3, 23463595Ferreira-Sae, M.C., Cipolli, J.A., Cornélio, M.E., Matos-Souza, J.R., Fernandes, M.N., Schreiber, R., Costa, F.O., Nadruz, W., Sodium intake is associated with carotid artery structure alterations and plasma matrix metalloproteinase-9 upregulation in hypertensive adults (2011) J Nutr, 141, pp. 877-882. , 10.3945/jn.110.135921, 21430243Gemignani, T., Azevedo, R.C., Higa, C.M., Coelho, O.R., Matos-Souza, J.R., Nadruz, W., Increased popliteal circumferential wall tension induced by orthostatic body posture is associated with local atherosclerotic plaques (2012) Atherosclerosis, 224, pp. 118-122. , 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2012.06.069, 2281862

    Randomized comparison of ultrasonic aspiration versus conventional electrocautery for dissection of the human internal thoracic artery

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    AbstractThe most common technique currently employed to harvest the internal thoracic artery for coronary artery bypass grafting is conventional electrocautery. This study compared an alternative method, electrocautery with an ultrasonic aspirator, for harvesting the internal thoracic artery. Patients were randomly assigned to one of six experimental groups (conventional electrocautery, ultrasonic aspirator at settings of 60%, 80%, and 100% power output, and ultrasonic aspirator in 100% CAVI-Pulse modes 1 and 3). Ring segments of internal thoracic artery were studied in an organ bath. Contraction responses were elicited with 123 mmol/L potassium physiologic salt solution, KPSS, KPSS solution containing noradrenaline, and a cumulative noradrenaline dose-contraction curve. Relaxation studies were performed with the vasodilators acetylcholine, bradykinin, and sodium nitroprusside. Forty percent of the electrocauterized vessels were traumatized or damaged and failed to respond to contractile stimuli, whereas only 10% of the vessels in ultrasonic aspirator groups 60%, 80%, and 100% failed to respond. All vessels in the group harvested by ultrasonic aspirator in 100% CAVI-Pulse mode 1 responded, whereas 20% of the vessels in the group harvested by ultrasonic aspirator in 100% CAVI-Pulse mode 3 failed to respond. All settings of electrocautery with an ultrasonic aspirator produced a greater contractile response to KPSS and noradrenaline. Acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside produced similar relaxations in all groups, but the bradykinin responses were significantly improved in all groups undergoing 100% electrocautery with an ultrasonic aspirator. These results suggest that 100% electrocautery with an ultrasonic aspirator, particularly in 100% CAVI-Pulse mode 1, resulted in less damage and trauma than conventional electrocautery during harvesting of the internal thoracic artery. (J T HORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1996;111:1194-9

    Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Coatings for Active and Passive Corrosion Protection

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    Organic-inorganic coatings based on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)-silica and PMMA-cerium oxide hybrids provide effective and active corrosion protection of metallic surfaces. For both hybrid materials, the covalent conjugation of inorganic silica or ceria nanodomains with the PMMA matrix, provided by molecular coupling agents, leads to homogenous and highly cross-linked nanocomposites, which act in the form of coatings as an efficient diffusion barrier. The addition of lithium salts (500–2000 ppm) into PMMA-silica hybrid and optimized ceria fraction in PMMA-cerium oxide coatings results in active corrosion inhibition by the self-healing effect. Results of electrochemical assays of aluminum- and steel-coated samples, performed in a 3.5% NaCl solution, show an excellent corrosion resistance (impedance modulus up to 100 GΩ cm2) and durability (up to 350 days) of the 10-μm-thick passive barrier layer. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies evidenced the self-healing ability of coatings induced by lithium/cerium ion leaching toward corrosion spots or artificial scratches, which are restored by a protective layer of precipitated phases. Results presented in this book chapter evidence the active role of lithium and cerium species in improving the hybrid structure and providing through self-healing a significantly extended service life of metallic components

    Tratamiento conservador del hallux valgus juvenil mediante ortesis nocturnas

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    Se presentan los resultados obtenidos con tratamiento conservador del hallux valgus juvenil con el uso de ortesis nocturnas confeccionadas a medida, con material termoplástico, en 18 pacientes con edades de 8 a 15 años (media: 12 años). El tiempo medio de tratamiento fue de 18 meses y los pacientes fueron seguidos después del tratamiento por igual período de tiempo. Debe destacarse el alto abandono del método que alcanzó la cifra del 44%. Fueron utilizados como parámetros de valoración de resultados las medidas radiográficas de los ángulos de valguismo del hallux (AVH) e intermetatarsiano l-II (AIM), obtenidas antes y después de terminado el período de observación. El valor medio inicial del AVH fue de 22° y al final fue de 20°. Las medidas de los valores del AIM fueron 11 y 10,7°, respectivamente. Ambas medidas no se diferencian entre sí desde el punto de vista estadístico, lo que lleva a concluir que el tratamiento utilizado no fue capaz de corregir las deformidades básicas del hallus valgus infantil, pero evita la progresión de esas deformidades.The results of conservative treatment of adolescent hallux valgus using custom made nocturnal splints in 18 patients ranging in age from 8 to 15 years (mean 12) are presented. The average period of treatment and follow-up was 18 months. There was a high rate (44%) of treatment abandon. As assessment parameters were used radiographic measures of the hallux valgus angle and the intermetatarsal I-II angle. Measures were obtained before treatment and at the end of follow-up. The initial mean valgus angle was 22° and the last mean value 20°. The mean valus of the intermetatarsal angle were respectively 11° and 10,7°. There were no significant statistical differences, indicating that the treatment of hallux valgus using nocturnal splintage do not correct the deformity but avoid its progression

    Optical And Esr Study Of Er3+ In Linbo3

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    We report laser-excited optical transitions between the 4S3/2 and 4I15/2 multiplets of Er3+ as an impurity in the LiNbO3 host, together with the optical-absorption spectra at liquid-helium and liquid-nitrogen temperatures. The optical data allow us to determine the crystal-field splittings of those levels and the spin-Hamiltonian parameters for the 4I15/2 lower multiplet. The observed electron-spin resonance and the angular variation of this spectrum agree with the parameters obtained by optical techniques. Both techniques show that only one of the three possible trigonal sites in LiNbO3 is occupied by Er3+ within the experimental sensitivity, in agreement with recent x-ray standing-wave measurements. © 1995 The American Physical Society.5153206320

    Correlation of mixed lymphocyte culture with chronic graft-versus-host disease following allogeneic stem cell transplantation

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    The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the mixed lymphocyte culture as a predictive assay of acute and chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). We studied 153 patients who received a first bone marrow transplantation from human leukocyte antigen-identical siblings. Acute GVHD was observed in 26 of 128 (20.3%) patients evaluated and chronic GVHD occurred in 60 of 114 (52.6%). One-way mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) assays were performed by the standard method. MLC results are reported as the relative response (RR) from donor against patient cells. The responses ranged from -47.0 to 40.7%, with a median of 0.5%. The Kaplan-Meier probability of developing GVHD was determined for patients with positive and negative MLC. There was no significant difference in incidence of acute GVHD between the groups studied. However, the incidence of chronic GVHD was higher in recipients with RR >4.5% than in those with RR 4.5%), 2.9 for those who received peripheral blood progenitor cells as a graft, and 2.2 for patients who developed previous acute GVHD. MLC was not useful for predicting acute GVHD, but MLC with RR >4.5% associated with other risk factors could predict the development of chronic GVHD, being of help for the prevention and/or treatment of this late complication.56757

    MEBS, a software platform to evaluate large (meta)genomic collections according to their metabolic machinery: Unraveling the sulfur cycle

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    The increasing number of metagenomic and genomic sequences has dramatically improved our understanding of microbial diversity, yet our ability to infer metabolic capabilities in such datasets remains challenging. We describe the Multigenomic Entropy Based Score pipeline (MEBS), a software platform designed to evaluate, compare, and infer complex metabolic pathways in large "omic" datasets, including entire biogeochemical cycles. MEBS is open source and available through https://github.com/eead-csic-compbio/metagenome Pfam score. To demonstrate its use, we modeled the sulfur cycle by exhaustively curating the molecular and ecological elements involved (compounds, genes, metabolic pathways, and microbial taxa). This information was reduced to a collection of 112 characteristic Pfam protein domains and a list of complete-sequenced sulfur genomes. Using the mathematical framework of relative entropy (H''), we quantitatively measured the enrichment of these domains among sulfur genomes. The entropy of each domain was used both to build up a final score that indicates whether a (meta)genomic sample contains the metabolic machinery of interest and to propose marker domains in metagenomic sequences such as DsrC (PF04358). MEBS was benchmarked with a dataset of 2107 non-redundant microbial genomes from RefSeq and 935 metagenomes from MG-RAST. Its performance, reproducibility, and robustness were evaluated using several approaches, including random sampling, linear regression models, receiver operator characteristic plots, and the area under the curve metric (AUC). Our results support the broad applicability of this algorithm to accurately classify (AUC = 0.985) hard-to-culture genomes (e.g., Candidatus Desulforudis audaxviator), previously characterized ones, and metagenomic environments such as hydrothermal vents, or deep-sea sediment. Our benchmark indicates that an entropy-based score can capture the metabolic machinery of interest and can be used to efficiently classify large genomic and metagenomic datasets, including uncultivated/unexplored taxa

    Temporal overlap and co-occurrence in a guild of sub-tropical tephritid fruit flies

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    Studies of community assembly have emphasized snapshot comparisons of spatially replicated samples from natural assemblages. Agro-ecosystems are characterized by relatively little habitat heterogeneity and no dispersal barriers for actively flying insects. Therefore, dynamic patterns of species segregation and aggregation are more likely to reflect the direct or indirect effects of species interactions. We studied the temporal organization of a guild of 21 congeneric species of Anastrepha that colonized fruit orchards in Monte Alegre do Sul, São Paulo, Brazil. This assemblage also included the introduced Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata. One hundred six consecutive weekly censuses (11 Jan 2002-16 Jan 2004) of flies in guava, loquat, and peach orchards revealed a pattern of minimum abundance during the coldest months of each year (June and July) and a maximum abundance during periods of flowering and fruit ripening. Overall, phenological overlap was greater than expected by chance. However, conditioned on the pattern of seasonal abundances, temporal occurrence and abundance matrices exhibited patterns of significant species segregation and anti-nestedness. In each year, the 3 orchards contained a small number of species pairs that exhibited statistically significant temporal segregation or aggregation. Most aggregated and segregated pairs reflected seasonal shifts in species presences that were not related to variation in air temperature. Most of the significant pairwise associations involved C. capitata: 8 of the 11 segregated pairs and 2 of the 7 aggregated pairs. These results suggest that species interactions between introduced and native species can be an important determinant of species associations in agro-ecosystems