56 research outputs found

    Mapping Bathymetry and Depositional Facies on Great Bahama Bank

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    Satellite imagery and an extensive set of water-depth measurements have been used to map and critically evaluate the magnitude and patterns of bathymetry across Great Bahama Bank. Descriptions of previously collected sediment samples were combined with satellite imagery to map and refine the interpreted distribution of surficial carbonate sediments (depositional facies). Data reveal that 60% of Great Bahama Bank lies in 5 m or less of water. The deep portion occurs mainly in a generally east–west trending area in the southern portion of the platform. The re-evaluation of the facies reveals that Great Bahama Bank is essentially a very grainy platform with muddier accumulations primarily in the lee of Andros Island. This area of Great Bahama Bank also experiences currents related to an excursion of the Florida Current onto the platform top; possibly enhancing sediment mud production through the generation of whitings. Sediment equivalents to mudstones, wackestones and mud-rich packstones cover 8%, 5% and 14%, respectively, of the platform top, whereas sediment equivalents to mud-poor packstones, grainstones and rudstones account for 20%, 45% and 3% of the surface area. Boundstones (reefs) were not specifically mapped in this study due to the resolution of the mapping. There is a poor relationship between the occurrence of the depositional texture and water depth, in that the grainier sediment types are abundant across the full range of water depths. The most abrupt lateral facies changes portrayed on the facies maps are observed leeward of islands, areas which also hold the highest diversity in facies type. The majority of the islands on the platform align with the north-west/south-east strike of the platform margin and these islands, in turn, exert control on the shape and orientation of facies belts that develop in proximity to them. For this reason, regions of the platform that contain principal islands host facies belts that align with the principal axis of the platform, whereas for regions lacking islands, the facies belts adopt an east–west trend consistent with prevailing winds and currents. There is a clear trend that the wide southern portion of the platform hosts the most continuous expanses of grain-rich sediments

    The sedimentary record of Quaternary glacial to interglacial sea-level change on a subtropical carbonate ramp: Southwest Shelf of Australia

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    In the last decades, the understanding of temperate carbonate systems has improved considerably, but their development over glacial–interglacial timescales is still understudied in comparison to their tropical counterparts. A key question is how do temperate carbonate platforms respond to high-amplitude, glacial–interglacial sea-level changes? Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1460 was drilled at the uppermost slope of the Southwest Shelf of Australia at the transition between the subtropical Carnarvon Ramp and the warm–temperate Rottnest Shelf. The origin and composition of the sediments in the upper 25 m below seafloor at Site U1460 were investigated using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron, and light microscopy. The Middle Pleistocene to Holocene sequence at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1460 contains a record of sea-level controlled sedimentary cycles. Carbonate sediments deposited during interglacial sea-level highstands (Marine Isotope Stages 1, 5, most of 7, 9 and 11) are mainly fine-grained (<63 µm) and dominated by low-Mg calcite from pelagic bioclasts such as planktic foraminifera. The glacial lowstand intervals (Marine Isotope Stages 2 to 4, 6, 8, 7d, 10 and 12), instead are coarser-grained and relatively rich in aragonite and high-Mg calcite from neritic bioclasts, such as bryozoans. These changes in texture, mineralogy and composition are best explained by the deposition of neritic bioclasts closer to the shelf edge during glacial sea-level lowstands. During early transgression, reworking of bioclast-rich coastal dune deposits likely leads to transport and redeposition of neritic clasts on the upper slope. In contrast, dominantly pelagic sediments characterize deposition at the platform edge during interglacial highstands. These results highlight regional differences in the response of temperate carbonate systems to sea-level change: A previously published model developed for early Pleistocene temperate carbonates from the Great Australian Bight indicates that shelfal material was exported to the upper slope during sea-level highstands. It is argued that this difference is related to the change in duration and amplitude of glacial–interglacial sea-level cycles before and after the Mid-Pleistocene transition
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